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1、六級必考詞5001. abnormal a.不正常的Im normal, youre !2. abolish v.廢除 CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a.突然的,唐突的 You廣manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a.荒唐的 What an idea!)5. accessory n.附件,零件 Handbag, lipstick, etc. are womens accessories What are mens Tie, lighter and a fine purse6 accom

2、modate v. 提供膳宿How can a small town the Olympic Games7. addict v.上癮 lm ed to computer games Please save me!8. acquaint v.使熟悉 Are you ed with that MM9. adhere to v. 遵守 Adhere to your own principle/10.adverse a.不利的,有害的 Adverse circumstances can test a persons wisdom and courage 11.aggravate v.加重 Smokin

3、gzvs cold.12.alleviate v.減輕 No one can my pain.13.alternate v./a 交替(的)a day of sunshine and rain /Day and night 14.ambiguous a.歧義白勺 The policeman is lookingfora man with one eye.-Why not use two 你知道此幽默在何處15. amplify v.擴大(聲音)16. analogy n.類比 by analogy17. anonymous a.匿名的 I received an letter.18. appl

4、aud v.鼓掌;贊許 I your suggestion.19.apt a.易于 One is to make mistakes if given too much pressureI20.array n.陳列,系列 the of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21.arrogant a.傲慢的An man is a self-important pers on.22.ascend v.上升 The balloons are ing23.ascribe v.歸因于He d his failure to hissmall vocabulary.2

5、4.aspiration n.抱負 Your is your ambition or stron gwish 25.assault n.攻擊,襲擊A robber ed him.26.assert v.斷言 He ed that the thief would comeagain 27.assurance n.保證/ 把握 1 give you my that the product is safe and reliable28.attendant n.服務(wù)員隨從29.authentic a.真實的,可靠的 ls Clintons biography 30.avert v.避開、轉(zhuǎn)移 We e

6、d a loss 31.bald a.禿頂?shù)?A man is considered to beintellige nt.32.barren a.荒蕪的不能生育的Without dream, life is a field.33.betray v.背叛;泄露 You ed me.34.bewilder v.使迷惑 The new traffic lights thema n.35.bias n. 偏見 Bias is prejudice.36.blaze v.燃饒;發(fā)強光 Thesummer sun is blazing 37.bleak a.荒涼的;凄涼的a future38.blink v

7、.眨眼睛;閃爍39.blunder n大錯40.bluntly ad.直言不諱地41.blur v.變模糊 Fog blurred my vision.42.bribe v.行賄 Who bribed the bride Bridegroom.43.browse v.瀏覽 a web-page44.brutal a.殘酷的=cruel/savage/45.capsule n.密封倉,膠囊46.carve v.亥947.casualty n.傷亡人員 Many casualties are reported in the battle 48.cater to v. 迎合 cater to the

8、 consumers49.caution n.小心50.cherish v.珍視;懷有friendship/ the hope that51.chronic a.慢性的:嚴重的52.circulation n.循環(huán);發(fā)行(量)Reader has the largest in China.53.climax n.高潮 the of the play54.cling to v.緊緊抓住,依戀:堅持,墨守The baby clung to his mother./ to the hope that.i55.coincide nee n 合56.coIlaboration n.合作 in with5

9、7.collide v.相撞;沖突 The two opinions with each mence v.開始mute v.乘車上下班 1 have to between theuniversity town and the downtown pact a.緊湊的,結(jié)實的 a car/patible a.相容的;兼容的That husband and wife are pensate v. 賠償 The insurance company theman for his pile v.匯編,編輯 a plement v.補充,與相酉己 The music the pliment v. /n 贊美

10、80. contradict v.相矛盾97. degrade v降低身份ply with v.遵從pulsory a.必做的 education68.conceive of v.構(gòu)想 I cant of why he did such a stupidthing!69.confidential a.機密的70.con f r o m to v.遵守 to the local customs71.consen sus n.意見一致If every one consents tosomething, they reach a consensus72.consequent a.(作為后果)隨之發(fā)生

11、的lack of electricity and the loss in economy73.conserve v.彳呆 護 Jfyou conserve something, youuse it carefully and will not wasteit.ln win ter some people energy bylowering the heat at night74.consolidate v.鞏固75.conspicuous a.顯眼的 The girl in red in the snowfield is very 76.contaminate v. j虧染 If you so

