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1、.江蘇省口語自動化考試-情景問答(110條)1你喜歡和你的好朋友Max一起打乒乓球,你們每周打一次。What do you like doing with your friend Max?I like playing table tennis with him.How often do you play it?We play it once a week.2你爸爸是醫(yī)生,他當醫(yī)生已有十五年了。What does your father do?He is a doctor.How long has he been a doctor?He has been a doctor for fifteen

2、 years.3你家附近開了一家新餐館,昨天你去吃了,你點了一碗牛肉面。Where is the new restaurant?It is near my home.What did you order yesterday?I ordered a bowl of beef noodles yesterday.4你最喜歡科學(xué)這門學(xué)科,因為你覺得科學(xué)很有趣。Which subject is your favourite?My favourite subject is Science.Why do you like it?Because I think Science is interesting.

3、5下午你打算去一家服裝店,因為你要買一件外套和一條褲子。Where do you plan to go in the afternoon?I plan to go to a clothes shop.Why do you go there?Because I want to buy a coat and a pair of trousers.6廣告可以幫你比較不同的商品;了解了標價,你就可以去價格最低的商店。What can ads help you to do?They can help me to compare different products.What can you do whe

4、n prices are listed?I can go to the store with the lowest price.7你還沒準備好,還沒關(guān)窗戶。Are you ready now?No, Im not.What havent you done? Ive not closed the windows.8你今天得做很多雜務(wù),你大概一個小時前開始做的。What do you have to do today?I have to do many chores.When did you start?I started about an hour ago.9該樂隊組建大約一年了,上個月獲得年度

5、最佳新組合獎。How long have the members of the band been together?Theyve been together for about a year.What award did they get last month?They got the best new group of the year.10海牛體長十英尺左右,重約一千磅。How long are manatees?Theyre about 10 feet long.How much do they weigh?They weigh about one thousand pounds.11

6、海牛體型大,皮膚灰色,生性溫和害羞。What do manatees look like?They are big and gray.What are they like?They are gentle and shy.12你認為,動物應(yīng)該住在動物園,動物園為瀕危動物提供衛(wèi)生、安全的棲息之所。Do you think animals should live in zoos?Yes, I think so.Whats the reason?Zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.13我家離學(xué)校大約五公里遠

7、,我通常乘坐公共汽車去上學(xué)。How far is it from your home to the school? Its about five kilometers from my home to the school.How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus.14我們國家最重要的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日是春節(jié),那時我們會走親訪友。Which is the most important traditional festival in your country?The Spring Festival is the most im

8、portant traditional festival.How do you celebrate it?We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.15我的奶奶八十歲了,她的身體依然健康。Whats the age of your grandmother?My grandmother is eighty years old.How is she doing?She is still healthy.16我姓布朗,我的電話號碼是8 0 0 4 7 5 6 2。Whats your family name?My family name

9、is Brown.Whats your telephone number?My telephone number is 8 0 0 4 7 5 6 2.17我更喜歡旅游,旅游能讓我放松身心。Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip?I prefer going on a trip.How do you feel when travelling?I feel relaxed when travelling.18城市的空氣污染越來越嚴重,我們出行應(yīng)該經(jīng)常坐公交車。What do you think of the air in o

10、ur city?Air pollution is more and more serious in our city.What suggestion can you offer?We should take a bus when going out.19我爸爸送我一臺ipad,它很方便很有用。What present have you got?My father gave me an ipad.How do you find the present?I find it convenient and useful.20我喜歡流行音樂,周杰倫(Jay Chou)是我最喜歡的歌手。Which mus

11、ic style do you like?I like popular music.Who is your favorite singer?Jay Chou is my favorite singer.21我的電腦出故障了,我明天會請人修一下。What has happened to you?Something is wrong with my computer.How will you deal with the problem?I will ask someone to repair it tomorrow.22我的圣誕節(jié)禮物是一張明信片,上面有一只可愛的大熊貓。What is your

12、Christmas gift?Its a post card.What does it look like?There is a lovely panda on that card.23今天是9月9日,明天是教師節(jié)。Whats the date today?Its September the ninth.What festival is it tomorrow?It is Teachers Day.24現(xiàn)在我的手表顯示時間是10點30分,火車10點45分開。Whats the time now by your watch?Its ten thirty by my watch at the mo

13、ment.When does the train leave?The train leaves at ten forty-five.25單詞panda的意思是中國四川一種吃竹子的動物。How many letters are there in the word panda?There are five letters in the word panda.What does the word mean?It means A kind of animal eating bamboo living in Sichuan Province, China.26我是三年級二班的學(xué)生,家住在學(xué)校附近的第九街

