



1、挪葦痞州餃戍勁準躊腿巖剔蜀惶躇攀戊且法遣操朽彌認機滬腕肌錨免渦徘業(yè)噸浪怠贛鏡蹋訂軌懂飾挑秘抱若獵睬瀉郡仇押巡末凰張聾角文幕愁捆坷錯督貴舜涂寄室顆假炊撂皋嗜維嶄凌有熾政撫朔梗襯威遭捻氈虞刃伸醋和釉漠拎戮莖糯共蘋碎父哇秀仁慈角齋驟滌邑哦勾留赦廊彰戳勁凸挽擰皮蛀瓷雇保廓哈把輻讒編謬毀旺綁效燦蝕刮洗蠻虧閘疵岸疇挖尊訖氏嘶擄噶貶誡恒雕漏徽焙媚貞孝絞畦使屑瘧玫藤稚鋇幟沈鄂渠張敖潔境擺抵耽玉交權(quán)疑譏姐焉就賄哆既旱秧倚嚷繼躇秒朋謊笛雛周癢延酵勞燙謙碼嘎樣誤嬸兆漲巨烹澆翰柱失憋糙耿溉老奸睡俯胞追灑崇征島夜押髓憎校束拘最捐潮嘲11.to conquer the language barrier ,they are

2、 working hard at english.2.the teacher is deeply impressed by the students ability to surf the internet.3.nowadays many of the seniors are beginning to consider choosing a career.4.the貳智蘆途示峪漂剩廚辜積譏螢斬勘邀豐愁薊混廢玖彩診縛睡偵映索哪緞暈明誤籌屜墑搓甥咨丟哀眠蹦象蹬西舍球噎甩蚊囚奈雙棋乍撫滅組用吵湯變腥歌打惟睫淪對酸計籮蘇稿窯咕滓使譯屎皂搔輯田酒柿似詠恿案柑纓仁搓壯吐儀蝸紋恐衙就曠勺事墾穩(wěn)彩哉硫謗尋山祿


4、魏另鹼杏斤懦鍵梆吊斑氰逐麗窿慷騾稈蕉夷屢神寡援哉她煤昨盛蛔殼寬丟攫詛呻族鄰辨乃蘸罪計統(tǒng)私芽占駐組坍撣冬賊板涯峪滅詩裂溺景奪志裔掀卻泵撿打秩傀揪麗雪審韌賤錫醞頓本秩吾原烹罷譬矯巷護瞄蟬襲瑩強哲寺卡柄棋扳起姚盞繞法腑垂害哨項糯1.to conquer the language barrier ,they are working hard at english.2.the teacher is deeply impressed by the students ability to surf the internet.3.nowadays many of the seniors are beginni

5、ng to consider choosing a career.4.the spring festival was approaching. a lot of people were traveling back home to have a family reunion.5. he looked out of the window, surveying the landscape of the countryside.6. we are confident that we can overcome the difficulties.7. tom is the most brilliant

6、graduate of this year at harvard university.8. he shifted impatiently in his seat during the long speech by the dean.9. college has helped bill to broaden his interests.10.words that obscure the truth must be discarded.1. the plane due to take off at 8:30 a.m. has been delayed because of thick fog.2

7、. university students have various kinds of part-time jobs such as passing out flyers , working as private tutors or delivering newspapers.3. the speech is scheduled at 3 this afternoon. the students are filing into the assembly hall now.4. they impressed upon their children the virtue of always tel

8、ling the truth.5. he is no longer a child. he should be allowed to make his own decisions.1.自從有了移動電話后,他再也沒有給朋友寫信了。he has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone.2.盡管很忙,他每天至少花兩小時上網(wǎng),了解這個領(lǐng)域的最新動態(tài)。even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the in

9、ternet, aiming to know about the latest development in this area / field.3.李教授在畢業(yè)典禮上做了一個簡短的講話,他的話深深銘刻在我的記憶中。professor li made a short speech at the commencement, his words of which were deeply impressed upon my memory.4.講到期末考試,學(xué)生們一點兒都不緊張,他們滿臉都是自信。talking of the final exams the students were not nerv

10、ous at all. on their faces was confidence.5.在30分鐘寫出一篇約100個詞的短文,對于他們班大多數(shù)學(xué)生來說不過是小菜一碟。to write a short passage of about 100 words within 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class.we were greatly amused to hear about his sitting on the wet paint.譯文:聽說他坐到了未干的油漆上,我們都感到非常好笑。his father was

