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1、知識點(diǎn)梳理(一)重點(diǎn)語言點(diǎn)1. What s wrong with you你?怎么了?同義句有: What s the matter/ trouble with you ? (matter/ trouble是名詞,前用 the ; wrong 是形容詞,前不用 the )2. 短語: have a cold=catch a cold患感冒; have a cough 患咳嗽; have a fever 發(fā)燒;have a stomachache胃疼; have a headache頭痛have a sore throat 喉嚨疼have the flu 患流感; have sore eyes眼

2、疼 (注意這兩個特殊點(diǎn)的 )I have a headache. = I have an ache in my head. (ache指持續(xù)的疼痛, pain 指肉體上的劇烈疼痛, sore 常指發(fā)炎而引起的肌肉痛 )3. take a rest = have a rest 休息一下4. lift 舉起 lift the box 消散 The clouds will lift soon 電梯 get out of the lift5I don feelt like eating.feel like doing sth.= want to do sth. 想要做 如 : I feel like

3、running.6. You should lie down and rest.lie down 躺下,lie 的現(xiàn)在分詞為 lying, 過去式為lay7. You d better not eattoo much candy.(1) too much 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,還可以用來修飾動詞,如:too much money; Stay in bed and dont move your leg too much.(2) too many 修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),如: too many students(3) much too 修飾形容詞或副詞 ,如: much too expensive8. Let

4、 me check it over .check over = look over 檢查正誤,檢查身體如: Can you check over myhomework. The doctor checked her over and she was fine.9. So I d like ask for a week. s leave(1) ask for a leave 請假(2) ask for a week s請leave一周的假(3) ask three daysleave10. I hope I ll get wellreturnand to school soon.(1) retu

5、rn to +某地 = go/ come back to 表返回某地,如: Kangkang returned toBeijing.(2) return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb表.歸還某物給某人,如:You must return it to me soon. = You must give it back to me soon.11. I couldn t readuntilit today.否定句 + until表不能做某事,直到什么時候才能做。如:I can t help you until you tell me the truth.我不能

6、幫助你,直到你告訴我真相我才幫你。12. You should drink plenty ofboiled water.plenty of = a lot of 許多的;大量的 , 可接可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞13. How are you feeling today?你今天感覺如何? -Much better. 好多了。14. But my left leg still hurts when I move it. 但是我的左腿仍然痛,當(dāng)我動的時候。hurt 疼痛: My leg hurts 傷害 He hurt his leg when he fell.15. Staying uplate

7、 is bad for your health.(1) stay up = sit up熬夜 , 如: we stayed up until midnight to see the New Year coming.(2) 動詞 ing 形式(動名詞)可直接放句首作主語,謂語動詞用單三形式。16. too little 太少; too much 太多 ; 都用來修飾不可數(shù)名詞。17. I must ask him togive upsmoking.give up doing sth. = stop doing sth. 放棄做某事18. Dontthrow litter about.throw

8、about 到處扔,如: throw litter about= throw about litter (litter 是名詞,即可以放后也可以放中間,但代詞只能放中間,如:throw it about )19. It will keep you activeduring the day.(1)keep + 賓語 + 補(bǔ)語 (補(bǔ)語可以是:動詞ing 形式; 形容詞;介詞短語) I m sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. (keep sb. doing sth使.某人一直做某事 ) Keep the door open, please.

9、 (keep sb/sth+形容詞表示某人 /某事物保持怎樣的狀態(tài) ) Once a cold keep the child in bed for three days (keep sb+介詞短語表示某人呆在某地 )(2) during the day = in the daytime 在白天20. It may show that something is wrong with your health.(1) show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.向某人展示某物please show me your new book.(2) show sb. around 某地 表

10、帶某人參觀某地: Ill show you around our schooltomorrow.21. We can get into the human body through the nose.(1) get into 進(jìn)入 ,陷入 ; 如: get into trouble 陷入麻煩(2) through 從物體內(nèi)部穿過,如: walk through a forest. across 從物體表面橫穿,如: go across the road over 從物體上空越過 , 如: fly over the city22. As we know, good health is more

11、important than wealth.as we know = it is well known 眾所周知23. We should eat more fruit and less meat.Eat more . and less多吃 少吃 24. Different foods help us in different ways.(1) food, fruit 等詞常作不可數(shù)名詞,后不加s, 但當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)多種食物或水果時,常用復(fù)數(shù)形式,如 different foods.(2) in different ways 以不同的方式25. Its necessary for us to have

