



1、一般現(xiàn)在時般現(xiàn)在時第一節(jié)一一基本知識一般現(xiàn)在時表示經(jīng)常重復(fù)性的動作或是存在的狀態(tài)。例如:他喜歡睡覺。He likes sleeping. I'm a teacher.(狀態(tài))我經(jīng)常在周末去看望祖父母。I often go to see my grandparents at the weekend(復(fù)性的動作) 標志詞:always usually often sometimes never everyday everyweek at+時間 on+Sundays(解釋at+時間at five o clock at a quarter past sevens 表示具體的幾點幾分解釋on+S

2、undayson加表示星期的單詞包括Monday Tuesday等)標志詞的作用:1 .做題時,幫助孩子迅速確定這句話的時態(tài),填入相應(yīng)的動詞形式2 .初期學(xué)習,標志詞是可以準確對應(yīng)時態(tài)的,但是隨著知識的加深,一個標志詞變不只代表這一種時態(tài),這時候,就需要把標志詞這個拐杖扔掉了。所以標志詞的學(xué)習,就是讓孩子有時態(tài)的意識,并熟知各 大時態(tài)動詞的形式,乃至以后,這句話中沒有標志詞了,孩子也會正確表達出符合此句話意境(時態(tài))的句子。一般現(xiàn)在時動詞形式:The Whites are at the beach. He is collecting shells.1 .be 原形 am is areYou a

3、re a boy. I am a thin girl.2 .動詞原形及單三Sally usually does印三)her homework in her bedroom.We have(® 形)dinner together.什么是單三?單三就是人稱的第三人稱單數(shù)。如果人稱是單三,那么動詞也得跟著變單三。判斷方法除了 I和you這兩個單詞之外的所有單數(shù)意義的詞做個小練習a girl water leafTony找單三photos ityoumana bowlthe treeleavesmensheMarywethe deska fat dog three boys English

4、classhe they May a red hat動詞變單三記不記得判斷出人稱是單三了動詞也得跟著變單三啊?動詞變單三的方法和名詞變復(fù)數(shù)是一樣的。.大部分的單詞直接加s二.以ch sh s x結(jié)尾的動詞加es.輔音加y改y為ies 四.以o結(jié)尾的加es舉例:.直接加s力口 es輔音加y改y為iesput-putsopen-opens dance-danceswatch-watcheswash-washesplus-pluses四.以o結(jié)尾加esfly-flies do-does注意:play-plays (元音力口 y) go-goes做練習:將下列單詞變單三work clean write

5、 drinkstay brush carry passcome plantfly playlook have do go現(xiàn)在來試試做一般現(xiàn)在時的練習題:Judy說在前頭:1.劃標志詞2.記住判斷人稱是不是單三3.人稱是單三的話,動詞得變單三啊!We often(play) in the playgound.He(get) up at six o ' clock.Danny(study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school.Mike sometimes(go) to the park with his sister.At eig

6、ht at night, she watch) TV with his parents.答案:找單三:a girlphotoswateritleafyouTonymana bowlthe tree leavesmensheI a fat dog three boys English classhe they May a red hatMarywethe desk做練習:將卜列單詞變單二workscleanswritesdrinksstaysbrushescarryy 去掉 iespassescomesplantsfly y 去掉 iesplayslookshavehas doesgo_es_時

7、態(tài)練習We often plays(play) in the playgound.He gets(get) up at six o ' clock.Danny studies (study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school.Mike sometimes goes(go) to the park with his sister.At eight at night, she watches(watch) TV with his parents.一般現(xiàn)在時第二節(jié)一一句型轉(zhuǎn)換一般疑問句:一提 二變 三改1 .be動詞提前2 .-I

8、 變 you me 變 you we 變 you us 變有 my 變 your our 變 yourI am 變 Are you3 .改一一句號改問號例如: We are giving our best wishes to her.Are you giving your best wishes to her?練習:I am doing my homework in the living room.doing homework in the living room?We are dancing at the birthday party of Mary s.dancing at the bir

9、thday party of Marys?My father is taking me home.father taking home?Our teacher is talking with us.teacher talking with?答案:I am doing my homework in the living room.Are you doing your homework in the living room?We are dancing at the birthday party of Mary s.Are you dancing at the birthday party of

10、Mary s?My father is taking me home.Is your father taking you home?Our teacher is talking with us.Is your teacher talking with you?一般疑問句:一寫 二變 三改1 .動詞原形寫do動詞單三寫does寫完does動詞單三還原2 .-I 變 you me 變 you we 變 you us 變有 my 變 your our 變 yourI am 變 Are you3 .改一一句號改問號例如:1 .My mother washes the dishes for our fa

11、mily everyday.Does your mother wash the dishes for your family everyday?2 .My family drink milk every morning.Do your family drink milk everyday?練一練1 .My mother washes the dishes for our family everyday. mother the dishes for family everyday?2 .My family drink milk every morning. family milk every m

12、orning ?3 .They tell me to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon. they to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon?4 .He tells me to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon. he to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon?答案:1 .My mother washes the

13、dishes for our family everyday.Does your mother wash the dishes for your family everyday?2 .My family drink milk every morning.Do your family drink milk everyday?3 .They tell me to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon.Do they tell you to go to the park at four o 'clock in the aft

14、ernoon?4 .He tells me to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon.Does he tell you to go to the park at four o 'clock in the afternoon?否定句Be動詞后直接加(not)I am not a student.He isn't collecting shells at the beach.They aren't watching TV in the living room.(這個很簡單孩子都會,就不多講了 )動詞原形否

