1、黑暗版考研英語歷年閱讀真題解析1999 passage 1it's a rough world out there. step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. lightup the stove and you could burn down the house. luckily, if the doormator stove failed to warn ofcoming disaster, a successful lawsuit mightcompensate you for your tro
2、ubles. or so the thinking hasgone since the early1980s,when juries began holding more companiesliable for theircustomers'misfortune s.feeling threatened, companies responded by writing ever-longer warning labels, trying toanticipateevery possible accident. today, stepladder s carry labels severa
3、l inches long that warn, among other things, that you might surprised! fall off. the label on a child's batman cape cautions that the toy "does not enable user to fly."while warnings are often appropriate and necessary the dangers of drug interaction s, for example and many are require
4、d by state or federalregulation s, it isn't clear that they actually protectthe manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. about 50 percent of the companies lose when injured customers take them to court.nowthe tideappears to be turning. aspersonalinjury claims continue a
5、s before. somecourts arebeginning to side with defendant s, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldn't have changedanything. in may, julie nimmons,presidentof schutt sports in illinois, successfully fought alawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while we
6、aringa schutt helmet. "we'rereallysorry hehas become paralyzed,but helmets aren't designedto preventthose kinds of injuries,"saysnimmons.they jury agreed thatthe nature of the game, notthe helmet,was the reason for theathlete's injury. at the same time, the american law institu
7、te a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendation s carry substantial weight issued new guideline s for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers orbombard them with a lengthy listof possible ones. "important information can get buried in a sea o
8、ftrivialities ," says a law professor atcornell law school who helped draft the new guidelines. if the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.51. what were
9、 things like in 1980s when accidents happened?a customers might be relieved of their disasters through lawsuits.b injured customers could expect protection from the legal system.c companies would avoid being sued by providing new warnings.d juries tended to find fault with the compensations companie
10、s promised.52. manufacturers as mention ed in the passage tend to.a satisfy customers by writing long warnings on productsb become honest in describing the inadequacies of their productsc make the best use of labels to avoid legal liabilityd feel oblige d to view customers' safety as their first