12、mething, you make itdirty.77.contemplate v.沉思;凝視 You must the results of the action.78.contempt n.輕視 Before the competition,Williams held the little known player in contempt.79.contend v. 主張二assert The lawyer contendsthat the man is guilty.81.contrive v.謀劃,圖謀The terroriststo hijacka plane82.converge

13、 v.會合,聚集(meet at a comm on point) The two rivers con verge here 83.cordial a.熱情的84.corrupt a./v.的;腐蝕 officials85.cozy a.舒適的 a bedroom86.counterpart n.對應(yīng)的人或物87.criterion n.標準二standard88.curb v.控制,約朿=restrain/restrict/ I my curbed my appetite for food89.cynical a.憤世嫉俗的a young man is a angryyoung man90

14、.dazzle v眩目;使贊嘆不已The sunlight dazzles me./Her dance d me.91.deduce v.推斷92.dedicate v.獻給93.defendant n.被告94.deficiency n.缺乏z 不足 a vitamin in his diet95.defy v.(公然)違抗 The uniondefied the management and went on a strike96.degenerate v.退化98.deprive v.剝奪 You him of his right toprivacy.99.descendant n.后代1

15、00.destiny n.命運=fate101.destructive a.破壞性的 The weapon has a great power.102.deteriorate v.惡化 His health has d103.deviate from v.偏離 He d from the society bybecoming a drug addict104.dignity n.尊嚴105.dilemma n.困境 A doctors -to lie or totell thetruth106.diminish v.變少107.disable v.喪失能力108.disastrous a.災(zāi)難

16、性的109.discern v.看出,識別 the differences of the two110.dispatch v.派遣;發(fā)送 a representative/ message111.disperse v.分散,消散,驅(qū)散 my attention/ Thewind dthe fog The childrenafter the class112.disposition n. 性情二temperament113.distort v.歪曲114.divert v.轉(zhuǎn)移,使轉(zhuǎn)向A loud noise diverted my attention from the work115.dizz

17、y a.頭暈的116.donate v.捐獻Have youblood117.doom v./ n.注泄;劫數(shù)He is doomed to failure 118.drastic a.嚴厲的 measures119.drawback n缺點=disadvantage One of the s ofliving in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life120.duplicate v. /n.復(fù)制(品)make a of the letter121.dwell on v.總是想;詳述 Dont on the past.122.elevate v.提

18、髙;抬升 An elevator can to the top floor very soon123.elicit v.誘出,引岀 the truth from the witness124.eligible a.合適的,有資格的=qualified John is an bachelor.125.elite n.精英126.eloquent a.雄辯的 Martin Luther King was an speaker.127.energetic a.精力充沛的=vigorous128.epidemic n./a.流行??;流行性的 Sars, the birds flu.129.erupt

19、v.噴發(fā) A volcano s /The audience edwith laughter.130.essence n.實質(zhì);精華 the of his theory/in 131 eternal a. 永久白勺二perpetual/permanent/forever132.evoke v.喚起,引起=elicit The song d a feelingof love in the listeners133.expedition n.遠征(隊):考察(隊)134.expel v.開除,驅(qū)逐=dismiss; the trouble-makingstudent flhiij=emitexpe

20、lthe smoke in the kitchen135 expire v. Ml滿 Your passport s in a month.136.expertise n.專門知識137.explicit a.明確的 His statement is not implicit.138.extravagant a.奢侈的;過度的Youre while Km thrifty.139.fabricate v.捏造二make up/fake The mans statement is、d140.facilitate a.使便利 The multi-languages signs thetourists

21、141.fascinate v.迷住 Im d by the beauty of Li jiang and Da li142.feeble a.虛弱的=weak/faint143.flaw n.缺陷 I cant find a #the painting is perfect!144.fluctuate n.波動)145.formulate v.構(gòu)想146.foster a.培養(yǎng) 二develop/nurture/cultivate/領(lǐng) 養(yǎng)a child147.fragile a.易碎的;脆弱的148.furious a.暴怒的149.glamour n.魅力 The of old town,

22、 such asLiJiang, Dali150.glitter v.閃光 二sparkle All that s is notgold.151.gloomy a.憂郁的;陰暗的 a day/future152.gossip n./ v.流言;說長道短Gossips are like rumors 153 grief n.悲傷=sorrow154.hamper v.妨礙=hinder Rescue work washampered by the heavy rain155.handicap n./v.缺陷,殘疾;妨礙He survived the accident, buthas a now.

