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1、初中英語全部時態(tài)一般現(xiàn)在時A: 一般現(xiàn)在時通常表示目前階段經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。結(jié)構(gòu) :1 )be 動詞的第一人稱單數(shù)為,第三人稱單數(shù)為,其他人稱為。有一順口溜體現(xiàn)了它的用法: 我用 am ,你用 are ,is 用于他,她,它 , 單數(shù) is ,復(fù)數(shù) are.肯定式 : 主語 + am /is/are +其他否定式 : 主語 + am/is/are +not +其他疑問式 :Am /Is /Are +主語+ 其他?簡略回答 : ( 肯) Yes, 主語 + am/ is /are( 否) No, 主語 + am /is/are not縮寫形式 : I'm = I amThat&

2、#39;s=That isWe'reWhat's= What isYou're = You areWho's= WhoisThey'reWhere's =Where isHe's=He isShe'sIt's = It isisn't=is notaren't=are not=Weare =They are =She is2 )行為動詞(實(shí)義動詞)除主語是第三人稱單數(shù)外,都用動詞原形,主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時,在動詞 詞尾加 -s 或-es ?!皠釉~第三人稱單數(shù)”的加法即 “如何從動詞原形變?yōu)榈谌朔Q單數(shù)”1、

3、一般情況加 s.2、以 o, s, x, ch, sh結(jié)尾加 es. 3 、以“輔音字母 +y”結(jié)尾 改 y 為 i +es寫出下列動詞的第三人稱單數(shù):studyteachplayliegolistencomebeginhelpopensitthrowwashguesscutrunrelaxbeateat肯定式 : 主語 +動詞原形 / 動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)否定式 : 主語 +助動詞 don't/doesn't +動詞原形 +其他疑問式 :Do/Does+主語 +動詞原形 +其他簡略回答 :( 肯)Yes, 主語 +do/does(否)No, 主語 +do/does not縮寫形

4、式 : don't = do notdoesn't =does not注意: have 的第三人稱單數(shù)為has用法:1. 表示事實(shí) , 現(xiàn)狀 , 性質(zhì)或經(jīng)常的 , 習(xí)慣的動作 , 常與 often, usually, always, sometimes, today,every day,once a week, every fiveminutes, on Sundays等時間狀語連用 ,eg. He has a brother.2. 表示普遍真理 . eg. The earth goes round the sun.3. 表示在現(xiàn)在時間里所發(fā)生的一個動作 .eg. Here c

5、omes the train.4. 在時間和條件狀語從句中代表一般將來時.eg.I'll go with you if you are free tomorrow.一般過去時一般過去時表示過去發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),一般過去時通常由動詞的過去式表示。結(jié)構(gòu):1. 動詞的第一、三有稱單數(shù)用 , 其他人稱用 , 其肯定式 , 否定式 , 疑問式和簡略回答形式與一般現(xiàn)在時相似。2. 行為動詞的過去式分為規(guī)則和不規(guī)則兩種 , 規(guī)則動詞的過去式是在動詞后加或 , 不規(guī)則動詞參照不規(guī)則動詞表 , 需要專門記憶。肯定式 : 主語 +動詞的過去式+其他eg. I got up at six thismo

6、rning.否定式 : 主語 + did not +動詞原形+其他eg. Johndidn't live here last year.疑問式 :Did + 主語 + 動詞原形 + 其他eg.Did you see hima moment ago?簡略回答 .( 肯)Yes,主語 +did(否)No ,主語 + didn't.用法 :1. 主要用于過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài).eg. My father was at work yesterday.2. 表示過去經(jīng)?;蚍磸?fù)發(fā)生的動作 , 常與 often,always 等表示頻度的時間狀語連用 .eg. He always we

