1、定語從句鞏固練習 一、用定語從句翻譯下列句子1. 不努力學習的學生不會通過考試的。2. 她上周買的房子非常好看3. 這就是他爸爸工作的地方。4. 你們已經(jīng)取得了很大的進步,這使老師非常高興 .5. 眾所周知,他是一個好學生。6. 北京是中國的首都,它是一座美麗的城市。7. 魯迅的原名 (real name) 是周樹人。在他的一生中他寫了很多小說和散文( prose)8. 杰克來自加拿大,他在我們學校已經(jīng)學習了 3 年, 他不僅經(jīng)常幫助我們學英語,而且中 文也講的很不錯。9. 有什么我可以為你做的么?10. 不要讀那些你看不懂的書。11. 我永遠都不會忘記我們在高中學習的那段時光。12. 他父親
2、在他出生那年逝世了。13. 這是我們上個月買的那幢房子。14. 這幢房子很漂亮,是我們上個月買的。15. 眾所周知,吸煙損害 (do harm to/ be harmful to) 健康。16. 這本小說很動人 (touching/ moving) ,我已經(jīng)讀了三遍。17. 中國位于亞洲東部,是世界上最大的國家之一。18. 北京是中國的首都,有 1200多萬人口。19. 吳川位于廣東省西南部,面積約 860平方公里 square?kilometres ,人口超過 100 萬。20. Ken 是我的同學,今年 17 歲。21. 他學習很努力,老師和學生們都很喜歡他。22. 周星馳Stephen
3、Chow, 1962年6月22日出生于香港,是家中唯個男孩,從小跟 著他的三個姐姐在上海長大。23. 費孝通, 我國著名的社會學家 (sociologist )和社會活動家 ( social activist ), 1910 年 11 月 2日生于一個富裕家庭。24. 我們在醫(yī)院一直照顧的老太太死了 .?25. 你想娶的姑娘昨天偷了我的錢包。 ?26. 孫老師寫的書是世界上最好的書。 ?27. 你喜歡的女孩就是我喜歡的女孩。 ?28. 昨天被我家的狗咬的人今天又被你家狗咬了。 ?29. 你知道他打算娶你的原因嗎? ?30. 我討厭我住過的那個旅館。 ?31. 我永遠也忘不了我們共同生活和學習的
4、那個秋天32. 他愛了 20年的那個女孩昨天嫁人了。33. 她是我見過的最漂亮的女孩。 ?34. 有什么事我能幫你嗎? ?35. 昨天死的那個老太太留下了 100萬美圓。 ?36. 昨天那個醫(yī)生告訴我他為我爹什么也做不了了。 ?37. 這就是你能在上面找到答案的那一頁 .?38. 正像老師昨天說的那樣,他沒有通過考試。 ?39. 正像我們剛才討論的那樣,學習英語很容易。 ?40. 正像我媽昨天告訴我的那樣,我的女朋友根本不愛我41. 正像你知道的那樣錢是非常重要的。42. 我們現(xiàn)在學的商務英語非常有用。 ?43. 她就是那個到明年年底,會攢一萬美圓的那個女孩。44. 你認識那個警察一直在找的小
5、偷嗎? ?45. ?昨天他告訴我,是誰吃了我的蘋果,那個蘋果是我媽媽給我買的。46. ? 自從她出生以來她就從未見過她爸爸。 ?47. ? 她昨天告訴我,自從他去年見到她父親,就再也沒有見過了。 ?48. ? 你知道你們班長喜歡的那個女孩嗎? ?49. 那些幫助他人的人是世界上最幸福的人 。( those)50. 杭州是我游玩過的最漂亮的城市。( visit )51. 這張照片讓我想起我們一起度過的歡樂時光。( remind) 這張照片使我想起了在夏令營度過的日子。52. 那位參賽選手昏倒的原因是攝影棚里太熱了。( the reason)53. 去年我去了北京。 那是我第二次到長城游玩。( t
6、he second time)54. 我們感謝你為我們所做的一切。( all )55. 學校運動會被推遲了, 這讓學生們非常失望。 (which)56. 在大樹下有三十四個來自十班的學生57. 我媽媽有一本書,它的封皮看起來很漂亮58. 這就是以前你給我的那支筆59. 有一位正過馬路的老太太60. 這套公寓就是你曾經(jīng)住過的61. 剛才跟你說話的女孩是誰?62. 我記得我出生的那一天。63. 昨天我去了我哥哥工作的地方。64. 請讓我知道你買到那本書的地方。65. 我不喜歡他的原因是因為他太笨了。66. 你能否向我解釋下你遲到的原因。67. 這些照片是我去年在北京照的照片。68. 他是我常常和你
7、談到的那個人。69. 雷鋒是一名經(jīng)常幫助其他人的戰(zhàn)士。 二把下列各組句子合并成一句。 ?1. ?The?letter?is?from?my?uncle.?I?received?it?yesterday.?2. ?The?teacher?saw?what?happened.?He?was?standing?nearby.?3. ?The?girl?is?not?here?now.?She?told?me?the?news.4. ?This?is?the?tree.?He?was?climbing?it?yesterday.?5. ?Do?not?drink?water.?It?has?not?b
8、een?boiled.?6. ?The?student?is?in?the?room.?His?name?is?Tom.?7. ?The?house?is?our?library.?Its?door?is?painted?red.?8. ?I?always?remember?the?days.?We?spent?them?together.?9. ?John?is?a?very?kind-hearted?man.?You?can?turn?to?him?for?help.?10. ?The?book?is?written?by?that?famous?writer.?I?am?very?int
