



1、Room to have a great start 成功的開始Sommelier 侍酒師Hotel Level:酒店等級:IV 四一五Departme nt: 部門:Food & Beverage Services 餐飲服務部門Job Band:職位等級:Reports To:直屬上級:F&B Supervisor, Restaura nt Man ager 餐飲主管,餐廳經理Page 2 of 4第2頁,共4頁bJOB OVERVIEW 職位概述« Man age the complete wi ne program n eeds of the Food and

2、Beverage Divisio n. Assist in man agi ng one or more full-service food and beverage outlet(s) on a daily basis. 管理餐飲部門整體的葡萄酒計劃。協(xié)助管理一家或多家全服務餐飲營業(yè)場所的每日運營。« Adhere to local regulati ons con cer ning health, safety, or other complia nee requireme nts, as well as brand sta ndards and local policies a

3、nd procedures. 遵守當地的衛(wèi)生和安全法規(guī),或其它適用的規(guī)定,以及品牌規(guī)范和當地的規(guī)章制度。At InterContinental Hotels & Resortswe want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Knowwhich means we n eed you to:* Be charm ingby being approachable, hav ing con fide nee and show ing respect.* Stay in the momentby understanding

4、and anticipating guests' needs, being attentive and takingown ership of gett ing things done.* Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.在洲際酒店及度假村?,我們希望賓客感覺風格獨特、時尚現代和深入洞悉,這意味我們需要你:*親切、充滿自信、體現尊重來展現富有魅力 的你。«

5、;理解和預測賓客的需要、做到細心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情辦好,保持專注當下。*見多識廣、分享閱歷、展現你的風格來創(chuàng)造令人感覺特別的時刻,做到令人難忘。DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 工作職責 Greet all guests and take beverage and food orders in a prompt and professi onal mann er.快速和專業(yè)的迎接所有客人,為客人點餐。 Serve cocktails an d/or menu items to bar guests; up-sell whe n tak ing orders. 為酒

6、吧客人提供雞尾酒和餐單上的項目;點單時向客人推銷。« Perform pre- and post-shift side-work. Stock service stati on. Fold and stack cocktail n apk ins and prepare bowls of bar sn acks.«工作前后的準備和收尾工作。清點服務站。折疊雞尾酒餐巾和準備酒吧零食。« Record order on guest check and ring up on pre-check register or accord ing to hotel proced

7、ures.Complete customer payme nt tran sacti ons accord ing to cash and charge procedures.«在客人帳單上進行記錄,登錄帳號或按酒店程序進行工作。按現金收款程序完成顧客的付款。« Clear and clea n tables in a prompt and efficie nt manner. Clea n an d/or wipe dow n stools, tables, chairs,walls, win dows, mirrors, and floors as n ecessary

8、. Empty trash and ashtrays.«高效快速的清理和清潔餐臺。需要時清理和抹擦廢物,桌椅,墻壁,窗戶,鏡子和地面。清倒垃圾。« Assist Barte nder in preparati on of fruits and garni shes; may assist Barte nder in setup and reple ni shme ntof appetizers or “ happy hour ” buffet, if applicable.*協(xié)助吧臺侍應生準備水果和裝飾品;必要的話,協(xié)助吧臺侍應生擺放和補充開胃品或快樂時光”的自助餐臺

9、71; Mon itor guest behavior and amou nt of alcohol con sumpti on to determ ine whe n alcohol service to theguest should cease; no tify man ageme nt of in cide nts in volv ing excessive alcohol con sumpti on or impaired con diti on of customers; check ide ntificati on whe never age of a guest request

10、i ng an alcoholic beverage service is questi on able.監(jiān)督客人的行為和酒精飲品消耗量從而決定什么時候應控制客人的酒精量;將因酒精過量而引發(fā)的事故或 客人的受傷程度匯報給管理層;在對飲用酒精飲品的客人的年齡有質疑時檢查客人的身份證。* Alert Man ageme nt of any service an d/or safety issues. Make appropriate service recovery gestures accord ing to established guideli nes in order to en sure

11、 total guest satisfacti on.警告管理層有關服務或安全的事宜。按照設定的指導綱要進行適當的補救服務以確保客人的滿意度。* Perform other duties as assig ned*完成分配給的其它工作。ACCOUNTABILIT Y責任范圍Number of employees supervised 管理的員工DirectN.A.直接無In directN.A.間接無Ann ual Operat ing Profit/Payroll Budget 年度經營利潤和薪金預算* N.A. 無Key Metrics -主要績效指標« Completi on

12、of assig ned tasks完成分配給工作的情況Decisi on Making Resp on sibilities (Decisi on Rights) 決策職責(決策權)« NA« 無QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任職要求Required Skills -技能要求« Demon strated ability to in teract with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and

13、the Compa ny.完全代表酒店,品牌和公司與顧客,員工和第三方交往的能力。« Alcohol aware ness certificati on an d/or food service permit or valid health/food han dler card as required by local gover nment age ncy.持有當地政府規(guī)定的含酒精飲品知識課程證書或食品服務許可證或有效的健康或食品上崗證。* Able to read and write En glish能夠讀寫英語。* Qualificati ons* 學歷* High Schoo

14、l or Vocati onal Certificate in Hotel Man ageme nt. Food & Beverage, or related field.* 高中或酒店管理,餐飲或相關領域的職業(yè)證書。Experie nee -經歷* 1 years related experie nee or an equivale nt comb in ati on of educati on and experie nee. Kno wledge of liquor bra nds, beer, wine, champag ne, non-alcoholic beverages, desig nated glassware, preparati on methods and gar ni shme nts preferred* 1年相關工作經歷,或與此相當的教育和相關工作經驗結合的背景。具有酒類品牌,啤酒,香檳,非酒精 飲料,專用玻璃器皿,準備方法和裝飾品知識者優(yōu)先考慮。The statements in this job description are intended to describe the essential nat


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