7、nt to work by bus last summer.3. 和 when等連詞引導(dǎo)的狀語從句連用 .eg. When she reached home, she had a short rest.4. 常與表示過去的時間狀語,如ago, yesterday, last week, inthe old days, when I was fiveyears old,in 1995 等連用 .eg.Theybegan the work two months ago. Were you born in 1981? Yes, I was.不規(guī)則中尋 " 規(guī)則 "英語中很多動詞的

8、過去式是不規(guī)則的,有些同學(xué)死記硬背, 卻效果不佳。我們不妨共同尋找一些不規(guī)則動詞中的“規(guī)則”,這樣記憶起來就會事半功倍了。I 過去式與動詞原形同形。例如:letlet, putput, hithit, readreadred等。II 動詞原形以 owaw結(jié)尾,過去式常變?yōu)?ew。例如:know knew, grow grew, throw threw, draw drew 等。但是也有一些例外,例如: showshowed。III 許多動詞只要將動詞原形中的元音字母 i 改為 a,就可變?yōu)檫^去式。例如:beginbegan, give gave, singsang, swim swam, si

9、t sat, drinkdrank, ringrang 等但是 winwon例外。IV 有些動詞的過去式以o(a)ught結(jié)尾。例如:bring brought,buy bought,thinkthought,catchcaught, teachtaught等。注意 上述動詞過去式究竟是以ought:t還是aught:t結(jié)尾,只要記住“有a 則a,無a 則o”即可。即:原形中有a 的,過去式變?yōu)閍ught ,否則為ought 。V 以 eep 結(jié)尾的動詞,常將 eep 改為 ept 構(gòu)成過去式。例如: keepkept, sleep slept, sweep swept 等。一般將來時一般將來

10、時棗表示將來發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu):助動詞shall/will be (is ,am ,are ) going to +動詞原形(當(dāng)主語第一人稱時,一般用 shall ,當(dāng)主語為第三人稱時,用 will ,但主語為第一人稱時,也用will )肯定式 :主語 +shall/will+動詞原形+其他否定式 :主語 +shall/will+not+動詞原形+其他 .疑問式 :Shall/Will+主語 +動詞原形+其他簡略回答:(肯 )Yes,主語+shall/will .(否 )No,主語+shall/will+not縮寫形式:'ll=shall/willshan't=shal

11、lnotwon't = will not用法 :1. 表示將要發(fā)生的動作或情況 , 常用時間狀語有 : later (on), soon,in a month, next time, from now on, tomorrow等.eg. I shall be eighteen years old next year.MaybeChina's population_ (pass)1,300,000,000bythe year 2005.2. 表示某種必然的趨勢eg. Fish will die without water.解析:1. 在以第一人稱為主語的問句中 , 常用 shal

12、l 表示提議和詢問情況 ,在以第二人稱作主語的問句中, 用 will表示請求 .eg. Where shall we have the meeting?Will you please lend me your pen?2. 當(dāng)主語是第一人稱時 , 用 will 表示意愿 . 決心. 允諾 . 命令等 . eg. I will give you an English-Chinese dictionary for yourbirthday.3. 在時間或條件狀語從句中 , 一般用一般現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時.eg. Tom will write to me when he gets there.4.b

13、e going to +動詞原形也可表示將來時.(1).表示主觀意愿 . 打算等 .eg. He's going to learn English next term.(2).根據(jù)已有跡象 , 可能要發(fā)生的情況eg. Look at the black clouds!-It is going to rain.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時棗表示目前或目前階段正在進(jìn)行的動作。 ( 表示“正在(在)干” )結(jié)構(gòu):is/am/are +動詞的 -ing形式 (動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞)用法:1. 表示目前發(fā)生 ( 進(jìn)行 ) 的動作 ( 不指狀態(tài) ), 常用時間狀語有 :now,at the moment等, 并

