



1、冀教三起版小學英語五年級下冊Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijin瞰學設計一、 Objects :Knowledgeable Object : Students will be able to say and use these newwords and sentences. Such as busy, for , buy for ,”What time is it? ” and so on.Ability Object : Students will be able to use these words and sentences to describe time and

2、shopping.Emotional Object : Students will be able to more kind to their families. And they know how to buy things for them.二、 Key and Difficulty Points : buyfor ,"What time is it? ” 三、 Teaching Methods : situational teaching methods, communicational methods4、 Teaching Aids: PPT, cards5、 Teachin

3、g Process:Step I : Greet and lead inReview some places in Beijing by chant. T: Do you like Beijing?S: Yes.T: They you must know these places. Look and guess ” What places is it? ”T&S: What places is it? What places is it?依次呈現(xiàn): Tian anmenSquare/ The Palace Museum/The Great Wall/ Wangfujing Street

4、.T: OnWangfujing Street, we can see manyshops. Let s go shopping in Beijing today.Step H : Presentation1. New wordsUse pictures to explain the words ofUse cards to check words.busy, forI m so busy, because I want to buy a lot of thingsfor myfamilies.2. Key points buyforT: Look, I see a beautiful sca

5、rf, I want to buy it for my mother.So, I buy a scarf for my mother. Read after me, please.Choose some students to repeat the sentence.3. ActivitiesShow some pictures. students choose one and make sentences by buy sb. sth. " or buy sth. for sb. ”4. Reading1. Students watch a video and answer Wha

6、t does Danny buy? ”2. Students read after the video.3. 3 minutes for them to answer 3 questions.4. Look at pictures on the book, then learnWhat time is it?It 's ”.Then practice it with two sticks. First teacher asks, then students ask.Step HI :Practice一、Choose.1. I want to buy a coat my father.A

7、. toB. forC. at2. This pair of shoes is your sister.A. inB. toC. for3. Mr. Liu is soA. busyB. busierC. too busy4. 一 is it?一It is three oclock.A. What s time B. What timeC. When time二、Choose the right anmser.()1. What do you buy for your brother?()2. Is Mrs. Lin busy?()3. What time is it now?()4. Wha

8、t does the boy have in his hands?A. Yes, she is. B. Its 5: 30. C. No, he doesn't.D. He has a big toy. E. A new kite.Students write them down on the paper, then choose students to answer.Step IV: Production.Four persons a group. Each group make a conversation about:Where do you want to go? What do you want to buy? Then choose two groups to show.Step V : PronunciationStudents read after some words to practice pronounce with stress.Step VI: HomeworkT: Finally, don ' t forget your homework.Read and write: What do you w


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