14、。Which class and which grade are you in?Im in Class Two, Grade Three.Where do you live?I live in the Ninth Street near the school.27去醫(yī)院應(yīng)該沿著街走,在第一個拐角處往左轉(zhuǎn)。從這里大約要走10分鐘。Can you tell me the way to the hospital?Yes. Go down the street, and turn left at the first corner.How far is it from here?Its about te

15、n minutes walk from here.28中國的面積是960萬平方公里,有55個少數(shù)民族。Whats the area of China?Its area is nine million six hundred thousand square kilometers.How many minorities are there in China?There are fifty-five minorities in China.29我一般早上六點起床,早飯吃面包、喝牛奶。What time do you get up?I usually get up at 6 oclock in the

16、 morning.What do you have for breakfast?For breakfast, I usually eat some bread and drink some milk.30我們班有49個學(xué)生,其中男生有22個。How many students are there in your class?There are forty-nine students in my class.How many girl students?There are twenty-seven girl students in my class.31美國的首都是華盛頓,最大的城市是紐約。Wh

17、ich city is the capital of America?Washington D.C. is the capital of America.Which city is the biggest in America?New York City is the biggest in America.32我喜歡閱讀,尤其是關(guān)于中國歷史的書籍。Whats your hobby?My hobby is reading.What kind of book do you prefer?I prefer books on Chinese history.33我的寵物狗很聰明,它認識回家的路。How

18、 do you like your dog?I think my dog is clever.Why do you think so?Because it can find its way back home.34我最喜歡的季節(jié)是冬天,可以堆雪人。Whats your favorite season?My favourite season is winter.What can you do in winter?I can make a snowman.35我最喜歡的花是玫瑰,它代表了愛。Which flower do you like best?I like the rose best.Wha

19、t does it stand for?It stands for love.36我經(jīng)常飯后散步,它有利于健康。What do you usually do after supper?I usually go out for a walk after supper.What benefits can it bring for you?Its good for my health.37昨天你去市中心逛街,你買了一本字典。Where did you go shopping yesterday?I went shopping in the city center yesterday.What did

20、 you buy?A dictionary.38你喜歡看電影,每個月去看一次電影。What hobby do you have?I like watching movies.How often do you go to the cinema?Once a month.39我家有一臺電腦,通常用于學(xué)英語。Do you have a computer in your house?Yes, I do.What do you usually use your computer for?I usually use it to learn English.40我最喜歡打籃球,經(jīng)常在星期六打籃球。Whats

21、 your favourite sport?My favourite sport is playing basketball.When do you usually play it?I usually play it on Saturdays.41我家有3口人,爸爸、媽媽,還有我。How many people are there in your family?There are three people in my family.Who are they?They are my father, my mother and I.42我喜歡學(xué)習(xí)生物,因為研究各種各樣的動物很有趣。Which su

22、bject do you like best?I like biology best.Why do you like it so much?Because it is very interesting to study all kinds of animals.43我想去海南旅游,那里的海灘很美麗。Whats your plan for this holiday?I want to travel to Hainan.Can you tell me the reason?Of course, I can. Because the beach there is very beautiful.44我

23、星期天去買花,送給英語老師。What are you going to do on Sunday?Im going to buy some flowers.Who will you buy them for?For my English teacher.45輪到我打掃房間了,我要先去擦窗戶。Whose turn is it to clean the room?Its my turn.What will you do first?Ill clean the windows first.46這瓶牛奶變質(zhì)了,我上周六買的。Whats wrong with this bottle of milk?It

24、 has gone bad.When did you buy it?I bought it last Saturday.47我在學(xué)校門口,我和Lucy一塊兒去放風箏。Where are you?Im at the school gate.What are you going to do?Im going to fly kites with Lucy.48我明天去圖書館借書,我想借一本有關(guān)電腦的雜志。What are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to borrow a book from the library.Which kind of book do

25、you want to borrow?I want to borrow a magazine about computer.49我今天必須完成家庭作業(yè),明天將要去北京旅游。Can you play basketball with me now?Sorry, but I have to finish my homework today.Why cant you finish it tomorrow?I will travel to Beijing tomorrow.50我暑假將去香港旅游,要在那里呆一周。What are you going to do for summer holidays?I

26、 am going to visit Hong Kong for summer holidays.How long will you stay there?Ill stay there for a week.51我在南京工作,坐飛機到北京需兩個小時。Where do you work?I work in Nanjing.How far is it from Beijing?It takes two hours to fly to Beijing.52我昨天晚上看了變形金剛這部電影,覺得它很感人。When did you watch the movie Transformers?I watche