12、 healthy eating habits.句型: Itis + 形容詞+ for sb. to do sth. (it 代替后面的不定式 ) 對于某人來說,去做某事是 的, 如: It s useful for us to learn English well.Section A1. Mom, hurry up ! Dad is on TV.(1) hurry up 趕快,表催促 hurry to do sth. = do sth. in a hurry 匆忙地做某事He hurried to finish the work. = He finished the work in a hur

13、ry. hurry to某地:表匆匆地去某地,如:He hurried to the hospital.= He went to the hospital in a hurry.(2) be on TV 某人或某事物上電視。2. May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li ? - Sure, go ahead.(1) 疑問句和否定句中 ,表“一些”,常用 any, 不用 some. 但當(dāng)此疑問句表建議或請求時,Some 不改成 any. 如: Would you like some tea ?(2) go ahead 請開始吧3. SARS spreads eas

14、ily among people.(1) spread ( spread, spread )傳播,傳開 The disease spread all over the country.(2) among 表在多者之間, between 在兩者之間,常用: between A and B4. 短語: build up our bodies 使我們的身體強(qiáng)健 crowded places 人群擁擠的地方take ones advice = accept ones advice 接受某人的建議( advice 不可數(shù)名詞 )5. Must 開頭提出的問句 , 否定回答不用 mustnt 來回答,常見

15、的回答如:Must I go now? (我必須得走嗎?)肯定回答:Yes, you must.(是的,你必須);否定回答: No, you neednt./ No, you donthave to. (不,你不必 ) (neednt= donthave to )6. We had better keep away from animals.keep away from 讓 遠(yuǎn)離 . 如: You d better keep the child away from thefire.Section B1. Just a moment, please = wait a moment = Hold

16、on, please請.稍等 (打電話常用語)2. He is busy right now.right now 用兩種意思:現(xiàn)在 = now 馬上 = right away; in a minute; at once;3. He examining a patient.(1) examine = check over 檢查(2) patient 表“病人有耐心的”4. 短語: get through to sb和某人接通電話 leave a message for sb給.某人留口信 give sb. a message = take a message for sb給.某人捎口信 call

17、 sb. back 給某人回電話ask/tell/order sb (not) to do sth. 叫某人 (不 )去做某事5. Ill tell her when she comes back她.一回來我就告訴她。本句是由 when 引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句。當(dāng)主句的動詞用一般將來時時,從句一般用現(xiàn)在時。如:Hell phoneme when he arrives in Beijing .當(dāng)他到北京時,他將回給我打電話。6. How often does Mr Brown exercise? 布朗先生多長時間鍛煉一次?how often 對頻率提問,回答用once/twice/three tim

18、es-a day/a week/- ;exercise在這里為動詞,意思是“鍛煉,運(yùn)動”。Section C1. He took an active part in the battle against it.(1) take an active part in積極參加 . (2) against 介詞,與 對抗2. He cared for the patients day and night. care for = take care of = look after 照顧,照看3. It is my duty to save the patients.(1) 此句為主語從句, it 代替

19、to save the patients(2) save 有 3 種意思:救儲存 save money 節(jié)約save water4. Long time no see!好久不見5. How did you spend your time at home 你?在家是如何度過的? spend + 時間:表度過 I spent my holiday in Beijing.6. I taught myself on the Internet.(1) teach oneself = learn by oneself自學(xué) Michael learned English by himself.(2) 注意

20、teach 的用法: teach sb. sthMr Liu teaches our English. (改錯 )Mr Liu teaches us English. (正確 )Section Dmust 除了表示“必須”,還表示“一定”,如: Kangkang must be at home. 一(定是 )mustnt 只指“不準(zhǔn)”, can be / may be 可能是;cantbe 不可能是。情態(tài)動詞 : must 與 have to must 必須 ;一定” , 表示有做某一動作的必要或義務(wù) ,側(cè)重表達(dá)說話者的主觀看法 .(只有一種時態(tài))如: We must wash hands b

21、efore meals.飯前我們必須洗手. have to “不得不 ,必須 ”,側(cè)重表示因客觀條件或客觀環(huán)境的迫使而不得不做某事(可用于各種時態(tài))如: It s too late. I have to go now太.遲了 .現(xiàn)在我得走了 .I had to borrow some money at that time. 那時我不得不借了一些錢.*-Must we keep the windows open all the time?-No, we don t have to. / No, weneedn t. (注意回答時不能用No, we mustn t.)(二)語法學(xué)習(xí)1.反身代詞的形