11、 concern53. the case of schutt helmet demonstrated that.a some injury claims were no longer supported by lawb helmets were not designed to prevent injuriesc product labels would eventually be discardedd some sports games might lose popularity with athletes54. the author's attitude towards the is
12、sue seems to bea biasedb indifferentc puzzlingd objective重點詞匯:compensate(補償,賠償)看作 com+pens+ate , com-前綴"一起",pens鋼筆,-ate動詞后綴,"把鋼筆全都 給你”賠彳嘗;名詞形式為 compensation - com+pens+ation名詞后綴。 true tragedy may bedefined as a dramatic work in which the outward failure of the principal personage is c
13、ompensated for by the dignity and greatness ofhis character.真正的悲劇可以這樣定義:一部劇作,劇中主人公的表面失敗由其人格的高貴偉大予以補償。misfortune(不幸;災(zāi)難)- mis+fortune , mis-否定前綴,fortune (運氣;財產(chǎn))見 20xx 年text 3。no misfortune can be as great as the loss of time.再大的不幸也比不上時間的損失。anticipate (預料,期望)即 anti+cip+ate , anti-前綴 "先前的"(如an
14、tique fanti+que自綴古老的;古玩),cip 詞根"抓"(參 participation , 20xx 年 passage 1 ),-ate動詞后綴,于是“在事情發(fā)生之前就在腦子里將其抓住”預料。what we anticipate seldom occurs; whatwe lest expected generally happens.我們所預料的事很少發(fā)生,最預料不到的事卻往往出現(xiàn)。stepladder(一種通常在頂端有個小平臺的活動梯子)<step臺階+ladder 梯子。interaction (互相作用)inter 互相+act 作用+ion
15、名 詞后綴。it is the interaction of his personality and period that results in the formation of a composer's style.作曲家風格的形成,是其個性與時代相互作用的結(jié)果。regulation (調(diào)整;校準;規(guī)章)即 regul+ation , regul 詞版"規(guī)則"=rule (如regular f定期的;規(guī)則的),-ation 名詞后綴;動詞形式為 regulate (調(diào)整;校準;管制)一 regul+ate 。 the use of travelling is t
16、o regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking howthings may be, to see them as they are.旅行的價值在于用顯示校正想象,目睹事物的本來面目,而非臆想它們可能如何。 regulation the substitution of error for chance規(guī)則用錯誤代替變化。defendant(辯護的;被告) defend (防衛(wèi);辯護)+ant 后綴。i disapprove of what you say, but i willdefend to the death your
17、right to say it.我不同意你說的話,但我愿誓死捍衛(wèi)你說這話的權(quán)力。-這是 18世紀 法國啟蒙運動領(lǐng)袖伏爾泰(voltaire)的名言。recommendation (推薦)即 re+commend+ation , re-反復,commend 稱贊,-ation 名詞后綴,聯(lián)想記憶: 考研班上某名師反復(re)稱贊(commend) 某本輔導書,這 定是不懷好意的"推薦"(recommendation) 。a goodpresence is letters of recommendation. 良好的儀表guideline (指導方針)-guide+lineto
18、rt (民事侵權(quán)行為)與torture (v.n.折磨;拷問)一起 記,“折磨拷問別人是一種民事侵權(quán)行為”。bombard (v.炮轟,攻擊)為象聲詞。triviality(瑣事)trivial 瑣碎的+ity 名詞后綴。inimportant matters, we expose our best sides; in trivial matter, we disclose ourselves as we really are.我們在重要的時間中顯示自己最好的方面,在無關(guān)緊要的小事中露出自己的本來面目。mention (v.n.提及)看作 men+tion ,“提起了男人”。 one meas
