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1、- 1 - / 10Unit 2I used to be afraid of the dark語言目標(biāo) language goal:Talk about what you used to be like. 談?wù)撃氵^去的外表。學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo) Functions:1. 學(xué)會(huì)陳述自己過去常做的事情2. 學(xué)會(huì)陳述自己過去的愛好等3. 能夠表達(dá)自己現(xiàn)在和過去在外表、性格、娛樂等方面的變化4.能夠表達(dá)朋友、家人等現(xiàn)在和過去的變化 語言結(jié)構(gòu) Target Language:1. I used to be short when I was young. 我年輕時(shí)個(gè)子很矮。2. Did you use to have

2、 straight hair? 你過去是直發(fā)嗎? Yes, I did. 是的。3. Did you use to play the piano? 你過去彈鋼琴嗎?No, I didn不,我不彈。4. I used to be afraid of dark. 我過去害怕黑暗。5. I m terrified of thsenakes.我害怕蛇。6. Did you use to be afraid of being alone? 你過去害怕獨(dú)自一人呆著嗎? Yes, I did. 是的,我怕。7. I used to walk to school. 我過去走著上學(xué)。主要詞匯 Vocabular

3、y:dark 黑暗 恐懼on 接通的,工作著的chew 嚼,咀嚼comic 連環(huán)漫畫used to do sth. 過去經(jīng)常in terested in 對(duì)感興趣be on the swim team 是游泳隊(duì)成員be terrified of 害怕with the light on 燈開著做 worry about 擔(dān)心 these days 目前,如今sure 無疑,確實(shí)terrify 使害怕,spider 蜘蛛insect 昆蟲gum 口香糖right 立即,馬hardly 不十分,簡(jiǎn)直沒有使be afraid of 害怕chew gum 嚼口香糖not anymore 不再be- 2

4、- / 10詞匯復(fù)習(xí)recycli ng:short hair 短發(fā)long hair 長(zhǎng)發(fā)tall 高的(be) medium height 中等身高h(yuǎn)eavy 重的,沉的(have/has) a medium build 中等胖瘦語法分析、本單元語法重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容是used to 這個(gè)句型。1.主語+used to+動(dòng)詞原形+其它”在這個(gè)句型結(jié)構(gòu)中used to 的含義為 過去常?!北硎?過去的習(xí)Dave 在過去幾年中一直在 factory (工廠)中工作,但現(xiàn)在他在 Supermarket (超市)中 工作,所以 Daveused to work in a factory. 隱含的意思是:Da

5、ve worked in a factory before but he doesnthere now.如果用時(shí)間軸表示的話,應(yīng)該是這樣的。2.我們可以說 I used to work /She used to have /they us 等等,b 也就是說 used 這 個(gè)詞沒有人稱的變化,to 后面接動(dòng)詞原形。used tobe work have play etc.請(qǐng)看例句:When I was a child, I used to like chocolate I used to read a lot of books but I don t read much these days.

6、Liz-has got short hair now but it used to be very long.Liz 現(xiàn)在梳短發(fā),但以前她是長(zhǎng)發(fā)。-They used to live in the same street as us, so we often used to see them. But we don see them veryofte n these days.他們過去和我們住在同一條街道,所以我們經(jīng)常能看見他們,但現(xiàn)在我們不能經(jīng)常見到他 們了。慣,暗示現(xiàn)在已無此習(xí)慣,請(qǐng)看圖:DAV; Ahe used to workpastOAVITODAYhe worksNOWcurly

7、hair 卷發(fā)straight hair 直發(fā)short 矮的thin 瘦的t work- 3 - / 10Ann used to have a pia no, but she sold it a few years ago.Ann 過去有一架鋼琴,但幾年前她把鋼琴賣了。used to 的否定形式是 I didn t use to . When I was a child, I didn t use to like tomatoes.當(dāng)我還是個(gè)孩子時(shí),我不喜歡西紅柿。問句形式是 did you use to ?Where did you use to live before you came

8、here?當(dāng)你來這兒之前你住哪兒?3.used to 這個(gè)詞組只用于講述過去,我們不能用 use to 來講述現(xiàn)在I used to play tennis. These days I play golf.(不說 I use to play golf. )Weusually get up early.(不說 We use to get up early)二、 anymore我們用 anymore 來表示情況或活動(dòng)的變化。( We use anymore to show a change in a situation oractivity. )She used to live in NewYor

9、k, but she doesn t live there anymore.如果動(dòng)詞(或動(dòng)詞短語)相同,則第二個(gè)動(dòng)詞可省略。( If the Second Verb phrase has the same verb, youcan omit it. ) She used to live in London, but she doesn t anymore.anymore 可不與 used to 連用( You can use anymore without used to ) She doesn t live in NewYork anymore.anymore 只能和否定詞連用 We don

10、 t go there anymore.They n ever talk to me anymore.No one likes him anymore.三、 still我們用 still 來說明某人或某物沒有變化。 ( Use still to show that something or someone has not changed)She still lives in Mexico.still 應(yīng)放在主要?jiǎng)釉~前面( Use still before the main verb )He still lives in New Zealand.still 應(yīng)放在 be 動(dòng)詞后面。He is s

11、till crazy after all these years.still 應(yīng)放在像 can, may, should 這樣的助動(dòng)詞之后She can still play the piano.四、 頻率副詞頻率副詞(女口 always) 在句中位置不同。 ( Adverbs of freque ncy can appear in differe nt positions ina sentence.)它們的位置應(yīng)是:在主要?jiǎng)釉~之前,在be 動(dòng)詞之后,在助動(dòng)詞(will, can, have 等)之后,在 used to之前。- 4 - / 10I usually get up at six.