15、定用don'tMy family drink milk every morning.否定: My family don 't drink milk every morning.動詞單三否定句用doesn't寫完doesn't動詞單三還原My mother washes the dishes for our family everyday.My mother doesn't wash the dishes for our family everyday.練習:1.1 have many books.I many books.2 .Gao Shan'

16、 ssster likes playing table tennis.Gao Shan,s sister playing table tennis3 .My dog runs fast.My dog fast.4 .Mingming usually waters the flowers every dayMingming usually the flowers every day5 .Tom does his homework at home.Tom his homework at home.答案1.don't have 2.doesHt like 3.doesnrun4.doesn&

17、#39;t water5.doesn't do現(xiàn)在進行時意義:表示正在進行的動作。例如:I am watching TV in the living room.我正在客廳里看電視。We students are having an English clas學(xué)生正在 上英語課。標志詞look, listen , now,It 's+時間,Don't 祈使句。Eg: Look!The children are flying kites in the park happily!Listen!There is a bird singing in the tree.Now we

18、are working hard.It s a quarter past seven.The Greens are having dinner.Don't make s noise.The little girl is sleeping sweetly.(小學(xué)階段還有個 Where s your mother?Where開頭的特俗疑問句。例:Wheres your mother?She is cooking in the kitchen.中學(xué)階段就不看標志詞了, 根據(jù)語感來判斷時態(tài),所以小學(xué)階段,讓孩子正確變化詞形,掌握 be+ing的結(jié)構(gòu)就可以。)讓孩子做個輸出小檢測標志詞有:標志詞

19、的作用:1 .做題時,幫助孩子迅速確定這句話的時態(tài),填入相應(yīng)的動詞形式2 .初期學(xué)習,標志詞是可以準確對應(yīng)時態(tài)的,但是隨著知識的加深,一個標志詞變不只代表這一種時態(tài),這時候,就需要把標志詞這個拐杖扔掉了。所以標志詞的學(xué)習,就是讓孩子有時態(tài)的意識,并熟知各 大時態(tài)動詞的形式,乃至以后,這句話中沒有標志詞了,孩子也會正確表達出符合此句話意境(時態(tài))的句子?,F(xiàn)在進行時的動詞形式:有be必有ing (be動詞加動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞就是動詞的ing形式)Eg: I am collecting shells on the beach.He is enjoying the sunshine.They are sw

20、imming in the sea.動詞怎么變現(xiàn)在分詞一直 二去 三雙寫 四ie變ying一直:直接力口 inggo-going walk-walking talk-talking二去: 去結(jié)尾不發(fā)音的 e 力口 ing make-making write-writing date-dating三雙寫:重讀輔元輔put-putting stop-stopping shut-shutting四ie變yingtie(之前我們學(xué)的這個單詞是領(lǐng)帶的意思它還有系,綁的意思 如What is he doing?He is tying his tie 他正在系領(lǐng)帶。)【注:四個單詞輔元輔 但是不雙寫 pla

21、y-playing listen-listening buy-buying open-opening 【注:根據(jù)規(guī)律可以寫出沒學(xué)過的或是不熟悉的單詞的現(xiàn)在分詞但是孩子能正確的寫出一個動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞不是靠規(guī)律是靠熟練程度比如孩子寫swimming不是想著規(guī)律寫出來的而是就這么寫順手 所以通過規(guī)律是拐杖寫現(xiàn)在分詞如果寫錯了不是強調(diào)規(guī)律而是多練幾遍練熟了再把拐杖丟了】做練習:將下列單詞便現(xiàn)在分詞do skip sing cut dancetake have jump swim runmak use give help watchput close open buy talklay listen ti

22、e die collect現(xiàn)在來試試做現(xiàn)在進行時的練習題:Judy說在前頭:1.劃標志詞2.記住現(xiàn)在進行時be動詞必不可少3.注意現(xiàn)在分詞的詞形變化1 .Look,the boy(run)fast.2 .You(listen)tO me now.3 .-What are you doing? -1(do) my homework.4 .-the students(read) English. -Yes,they are.5 .-Who(sing)a song? -Li Ying is.6 .Look! The boy over there(play) a model plane.7 .Don&

23、#39; t talk in the library.All the people(read).8.It ' s nine o ' clmck.To still(do)his homework.9.1 t 'nine ten. The students(have)a music class將下列句子轉(zhuǎn)換成現(xiàn)在進行時(注:要有be有ing)1. He talks to a friend.2. They play computer games.3. They look at the blackboard.4. He swims in the sea.5. Lucy writ

24、es a letter to his grandma.答案:l.are running2. Are listening3.am doing4.Are,reading 5.is singing 6.is playing7.are reading 8.is,doing9.are having1 .He is talking to a friend.2 .They are playing computer game.3 .They are looking at the blackboard.4 .He is swimming in the sea.5 .Lucy is writing a lette

25、r to his grandma.現(xiàn)在進行時第二節(jié)一一句型轉(zhuǎn)換一般疑問句:一提 二變 三改2 .be動詞提前3 .-I 變 you me 變 you we 變 you us 變有 my 變 your our 變 yourI am 變 Are you4 .改一一句號改問號例如: We are giving our best wishes to her.Are you giving your best wishes to her?練習:I am doing my homework in the living room. doing homework in the living room?We ar

26、e dancing at the birthday party of Mary s.dancing at the birthday party of Marys?My father is taking me home. father taking home?Our teacher is talking with us. teacher talking with?答案:I am doing my homework in the living room.Are you doing your homework in the living room?We are dancing at the birthday party o


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