19、ure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longermention. 友誼的尺度之一不在于朋友們可以討論的事情的數(shù)量,而在于他們無須再提及的事情的數(shù)量。oblige (v.迫使,責成)。 my ideal of a picture is that every part of it should oblige the looker-onwhohas any real sense for a whole t
20、o see the rest.我理想中的畫是這樣的:它的每個部分都會促使具有任何真正整 體感的觀者去看其余的部分。indifferent(冷漠的;不積極的)即 in+different , in-否定前綴,different 不同,“無論怎樣都感覺不到什么木同” 漠不關(guān)心的。the worst sin towards our fellowcreatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferentto them; that's the essence of inhumanity.我們對作為同類的其他人所犯下的最大罪過不是憎恨,而是漠不關(guān) 心,
21、那是不近人情的本質(zhì)。the true secret of givingadvice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, andnever persist in trying to set people right.提出忠告的真正秘訣在于:誠心誠意地提出之后,就不再關(guān)注它是否 被采納,并且決不固執(zhí)己見地要求別人按自己的意見行事。objective (客觀的;目標)去 e 力口-ity 即為 objectivity (客觀性)。 after man
22、y years i have reachedthefirm conclusionthat it is impossible for anyobjective newspaperman to be a friend of a president.許多年之后,我得出了這個堅定的結(jié)論: 任何客 觀的新聞工作者都不可能成為一個總統(tǒng)的朋友。objectivity subjectivity, expressed statistically 客觀性一一以統(tǒng)計數(shù)字表達出來的主觀性。試題解析:51. b意為:受傷的顧客可望得到法律制度的保護。第一段指出,外面是個危險的世界,如果你走出去,可 能會滑倒在門墊上,摔
23、傷一條腿;如果點燃爐灶,可能燒毀 整棟房屋??尚业氖牵绻T墊或爐灶沒有警告你可能發(fā)生 的危害,你可以就自己所受的傷害訴諸法律,成功地獲得賠償?;蛘撸_切地說,自 80年代初以來人們一直這樣認 為,從那時起,陪審團開始認為更多的公司應(yīng)該對其顧客遭 受的不幸負責。第二段提到,為了保護自己,公司開始撰寫冗長的標簽, 但是,正如第三段第二句所指出的那樣,這種做法無濟于事, 因為,如果顧客與公司對簿公堂,大約一半的情況是公司敗 訴。然而,第四段第一句指出,這種潮流似乎正發(fā)生逆轉(zhuǎn)。a意為:顧客可以通過訴訟免除自己的災(zāi)難。relieve sb. of sth.意為“免除某人某事;解除某人某事;使某人擺脫
24、 某事"。relieve的意思與原文表達的內(nèi)容不相符,根據(jù)對 選擇項b的分析,顧客通過法律獲得的是對損失的賠償。c意為:公司將會通過提供新的警示標簽避免被起訴。 該選擇項有兩處主要錯誤:一是avoid的使用,二是new的使用,這兩個詞的使用使 c與原文表達的內(nèi)容很不一致。d意為:陪審團傾向于對公司所承諾的賠償嚴加挑剔。52. c意為:充分利用標簽避免法律責任。第二段指出,公司感到很大威脅,它們通過撰寫比以前 更長的警示標簽保護自己,企圖預料各種可能發(fā)生的事故。 結(jié)果,現(xiàn)在的梯子上的標簽有幾英寸長,除了警告你其他可能發(fā)生的意外之外,還警告說你可能摔下來一一這種警告真 是莫名其妙!孩子的
25、蝙蝠俠玩具的斗篷上也警告說:本玩具“并不能使擁有者飛行”。在作者看來,這樣的警示語都是 多余的、不必要的。a意為:通過在產(chǎn)品上寫長長的警示語滿足顧客。根據(jù)上文對選擇項c的分析,他們這樣做的目的主要是避免承擔責任,而不是滿足顧客的需要。b意為:在描述自己的產(chǎn)品的不足上表現(xiàn)得更誠實。d意為:不得不將顧客的安全看作頭等重要的事。53. a意為:某些因傷害提出的索賠再也受不到法律的 保護了。第三段指出,潮流似乎正發(fā)生逆轉(zhuǎn),雖然因人身傷害引 起的索賠案像以往一樣不斷出現(xiàn),某些法庭正逐漸開始站到 被告一邊(side with),特別是在有警示標簽也可能無濟于 事的案件小。在schutt sports的案件
26、中,schutt sports公司被告生產(chǎn)了不安全的頭盔,造成一名橄攬球隊員 (football player) 的癱瘓,但是,陪審團認為,造成球員受 傷的不是頭盔,而是橄欖球這種運動本身的危險性(thenature of the game)。公司因此勝訴。這一例子用于說明第四段第一、二句提到的現(xiàn)象。b意為:頭盔不是設(shè)計來防止損傷的。 戴頭盔的目的當 然是防止傷害,但是,頭盔不可能是萬能的。c意為:產(chǎn)品標簽最終將會被淘汰。discard意為:棄而不用。d意為:運動員可能不再會熱衷于某些體育運動項目。54. d 意為:客觀的。這里所說的“問題”指索賠案中孰是孰非這一問題。文 章探討了索賠案所涉及
