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1、題目: _ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday?peters.: whose; what; which 題目: i heard that you really had a wonderful time at johns birthday party, _?: didnt i; didnt you; hadnt you 題目:_ important it is for kids to imagine freely!: what; how; what an 題 目: sorry, i mad

2、e a mistake again._ practise more and you ll succeed.: never mind.; certainly not.; dont mention it.題 目: _she gave two weeks.: what did she get?; how much time did she give?; what did she do?題 目: could i help you with your heavy box? you are so tired _ i can manage it.: no. thanks.; yes, please.; al

3、l right. 題 目: how did you find your visit to qingdao, joanna?_: oh, wonderful indeed.; i went there alone.; a guide showed me the way. 題 目: im more than happy to go out this weekend._ weve got so much work to do at that time.: dont worry.; forget it.; dont say so. 題目:he gave up his study in college

4、in _.: bundle; despair; ash題目:i took it for _ that you wouldnt come here again.: grand; tame; granted題目:if you need further information, please _ our office.: constant; construct; contact題目:its _ to point to or talk about strangers in public.: not polite; polite; good題目:the _ was only sentenced to p

5、ay a fine of $10,000.: worm; tube; criminal題目:the light is too _ for me to read. i can not stand any more.: dim; ripe; soup題目:under no circumstance _ to tell lies to parents.: children are allowed; are children allowed; will children allow 二、翻 譯為下面的句子 選擇 正確的翻 譯(每 題 10 分)。操作提示:通 過題 干后的下拉框 選擇題 目的正確答案。

6、1. though they have a lot of applicants, they cant find the people they want. a; b; ca.雖然有很多 應(yīng) 用,他 們還 是找不到他 們想要的人。b.雖然有很多 應(yīng) 聘者,但是他 們卻找不到合適的人。c.雖 然有很多程序,但是他 們卻找不到合適的程序 員。2. practising more is the key to leaning a language. a; b; ca. 學(xué)習(xí)語 言的 關(guān)鍵 是要多 練習(xí)。b. 勤于 練習(xí) 就是學(xué)習(xí) 英語的鑰匙。c. 多做 運動對 于 語言 學(xué)習(xí)來說 有好 處。3. som

7、e are still nervous about losing their jobs despite the low wages. a; b; ca. 盡 管工 資不高,但 還 是有很多人擔(dān)心失去 這份 工作。b. 因 為工 資低,很多人打算去 辭職。c. 盡管福利不好,但 還是有很多人擔(dān)心失去 這份 工作。4. the teacher pointed out the grammar mistakes in the writing. a; b; ca. 老 師指出了 書法里的 語法錯誤。b. 老 師指出了作文里的 拼寫錯誤 。c. 老師 指出了作文里的 語法 錯誤。5. how will t

8、he evaluation of these investments be carried out? a; b; ca. 如何 進行這些項目的投 資?b. 如何 對這 些投資進 行評估呢?c. 如何 對這 些項目進行評價?二、聽力理解聽對話錄 音,根據(jù) 對話內(nèi) 容判 斷正誤(每 題 10 分)。task4_test.mp3操作提示:通 過題 干后的下拉框 選擇題 目的正確答案。6. what is the possible relationship between the two speakers? a; b; ca. a couple.b. colleagues.c. teacher and

9、 student.7. what is the opinion of the female speaker about high salaries? a; b; ca. she thinks high salaries can get a lot of talents.b. she thinks high salaries are the key factor in motivating the staff.c. she thinks high salaries stop people from moving on.8. who controls overtime work? a; b; ca

10、. the employers.b. the workers.c. the companies.9. fair in fair wages means _. a; b; ca. generalb. competitivec. high10. the topic of the dialog is about _. a; b; ca. how to control overtimeb. how to pay wagesc. how to motivate the employees二、完型 填 空(每空 10 分)。操作提示:通 過題 目中的下拉 選項 框選擇 恰當?shù)脑~語補 全填 空。when i

11、t comes to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision ismade with the first five munutes of a meeting. yet employers like to suggest; convince; advisethemselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes. in todaysmarketplace, the worth; cre

12、dit; quality of staff is fundamental to the companys success and, as aresult, recruiters use all means at their disposal to secure the best in the field.one method in particular that has risen in popularity is testing, either psychometric testing(心理 測試 ), which attempts to define psychological chara

13、cteristics, or aptitude testing. the ideais that those testing provide an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidatessuitability for a role.the employment of psychometric or ability testing as one component ; member; share ofthe recruitment process may have some merits, but in realit