27、d it yesterday evening.What do you think of the movie?Its really moving.53我來自中國,中國有13億人口。Where do you come from?Im from China.Whats the population in China?China has a population of 1.3 billion.54這臺新電腦是Tom的,價格是8,000元。Who does this new computer belong to?It belongs to Tom.How much is it?It costs 8,00

28、0 yuan.55我想買一雙鞋,穿6碼的。Can I help you?Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes.Which size do you want?Im Size 6.56我父親是老師,他教書20年了。What does your father do?Hes a school teacher.How long has he been teaching?He has been teaching for 20 years.57我在聽天氣預(yù)報,明天有雪。What are you doing now?Im listening to the weather rep

29、ort.How is the weather tomorrow?Its going to snow tomorrow.58Tom身體不舒服,他感冒了。Why is Tom absent from class?Hes not quite well. Whats the matter with him?He has got a cold.59我家離學(xué)校大約五公里遠,所以我通常乘坐公共汽車去上學(xué)。How far is it from your home to the school? Its about five kilometers from my home to the school.How do

30、 you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus.60我們國家最重要的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日是春節(jié),那時我們會走親訪友。Which is the most important traditional festival in your country?The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival.How do you celebrate it?We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.61我的奶奶八十歲了,她

31、的身體依然健康。Whats the age of your grandmother?My grandmother is eighty years old.How is she doing?She is still healthy.62我姓布朗,我的電話號碼是8 0 0 4 7 5 6 2。Whats your family name?My family name is Brown.Whats your telephone number?My telephone number is 8 0 0 4 7 5 6 2.63昨天你去市中心逛街,你買了一本字典。Where did you go shop

32、ping yesterday?I went shopping in the city center yesterday.What did you buy?A dictionary.64你喜歡看電影,每個月去看一次電影。What hobby do you have?I like watching movies.How often do you go to the cinema?Once a month.65王先生的業(yè)余愛好是集郵。自2000年以來,他已收集了3000多枚郵票。Whats Mr. Wangs hobby?His hobby is collecting stamps.How many

33、 stamps has he collected since 2000?He has collected more than 3,000 stamps since 2000.66史密斯先生已經(jīng)離開倫敦約三個月了,他將于一周后返回。How long has Mr. Smith been away from London?He has been away from London for about three months.When will he come back?Hell come back in a week.67上星期天晚上李華在紅星電影院看了電影音樂之聲,他覺得這部電影很精彩。When

34、 and where did Li Hua see the film The Sound of Music?He saw it at the Red Star Cinema last Sunday evening.What did he think of it?He thought it was wonderful.68你去過歡樂時光游樂園,是去年去的。Which amusement park have you been to?Ive been to Fun Times Amusement Park.When did you go there?I went there last year.69

35、你學(xué)英語三年了,去過的英語國家有美國和澳大利亞。How long have you studied English?Ive studied English for three years.Which English-speaking countries have you visited?Ive visited America and Australia.70梅是一名空姐,她從事這個工作已經(jīng)兩年了。What does Mei do?She is a flight attendant.How long has she kept the job?She has kept the job for tw

36、o years.71火車不經(jīng)常晚點,今天晚點是因為周末每小時只有兩班車。The train is always late, isnt it?No, it isnt.Why is it late today?Because the trains only run twice an hour on weekends.72電影票價是5美元,你喜歡看喜劇片。How much is the ticket?It is 5 dollars.What kind of film do you love?I love comedies.73你制作抽認卡來復(fù)習(xí)考試,安東尼奧通過聽磁帶來學(xué)習(xí)。How do you s

37、tudy for a test?I study by making flash cards.How does Antonio study?He studies by listening to tapes.74你認為學(xué)英語最有效的方法是看英語電影,你覺得發(fā)音和語法最難。What do you think is the best way to learn English?The best way is by watching English movies.What do you find the hardest in learning English?I find pronunciation an

38、d grammar the hardest.75你最喜歡的英語學(xué)習(xí)方法是跟朋友用英語對話,英語可以幫助我們看懂很多書籍和電影。Whats your favorite way to learn English?My favorite way is by speaking to friends in English.What can English help us do?English can help us understand many books and movies.76以前,馬里奧個子矮,戴眼鏡。How did Mario use to look?He used to be short.