27、的顧客(原告)、公司(被告)和陪 審團三方的反應(yīng),重點指出陪審團態(tài)度的轉(zhuǎn)變。文章敘述客 觀,作者沒有表達個人觀點。a意為:有偏見的。b意為:冷漠的。c意為:迷惑不解的。全文翻譯:外面是一個危險的世界。如果你走出去,可能會滑倒在 門墊上,摔傷一條腿。如果你點燃爐灶,可能會把房子燒掉。 但是假如門墊或爐灶上沒有警示語告訴你可能發(fā)生的危害, 那么你或許可以就自己所受的傷害通過法律訴訟,成功地獲得賠償。大約自 80年代初以來人們就不再(guangxian 注:此處“不再”二字應(yīng)刪除?。┻@樣認為了,當時陪審團 已開始認為更多的公司應(yīng)對其顧客所遭受的不幸負責。公司因此感到了威脅, 便做出了反應(yīng),寫出越來越
28、長的 警示標識語,力圖預先標明種種可能發(fā)生的事故?,F(xiàn)在,梯子上警告標簽有幾英寸長,除了警告你其他可能發(fā)生的意外 情況外,還警告你可能會摔下來,簡直是莫名其妙!印在兒 童編幅俠披風上的標識語竟然也告誡說,本玩具“無法讓用戶飛行”。雖然警示語常常是合理而必要的,如對藥物副作用而產(chǎn) 生的危險的警示語,并且很多是州或聯(lián)邦法規(guī)所要求的,但是當消費者受傷,這些警示語能否真正保護制造商和銷售商 使之免于責任,這還很難說。被受傷的消費者告上法庭的公 司中,大約一半的情況是公司敗訴?,F(xiàn)在看來這種趨勢正在轉(zhuǎn)變。盡管個人傷害的指控一如 既往地繼續(xù)著,但有些法庭已開始站到被告一方,特別是在處理那些有警示語也無法避免傷
29、害的案件時。五月份,伊利諾斯少n的shutt體育公司總裁朱利尼蒙斯就成功地打贏 了這樣一場官司。一名橄欖球隊員戴著該公司的頭盔在一場 比賽中受傷癱瘓,遂將該公司告上法庭。公司總裁朱利尼 蒙斯說:“他成了癱瘓,我們非常難過,但頭盔的設(shè)計不是 為了預防這類傷害的?!迸銓張F也認為造成該運動員受傷的 是這項運動本身的危險性,而不是頭盔。與此同時,美國法 學會一一該學會由一群舉足輕重的法官、律師、學者所組成簽署了新的民事侵害法綱要,宣布公司不必警示顧客那 些顯而易見的危險,或者給顧客列出一份冗長的可能造成的 危險的清單??的螤柎髮W法學院一位參與起草新綱要的教授 說,“重要的信息會淹沒在細枝末節(jié)的汪洋之中
30、”。如果該 法律團體的這一適中的目的能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn),產(chǎn)品上提供的警示信息實際上是用來保護消費者利益的,而不是為了避免公司承 擔法律責任的。1999 passage 2in the first year or so of web business,most of the action has revolved aroundefforts to tap theconsumer market. more recently, as the web proved to be more than a fashion, companies have started to buy and sell products
31、 and services with one another.such business-to-businesssales make sensebecause business people typically know what product they're looking for.nonetheless, many companies still hesitate to use the web becauseof doubts about its reliability."businesses need to feel they can trust the pathwa
32、y between themand the supplier," says senioranalyst blane erwin of forrester research. some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with establish ed business partners who are given access to the company's private intranet .another major shift in the model for
33、 internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing. until recently, internet marketing activities have focused on strategies to "pull" customers into sites. in the past year, however, software companies have developed tools that allow companies to "push" informati
34、on directly out to consumers, transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted customers.mostnotably,the pointcast network usesa screen saverto deliver a continuallyupdatedstream of news and advertisements to subscribers' computer monitors. subscribers cancustomize theinformationtheywant tor
35、eceive andproceeddirectly to a company's web site. companiessuch asvirtual vineyards are already starting to use similar technologies to push messages to customers about special sales, product offerings, or other events. but push technology has earned thecontempt of manyweb users. online culture
