



1、Worki ng In structio nDoc.No.作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書Recruitment Policy招聘政策Work ing In structi on作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書Recruitme nt Policy招聘政策Versio n 1.00 版次1.00Valid for: Compa ny適用于本公司Name姓名Date日期Sig nature 簽名Creator 編制Con troller 審核Authorizer 批準(zhǔn)Recruitment Policy招聘政策1. Purpose / Target / Performa nee Figures目的 / 目標(biāo) / 績效指標(biāo)2. Scope適

2、用范圍3. Defini tio ns and Abbreviatio ns定義和縮略語4. Resp on sibilities 職責(zé)5. Applicable Processes / Documents / Standards適用流程 /文件 /標(biāo)準(zhǔn)6. Descripti on 描述7. Revisio n History 修改履歷Recruitment Policy招聘政策1. Purpose / Target / Performa nee Figures目的 / 目標(biāo) / 績效指標(biāo)This Recruitment Policy has been designed as a gener

3、al guide to the Recruitment Department policies and guidelines of Company ( “ Compan).Although we have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, the policies and information contained herein may not be all in clusive.本招聘政策已作為本公司(中國)有限公司(以下稱公司”)招聘部門的指引和準(zhǔn)則。雖然在制定制度時我們力求提供全面、清晰的指引,但以下所列制度信息可能在日常操作中有一 定的

4、局限性。This recruitment policy is of paramount importanee in order to recruit staff with the necessary skills and attributes to enable the Company to fulfill its corporate strategic objectives. The recruitme nt policy and procedures aim to impleme nt basic rati on ale and prin ciples on recruitme nt ma

5、n ageme nt, to sta ndardize recruitme nt activities and to enhance the image of the Compa ny.本招聘政策旨在幫助公司招募具有相關(guān)技能和資質(zhì)的人才,實現(xiàn)其戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)。本聘用制度及 程序旨在統(tǒng)一公司的招聘管理的基本原理、規(guī)范招聘流程,以達(dá)到提升公司形象的最終目的。Recruitment Department will attempt to update its policies in a timely manner, but there may be times when a policy may chang

6、e before it is reissued. The Company will inform you of cha nges via appropriate com muni cati on cha nn els in clud ing, but not limited to, employee meeti ngs, employee memos, employee emails. Recruitme nt Man ager is the final arbitrator of any un resolved issues relat ing to the adm ini strati o

7、n of this docume nt andreserves theright to ame nd this docume nt and procedure at any time with in the authority of this regulation. In case of ambiguity or discrepancy within interpretation of this policy between Chin ese and En glish vers ion, the Chin ese versi on prevails.招聘部門將會及時更新此政策,但由于政策更新的

8、時效性,也會出現(xiàn)個別政策更新延時的情 況。公司會將變更的政策通知員工,通知的渠道包括但不僅限于會議、員工通知函和郵件。 招聘經(jīng)理對于本制度的管理相關(guān)問題具有最終裁決權(quán),同時保留對制度和程序進(jìn)行修訂的權(quán) 利。若本制度的中英版本之間存在因翻譯而產(chǎn)生的歧義,以中文版本為準(zhǔn)。This policy is the property of the Company and it is intended to be a reference to staff of theCompany. Circulation of this handbook outside of the Company is strictl

9、y prohibited.本政策作為公司財產(chǎn),僅供參考使用。員工嚴(yán)禁將本手冊流通至公司外部。Recruitme nt Departme nt 招聘咅 ERecruitment Policy招聘政策2. Scope適用范圍1.Applicable to all Compa ny s employes.適用于本公司(中國)有限公司的所有員工。3.Defini tio ns and Abbreviatio ns定義和縮略語BU/Operati on Function Head - refers to those who is in charge of a specific bus in ess fu

10、n ctio n of the Compa ny and directly reports to the Board of Man ageme nt, Compa ny, Asia. 事業(yè)部/職能部門負(fù)責(zé)人:負(fù)責(zé)公司某一特定事業(yè)部并直接向本公司亞洲區(qū)高層管理委員會匯 報的人員。Department Manager - refers to those who is in charge of a department or a certain bus in ess line within BU and directly reports to the BU/Operati on Function H

11、ead.部門經(jīng)理:負(fù)責(zé)某項具體事務(wù)并直接向事業(yè)部/職能部門負(fù)責(zé)人匯報的人員。Direct Supervisor - refers to people man ager which employee directly reports to.直屬上級:普通員工直接匯報的人員。Recruitme nt Team - refers to the team resp on sible for the Compa ny recruitme nt activities.招聘團(tuán)隊:公司人力資源部門負(fù)責(zé)招聘事宜的團(tuán)隊。Hiring Man ager - refers to the direct supervis

12、or of the ope n positi on in Compa ny China.招聘需求經(jīng)理:公司有招聘需求的職位的直屬上級。Hiring Departme nt - refers to bus in ess departme nt in Compa ny China with hiri ng n eeds and appropriate hiri ng approval.招聘需求部門:公司有招聘需求并且此需求已經(jīng)批復(fù)的部門。Cen tral Function refers to Finan ce, Huma n Resources Departme nt, Marketi ng De

13、partme nt, Admi ni strati on Departme nt, ISS, etc.共享職能部門職位:如財務(wù)部、人力資源部,市場部,行政部和ISS等。4.Resp on sibilities職責(zé)Please see details at secti on 6i=r * H-t洼 介 m 尺u具體內(nèi)容請參見第八早節(jié)5.Applicable Process/Docume nt/Sta ndards適用流程/文件/標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Recruitment Policy招聘政策Recruitme nt Process Overview招聘流程PC9000 VP Process Book 流程手冊W

14、I-05-IMS-0013 Docume nt Man ageme nt文件管理PC0184 Recruitme nt Procedure 招聘流程6. Descripti on 描述6.1. Annual Headcou nt Pla nning 年度人員需求計劃Policy Statement 政策聲明Annual headcount planning is to link people management withthe Company s mission,visi on, goals and objectives, as well as its strategic pla ns an

15、d budgetary resources. The key goal of annual headcount plan is to address skills and resource requirements to achieve the company s strategic plans, and develop a strate gy to ensure that the Compa ny has a continu ous supply of highly skilled and compete nt people.年度人員需求計劃將公司的使命、愿景、戰(zhàn)略部署和預(yù)算方案與人員管理聯(lián)系到一起。 年度人員需求計劃的主要目的是為實現(xiàn)公司戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)制定人才及技能需求,并保證公司 長期擁有一只高素質(zhì)、高技能的人才團(tuán)隊。6.1.1Ann ual Headcou nt Plan Developme nt年度人員需求計劃的制定Developme nt procedure 制9定步驟:Step 1: Ini tiatio n步驟一:開始Recruitme nt Man ager will send “ Annual


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