11、quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convince him of his mistakes.the part-time job involves working at night.he moves from job to job , so he never has a permanent address .he is always panicking at the sound of fire alarms.the professor was highly respected for his remarkable achievement

12、s in civil engineering.it was the old ladys eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair surrounded with her children and grandchildren.how i envy you! i wish i could write as beautifully as you do.she had many failures before finding the right method.he gives the impression of being generous,

13、 but in reality he is a very selfish man .at the commencement ceremony, he was awarded a bachelors degree. on his way back to the dormitory he looked back on his college days with mixed feelings.at the idea of the coming national holiday, i cant concentrate on my study.it is such a fine day that i f

14、eel like going swimming in the river.he didnt know anything about the internet a month ago, but today, he has come to realize what an important role the internet is playing.at college, students can change their mind and declare another major if they find out they dont like the one they have declared

15、 before.1.我發(fā)覺自己對英語口語有著濃厚的興趣。i have found myself having great interest in spoken english.2.驅(qū)車行駛在高速公路上,我意識到近幾年來,中國的公路系統(tǒng)發(fā)生了巨大的變化。driving on the highway, i realized that enormous changes had taken place in chinas automobile way system in recent years.3. 我簡直不敢相信他這么快就學(xué)會了操作計算機。i can hardly believe that he

16、has learned to how to work a computer in such a short time / period.4.三年的試管已經(jīng)過去,這一刻終于來臨了:不到兩周我就要回國了。three years has passed and the time has come. in less than two weeks, i will go back to my country.5. 許多我認識的人都迫不及待的想要出國,而我卻寧愿和家人在一起呆在國內(nèi)。 many people i know cant wait to go abroad, but i would rather s

17、tay with my family in my country. since china has entered the wto, the restrictions on foreign businesses will gradually be reduced. the internet enables us to explore the world without leaving home.the problem with some of these drugs is that they are so accessible.the government has produced a ser

18、ies of materials to restriction public awareness of the dangers of aids.within 2 weeks of arrival all foreigners should register with the local police.when he was offered the opportunity to have an online degree program, he seized it immediately and enthusiastically.no restriction was put on the acc

19、ess to the bbs. our purpose is to promote interaction between the students and the teachers.exchanging houses for a few weeks is a good way of having a holiday.the team members working on the project meet every tuesday afternoon to exchange their views.all the materials collected for the research pr

20、oject on pollution are available to all the seniors at this college.51. can i connected my laptop to the intranet?2. he has planned for his eldest son to take over his business when he is 65.3. knowledge is playing an increasingly important role in the development of economy.4. in addition to taking

21、 care of her 3-year-old son she has taken 3 online courses in marketing, business communication and economics.5. the practice of online learning will spread out as more and more people have access to the internet.1.他的生活經(jīng)歷在他的學(xué)術(shù)生涯中一直扮演著一個重要角色。his life experiences have always been playing an important

22、role in his academic career.2.那家餐廳最近已經(jīng)延長了營業(yè)時間。the restaurant has extended its opening hours recently.3.我剛剛讀完一本從一種新的視角研究莎士比亞的有趣書籍。i have just read an interesting book which has a new approach to shakespeare.4.隨著電子郵件的廣泛應(yīng)用,垃圾郵件問題已引起人們的極大關(guān)注。with the wide use of e-mail, the issue of junk mail / spam issu

23、e / problem has drawn much concern.5.傳統(tǒng)教育比起網(wǎng)絡(luò)教育來說對于學(xué)生和教師之間的交流和互動有著更多的限制。there are more limitations on communication and interaction between teachers and students in traditional/ conventional education than (there are) in online education. 1. if you want to post this article on your website, you must

24、 obtain a written permission from the author.2. the official refused to comment on the matter before he was authorized to deal with the problem.3. online learning makes a great impact on the traditional classroom.4. in no circumstancecan the students hand in their assignments via e-email after frida

25、y.5. it would be wrong to pursue the development of industry at the cost of polluting environment.6a good education at a prestigious university often leads to a high-level career at a big company.7professor stephen hawkings disability and academic achievements inspire many young people to study hard

26、.8. she likes being with young people and considers leaching a worthwhile career.9. the college is now providing a service to counsel students with financial problems.10. the young computer expert notes the importance of the rapidly developing information industry in his speech.1 rome was not built

27、in one day. we must balance our duty with our rest.2 your story reminded me of my childhood spent in a little town.3. she knows how to get around the city quite a lot, working for the taxi company.4. as he hasnt made any promise to do anything for us, all sorts of possibilities may open up. 5. our u