12、You were rarely happy.你很少高興。You will sometimes hear from them.I have seldom spoken to her.They never used to dance.He-always used to call her.五、詞語辨析1. used to 禾口 would1used to 和 would 都可表示過去的習(xí)慣或行為,??蓳Q用。When we were childre n we used to/would go skati ngevery wi nter. 我們小時(shí)候每年冬天都去 滑冰。2used to 含有較強(qiáng)的 今昔

13、對(duì)比的含義,而 would 無此含義I do not swim so often as I used to我不像過去那樣常游泳了。(不能用would 代替)He would sometimes work into the ni ght.以前他常工作到深夜。(不表示現(xiàn)在他不工作到深夜)3用 would 時(shí),有時(shí)應(yīng)有時(shí)間狀語來加以限制,而used to 則可無時(shí)間狀語He would go to see Mother every vacati on.(那時(shí))他每個(gè)假期去看望媽媽He isn t what he used to I 他不再是過去的他。2. used to do 禾口 be used

14、to doing.1be used to 是 習(xí)慣于”某一客觀事實(shí)和狀態(tài),不強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作,to 是介詞,后面接名詞或動(dòng)名詞,如:I am used to the weather here.我已經(jīng)習(xí)慣于這里的天氣了。He is used to hard work.他習(xí)慣于艱苦的工作。2get (或 become) used to 指的是從不習(xí)慣到習(xí)慣這一過程的轉(zhuǎn)變,另外,它往往包含著 克服困難去適應(yīng)的意思。女口: You will soon get used to the weather here.你會(huì)習(xí)慣于這里的天氣的。In the en d, I got used to doing the ha

15、rd work.最后,我終于習(xí)慣干苦活了。單元課文重點(diǎn)分析1.1 m on the swim team. (Section A 2b)我是游泳隊(duì)成員。類似的說法還有: I m on the soccer tea 或 I play on the soccer team.2. People sure cha nge. (Sect ion A 2b)- 5 - / 10人們的確是要變的。sure 在這里為副詞。如:It sure was cold.天氣確實(shí)很冷。3. Are you still afraid of the dark?I m terrified of the dark.(Section

16、 A 3b)afraid 的詞組有 be afraid of sth 害怕某物be afrai d to do sthbe afrai d of dot ng sth女口: She s afraid of dogs.He s afraid of see ing stra ngers.在口語中也說 I m afraid he s out at the moment. 我想他現(xiàn)在出去了。be terrified of doing sth 是個(gè)同義詞組。如: I m terrified of being alone.我害怕獨(dú)自一人呆著。4. I go to sleep with my bedroom

17、 light on. (Sectio n A 3b) 我把臥室的燈開著睡覺。with 的短語表方式5. 課文 Section B 3a 難點(diǎn)5. these daysbuthese days I get up early and stay in school all day.these days 是個(gè)詞組,意思是 現(xiàn)在,這幾天”Your son s trouble is very com mon these days.你兒子的毛病現(xiàn)在是極常見的。6. rightThen I go right home and eat dinner.right 在這里是副詞,意為直接地”。女口: The win

18、d blew right in our faces.風(fēng)迎面吹來。7. have tobut no w. I have to study.have to 意為 必須側(cè)重于客觀上的必要。其句型為 have (has) to+動(dòng)詞原形女口: We have to leave now.He has to work on Sun day.I had to do my homework last Sun day.8. hardly ever.These days, I hardly ever have time for con certs.hardly ever = very seldom.彳艮少He h

19、ardly ever goes to bed before midni ght.他很少在午夜以前就寢。9. miss害怕做某事- 6 - / 10I really miss the old days.miss 在這里為懷念”的意思。How he misses his mother while she is away in London!他媽媽在倫敦期間,他多么想念她??!2此外 miss 還有 缺的意思。I m afraid that Jim will miss a lot of his lessons.恐怕 Jim 會(huì)缺很多課。3錯(cuò)過I missed catching the 2 : 15 t

20、rain.我未趕上 2 點(diǎn) 15 分的火車。4missi ng 失去的,缺少的,不在的,失蹤的。They are look ing for the miss ing child.他們?cè)趯ふ沂й櫟暮⒆印?0. It seems that (Selfcheck)It seems that YuMei has cha nged a lot.seems(that) + 從句 / asif 丄耳 列 卜似乎,好像seemedIt seems as if he would recover.看來他好像會(huì)康復(fù)的。It seemed that the day would n ever end.那天好像沒有盡頭似