14、常出現(xiàn)在祈使句的句子中, 與 look, listen連用.eg. Are you writing a letter to your father at the moment?Listen! She is singing in the next room.2. 表示目前階段正在進(jìn)行 , 而此刻不一定在進(jìn)行的動作 .eg. They are planting trees these days.3. 表示按計劃或安排即將進(jìn)行的動作 , 表示這種動作的動詞有 :come,go, leave, arrive, start, see等, 并常與表示將來時間的狀語連用.eg. They are leavi

15、ng for Australia tomorrow afternoon.注意 : 某些表示感覺或狀態(tài)的動詞 , 如 love, like, prefer, hate, see, know 等一般不用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時 .eg. Lucy prefers art to science.練習(xí)題:(選擇填空)一.般現(xiàn)在時.() 1.My Englishteacherabout thirtyyears old, but heyounger than he really is.A.is,lookB.is,looksC.am,look() 2.Jimveryhard,buthetill a little weak

16、 in Chinese.A. studies, isB. study, isC.doesntstudy, is()3.We allknow that the sunroundtheearth.A. goesB. dont goC.doesnt go()4.Theretwelve months in a yearand Januaryfirst.A.is,comesB.are,comeC.are,comes()5.Whothekitebest of all,Jim.Lucy or Lily?A .fliesB. flyC .areflying()6.the Great Wall one of t

17、heplacesofgreatinterestsinChina?A.WasB. DoC. Is()7.you usuallyschool with classmates?A.Do, comesB.todoes, comeC.Do,come()8.shehomeat six oclock every mornig?A. Do, comesB. Does. ComeC. Do,come(she)9. My motherliketo bed very early every evening.watcing TV,soAdoesn t ,goB. dontgoC.doesnt goes()10.Mr

18、Green usuallynewspapersafter supper every day.A. readB. readingC. reads二.一般過去式.()1.The twoin the same class lastyear.A. areB. wasC. were( )2.-Where you -I went to buy some food for supper.?()3.The students in Li Leifarm last week.A. workB. workss class C. workedon a()4.that workerin ashoe factory a

19、year ago?A.Do, workB.Did,workedC.Did,work()5.-Did you find your pen ?-Yes, Iit two hours ago.A. foundB. findC. finded() 6.yourmotherto work last Saturday?A.Did, goB.Do, goC.Does, go() 7.Theynot late the day beforeyesterday.A. didB. wereC. are() 8.they away from school lastOctober?A. DidB. WereC. Do(

20、) 9.youtoschool last Sunday?A. Did, comeB. Do, comeC. Were,come()10.Whattheyforbreakfast last week?A. were, haveB. did, haveC. will,have()11.My friendhishomeworkfifteenminutesago.A. finishB. finishesC.finished()12.Theboysonlysubjectslastterm, but thisterm theyfive.A. have, haveB. had, hadC. had,have

21、()13.WhyAnnTVlast night ?A. didn t, watchB. dont watchC.doesnt watch()14.Theystoppedherebecausetheythe way to the station.A. didnt knowB. dont knowC.will know()15-Whereyou find your ticket?-Iit on the ground.A. did, foundB. do, foundC. were,find三.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時.()1.CantyouseeUncleWang andhisfriendssome machi

22、nes?A. is makigB. are makingC.make()2.My fatherTVwith my mother now.A. watchB. watchingC. iswatching()3.I ssixo clockintheevening,My familysupper at the table.A. eatsB. is eatingC.are eating()4.Lucyand Lilytospeak Chinesewith Miss Gao.A.Is,tryB.Is tryingC.Are, trying()5.The dogitselfoutsidethe door.