9、erested?in?it.?3. ?Tom?is?the?boy.?I?went?to?the?cinema?with?him?together.?11. ?Have?you?remembered?the?factory?We?worked?in?it?last?year.?12. ?The?old?Olympic?Games?could?date?back?to?776?BC.?The?modern?games?come?fr om?it.?13. ?The?woman?has?just?won?a?gold?medal.?I?read?about?her?in?the?newspaper
10、.?14. ?The?house?is?7?kilometers?away.?I?was?born?in?it.?15. ?This?is?the?very?farm.?My?father?used?to?work?on?it.?定語從句鞏固練習 keys一、用定語從句翻譯下列句子1. 不努力學習的學生不會通過考試的。The students who don 't study hard will not pass the exam.2. 她上周買的房子非常好看The house, which she bought last week, is very nice.3. 這就是他爸爸工作的
11、地方。This is the place where/in which his father works.4. 你們已經(jīng)取得了很大的進步,這使老師非常高興 .You have made great progress, which makes your teacher very happy.5. 眾所周知,他是一個好學生。As is known to us all, he is a good student.6. 北京是中國的首都,它是一座美麗的城市。Beijing, which is the capital city of China, is a very beautiful.7. 魯迅的原名
12、 (real name) 是周樹人。在他的一生中他寫了很多小說和散文( prose) Luxun, whose real name is ZhouShuren, wrote many novels and proses in his whole life.8. 杰克來自加拿大,他在我們學校已經(jīng)學習了 3 年, 他不僅經(jīng)常幫助我們學英語,而且中 文也講的很不錯。Jack is from Canada. He has studied in our school for three years .He often helpsus learn English .He speaks Chinese ve
13、ry well.Jack is a student of our school, whocomes from Canada. He has studied in our school for three years .He often helps us learn English, and he speaks Chinese very well. Jack comes from Canada. He is a student of our school where he has studied for 3 years .Not only does he often help us learn
14、English but he speaks Chinese fluently as well.9. 有什么我可以為你做的么?Is there anything that I can do for you?10. 不要讀那些你看不懂的書。Don't read the books that you can't understand.11. 我永遠都不會忘記我們在高中學習的那段時光。I'll never forget the days when I studied in senior school24. 他父親在他出生那年逝世了。His father died in the
15、year when he was born.25. 這是我們上個月買的那幢房子。This is the house which we bought last month.26. 這幢房子很漂亮,是我們上個月買的。The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.27. 眾所周知,吸煙損害 (do harm to/ be harmful to) 健康。As we all known/ As is well known to us, smoking is harmful to/ does harm to our health.28. 這本小說很
16、動人 (touching/ moving) ,我已經(jīng)讀了三遍。This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching.29. 中國位于亞洲東部,是世界上最大的國家之一。China, (which is) one of the largest counties in the world, lies in the east ofAsia.30. 北京是中國的首都,有 1200多萬人口。Beijing, the capital of China, is a big city with a population of 12 billion