23、156.haul a.(用力)拖;(用車)托運157.haunt v.縈繞于心 He was %d by the terriblescene 158.hinder v.阻礙 No difficulties can me.159.hoist v.升起,吊起160.homogeneons a.同質(zhì)白勺 The population of Japanis 161.hospitality n.好客162.immerse v.沉浸于 She herself in English.163.implicit a.內(nèi)含的;含蓄的If it is 二 it is implied.164.impulse n.沖動

24、165.incidence a.發(fā)生率166.indignant a.憤怒的167.infectious a.傳染的168.ingenious a.(人)靈巧的;(設(shè)計等)巧妙的 ha ndicraftsma n169.inherent a.固有的 the defects of plan nedeconomy170.initiate v.開始;發(fā)起 a new plan271. integral a構(gòu)成整體所必須的:不可缺的Rice is an z part ofChinese elligible a.明白易懂的173.intensify v.加劇 The noise

25、ermittent a.斷斷續(xù)續(xù) the rain imidate v.恐嚇176.intricate a.錯綜復(fù)雜的177.intrinsic a.固有的 value178 in tuition n.直覺 Your is your sixth sense 179.invalid a.無效的 an license3180.invariably ad不變地:始終181.irritate v.使惱怒=annoy182 jeopardize v. fa=endangerYou your job bybeing late often.1

26、83.junk n.廢物 food184.kidnap v.綁架185.legend n.傳奇186.legitimate a.合法的=legal/lawful187.liability n.責任;=legal obligation 不利條件 =drawback188.literacy n.讀寫能力189.literally ad.逐字地;確實地190.litter v.亂扔 No littering!191.magnify v.放大,擴大 the photo192.manifest v.顯示,表明 The illness s itself with ahigh fever.193.margi

27、nal a.微小的194.masculine a.男性的195.mediate v.調(diào)解 He d in a salary dispute betweenthe union and the management196.merge a.合并197.migrate v.遷徙;移居Birds migrate with seasons198.mingle v 混合199.mobilize v.動員200.naive a.天真的=innocent201.negligible a.可以忽略不計的 the cost202.norm n.標準 reach the 203notable a.著名的204.not

28、orious a臭名昭著的 If one has a scandal, hebecomesI205.nourish v.養(yǎng)冇206.obedient a.順從的 If you are ready to obey orders,you are207.obscure a.費解的,模糊不清的;不著名的ls the sentencestill to you/ His name was 3 years ago.208.odor n.氣味 I smelt a strange 209.offset v.抵消=compensate for)210.optimum a.最佳的211.orient v.使適應(yīng) o

29、neself to212.overwhelm v.(感情上)使受不了;壓倒be edwith sadness/ majority213.paradox n.自相矛盾=contradiction214.participant n.參加者215.patent n. #利216.patrol v./n.巡邏217.patriotic a.愛國的218.pave v.鋪路 the way for womens Lib219.permeate v.彌漫;滲透 A bad smell the building./Water d all the books in the room220.perpetual

30、a.永久的221.pertinent a.有關(guān) 的 二relevantskills to theprofessi on222.pieadv.懇求;(法庭)申訴223.ponder v.思考 She his marriage proposal fora week224.portray v.描繪=describe/depict?225 precede v.先于226.precedent n.先例227.preclude n.阻止(from)228.predecessor n.前任229.predominant a.主導(dǎo)的J230.premise n.前提 your is wrong231.pres

31、 crip tion n.處方232.prestige n.威望enjoy high 233.prevalent a流行的234.prey n.捕獲物235.probe v.探究 a matter to the ficiency n.熟練237.profound a.深刻的;深奧的238.prolong v.延長239.prospective a.預(yù)期的,未來的 his vocative a.挑釁的 His language provoked Peter.241.random a.隨意的 at242.reapv. 收獲 =har

32、vestreap crops243.reassure v.使放心244.reconcile v.使和解The odor s me./The odor can mosquito.250.reproach v.責備二blame251.resemblance v.相似252.resent v.怨恨 He resented being called hisnickn ame 253.retort v.反駁254.retrieve v.取回(get back, bring back)255 reunion n. 團聚 =get-togethera n occasi on forfamily 256.re

33、velation n.揭示257.revive v.使復(fù)蘇 economy258.rigorous a.嚴格的 training for doctors259.rip v.撕裂260.ritual n. R=ceremony/routineHis morning is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast261.robust a.健壯的262.rot v.腐爛=decay263.safeguard v.保護264.savage a.野蠻的=not civilized265.scent n.香味 The scent of women(O