23、A. is washingB. washC.washes()6.ThestudentsinClassOnecarefully to their English teacher.A.islisteningB.islookingC. are listening()7.Listen! The childrenin the openair.A.singingB.issingingC. are singing()8.Whats the matter,Li Lei? Iformy pen.A. am lookB. am lookingC.look() 9.Let sgointotheclassroom.T

24、hebell.A.ringingB.isringingC. is ring()10.The manis badly hurt and heonthe roadsadly.A. is lyingB.are lyingC.lieing四.一般將來時 .()1.The studentsback in two hours.A.comeB.is comingC.came()2.Whatyouwithyourclassmatesthis Sunday afternoon?A.are,doB.do,doC. will do() 3.Therean English party in ourclass this

25、 evening.A.willhaveB.aregoingtohave.C. is going to be()4.Wei Huavisit the Great Wallduring this summer holiday?A.Do, goingtoB.Is,goingtoC. Will, going to() 5.Whentheyleave for Beijing?A.will,going.B.will,/C. do, going to()6.-Where are you going ?-Ithe shops for some fruit.A. amgoing toB.go toC.shall

26、going to go to() 7.Which orangestheyto buy?A. are, goingB.will,goingC.do,going()8.My mother says that shebuy me aschoolbag better than this one.A. isB. shallC.will()9.Mr Green isafraid thatJimbehindthe otherstudents after he comes back.A. willfallB.will fellC.isgoingto fell()10.The students in my cl

27、assharder thanbefore this term.A. is going to studyB. will going to studyC. will study現(xiàn)在完成時現(xiàn)在完成時的結(jié)構(gòu):主語 +“have(has) +過去分詞”( 1)現(xiàn)在完成時用來表示對目前狀況仍有影響的,剛剛完成的動作(常與 yet ,already ,just 連用),或者過去某一時刻發(fā)生的,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的情況(常與 for ,since 連用)。例如:1)I have just finished my homework.2)Mary has been ill for three days.注意:與 for

28、,since連用的動詞必須用延續(xù)性動詞,而不能用短暫性動詞如: come be herego be therejoinbe amember borrow keepleave be away等等( 2)常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用的時間狀語有: since, for, during, over等引導(dǎo)出的短語;副詞already, yet, just, ever, now, before,often,lately,recently等;狀語詞組thisweek (morning,month,year), so far, up to now, many times, up to the present等。例如:

29、1)I havent been there for five years.2)So far, she hasnt enjoyed the summer vacation.3)There have been a lot of changes since 1978.一般過去時和現(xiàn)在完成時的比較與轉(zhuǎn)換一般過去時:與之搭配的時間副詞常用的有:Yesterday, last week, last year,at 5:30 , last weekend, last month.有時用on weekend, thismorning現(xiàn)在完成時:常用的時間副詞有:ever,never,yet,still,alr

30、eady,Examples:in the past ten years; in my life; todayLinda still hasnt finished her homework.Stanley has already gotten bored with the life here in Toronto. Have you ever gone to Paris?I have gone to the post office twice today.2、 過去完成時( 1)表示過去某時間前已經(jīng)發(fā)生的動作或情況,這個過去的時間可以用 by,before 等介詞短語或一個時間狀語從句來表示;或

31、者表示一個動作在另一個過去動作之前已經(jīng)完成。 表示“過去的過去 ”例如:1)We had just had our breakfast when Tom came in.2)By the end of lastyear they had turned out 5, 000 bicycles.(3)過去完成時常用于以下固定句型:1)by (the end of ) +過去時間,主句中謂語動詞用過去完成時。例如:The experiment had been finished by 4 o afternoon.clock yesterday八種時態(tài)的比較一般現(xiàn)在時和現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時a. 一般現(xiàn)在時:重復(fù)

32、發(fā)生的習(xí)慣性動作和真理。標(biāo)志性的時間副詞:always often frequently usually sometimes every day every week every month occasionally once a month once a month once a year seldom rarely never Examples: She goes shopping every week.He reads Business News every morning.He seldom goes dancing.The sun rises in the east and sets

33、 in the west.Susan loves chocolate.b. 表示一種狀態(tài)或性質(zhì)Examples:Thistastesvery good.Idont believemyeyes.Ineed a car.Ihate thismusic.c. 在講述一個過去發(fā)生的故事時, 有時可用一般現(xiàn)在時表示過去發(fā)生的一系列事情。 -Thisuse is calledthe“historicalpresent ”.如在看圖說話一類題時經(jīng)常用到這一點(diǎn)。b>Examples:h一個美國人描述他到中國旅游的經(jīng)歷My friend and I arrive at the capital air po

