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1、Chapter 5 Imperial Rome, 146 B.C.E.-192 C.E.1) What did the Roman Senate hope to gain in giving up power to Augustus?A) SlavesB) Italian latifundiasC) Good retirementD) PeaceE) Discordia2) Roman conquest of the Mediterranean worldA) guaranteed the success of the republican institutions.B) spelled th

2、e end of the republican system.C) broadly decreased the size of Roman armies.D) resulted in widespread benefits shared equally by all Roman citizens.E) brought equality to all in the empire.3) In the first century B.C.E., slaves comprised what proportion of the total population of theRoman territori

3、es?A) One-tenthB) One-halfC) One-thirdD) One-fourthE) One-fifth4) The most serious slave revolt, occurring between 74 and 71 B.C.E., was led byA) Greeks.B) Germans.C) gladiators.D) soldiers.E) equites.5) Political leaders who appealed to the masses were calledA) demagogues.B) optimates.C) democrats.

4、D) populares.E) socii.6) Which of the following was a reform proposed by Tiberius Gracchus?A) Free food for the Roman poorB) Redistribution of public landC) Citizenship for alliesD) A larger SenateE) Popular democracy for all7) The Roman senators responded to Tiberius GracchusA) by fearing him as a

5、democratic demagogue seeking to establish a tyranny.B) by reelecting him to an unprecedented second consecutive term.C) by electing him consul for seven consecutive years.D) by offering him the title of dictator.E) by bribing him to move away from reforms.8) Which of the following was a reform propo

6、sed by Gaius Gracchus?A) Freedom for all slavesB) Citizenship for the Italian alliesC) Repeal of the Twelve TablesD) An increase in the number of magistratesE) Death to the Senate9) Who was the first Roman commander to create a personal army by ignoring propertyqualifications for military service?A)

7、 SullaB) LepidusC) MariusD) CaesarE) Tiberius Gracchus10) Which of the following was NOT a reform passed by Sulla?A) Weakened power of magistratesB) Reduced tribune authorityC) Increased Senate sizeD) Abolished dictatorial ruleE) Returned jury courts from equites to senators11) As a politician, Cice

8、ro was aligned with theA) followers of Marius.B) optimates.C) populares.D) plebeians.E) equites.12) What Roman politician and ally of Crassus joined a conspiracy of Sullan veterans andpopulares in support of Crassus?A) Julius CaesarB) PompeyC) CiceroD) CatilineE) Octavian13) Who of the following was

9、 a member of the first triumvirate?A) Sulla B) Pompey C) Marius D) Cicero E) Catiline14) When supporters of Pompey relieved Julius Caesar of his command in Gaul and ordered him to return to Rome, CaesarA) refused to leave Gaul.B) returned to Rome with his legions and initiated a civil war.C) instead

10、 launched the invasion of Britain.D) left his forces in Gaul but renewed his political career in the Senate.E) obeyed only to be executed in Rome.15) Which of the following was a reform passed by Caesar?A) Eliminating the representation of Italian citizens in the SenateB) Dismissing the legions to d

11、iminish the likelihood of warC) Increasing the size of the SenateD) Abolishing the office of consulE) Suppression of the Spartacus rebellion16) The two leaders of the conservative republican reaction to Caesars perpetual dictatorshipwereA) Pompey and Crassus.B) Marcus Junius Brutus and Cassius Longi

12、nus.C) Cleopatra and Aemilius Lepidus.D) Mark Antony and Sulla.E) Catiline and Jugurtha.17) Who of the following was a member of the second triumvirate?A) CrassusB) CaesarC) AntonyD) PompeyE) Cleopatra VII18) In the civil war that broke out among the members of the second triumvirate, Mark Antonydep

13、ended almost entirely on his alliance withA) Octavian.B) Marcus Lepidus.C) Mithridates, the ruler of Pontus.D) Cleopatra, the Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt.E) Parthian allies.19) Two important historians of the Late Republic wereA) Pius and Cicero.B) Sallus and Livy.C) Agrippa and Orosius.D) Lucretius an

14、d Cicero.E) Caesar and Octavian.20) The best representative poet of Epicurean philosophy in the late republic wasA) Lucretius.B) Publius Virgilius Maro.C) Marcus Tullius Cicero.D) Septimus Severus.E) Catullus.21) Late republican sculpture could be described as having which characteristics?A) Returni

15、ng to Egyptian modelsB) Being stylistically crudeC) Having bodies based on the Hellenistic ideal, but portrait headsD) Having no relationship to Hellenistic artE) Having no emphasis on the individual22) All of the following were titles that Octavian held EXCEPT?A) AugustusB) ConsulC) QuaestorD) Trib

16、uneE) Princeps23) Which of the following was NOT a component of Octavians power base after his defeat ofMark Antony?A) His immense wealthB) His vast following among the surviving elites as well as among the popularesC) His powerful alliances with the Ptolemaic rulers of EgyptD) His title of Princeps

17、E) His total command of the army24) Augustus transformed the Roman Senate in all of the following ways EXCEPTA) increasing its membership to incorporate all factions in the Roman spectrum.B) making membership hereditary.C) reducing its membership.D) allowing the Senate to retain control of some prov

18、inces.E) by making the Senate a useful subordinate.25) Augustus reformed the military in all of the following ways EXCEPTA) recruiting only non-Roman auxillaries for future troops.B) making the term of enlistment 20 years in return for retirement.C) pensioning off 32 of 60 legions to retirement.D) p