36、 thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request. once commercialpromotion begins to fill the screen uninvited, the distinctionbetween the web and television fades. that's aprospect that horrifies net purists.but it is hardly inevitable th
37、at companies on the web will need toresort to push strategies to makemoney. the examples of virtual vineyards, a, and other pioneers show that a web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity , hospitality , and security will attract online customers. and the cost of
38、 computing power continues to freefall, which is a good sign for anyenterprise setting up shop in silicon. people looking back 5 or 10 years from now may well wonder why so few companies took the online plunge.55. we learn from the beginning of the passage that web businessa has been striving to exp
39、and its marketb intended to follow a fanciful fashionc tried but in vain to control the marketd has been booming for one year or so56. speaking of the online technology available for marketing, the author implies that,a the technology is popular with many web usersb businesses have faith in the reli
40、ability of online transactionsc there is a radical change in strategyd it is accessible limitedly to established partners57. in the view of net purists,.a there should be no marketing messages in online cultureb money making should be given priority to on the webc the web should be able to function
41、as the television setd there should be no online commercial information without requests58. we learn from the last paragraph that.a pushing information on the web is essential to internet commerceb interactivity, hospitality and security are important to online customersc leading companies began to
42、take the online plunge decades agod setting up shops in silicon is independent of the cost of computing power重點詞匯:pathway(小徑;通路)- path+way 。establish(建立;安置)即 e+stabl(e)+ish , e-加強前綴,stable 穩(wěn)定,-ish 動詞后綴。we must establish the respectability of peace and get rid of the false glamour surrounding war.我們必
43、須確立和平的崇高地 位,除去縈繞著戰(zhàn)爭的欺騙性的魔力。intranet(內(nèi)部互聯(lián)網(wǎng)).intra 內(nèi)部的+net 。customize(按客戶要求定制)custom+ize動詞后綴。there are three means of believing, by inspiration, by reason, and by custom. 信仰有三種:神靈感應(yīng)、 理 性思維,以及從俗。contempt (n.蔑視)可看作 con+tempt , con- 全部, tempt單詞“ v.誘惑”,對所有人都進行誘惑-這種行為 是令人“蔑視”的。 familiarity breeds contempt.
44、 熟悉弓i起輕視。contempt the weapon of the weak anda defense against one's own despised and unwanted feelings輕蔑弱者的武器和抵御自己所蔑視的有害感情的自衛(wèi)手段。promotion(促進;提升)即 pro+mot(e)+ion , pro-向前,mote詞根"運動"=move , -ion名詞后綴;金詞 形式為 promote pro+mote 。 no true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors whic