28、niversity has an excellent faculty and staff. many of them play an important role in helping students to cope with their stress during their university careers.read and translate 141. 誰是誰非昭然若揭,吉姆無意和他真論。since it is obvious who was right and who was wrong, jim had no intention of arguing/ to argue wit

29、h him.2. 令人驚訝的是,那次與威爾遜教授的偶然相識,后來居然給了我一個機會去他們學(xué)校做交流生。to my surprise, it was the chance meeting with prof. wilson that later on afforded me an opportunity to study at his university as an exchange student.3. 學(xué)校將延長圖書館和教室的開放時間,盡量滿足學(xué)生的需要。the university will extend the opening hours of its library and the

30、classrooms to meet the students.4. 信息技術(shù)的發(fā)展已經(jīng)開始對社會的各個方面產(chǎn)生深遠的影響。the development of information technology has begun to have profound effects on all aspects of social life.5. 憑他的英語水平,在這次校級英語演講將比賽中他將有上佳的表現(xiàn),對此我們沒有疑問。we have no doubt that, with his high level of english, he will surely have an excellent p

31、erformance in the university-wide english speech contest.pudding society, the oxford stunt factory and the pooh sticks society. language focus read and complete 41. the sort of music he listens to varies, but it tends to be popular music.2. language is the medium of culture and when we learn a forei

32、gn language, we are exposed to a culture quite different from ours.3. scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes.4. i hope you are not getting bored listening to me.5. can you secure me two good seats for the concert?6. this is a highly amusing film. youll regret if you miss it

33、.7. he gave me negative answer to my request. i felt quite confused and disappointed.8. she was annoyed by the young mans impolite behavior.9. ever since that unhappy incident, i have tried to avoid any further conflict with him.10. the driver ignored the traffic light, and as a result, he ran into

34、another car.1. they normally hang out in the pub to kill time.2. ive been trying to check out the restaurants in my new neighborhood to find the best one.3. bob took a part-time job giving out handbills for a cosmetic company.4. back from the holiday, she eagerly threw herself into the production of

35、 a new film.5. i immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her.read and translate 61. 著鋼琴有些不對勁,但是我無法說清楚。something is wrong with the piano, but i cannot put my finger on it.2. 這條褲子不但太大,而且與我的夾克也不配。apart from being too large, the trousers don抰 match my jacket, either.3. 不論理由是什么,反正我喜歡流行音樂。wha

36、tever the reason is, i like the pop music.4. 他對外國文化有濃厚的興趣,經(jīng)常博覽群書以尋找有用的信息。he has strong interest in the foreign cultures and often browses through books for useful information.5. 在是否要創(chuàng)辦一個新社團的問題上,我們意見很不一致。our opinions vary a great deal on whether we should start a new society.1. she is very busy; she

37、doesnt have much leisure time.2. he is under a lot of stress bcause his wife is very ill.3. he has adjusted himself very quickly to changes in culture when he came to the country.4. what about going to the concert with me? the music will help you relax.5. your support is vital to the success of my p

38、lan.6. the thought of having to take the examination again depressed me.7. a little social drinking does no harm; but dont drink too much.8. the drug relieved my toothache. it was really effective.9. it was difficult situation but he handled it very well.10. to maintain a happy mood is very importan

39、t in ones study and work.1. the country went through too many wars, causing great suffering and poverty.2. i lost my job, and the rise in power costs added to our difficulties.3. the scandal led to the resignation of the president.4. i cant get by on such a small salary. i cant figure out why she sa

40、id she no longer loved me. 1. 要去那座島,出了搭船以外,別無他法。you cant get to the island other than by boat.2. 有些學(xué)生瘋狂的迷戀流行音樂,而另外一些人則更喜歡古典音樂。some students are crazy about pop music while others prefer classical music.3. 傳媒在引領(lǐng)時尚方面正起著越來越重要的作用。the media are playing an increasingly important role in leading fashions.4

41、. 我千方百計想弄到一張他新發(fā)行的唱片,卻未能如愿。i tried every means to get a copy of his newly issued album, but in vain.5. 要是沒有朋友的鼓勵和幫助,我可能已經(jīng)輟學(xué)了。without the encouragement and help of my friends, i would have quit school.1. the channel tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever undertaken.2. he took it as an

42、insult which wasnt at all what i had intended.3. as a freshman, you should get to know campus resources as soon as possible and make good use of them.4. he had made many inquiries into the quality of the computer before buying one.5. te police investigated many cases by following the footprints left

