



1、I. Vocabulary填入最符合句意的單字以完成句子。post 1. On the p_ t is a picture of our dog. If you see him, pleasecall us as soon as possible.crowd 2. A large c_d were waiting at the airport for the basketballplayers from America.race 3. The human r_e often loses the fight against nature (自struggled 4. Doug s_ ed to

2、win the race even though his feet hurt.annual 5. The a_ l celebration of the companys foundation is heldin April.ambulanee 6. The a_ e drove fast and took the sick to the hospital infive minu tes.disappeared 7. It seems that Fred has d_red. We have not seen or heard_ from him for more tha n two mon

3、ths.determ in ati on 8. It takes great d_n to finish running a marath on.silenee 9. Willys s_e showed that he knew he was wrong.time- 10. It is t_ g to cook a New Year dinner for twenty people.consumingII. Derivatives從下列框中選出最符合句意的單字,並填入其衍生字以完成句子。請注意時 態(tài)。atte nti ondeterm in ati onsile neeattended1. A

4、s a nurse, my sister has_ the sick for more than twentyyears.bent 2. The mother_down and kissed her child.silent3. The new student is such a_girl that we dont know whatto talk to her.amaz ing4. It is_ to see two rain bows in the sky at the same time.determin 5. His poor health made him_to stop smoki

5、ng.III. Cloze Test根據(jù)文意,選出最適當?shù)倪x項填入,以完成段落。I wasfhe last runner”aga in .It was not surpris ing at all. Running a marath on,of course, is difficult for a person like meone 1 has both feet turned in and the left kneetur ned out. But _2_ , I told myself n ever to give up. Fin ally, the finish line was 3 .

6、 Itmeant that only few miles left. Even though the sun wasUnit 5The Last RunnerAmazeme ntbentscorchi ng (烤焦)my head, eve n though the pain 痛苦)was bit ing my whole body,eve n though most of the crowd 4, I pushed forward. Very slowly, I crossedthe finish line and broke the ribbon5 two pieces like a wi

7、nning runner. Yes, Iam a winning runner. I am quite sure about that.(C ) 1. (A) she(B) which(C) who(D) where(C ) 2. (A) it was very hard(B) how hard it was(D) no matter it was so hard(B) out of sight(D) at risk(B) was left(D) had left(C) out(D) awayIV. Multiple Choice選出適當?shù)拇鸢敢酝瓿删渥印?D ) 1. The child a

8、sked his father when they could _ the top of themou nta in.(A) arrive (B) get(C) hit(D) reach(C ) 2. In the film Forrest Gump (阿甘正傳),Forrest Gump ran from one side of the U.S.to_.(A) one(B) ano ther(C) the other (D) other(A ) 3. After having dated Mark for one year, Mandy is very sure that he isrigh

9、tman for her.(A) the very (B) very(C) the best (D) best(B ) 4. Just call me_you feel alone.(A) so that(B) if(C) because(D) even though(D ) 5. After the crowd had gone, there_ trash all over the ground.(A) has(B) had(C) were(D) wasV. Matching從下列框中選出最適當?shù)拇鸢福酝瓿删渥?。A) .that he cried out.B) .who were attr

10、active to her.C) .which Brenda forwarded to me.D) .was my mothers love for me.E) .because he had to face many difficulties.F) .as Edward shot a threepo int shot.G) .a nd I have a feeli ng of sad ness.H) .whom she liked.(H ) 1. Becky decided to write an email to the boy.(D ) 2. In side the chicke n s

11、oup.1(C) no matter how hard it was(A ) 3. (A) in sight(C) for a mome nt(D ) 4. (A) are leavi ng(C) had bee n left(B ) 5. (A) off(B) into(F ) 3. The crowd cheered.(A ) 4. Bens feet hurt so much.(C ) 5. I kept all the emails.VI. Sentence-combining運用關係子句的限定用法”.N+who/whom/which/that.”,合併下列句子。1. The expe

12、riment was very interesting.-We did the experiment yesterday.The experime nt which/that we did yesterday was very interesting._2. .Dustin fell in love with the girl-Dustin saw the girl this morningDustin fell in love with the girl whom/that he saw this morning._ _Lets go to the restaura nt.-The rest

13、aura nt is always filled with customers.Lets go to the restaura nt which/that is always filled with customers.4. J Kate sent a card to the nurse.The nurse took care of her while she stayed in the hospital.Kate sent a card to the nurse who/that took care of her while she stay in thehospital.5.Ts this

14、 the building?You referred to the build ing in your email.Is this the buildi ng which/that you referred to in your email?_VII Reading Comprehension 閱讀下面的文章並選出正確的答案。With his good look, Christopher Reeve was a han dsome Superma n. He hadstrong shoulders and he was a hero people could believe in. But,

15、upon his death atthe age of 52, it is not this or other roles he had as an actor (演員)for which he isremembered. It is his courage and determ in ati on that he is most famous for.Reeves life cha nged in May 27, 1995, after a horserid ing accide nt. I n sec onds,he went from a man who loved sports and

16、 exercise to one who waparalyzed from theneck down. He could not even breathe 呼乎吸)by himself. When he woke up in thehospital bed, it crossed his mind that it would have been better if he had died.However, Christopher Reeve chose not to give up. He came to realize just howlucky he was to have the lov

17、e of his wife and family and how valuable the gift of lifewas. He was determined to walk again and did everything he could to make it possible.Because of his determ in ati on, he had become a symbol) of hope for every one whosuffered like him.Sadly, Reeve died before he could realize his dream of wa

18、lking, but his determ inati on to live life to the full will always be remembered.(B )1. What can be the best title of this article?3.(A)The Movie Superman”(B) A Superman Forever(C) Safe Horse Ridi ng”(D) A Riding Hero ”(A ) 2. The word paralyzed in the sec ond paragraph probably means_ .(A) not bei

19、ng able to move(B) not being able to eat(C) being bur ned(D) being hit(D )3. Accord ing to the article, the accide nt happe ned to Christopher Reeve_(A) whe n he was shoot ing 拍攝)the movie Superma n(B) whe n he was try ing to save a man(C) whe n he was running a race(D) whe n he was ridi ng a horse(

20、A ) 4. Which of the following statements about Christopher Reeve is true?(A) He lear ned the value of life.(B) He gave up all his hope to get better.(C) He asked his wife to leave him alone.(D) He blamed other people for the accide nt.(D ) 5. Which of the following statements about Christopher Reeve

21、s death is true?(A) He died in 1995.(B) He was soon forgotte n by people after his death.(C) He committed suicide right after he knew he could not walk.(D) He still could not walk whe n he died.VIII. Guided Translatoin請依中文提示,在空格內(nèi)填入適當?shù)膯巫忠酝瓿捎⑽木渥?。每格限填一字?. 在醫(yī)院住了幾天後,外公逐漸康復了。After stay ing in the hospita

22、l for a few days, my gran dfather got better little bylittle2. Hank 和我上星期四吵了一架。從那時候起,我們就再也沒有和對方說話。Hank and I had a fight last Thursday. Sincethen, we have not talked toeach other.3. 當中正紀念堂進入視線範圍內(nèi)時,觀光客們拿出相機拍照。When Chia ng Kaishek Memorial Hall came in sight , tourists took out their camerasand took picture


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