34、scar 影片)266.scrutiny n.細看267.setback n.挫折268.shatter v.使粉碎It shattered my dream269.simulate v.模擬270.skeptical a.懷疑的271.slack a.松弛的272.sneak v.溜:偷偷地做273.sober a未醉的 Km enough274.specifications n.規(guī)格,說明書275.spectacle n.景象,大觀276.spectator n.旁觀者277.spontaneous a.自發(fā)的278.stability n.穩(wěn)立279.stagger v.蹣跚280.st

35、ationary a.固定的281.stimulus n.刺激282.straightforward a.坦率的 a reply283.stubborn a.倔強的284.stumble v.絆倒285.subordinate a.從屬的286.subscribe to v.訂閱287.subsidy n.補貼288.subtle a.微妙的the difference of the twowords289.supervise v.監(jiān)督290.suppress v.鎮(zhèn)壓;抑制291.tangle with v.爭吵糾葛292.tariff n.關(guān)稅293.tease v.取笑294.tempe

36、rament n. 氣質(zhì)295.tempt v.引誘296.tentative a.試探的297.terminate v.終止298.texture n.質(zhì)地299.threshold n.開端 on the of (BP將開始)300.timid a.膽小的301.tolerant a.寬容的302.toss v.拋,甩303.tow v.拖304.toxic a.有毒的=poisonous on the verge ofba nkruptcy321.versatile a.多才多藝的322.vicinity n.附近 in the 323.visa n.簽證324.visualize v.

37、設(shè)想325.vulgar a.粗俗的326.vulnerable a.易受傷的327.warfare n.戰(zhàn)爭328.warrant n.授權(quán)令;理由The policeman has a toarrest you329.weary a.疲勞的330.wrinkle v.起皺331.accelerate v.加速332.accessible a.可接近的,可進入的333.acknowledge v.感謝334.acquire v.學會335.address v.向a。講話336.alert a活躍的b.機警的c外國的337.allege a.推斷b.斷言c.聯(lián)合338.allocate a.準

38、許b.位于c.分配339.appeal v.有吸引力convert the hotel into aapartment building359.defect n.缺陷360.deliberate a 故意的 =on purpose361.depress v.使沮喪362.detect v.發(fā)現(xiàn)363.descend v.卜降364.dim a.昏暗的365.disguise v.化裝366.dispose of v.去掉;處理367.distress n. /v.痛苦368.diverse a.多樣的369.document v.證明(370.dominate v.支配371.drain v.

39、排走:耗盡372.discard v.丟棄 Dont the drink cans carelessly.375.exploit v.利用376.external a.外在的377.extinguish v.熄滅378.feasible a.可行的379.fertile a.肥沃的Art380.flourish v.茂盛,繁榮381.fragment n.碎片382.furnish v.提供,配Ht=provideHe furnished mewith a lot of useful in f r o mation383.genuine a.真的384.grope v.摸索385.harbor

40、 v.心懷386.harmony n.和諧387.hollow a.空的,中空的388.hostile a.敵視的389.Illusion n.幻想390.imaginary a.虛構(gòu)的391.ignite 匕點燃392.impetus n.推動394.incentive n.刺激(395.indulge v.沉溺于 oneself in396.induce v.引起;誘導(dǎo)397.ingredient n.配料 the of pizza398.initiative n.主動性 You should take the 399.intimate a.親密的400.intervene v I 預(yù)40

41、1 .liable to a 易于 =be apt to/be pr on e to402.liberal a.自由的403.linger v.繼續(xù)逗留:留戀They lingered in thebeautiful town.404.mature a.成熟的I405.moderate a.適度的 physical exercises406.motivate v. 激勵 A desire to pass Band 6 s her to work hard 407.multiply v.繁殖408.overall a.總體的 an impression409.perceive v.感知(410.

42、prevail over v 勝過411.prime n.壯年 He died in the of his life412.priority n.優(yōu)先權(quán) give minent a.突岀的,杰出的=ne to a.易于415.prosperity n.繁榮416.reckless a.鹵莽的417.relevant a.有關(guān)的418.remedy n.治療法419.resistant a.抵抗的420.respective a.分別的421.resume v.重新開始422.scandal n 11 聞423.scatter v.驅(qū)散424.sentiment n.感情425.severe a.嚴重的 wound426.shield v.保護427.simultaneously a.同時地428.sole a.唯一的429.sponsor n.贊助者A430.startle v.驚嚇431.stray v.走失432.substantial a.可觀的,大量的=considerable asubstantial income433.sufficient a.充分的434


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