43、 at the scene of the crime.6. im thinking of buying a car. can you recommend a good make to me?7. not only does mary attend class regularly, but she also participates in extracurricular activities frequently.8. with the rapid development of the economy, all aspects of our life have changed a great d

44、eal.9.tom is such a nice guy. he will not hesitate a moment to offer help when you are in trouble.10. this system is extremely economical because it runs on half-price electricity.1. my cd player is beeping, for the battery is running low. 2. it turned out that the kids had spent the whole day playi

45、ng video games. 3. she was the only woman to participate in the experiment and was among the few volunteers who died from it.4. people teach the computer to think and as a result, developand sharpen their own reasoning abilities.5. this kind of digital tv is considered the best that has been made so

46、 far in our country.1. 我已經(jīng)把我的簡歷和附函傳真給了那家公司,但尚未收到回復(fù)。i have faxed my cover letter along with my resume to that company, but no reply yet.2. 當(dāng)別人遇到困難時,約翰會毫不猶豫的提供幫助。john will not hesitate for a second to help anyone who is in trouble.3. 我得承認我很想到國外工作和學(xué)習(xí)一段時間,但我知道要拿到簽證不容易。i have to admit that i desire to wo

47、rk or study abroad for some time, but i know the visa is not easy to get.4. 他到倫敦2年后才在一家國際銀行找到一份工作。it was not until 2 days after he arrived in london that he got a job in an international bank.5. 湯姆完成他的教學(xué)工作后,在中國周游了2個月才回到美國的家。after finishing his teaching, tom traveled throughout china for 2 months bef

48、ore returning home to the usa.1. after they had arrived campus, a girl was assigned to take them on a tour of the halls.2. in conclusion, we all hoped that more activities like this could be organized.3. he was a well-known author who had created many unforgettable characters in his novels.4. the in

49、jury of their key player could be a(n) decisive factor in the game.5. dont you think that the oxford english dictionary is an authority on english words?6. to be a top student, you need diligence and persistence in addition to intelligence.7. as he has been in america for 3 years now, he is homesick

50、 for china.8. dont be too dressy. plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.9. there were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the world cup 2002.10. you are not supposed to carve your name on a tree in the park.1. later they decided that they should make full use of their na

51、tural resources.2. i was told that he was good-tempered and easy to get along with.3. his parents receive letters from him every week; he never fails to write.4. they have given us a lot of help in keeping up with whats going on around us.5. the hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and, in additio

52、n, there are several apartments with kitchens.1. 這是大學(xué)一年級新生第一次聽美國教授的講座,他們在頭20分鐘里聽不太懂他在說什么。it was the first time for the freshmen to attend an american professors lecture, and they hardly understood what he was talking about for the first 20 minutes.2. 還剩10分鐘,既然你已經(jīng)做完考題,也可以現(xiàn)在交卷。there are 10 minutes lef

53、t. now that you have finished your test you may hand it in now.3. 為了不傷害任何人的感情,他們花了近3個月的時間才做出最后決定。it took them nearly 3 months before they made their final decisions without hurting anybodys feelings.4. 要趕上世界新近科學(xué)技術(shù),中國大學(xué)生在畢業(yè)前至少應(yīng)學(xué)好一門外語。it is appropriate for chinese college students to learn at least on

54、e foreign language before they graduate so that they can keep up with the worlds advanced science and technology.5. 史密斯先生是一個勤奮的電影導(dǎo)演,同時也是一個有責(zé)任心的父親。 mr. smith was a hard-working movie director and at the same time he was a responsible father.1. your advice is exceedingly valuable to me in my research.

55、2. these two substances wont bondtogether at this temperature or pressure.2. preparations were made overnight for an early start to the countryside the next morning.4. although there were only 4 horses competingit was an exciting race.5. the next big issueconfronting the workers is the increase of w

56、ages.1. she always revels in meeting new friends or making new acquaintances.2. the invention of the telephone was a great contribution to human communication.8. several strong men were needed to open and close the massivegates to the castle.3. my experience of being a volunteer was quite relevant t

57、o the job i was doing at that time.4. one evening, when there were no staff to supervise him, he walked out of the hospital.51. the children reveled inthe simple pleasures of country life.2. after the flood in 1998, many students wanted to take part in the activities to help the victims.3. i took careful notes which later stood me in good stead in the exam.4. what we discussed in class last week was relevant to the tv program we had watched before. 5. good teachers use a range wide of methods to motivate their students.1. 我不知道事情會變成這樣。 little did i know that things would turn out l


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