19、roviding retired legionnaires with land in colonies throughout the empire.E) forming an emperors praetorian guard.26) Which of the following reforms did Augustus carry out to deal with the problems of urbanpoverty?A) Providing free public educationB) Building athletic facilities, baths, and brothels

20、C) Transporting part of the urban population to rural areasD) Eliminating the competition of slave labor and raising wagesE) Exiling Ovid27) In order to restore the traditional values of the Roman Republic, Augustus did all of thefollowing EXCEPTA) attempt to reinvigorate Roman religion by reviving

21、ancient Roman cults.B) patronize literary figures who shared his conservative views.C) surrender the authority of the principate.D) reconstruct the family unit by recreating the authority of the paterfamilias.E) support marriage, procreation, and a firm husband.28) Virgils most powerful work, intend

22、ed to serve for the Roman world the role of the Homericpoems in Greece, was theA) Metamorphoses.B) Aeneid.C) Odyssey.D) Iliad.E) Theogeny.29) Which of the following authors did Augustus exile for unacceptable poetry?A) Virgil B) Horace C) Livy D) Ovid E) Homer30) The smooth functioning of the empire

23、 after Augustus death was likely due toA) the soundness of Augustus constitutional changes and the vested interests thataristocratic supporters had in them.B) the mad genius of Caligula.C) the brilliance of Augustus successors.D) the military successes of Nero.E) his deified ancestor Julius Caesar.3

24、1) Where was Hadrians Wall located?A) MesopotamiaB) DaciaC) NumidiaD) BelgicaE) Britain32) What was the population of the Roman Empire in the time of Augustus?A) 100 millionB) 50 millionC) 10 millionD) 600,000E) Unknown33) The Pax Romana and peace with the Parthians allowed for Roman trade with all

25、of thefollowing EXCEPTA) India.B) China.C) the Maya.D) Parthians.E) Roman provinces.34) Even before the emergence of Christianity, the Roman world was moving away from statereligious beliefs toward eastern religions that promised what for the individual?A) ImmortalityB) WealthC) Military powerD) Soc

26、ial statusE) Priestly status35) Among the Jews, which group sought to violently push out the Romans?A) SadduceesB) HasidimC) PhariseesD) ZealotsE) Talmudic readers36) The first Christian groups, led by Peter,A) immediately abandoned Jewish traditions and separated themselves from the remainderof the

27、 Jewish population.B) sought the protection of the Romans from Jewish discrimination.C) initiated the sacraments of baptism and communion but otherwise remained entirelywithin the Jewish tradition.D) launched public assaults against the Jews and blamed them for the crucifixion of Christ.E) were noth

28、ing like the Jewish groups that spawned them.37) The person responsible for the spread of Christianity outside of the Jewish community wasA) King Herod.B) Augustus.C) Peter.D) Paul of Tarsus.E) Jesus.38) Some emperors persecuted the Christians because, unlike Jews, ChristiansA) wanted violent overth

29、row of the empire.B) refused to pay taxes in Roman coins.C) refused to acknowledge the existence of the other gods and to participate in the cult ofthe deified emperors.D) rigidly excluded all Roman citizens from membership in their cult.E) feared the Christians would aid Jews in overthrowing the em

30、pire.39) Early Christian religious communities might best be described as?A) Early Christian communities were unified in their polytheistic beliefs.B) Christian communities continued to function as a sect within Judaism.C) Only one main Christian church community existed in Jerusalem.D) The leader o

31、f each Christian community was a Gnostic.E) A variety of communities with varying beliefs and interpretations existed.40) The centers of Roman culture in all of the provinces of the empire were theA) libraries.B) towns.C) villas.D) Roman legion forts.E) Roman baths.41) The purpose of Hadrians tour o

32、f his empire wasA) to escape from the horrible living conditions in Rome.B) to inspect those military commands most critical for imperial stability.C) a vacation to Britain.D) to escape assassination by ambitious legion commanders.E) to promote his new bread for all policy.42) In Britain, Hadrian or

33、dered the construction of aA) colony for retired legionnaires.B) city, later called London.C) huge statue to commemorate his administration.D) wall from one coast of Britain to the other.E) fleet to sail for the Americas.43) Hadrians concern in Spain wasA) a Moorish revolt.B) the failure of the Span

34、ish agricultural system.C) popular resistance to military conscription.D) the failure of Spanish mines to produce sufficient amounts of minerals.E) a plague among the cattle.44) The wealthiest province of the Roman Empire and the most exploited wasA) Spain.B) Sicily.C) Syria.D) Egypt.E) Mauritania.4

35、5) Romes greatest historian of the second century C.E. wasA) Marcus Tullius Cicero.B) Cornelius Tacitus.C) Scipio Africanus.D) Publius Virgilius Maro.E) Cicero.46) He developed a model of the solar system that lasted 1,400 years.A) EpictetusB) PlutarchC) TrajanD) PtolemyE) Suetonius47) The most influential Stoic philosopher of the second century C.E. who influenced the emperor Marcus Aurelius wasA) Epictetus.B) Tacitus.C) Marcus Antonius.D) Agrippina.E) Hipparchus.48) What emperor was most closely associated with Stoicism?A) HadrianB) TitusC) VespasianD) Marcus AureliusE) Commo


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