34、rt in Beijingon the morning of May 25 th , 1993. Robert comes to meet with us in a taxi, and we drive to what is to be our apartment for nearly three. week. The drive is culture shock number one. We see people everywhere. Also, Beijing seems to be more modernthan itshas been writtenin allthe books o

35、n China I have read.My friend and I are extremely astonished by the number of bicycles on the road, truly the kingdom of bicycles.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時:a. 正在進(jìn)行的動作常用的時間狀語:( right) nowat the( this ) momentatpresent;,?|LmExamples:Robert is teaching at this moment。Mendel is working on the first draft of his essay。I m l

36、ooking for my umbrella right now.Hes enjoying a holiday right now.b. 表達(dá)在現(xiàn)在一段時間內(nèi)重復(fù)發(fā)生的動作,但是動作在說話時不一定正在進(jìn)行。常 用 的 時 間 副 詞 : thesedaysNowadaystodaythissemester/quarterthis week/month/yearExamples:Hes relaxing this week.Hes working as a librarian this semester.c. 對一類經(jīng)常發(fā)生的事情所表達(dá)的強(qiáng)烈情感常用的時間副詞: Always Forever c

37、onstantly Examples:Hes always complaining. (他怎么總是抱怨。)Youre always dancing.(你怎么總是跳舞,是不是太多了吧。 )一般現(xiàn)在時和現(xiàn)在完成時一般現(xiàn)在時:表達(dá)的動作不表明動作從何時開始或已進(jìn)行了多長時間。Examples:Helen and Tom are happily married.Bruce listens to the news every morning.現(xiàn)在完成時 :a. 現(xiàn)在完成時所表達(dá)的動作正在進(jìn)行, 但句子總是表明動作是什么時候開始的。Examples:Helen and Tomhave been happi

38、ly married since their wedding day 60 years ago.Bruce has listened to the news all his life without missing a day.b. 與現(xiàn)在完成時常用的兩個詞: For and SinceFor: 表示動作持續(xù)的一段時間。如:for two minutes/weeks/years;for several days/a long time/the past month而在一般現(xiàn)在時不能與之連用。Since:表示動作從何時開始時間點(diǎn).如:since 6:00/Apr. 23/lastweek /th

39、e accident現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時和現(xiàn)在完成時現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時:表示一個正在進(jìn)行的動作, 但不表明動作從什么時候開始的。Examples:He is waiting over there.Matthew is studying Chinese in Beijing.現(xiàn)在完成時:可表明發(fā)生動作的具體數(shù)字和次數(shù)。Examples:He has tried to pass the exam twice.一般過去時和過去進(jìn)行時a. 二者的區(qū)別在于一般過去進(jìn)行時表示在過去某個特定時間正在進(jìn)行的動作。Examples:My brother was sleeping at 2:00 yesterday afterno

40、on.My neighbor s dog was barking at 3:00 this morning.b. 二者的區(qū)別在于一般過去進(jìn)行時表示在過去同一時間兩個同時進(jìn)行的動作。與之常用的時間副詞 : while, as Examples;Robert was moving the lawn while Susan was fixing the car. As Michael was visiting Paris, Robert was teaching Englishclasses in Beijing.一般過去時和過去將來時二者的區(qū)別在于過去將來時表示在過去打算做, 但是沒有做的動作.而一般過去時表示為什么沒有做的原因。Examples:I w as going to become a rock star but I didnt know the rightpeople in the music business.一般過去時和過去完成時二者的區(qū)別在于過去完成時表示在過去的過去所發(fā)生的動作。Examples:Mary was hungry because she hadn t eaten breakfast. Charlie lost his way to the hotel although he had been there a few days earlier.I r


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