17、.31. 吳川位于廣東省西南部,面積約 860平方公里 square?kilometres ,人口超過 100 萬。 Wuchuan, which lies in the southwest of Guangdong province, covers an area of 860square?kilometers and has a population of over 1million. Located in the southwest of Guangdong province, Wuchuan covers an area of 860square?kilometers with a p
18、opulation of over 1million.32. Ken 是我的同學,今年 17 歲。Ken is my classmate, who is 17 years old now.33. 他學習很努力,老師和學生們都很喜歡他。He works hard, which makes both teachers and students like him.34. 周星馳Stephen Chow, 1962年6月22日出生于香港,是家中唯個男孩,從小跟 著他的三個姐姐在上海長大。 As the only boy of his family, Stephen Chow, who was born
19、 on June 22,1962 inHong Kong, grew up in Shanghai along with his three sisters. Born on June 22,1962 in Hong Kong, Stephen Chow, the only son in his family, grew up in Shanghai along with his three sisters.35. 費孝通,我國著名的社會學家 ( sociologist )和社會活動家 ( social activist ),1910 年 11 月 2 日生于一個富裕家庭。 Fei Xiaot
20、ong, who was born into a rich family on November 2, 1910, is a famousChinese sociologist and social activist. Fei Xiaotong, a famous Chinese sociologist and social activist, was born intoa rich family on November 2, 1910.24. 我們在醫(yī)院一直照顧的老太太死了 .? The?old?lady?whom?we?had?taken?care?of?in?the?hospital?l
21、ast?year?died.?25. 你想娶的姑娘昨天偷了我的錢包。 ? The?girl?whom?you?want?to?marry?stole?your?wallet?yesterday.?26. 孫老師寫的書是世界上最好的書。 ? The?book?that?Mt.?Sun?wrote?is?the?best?book?in?the?world.?27. 你喜歡的女孩就是我喜歡的女孩。 ? The?girl?who?you?like?is?the?girl?who?I?like.?28. 昨天被我家的狗咬的人今天又被你家狗咬了。 ? The?man?who?was?bit?by?my?
22、dog?was?bit?by?your?dog?today?again.?29. 你知道他打算娶你的原因嗎? ? Do?you?know?the?reason?for?which?he?is?going?to?marry?you? Do?you?know?the?reason?why?he?is?going?to?marry?you?30. 我討厭我住過的那個旅館。 ? I?hate?the?hotel?where?I?lived./?I?hate?the?hotel?in?which?I?lived.?/I?hate ?the?hotel?I?lived?in.?31. 我永遠也忘不了我們共
23、同生活和學習的那個秋天。 ?I?will?never?forget?the?autumn?when?I?studied?and?lived?with?you.?I?will?never?forget?the?autumn?in?which?I?studied?and?lived?with?you.?32. 他愛了 20年的那個女孩昨天嫁人了。 The?girl?whom?he?had?loved?for?20?years?married?someone?yesterday.?33. 她是我見過的最漂亮的女孩。 ? She?is?the?beautiful?girl?that?I?have?ev
24、er?seen.?34. 有什么事我能幫你嗎? ? Is?there?anything?that?I?can?do?for?you?35. 昨天死的那個老太太留下了 100萬美圓。 ?The?old?lady?who?died?yesterday?left?one?million.?36. 昨天那個醫(yī)生告訴我他為我爹什么也做不了了。 ?The?doctor?told?me?yesterday?that?there?is?nothing?that?he?could?do?for?my?fa ther.?37. 這就是你能在上面找到答案的那一頁 .?This?is?the?page, where?