21、的?!灸M試卷】一、單詞分類。請(qǐng)將單詞或短語按要求分類,(只寫序號(hào))1 read comics2 chew gum3. short4 get up early5medium build6 play on the swim team7 sleep with light on8 play games9 straight hair10 heavy11 watch TV12 thin13paint pictures14 atte nd gym class15 eat candyA 容貌外表_B 生活習(xí)慣_C 活動(dòng)愛好_二、 英英釋義。選出正確的英文解釋填入相應(yīng)的括號(hào)內(nèi)。1. comica. almos

22、t no2. hardlyb. fill with fear3. in sectc. books or magaz ines with stories in the form ofdraw ings4. terrifyd. win ged ani mals with 6 legs5. darke. hav ing little or no light三、 單項(xiàng)選擇。1. I_frustrated when I wasn t sure of the correct answer.A. may beB. used toC. used to beD. use to be- 7 - / 102. Wh

23、en I was a child, I used to_chocolate.A. liki ngB. likeC. liked3.work in Microsoft?A. Did you used toB. Did you use toC. Do you used toD. Do you use to4. Where_live before you came here?五、用 used to 或一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)完成句子。1. I used to play tenni s. I stopped play ing a few years ago.2. Do you do any sport? Yes,

24、I play basketball.3. Have you got a car? No, I_ one but I sold it.4. George_ a waiter. Now he s the manager of a hotel.5. Do you go to work by car? Sometimes but most days I_ by train.6. When I was a child, I n ever_meat, but I eat it now.7. Mary loves watch ing TV. She_TV every evening.D. likesA. d

25、id you used toC. use he to5. No one likes him_A. stillB. never6. I am_ of spiders.B. did you use toD. he used toA. terrifyB. terror7. He is afraid ofstra ngers.A. seeB. see ing8. Itthat he has bee n ill forA. seemsB. looksC. anymoreD. tooC. terrifyi ngD. terrifiedC. sawD.seena long time.C. looks as

26、ifD. seems as if9. I always go to sleep_ the light on.A. inB. withC. toD. and10. Don tabout things so much. It will make you stressed out.A. afraidB. terrify四、看圖,用 used to 完成句子。C. terrifiedD. worryShEQ弭d tohavelonghairfoottall,a taxi driverff We hve Ijondon nowlin thE country_ Thi s bud dm g_- 8 - /

27、 108. We_n ear the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.9. Normally I start work at 7 o clock, so I_up very early.10. What games_you_whe n you were a child?六、用 used to 或 any more 的正確形式填空。My gra ndmother compla ins about how things have cha nged, and she says that life 1_e better.F

28、amilies aren t families the way t2ey be. Every one s divor(離婚)If a husba ndand wife are having problems with their marriage, they don3 . lAataly togethermothers 4_ stay home and take care of their childre n, but n ot 5_ . Every one s worki ng.No one has time for childre n 6.And the cars! No one walk

29、s 7_。everybody drives. We 8_ walk five miles to schooleveryday, even in win ter.And people don t talk to each othter . They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to thi nkLife 1_0_ be simple, but it isn 11. t七、Holly 和 Greta 自從高中以來就是朋友,對(duì)話中,他們?cè)谡務(wù)撍麄円郧暗耐瑢W(xué),看圖片完成對(duì)話,請(qǐng)使用子是否定的)Jim20 YEARS AGOHolly:

30、 Did you see Jim Jensen? He used to be so wild!Greta: Yes, but he J_(be). He looks very con servative (保守) now.Holly: Was he thin in high school? I don t remember.Greta: Yes, and he _2_(be).Holly: 3_he, wear) glasses?Greta: Yes, he does.Holly: 4_he play) the guitar?Greta: Yes, he does, but now he pl

31、ays classical guitar. He 5_play) rock and roll 6_.Holly: Didn t he used to have long hair?Greta: Yes, he did, but now he s bald. I also saw Jarthessiuigiaib (校慶)Remember her? She used to be the most popular girl in school.Greta 剛剛參加了他們的 20 年校慶,在下面的still 和anyTODAY- 9 - / 10JanHolly: What does she loo

32、k like now? 7 (she, look) the same?Greta: Yes, except for her hair. She 8 (have) long, brown hair 9_ . It s short andbion de. And she 10 (be) cute! She 11 (have) those big blue eyes and those thick eyelashes (眼睫毛).Holly: There was something different ab out her didn t she always used to wear a hat?G

33、reta: Yes, and she 12(do).Holly: Didn t she used to (afe 約會(huì))George Weissler?Greta: She 13 (do)! I n fact, they re going to get m 結(jié)婚 next mon th.八、看下列表格,用 still , anymore 和頻率副詞寫一篇文章,注意動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài),Carol 過去是單身。去年她和George 結(jié)婚了。George 離過婚,并有兩個(gè)孩子。這個(gè)表格顯示了Carol 生活的變化。請(qǐng)用6 句以上的話描述。alwaysgo dancing on weeke ndsstay home on weeke ndsoften/usuallygo out to eat travelcook dinnerclea n the house do the laundryevery daysometimesread no vels go to the beachhelp kids with homework go to theb


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