22、式單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)myselfourselvesyourselfyourselveshimself /herself/itselfthemselves2、反身代詞的用法1)“ by+反身代詞”表示“單獨(dú)地,獨(dú)自一人地”。如:The boy couldnt make the model plane by himself那個男孩不能獨(dú)自制作飛機(jī)模型。2)反身代詞常與一些動詞連用。如:“ teach+反身代詞”表示“自學(xué)”;“ hurt+反身代詞”表示“傷到自己”。如:Jane teaches herself English簡.自學(xué)英語。Lily fell down and hurt herself yes

23、terday. 昨天莉莉自己摔傷了。注:反身代詞與個別動詞搭配使用,意思發(fā)生變化。如:“help +反身代詞 +to-”表示“隨便吃 - ”; “ enjoy+反身代詞”表示“ - 玩得開心”。Help yourself to some strawberries,please請.隨便吃些草莓。They enjoyed themselves at the party last night昨.晚在晚會上他們玩得很開心。3)反身代詞作名詞或代詞的同位語時,起加強(qiáng)語氣的作用,可譯為“親自,本人”。如:You d better ask your teacher about it yourself你.最好

24、親自去問你的老師。(三)電話用語 :Hello! Could /May I speak to , please?你好!我能跟 通話嗎 ?May I take a message? 我能捎個口信嗎 ?This is Kangkang. 我是康康 .Hello! Who s that?你好 ! 你是誰 ?(四) Reviewbreak the window打破窗戶(玻璃)get lost丟失;迷路on one s way (to) 在 .的路上take the wrong bus搭錯車one of the most popular sports 最受歡迎的運(yùn)動之一a group of people

25、一群人form an international organization成立一個國際組織put sth in low places把某物放在低處eat sth by mistake誤吃put away把 收起來ask for three days leave請三天的假例題句型轉(zhuǎn)換。( 5 分)1.We must clean the classroom every day.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)We must _ the classroom _ every day.2.It took me two days to finish the book.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)I _ two days _ the bo

26、ok.3. You should eat an apple every day.(對畫線部分提問)_ _ you do every day?4. May I ask you some questions, Miss Wang?(對問句作出回答)Sure, go_.5.They have to get up early every day.(改為一般疑問句)_they _ _ get up early every day?練習(xí)詞匯。( 10 分)(A) 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞。1.Bird Flu can spread easily a_ birds.2.H_ up, or we ll b

27、e late.3.Dr. Liu e_ the sick boy carefully.4.It was b_ to go into the burning (燃燒的 ) building.5.Your father is examining a patient. I ll give him the m_ later.(B) 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。6.We re doctors, so it s our _ (duty) to save patients.7.The road is _ (crowd). Mr. Wang drives his car slowly.8.What causes

28、the _ (ill)?9.Did they enjoy _ (they) in the party yesterday?10.Where is your mother, Beibei?She is busy _ (answer) the telephone.作業(yè)單項(xiàng)選擇。(10 分)()1.Hello! May I speak to Mary?_A.Im Mary.B.Mary is me.(C.This is Mary speaking. D.I m speaking. )2.My mother asked you _ when you come back. A.ring up her B

29、.ring her up C.to ring up herD.to ring herup()3.You should _ when your parents arenA.look yourself afterB.take care for yourselfC.take care yourselfD.take care oft at home.yourself()4. May I ask you some questions, Dr. Wang?_A.Youre welcome.B.Sure, goahead.C.No, Im busy.D.Yes, you must.()5. Must I t

30、ake part in the activity? No, you _. You re too young. Youokshouldafter loyourself.A.mustntB.dontC.cantD.dont have to()6. Who taught _ Japanese?I learned it by _.A.you; myselfC.yourself; meB.your; myselfD.yourself; myself()7. Longlong s father is a businessman. He is very busy,oLonglongsonly talks _

31、 him _ the phone.A.to; inB.with; byC.with; onD.to; by()8. _ to keep our classroom clean and tidy.You are right.A.That s our dutyB.This is our dutyC.It s our dutyD.The duty is()9. May I watch TV, Mom? I m afraid you _.A.should notB.cantC.must notD.may not()10.She was afraid of _ SARS because it was d

32、angerous.A.catchB.catchesC.caughtD.catching()1.Must we keep the window _ all the time?No, you dont haveto.A.openingB.openC.to open()2 .I d like some _ and a kilo of _.A. sandwich, sausageB. chocolate, tomatoC. beef, potatoes()3. If you feel _, you should go to school.A.badB.worseC.betterD.good()4 .I

33、f you eat _ food and take _ exercise, youhealthy.ll(It(A.more; moreB.less; lessC.more; lessD.less; more)5. I can t keep myself active during the day.You _ take more exercise.A.must notB.must beC.need toD.may be)6.You had better ask your brother _ playing computer games. s bad for him.A.to give upB.not


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