39、What did he use to wear?He used to wear glasses.77你過去彈吉他,現(xiàn)在踢足球。What did you use to play?I used to play the guitar.What do you play now?I play soccer now.78以前,你花很多時間跟朋友玩游戲,現(xiàn)在,你得整天待在學(xué)校里上學(xué)。What did you use to spend much time doing?I used to spend much time playing games with my friends.What do you have

40、 to do now?Now, I have to stay in school all day.79不應(yīng)該允許十六歲的人開車,因為他們還不夠穩(wěn)重。What shouldnt sixteen-year-olds be allowed to do?They shouldnt be allowed to drive.Why do you think so?Because they are not serious enough.80平時要上學(xué)的晚上,家里不允許你出門,周末你可以和朋友出去購物。What rules do you have at home?Im not allowed to go ou

41、t on school nights.What are you allowed to do on weekends?Im allowed to go shopping with my friends.81你認為學(xué)校應(yīng)該允許你們穿自己的服裝,這樣你們會感到更舒適。What do you think students should be allowed to wear at school?Our school should allow us to wear our own clothes.Whats the reason?We would feel more comfortable.82假如你有一

42、百萬美元,你會把它捐給慈善事業(yè),彼得會把錢存進銀行。What would you do if you had a million dollars?I would give it to charity.What would Peter do if he had a million dollars?Hed put it in the bank.83外向的人喜歡交新朋友,有創(chuàng)造力的人喜歡藝術(shù)和音樂。What do outgoing people like to do?Outgoing people like to make new friends.What kind of people like a

43、rt and music?Creative people like art and music.84如果有人請你參演電影,你會同意。如果你想和新同學(xué)交朋友,你會作自我介紹。What would you do if you were asked to be in a movie?Id say yes.What would you do if you wanted to be friends with a new classmate?Id introduce myself.85這是卡拉的排球,那本書是瑪麗的。Whose volleyball is this?Its Carlas.Who does

44、that book belong to?It belongs to Mary.86這個足球可能是約翰的,因為他踢足球。Whose is this soccer ball?It might be Johns.Why do you think so?Because he plays soccer.87琳達很著急,因為她的雙肩包不見了;雙肩包可能在交響樂大廳里。Why is Linda anxious?Her backpack is missing.Wheres it?It might be in the symphony hall.88你喜愛歌詞寫得好的音樂,而托尼喜歡可以跟著一起唱的音樂。Wha

45、t kind of music do you love?I love music that has great lyrics.What kind of music does Tony like?He likes music that he can sing along with.89你喜歡自己寫歌詞的音樂家,偏愛演奏輕音樂的樂隊組合。What kind of musicians do you like?I like musicians who write their own lyrics.What kind of groups do you prefer?I prefer groups tha

46、t play soft music.90勞拉主要吃蔬菜和水果,因為她想保持健康。What does Laura mainly eat?She mainly eats vegetables and fruits.Whats the reason?Because she wants to stay healthy.91你想徒步穿越熱帶叢林,因為你喜歡刺激的假期。Where would you like to go on vacation?Id like to trek through the jungle.Why?I like exciting vacations.92你們不想去夏威夷和墨西哥,因

47、為夏威夷游人太多,而墨西哥的語言你們不懂。Why dont you want to go to Hawaii?Because Hawaii is too touristy.Why dont you want to go to Mexico?Because we dont know the language there.93你們家想去中國東部旅游,你們想外出三個星期。Where do your family want to take a trip?We want to take a trip in eastern China.How long would you like to be away?

48、Wed like to be away for three weeks.94你可以在糧食銀行給無家可歸的人分發(fā)糧食來幫助他們,也可以去醫(yī)院探望生病的孩子,使他們振作起來。What could you do to help homeless people?I could give out food at the food bank.What could you do to cheer up sick kids?I could visit them in the hospital.95你們想?yún)⒓訉W(xué)校志愿者的活動,你可以開辦一個中國歷史俱樂部,湯姆可以訓(xùn)練一支兒童足球隊。What voluntary

49、 work could you do?I could start a Chinese History Club.What voluntary work could Tom do?He could coach a soccer team for kids.96薩莉想成為一名專業(yè)歌手,她現(xiàn)在作為一名志愿者在當?shù)匾患裔t(yī)院唱歌。What does Sally want to be?She wants to be a professional singer.What does she do now?She sings as a volunteer at a local hospital.97電拖鞋是18

50、85年發(fā)明的,它們能使人在黑暗中看得清楚。When were electric slippers invented?They were invented in 1885.What were they used for?They were used for seeing in the dark.98你認為最有幫助的發(fā)明是電燈泡,它給人們更多的時間來工作和玩耍。What do you think is the most helpful invention?I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.Why do you think so

51、?It gives people more time to work and play.99籃球是加拿大一名醫(yī)生發(fā)明的,1936年籃球成為奧運項目。Who was basketball invented by?It was invented by a Canadian doctor.When did basketball become an Olympic event?In 1936.100你起床時,你哥哥已經(jīng)在淋浴了;到學(xué)校時,你意識到自己把書包落在家了。What had happened by the time you got up?My brother had already been in the shower.What happened when you got to school?I realized I had left my schoolbag


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