45、h promote the happiness of mankind.真正的、永恒的聲望只能在增進人類幸福的勞作中求得。prospect (展望;前景) pro 向前 +spect 看;參 spectacle (場面;奇觀),2000 年 passage 5。prospect is often better than possession.預期往往勝于擁有。resort (求助于; 勝地;手段)可看作re+sort , re-反復, sort單詞“分類”,聯(lián)想:某游客對眾多“勝地”無所適 從,只能“求助于"導游的反復(re)分類(sort)。i neverresort to a pr
46、eparedscript anyone who doesnot have it in hishead to do 30 minutesextemporaneous talking is not entitled to be heard.我從不求助于事先準備的講稿,任何想不出30分鐘即席講話內(nèi)容的人就沒有資格讓人來聽。home is the resort oflove, of joy, of peace, and plenty, where supporting and supported, polished friends and dearest relatives mingle into b
47、liss.家是愛、歡樂、和睦與富足的勝地,養(yǎng)育者與被養(yǎng)育者,優(yōu)雅的友人與最密切 的親屬在這里共享天賜之福。interactivity (交互性) inter 互相 +act 作用 +ivity 名詞后綴袤"性質(zhì)";參 interaction , 1999 年passage1 ohospitality (好客;款待)看作 hospital+ity ,"醫(yī)院 是好客的” 一醫(yī)院為提高效益而唯恐別人不生病。whenhospitality becomes an art it loses its very soul.待客殷勤一旦成為技巧,就失去了真正的精髓。security
48、(安全)-secur(e) 安全的+ity o security is themother of danger and the grandmother of destruction.安全感是危險的母親、毀滅的祖母。enterprise(企業(yè);進取心)看作 enter+prise , enter進入,prise獎賞=prize ,“進入獎賞"-以"進取心"辦"企業(yè)” 就會獲得獎賞。there is no resting place foran enterprise in a competitive economy.在競爭的經(jīng)濟中沒有企業(yè)休息的處所。what
49、 recommends commerce to me is its enterprise and bravery.在我看來,商業(yè)的可取之處在于它的進取與無畏。enterprise 一 the hope of our future 事業(yè)對未來的希望。試題解析:55. a意為:一直在竭力開拓其市場。第一段指出,在網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司創(chuàng)辦的最初一兩年中,大部分措施是圍繞著努力開拓(tap)消費者市場。最近,隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò) 證明不僅是一種時尚而已,公司開始(在網(wǎng)上)相互買賣產(chǎn) 品或提供服務(wù),公司間的這種買賣方式是很有道理的,因為商人一般都知道自己所需要的產(chǎn)品。 第一句和第二句都敘述 了公司企圖利用網(wǎng)上資源開拓業(yè)務(wù)的努力
50、,第三句是對第二句提到的現(xiàn)象的評價。b意為:打算遵循一種空幻的時尚。c意為:企圖控制市場,但徒勞無益。第一段僅提到了 它們的努力,并未提到努力的結(jié)果。d意為:在一年左右的時間里發(fā)展迅速。第一段僅提到 了它們的努力,并未提到努力的結(jié)果。事實上,正如第二段 所提到的,許多公司目前仍然因為懷疑網(wǎng)絡(luò)的安全性而對網(wǎng) 絡(luò)的使用猶豫不決。56. c意為:在策略上發(fā)生了根本改變。第三段第一句指出,網(wǎng)絡(luò)商業(yè)模式的另一個重大變化是 營銷策略的變化。在這個句子中,technology 的意思不是“技術(shù)”,而是“技巧”,這里指銷售方法。根據(jù)第三段, 這里所說的變化指從“推”到“拉”的變化。兩種營銷策略 迥然不同。a意
51、為:這種技術(shù)(或方法)受到了許多網(wǎng)絡(luò)用戶的喜 愛。雖然第三段提到了許多用戶對pull策略的喜愛,但是,在這個選擇項中,the technology即使被理解為“方法" 的話,究竟是指push還是pull并不清楚。b意為:公司對在線交易的可靠性充滿信心。 根據(jù)第二 段第一句,許多公司對網(wǎng)絡(luò)的可靠性表示懷疑, 因此對使用 網(wǎng)絡(luò)仍然很憂慮。d意為:它僅限于對固定合作伙伴使用。 在這個選擇項 中,it只能理解為指代the technology 。這樣,這個選擇 項的意思就有些令人費解。57. d意為:沒有要求就不應(yīng)該有在線商業(yè)信息。即: 沒有主動要求就不應(yīng)該提供在線商業(yè)信息。根據(jù)第三段最后四
