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1、Lesson 103 The French test The French testTry to read :New Words an exam in Chinese. 語文考試 an exam paper 試題exam n.考試 take an exam . 參加考試 pass / fail an exam 通過|未通過 考試 1.exam n. 考試(=examination 較為正式一些) 入學考試 an entrance exam 期末考試 a final exam 參加考試 take an exam 考試及格 pass an exam 考試作弊 cheat in an exam期中考

2、試期中考試 a midterm exam考試不及格考試不及格fail an exam test :以某種手段來試一試某人/某物是否達到了一定的標準。 (專項技能的)考試 driving test 駕照考試喜怒哀樂四種表情 1. 當你聽到暑假取消改為正常上課時。 You will feel very sad.2.當你聽到暑假,爸爸媽媽說帶你去旅游。You will be very excited.Say what your feeling is3.當你考試得了一百分時,你的爸爸媽媽表揚了你。You will feel very happy.4. 當你喜歡的筆記本找不到了。You will be

3、very angry or worried.Topic:examination(exam)How are you feeling after taking an exam? Are you happy or sad? Are you angry? Are you excited? Are you afraid? Are you worried with your mark? 2.pass 1) v. 及格,通過 只有十名學生通過了考試。 Only ten students passed the examination. pass in +具體學科“。及格了” pass in mathemati

4、cs pass in Chinese 2)把遞給 (接雙賓語) pass sb sth= pass sth to sb Please pass him the paper. = Please pass the paper to him. 3)通過、前進、穿過3.fail 1) v. 不及格(反義詞pass) fail the exam 考試不及格 fail in mathematics 2)v. 失?。ǚ戳x詞succeed) 計劃失敗了。 The plan failed. fail to do 未做成某事 我今天下午未能見到他。 I failed to see him this afterno

5、on. 4.mathematics n. 數(shù)學 縮寫是 maths 你數(shù)學好嗎? Are you good at mathematics? 她數(shù)學不太好。 She is poor at mathematics. 我通過了數(shù)學考試。 I passed in mathematics . 他的數(shù)學考試沒及格 He failed his mathematics examination。5.question 1) n. 問題 (反義詞answer) 我能問你個問題嗎? May I ask you a question? 最后兩個問題 我回答不上來。 I cant answer the last two

6、questions. 6.answer -1) v. 回答 他不想回答我。 He doesnt want to answer me. 2)v. 應答,回應 answer a letter 回信 answer the phone/telephone.接聽電話 answer the door 應門 3) n. 答案 (反義詞-question) 你知道答案嗎? Do you know the answer ? New Wordseasy adj.容易的容易的, 輕松的輕松的 一次容易的考試一次容易的考試an easy exameasy to do 容易做。容易做。 7.easy adj.簡單的,容

7、易的 反義詞difficult 這是個簡單的問題。 This is an easy question. 這個工作很簡單 This is an easy job. Its easy for sb to do 對某人來說做某事很容 易 對他來說,學習英文很容易。 It is easy for him to learn English. New Words8.difficult a.困難的困難的 a difficult question/job 困難的問題/工作The question is difficult to answer.be difficult to do 做是困難的8.difficul

8、t 1) adj. 困難的 世上無難事,只怕有心人。 Nothing is difficult to a man who wills. Its difficult for sb to do. 對某人來說做某事很難 打一封信對她來說很難 It is difficult for her to type a letter. 2)難對付的 他是一個很難相處的人。 He is a difficult man to get along with. 反義詞:easy- going 9.enough /inf/ 1) adv. 足夠地 enough for sb to do 足夠做. 這個房間我們住足夠大了。

9、 This room is big enough for us to live in . 你還太小,不能做這件事情。 You are not old enough to do it. 2)adj. 充足的 你有時間作這件事嗎? Do you have enough time to do it? 你有足夠的椅子給每個人嗎? Do you have enough chairs for everyone? enough +n. +(for sb)+ to do 足夠(某人)做的 There is enough food for us to eat.10.paper n. 1) n. 考卷(可數(shù)名詞)

10、 五十份考卷不夠學生考試。 Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam. 2)報紙(可數(shù)名詞)相當于newspaper a daily paper 日報 an evening paper 晚報11.mark 1) n. 分數(shù) 他在英語考試中得了高分 He got a high mark in English. I got 80 marks in meathematics. 2) n. 記號,印,標記 make a mark 做記號 在船上上標上記號。 Please make a mark on the boat.1

11、2.low adj. 1) 低的 小心,門很矮。 Be careful! Its a low door. 我的成績很低。 Ive got a low mark. 2) (身體)弱的,沒有精神的,意志消沉的 他因感冒而沒精神。 He is low with a cold. 3) (聲音)低的 She speaks in a low voice.low season 淡季 high season 旺季New Wordslow adj.低的低的, a low wall / building / table 矮墻、低矮的建筑物、桌子The plane was very low.飛機很低。13.rest

12、 1) n. 其他的東西,其它事、剩下的 你可以把剩下的面包吃光。 You can eat up the rest of the bread. 你打開門和窗戶,剩下的由我來做。 You open the door and window. Ill do the rest. 剩下的錢在桌子上了。 The rest of the money was on the table. 2)n. 休息 休 息一下。 take a rest/have a rest14.hate v. 討厭 他們互相厭惡。 They hate each other. hate doing. 不喜歡做 她不喜歡做飯。 She ha

13、tes cooking. hate to do 不愿意。不想做。 I hate to say it, but you are wrong. 我不想說這句話,但你的確是錯了。 15.cheer v. 1) 振作,振奮 那個消息使那一家人振奮不己。 The news cheered the family. 提起精神,振作起來 Cheer up! 2)歡呼,喝彩,為(某人)加油 當他出現(xiàn)時群眾發(fā)出歡呼聲 The crowd cheered when he appeared. 16.top n. 上方,頂部 反義詞bottom 在山頂 at the top of a mountain 書頁的上方。 T

14、he top of the page . from top to toe .= from top to bottom 從頭到腳,完全的at the top of 在的頂端stand at the top of the mountain站在山頂站在山頂17.guy 家伙,人2021-10-17New Wordsguy n.家伙,伙計家伙,伙計He is a nice and friendly guy.他是一個善良、友好的家伙。他是一個善良、友好的家伙。New wordsexam n. 考試pass v. 及格,通過mathematics n. (Maths是縮寫)數(shù)學 question n. (具體的某一個)問題easy adj. 容易的enough adv. 足夠的paper n. 考卷fail v. 未及格,失敗answer v. 問答mark n. 分數(shù)rest n. 其他的東西difficult adj. 困難的hate v. 討厭low adj. 低的cheer v. 振作,振奮guy n. 家伙,人top n. 上方,頂部Listen to the tape:The French


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