



1、Unitll Where ' s the cat?£測試卷聽力部分10/3()()()二、聽音,排序。( )You can ' t find me.()Let ' s play h-and-seek.( )He can ' t find me.( )I hide in the box.( )Where are you, Tom?()I'm here.三、聽音,連線。1. Is she in the kitchen?2. Where ' s the cat?3. Where ' s the pencil?4. Where are

2、the birds?5. Where is Anne ' s mother?看,選一選()1.找到 A. find()A. I don ' t know.B. They are in the sky.C. Yes, she is.D. She is in the kitchen.E. It ' s under the table筆試部分B. forC. farm()2.草A. grey()3.葡萄A. road()4.廚房A. bedroom()5.玩A. name二、選詞填空。B. greenB. grapeB. bathroomB. sayC. grassC. pi

3、neappleC. kitchenC. playWhere What Whose How many What' s(1) -triangles are there?-There are three triangles.(2) -are those?-Those are goats.-is the cat?-It is in the kitchen.(4) -cat is this?-It ' s Anne ' s.(5) -your name?-My name' s Mingming.三、把下列句子變成一般疑問句并做肯定回答1. Peter is in the

4、living room.2. The box is on the table.3. Their flat is in front of our flat.4. She is under the table.5. They are in the kitchen.四、讀短文,判斷正(可誤(斗Look at the picture. That is Annes cat. It is small. It is yellow and white. It likesfish. Where is it now? It is on Anne much.(1) That is Lingling s cat.(2

5、) The cat is small.(3) The cat is yellow and black.(4) The cat likes fish.(5) The cat is under the table.'s bed, It iSSeepiAgnne likes it very( )( )( )( )( )聽力部分聽力材料4. bathroom 5. living room1. kitchen 2. house 3. bedroom1. Let s play h-aidned-seek.2. I hide in the box.3. He can t find me.4. You

6、 can t find me.5. Where are you, Tom?6. I m here.三、1. -Is she in the kitchen?-Yes, she is.2. -Where s the cat?-I don t know.3. -Where s the pencil?-It s under the table.4. -Where are the birds?-They are in the sky.5. -Where is Anne s mother?-She is in the kitchen.聽力答案一、12543二、4132561. C 2. A 3. E 4.

7、 B 5. D筆試部分1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C二、(1) How many (2) What (3) Where (4) Whose (5) Whats三、1. Is Peter in the living room? Yes, he is.2. Is the box on the table? Yes, it is.3. Is their flat in front of our flat? Yes, it is.4. Is she under the table? Yes, she is.5. Are they in the kitchen? Yes, they a

8、re.四、 X(2) V (3) X(4) V (5) X親愛的讀者院 一日難再晨。及時宜自勉,歲月不待人。、千里之行,始于足下。2020年7月11日星期六春去春孤,M芹陰新桃換|母符802獨那桃福盛曲曲地6477尸24、敏而好學(xué),不恥下問。7.11.20207.11.202006:4706:4706:47:2906:47:29這醉人苑涮I握!芾,H胸,Jy活02J春天時樣陷光11/20心情像桃6莫愁前路無知已,天下誰人不識君。6時47分6時47分11-Jul-207.11.2020花一樣蒸購口感謝你的閱讀20.

9、7.11。2020年7月11日星期六二O二O年七月H一日8、勇氣通往天堂,怯懦通往地獄。06:4706:47:297.11.2020Saturday, July 11, 202020.”膏媽言嬖眼淚并不代表軟弱。藥理停器留IL境,只有對處境絕望的人。二0二0年七月十一日2020年7月11日星期六4、不;、生雪的可車,再要5、這眸人H魅季小"定尉爾生矣Saturday, July 11, 2020July 20Saturday, July 11, 20207/11/2020 節(jié)像春為二棚I也心情像桃.7、放眼前方

10、,.只要我們繼續(xù),.收獲的季節(jié)就在前方。.花篇林美麗,感謝你的閱讀20.7.1120.7.1120.7.11。2020 年 7 月 11 日星期六二0二0年8、擁有夢想只是一種智力,實現(xiàn)夢想才是一種能力。06:4706:47:297.11.2020Saturday, July 11, 2020親愛的讀者院 一日難再晨。及時宜自勉,歲月不待人。、千里之行,始于足下。2020年7月11日星期六春去春孤,M芹陰新桃換|母符802獨那桃福盛曲曲地6477尸24、敏而好學(xué),不恥下問。7.11.20207.11.202006:4706:4706:47:2906:47:29這醉人苑涮I握!芾,H胸,Jy活02J春天時樣


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