25、you?can?find?the?answer.This?is?the?page, which?you?can?find?the?answer?on.?38. 正像老師昨天說的那樣,他沒有通過考試。 ? As?the?teacher?told?me?yesterday,?he?didn ' t?pass?the?exam.?39. 正像我們剛才討論的那樣,學習英語很容易。 ? As?we?was?discussing?just?now,?it ' s?easy?for?us?to?study?English.40. 正像我媽昨天告訴我的那樣,我的女朋友根本不愛我。 ? As?m
26、y?mother?told?me?yesterday,?my?girlfriend?didn ' t?love?me?at?all.?41. 正像你知道的那樣錢是非常重要的。 ?As?you?know,?the?money?is?very?important.?42. 我們現(xiàn)在學的商務英語非常有用。 ? We?are?studying?the?business?English,?which?is?very?useful?for?us?in?the?futu re.?43. 她就是那個到明年年底,會攢一萬美圓的那個女孩。 She?is?the?girl?who?will?have?mad
27、e?ten?thousand?dollars?by?the?end?of?nest?ye ar.?44. 你認識那個警察一直在找的小偷嗎? ? Do?you?know?the?thief?whom?(who)?the?policeman?has?been?looking?for?45. ? 昨天他告訴我,是誰吃了我的蘋果,那個蘋果是我媽媽給我買的。 ?Yesterday,?He?told?me?who?had?eaten?my?apple?which?my?mother?bought?for?me.? ?46.? 自從她出生以來她就從未見過她爸爸。 ?She?has?never?seen?he
28、r?father?since?he?was?born.?47.? 她昨天告訴我,自從他去年見到她父親,就再也沒有見過了。 ?Yesterday,?she?told?me?that?she?had?never?seen?her?father?sine?she?was?born?48. ? 你知道你們班長喜歡的那個女孩嗎? ?Do?you?know?the?girl?who?(whom)?your?monitor?likes?49. 那些幫助他人的人是世界上最幸福的人 。( those) Those who help others are the happiest people in the wo
29、rld.50. 杭州是我游玩過的最漂亮的城市。( visit ) Hangzhou is the most beautiful city which I have visited to.51. 這張照片讓我想起我們一起度過的歡樂時光。( remind)This photo reminded me of the happy time we spent together. 這張照片使我想起了在夏令營度過的日子。This picture reminds me of the days when we spent in the summer camp52. 那位參賽選手昏倒的原因是攝影棚里太熱了。( t
30、he reason)The reason why that competitor fainted was because the temperature of the sound stage was too hot.53. 去年我去了北京。 那是我第二次到長城游玩。( the second time)Last year I went to Beijing. That was the second time I've been there.54. 我們感謝你為我們所做的一切。( all )We are thankful to all you have done for us.55. 學校
31、運動會被推遲了, 這讓學生們非常失望。 (which)The school sports meeting was put off, which disappointed all the students.56. 在大樹下有三十四個來自十班的學生There are thirty four students, who are from class ten , under the big tree.57. 我媽媽有一本書,它的封皮看起來很漂亮My mother has a book whose cover looks very beautiful.58. 這就是以前你給我的那支筆This is th
32、e pen which you gave me before.59. 有一位正過馬路的老太太There is an old lady who is crossing the road.60. 這套公寓就是你曾經(jīng)住過的This apartment is the one which you lived in before.This apartment is the one where you lived before.61. 剛才跟你說話的女孩是誰?Who is the girl that was talking to you?62. 我記得我出生的那一天。I remember the day w
33、hen/on which you were born.63. 昨天我去了我哥哥工作的地方。Yesterday I went to the place where my brother works.64. 請讓我知道你買到那本書的地方。Please let me know the place where you bought this book.65. 我不喜歡他的原因是因為他太笨了。The reason why I don't like him is because of his foolish.66. 你能否向我解釋下你遲到的原因。Can you tell me the reason
34、 why you are late.67. 這些照片是我去年在北京照的照片。These are the photos that I took in Beijing last year.68. 他是我常常和你談到的那個人。He is the person who I often talk to you about.69. 雷鋒是一名經(jīng)常幫助其他人的戰(zhàn)士。Leifeng is a soldier who often helps others. 二把下列各組句子合并成一句。 ?1. ?The?letter?is?from?my?uncle.?I?received?it?yesterday.? The
35、?letter?is?from?my?uncle?which?I?received?yesterday.?2. ?The?teacher?saw?what?happened.?He?was?standing?nearby.? The?teacher?who?was?standing?nearby?saw?what?happened3. ?The?girl?is?not?here?now.?She?told?me?the?news. ?The?girl?who?told?me?the?news?is?not?here?now4. ?This?is?the?tree.?He?was?climbin
36、g?it?yesterday.? This?is?the?tree?which?he?was?climbing?yesterday5. ?Do?not?drink?water.?It?has?not?been?boiled.? Do?not?drink?water?which?has?not?been?boiled6. ?The?student?is?in?the?room.?His?name?is?Tom.? The?student?whose?name?is?Tom?is?in?the?room7. ?The?house?is?our?library.?Its?door?is?painte
37、d?red.? The?house?whose?door?is?painted?red?is?our?library8. ?I?always?remember?the?days.?We?spent?them?together.? I?always?remember?the?days?which?we?spent?together9. ?John?is?a?very?kind-hearted?man.?You?can?turn?to?him?for?help.? John?is?a?very?kind-hearted?man?whom?you?can?turn?to?for?help. John?is?a?very?kind-hearted?man?to?whom?you?can?turn?for?help.?10. ?The?book?is?written?
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