52、句,“推”的策略受到了許多網(wǎng)上用 戶的厭棄,在線用戶們極力推崇這種做法:信息應(yīng)該根據(jù)特定要求載入(用戶的)屏幕。商業(yè)信息一旦在沒有要求的情 況下就被推入用戶的屏幕, 那么,網(wǎng)絡(luò)和電視的區(qū)別就不存 在了,這種前景正是net purists 所懼怕的。這里,netpurists指主張保持網(wǎng)絡(luò)特色的人。a意為:在線領(lǐng)域不應(yīng)該有銷售信息。根據(jù)對 d的分 析,這些人反對的是銷售信息的傳送方式,而不是這種信息本身。b意為:上網(wǎng)的首要目的應(yīng)該是為了賺錢。c意為:網(wǎng)絡(luò)的功能應(yīng)該像電視一樣。這正是 net purist所反對的。58. b互動、禮貌、安全對在線客戶來說很重要。這里 互動(指網(wǎng)上人機對話功能)、禮
53、貌(指網(wǎng)上熱情服務(wù))、 安全都指網(wǎng)絡(luò)信息的特點或提供方式。在最后一段作者指出,網(wǎng)上的公司不使用“推”的策略 也肯定能賺錢。 virtual vineyards 和 a (兩 個網(wǎng)址的名稱)以及其他開拓者的例子表明:銷售對路產(chǎn)品 的網(wǎng)址,加上互動、禮貌、安全等特點,將同樣會吸引網(wǎng)上 客戶。a意為:對網(wǎng)上商業(yè)來說,在網(wǎng)上“推”信息至關(guān)重要。 根據(jù)上文的分析,事實恰恰相反。c意為:一些大公司在幾十年前就開始積極嘗試在線服 務(wù)。第四段最后一句指出, 只要回顧一下過去5年至10年 的歷史人們很可能會感到奇怪:為什么如此少的公司嘗試在 線服務(wù)呢?d意為:在計算機上建立銷售點與(計算機的)運算能 力無關(guān)。根
54、據(jù)第四段第三句,計算機的運算能力成本不斷下 降,這對于企事業(yè)在計算機上建立銷售點是個好的形勢。所 渭“計算機的運算能力成本不斷下降” 指計算機和網(wǎng)絡(luò)上網(wǎng) 價格變得便宜;所謂“在硅中設(shè)立商店”指在計算機(網(wǎng)絡(luò)) 上設(shè)立銷售點。可見,二者是相關(guān)的。全文翻譯:大約在網(wǎng)上交易的第一年當中,大部分業(yè)務(wù)活動都是圍繞著努力開發(fā)消費者市場來進行的。最近,隨著證明網(wǎng)絡(luò)不僅是一種時尚而已,公司間便開始(在網(wǎng)上)交易產(chǎn)品和服 務(wù)。這類公司之間的銷售是很有道理的,因為商人通常都知道他們需要什么產(chǎn)品。不過,由于懷疑網(wǎng)絡(luò)的可靠性許多公司仍對網(wǎng)絡(luò)的使用 猶豫不決。forrester研究所的資深分析家布蘭歐文說, “商家需要
55、認識到他們可以信賴銷售商和供應(yīng)商之間的這 種途徑?!庇行┕緸榱讼拗七@種冒險,只與那些已經(jīng)熟識 的貿(mào)易伙伴進行在線貿(mào)易,給予這些伙伴進入本公司局域網(wǎng) 的權(quán)利。網(wǎng)絡(luò)商業(yè)模式的另一個重大變化體現(xiàn)在營銷策略上。前些年,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的營銷活動還集中在如何將用戶“拉進”網(wǎng) 站的策略問題上。然而,在去年,軟件公司開發(fā)出新的技術(shù), 這些技術(shù)使得公司可以將信息直接“推出”給消費者,直接 把營銷信息傳送給特定的用戶。最突出的例子是pointcast網(wǎng)絡(luò),該網(wǎng)絡(luò)使用一種屏幕保護系統(tǒng),將大量最新的信息和廣告不斷地傳送到用戶的計算機顯示器上。用戶可以定制自己想要接受的信息,然后直接進入某個公司的網(wǎng)址。像 virtual
56、vineyards 這樣的公司業(yè)已開始采用類似的技術(shù) 將有關(guān)特價商品、產(chǎn)品推銷或其他活動的信息 “推”向用戶。 但這種“推”銷技術(shù)遭到許多網(wǎng)上用戶的鄙視。網(wǎng)上文化推 崇這樣一個概念,即流動到屏幕上的信息應(yīng)是在專門的請求 之后才出現(xiàn)的。一旦商業(yè)促銷不請自來地充斥電腦屏幕,那么網(wǎng)絡(luò)和電視就沒多大差別了。這種前景讓網(wǎng)絡(luò)凈化者感到不安。網(wǎng)上公司并不是非得依靠“推銷”策略方能掙錢。像 virtual vineyards 和a 及其他開拓者的例子 說明:一個銷售適類商品的網(wǎng)站,如果將交互性、熱情服務(wù)、 安全性合理結(jié)合,肯定會吸引網(wǎng)上用戶的。 計算能力的成本 持續(xù)自由下降,這對任何建立了網(wǎng)上銷售的企業(yè)來說都
57、是個 好的征兆。回顧過去的5到10年的歷史,人們很可能會感 到奇怪:嘗試網(wǎng)上銷售的公司為何如此之少呢?1999 passage 3an invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroomon the behalf of students'career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. very few writers
58、 on the subject have explored this distinction indeed, contradiction一which go es to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.an education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasonsradically differentfromwhyeducationis universally required bylaw. it is not
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- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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