14、y there is simply no real extent;measure; amount . the answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and a strongdefinition of the elements of each position to be filled. the instinctive decision that manyemployers make, based on a cv and the first five minutes of a meeting, are perha

15、ps no less validthan any other tool employed in the business; topic; point of recruitment.二、 閱讀 理解閱讀 下面的文章,根據(jù)文章 內(nèi)容,完成相 應(yīng)的 選擇題 。(每 題 10 分)human resources managementhuman resources management (hrm) is the process of managing people and theirrelationships in an organization. these two processes are imp

16、ortant in the success and growth ofa business.in managing people, staffing is the most important component of hrm. it needs to makeguidelines and procedures for hiring and placement. staffing also involves the management ofemployees on matters like monitoring of holidays, absences, health and safety

17、, disciplinary action,and dismissal.another important element of hrm in managing people is keeping the employees in thecompany. the training of employees to enable them to improve their career development is veryimportant. good hrm policies ensure that there are clear regulations which show the pay

18、levelsfor the different positions in an organization. it is important for the staff to know the career path,pay, training and other opportunities that are available to them. performance management isanother important component of hrm. the reason for this is that many employers use it toevaluate care

19、er improvement and to determine pay increases.the secondary role of hrm is the management of the relationships among people in anorganization. this includes staff within departments as well as across the whole organization. therelationship between staff and management is an important factor in the s

20、uccess of anorganization. it decides how fast an organization will realize their goals.the focus of hrm is the people within an organization. regular planning, monitoring andevaluation are important for the success of hrm. successful management ensures that allemployees know their role, career devel

21、opment and also feel part of an organization.操作提示:通 過題 干后的下拉框 選擇題 目的正確答案。11. _is / are important in the success of a business. a; b; ca. teamwork spirit and high salaryb. the process of managing people and their relationshipsc. talents and their goals12. the most important component of hrm is_. a; b

22、; ca. staffingb. planningc. monitoring13. according to the passage, it is important for the employees to know the career path, pay,training and other opportunities through_. a; b; ca. noticesb. policiesc. advertisements14. we can use_ to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases. a;

23、 b;ca. staffingb. hrm policiesc. performance management15. _ is not mentioned in the text about the success of hrm. a; b; ca. regular planning and monitoringb. evaluationc. training二、 閱讀 理解閱讀 下面的文章,根據(jù)文章 內(nèi)容判 斷 文章后的句子是正確( t)還是錯誤 (f)。(每 題 10 分)“war for talent ” goes on in job marketthe “war for talent

24、” reads like headlines from many years ago, but it has never gone away,says eleanor nickerson, director of uk operations for top employers. many companies they haveresearched are short of talents. though the companies may receive many applications, theycannot find the people they want.top employers

25、research shows that offering good career chances is the key to attracting andkeeping the talent. smart employees know their own value and will want to know what theiremployers can offer them after 5 or 10 years career development. so, keeping staff is the biggestchallenge employers face in the long

26、run.yet not every employee feels that they can better their career chances. some are still nervousabout losing their jobs, despite a recent fall in unemployment, says the trades union congress(tuc). tuc points out that some four-fifths of new jobs created have been in part of the economywhere averag

27、e pay rates are less than ?8 an hour since the recession began. many of these jobsare on temporary or zero-hours contracts.a report from the office for national statistics published in february showed that real wageshave been falling consistently since 2010. its the longest period since at least 196

28、4. “were still inthe hardest living standards squeeze for over a century and those who are already working havehad years of real-terms pay cuts, ” says tuc spokesperson liz chinchen. “understanding thepressures that staff face is a good starting point for any employer. if employers want to showconce

29、rn for their staff, they should be paying them well and understand that zero-hourscontracts bring insecurity and extreme money worries. ”操作提示:句子正確 選擇下拉選項框為“t”;句子 錯誤選擇 下拉選項框為“f”。1. according to research by top employers, many corporations have enough talents for theirdevelopment. t; f2. the data show

30、s the key to attracting talents is to offer high salary. t; f3. the biggest challenge for employers to is keeping staff in the long run. t; f4. not all employees believe that they can get a better offer. t; f5. the wages have been rising consistently since 2010. t; f題目為隨機,用 查找功能(ctrl+f )搜索 題目題目: _ f

31、ather took part in the charity activity inthe neighbourhood yesterday?peters.題目:答案:whosei heard that you really had a wonderful time at johns birthda 答案:didnt you y party, _?題目:_ important it is for kids to imagine freely! 答案:how題目:sorry, i made a mistake again. _practise more andyousllucceed.答案:never mind.題目: _she gave two weeks.題目:答案:how muchtime did she give?could i help you with your heavy box? you are


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