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1、英語中與動物相關(guān)的習(xí)語Fish 魚1. Never offer to teach a fish to swim諺不要班門弄斧。2. Hes like a fish out of water他感到生疏。3. He drinks like a fish。他喝起酒來不要命。4. Alls fish that comes to his net。凡是到手的他都要。Bird 鳥1. He eats like a bird他吃得很少。2. Birds of a feather flock together諺物以類聚,人以群分。3.  A bird in the han

2、d is worth two in the bush諺雙鳥在林不如一鳥在手eg. Bill has offered to buy my car for $4000.Someone else might pay more, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (比爾愿出4000美元買我的車,也許有人會出更多,但有一只鳥在手勝過兩面三刀只鳥在林子里。4. Thats for the birds! 那毫無意義!5. Its an ill bird that fouls own nest諺家丑不可外揚。6. A litt

3、le bird told me有人私下告訴我。7. Were all early birds in my family because we live on a farm.    由于我們生活在農(nóng)場,所以全家人都起得很早。Chicken 小雞1.  Come on! Dont be chicken! 來,別害怕!2.  Well,shes certainly no spring chicken她當(dāng)然不再是個小丫頭了。3. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched! 諺不要過

4、早樂觀!Owl 貓頭鷹1.  He is as blind as an owl他真是個瞎子。2.  Hes a wise old owl他是個智叟。 Bear 熊1. Every time l see my grandfather,he gives me a big bear hug    每次見到爺爺,他都要緊緊地擁抱我。2. Her husband is a real bear她丈夫脾氣確實壞。Bee 蜜蜂1. Shes always as busy as a bee她總是忙忙碌碌。Snail蝸牛1.

5、  He walks at a snail's pace他走路慢吞吞。 worm 蟲1. He wormed his way through the narrow passage他好不容易才走過那條狹窄的小路。2Every time l take the kids to the movies,they always worm around in their seats每次我?guī)Ш⒆觽內(nèi)タ措娪埃麄兒孟窨傄沧蛔∷频摹?. l am a worm today今天一點精神也沒有。4. A worm will turn諺如果被逼太甚,最溫順的人也會反抗。Ants 螞蟻1.&

6、#160; Youd think he has ants in his pants你會覺得他坐立不安。 Bug 臭蟲1.  It really bugs me when the bus comes late and l cant go to work on time。由于汽車晚點而不能按時上班,真讓我感到煩惱。2.  l dont feel wellI think I picked up some kind of bug in my travels abroad我感覺有點不適,可能是出國旅行時偶染微恙。3. Hes a camera bug他是個攝影迷。

7、hog 豬1When we were young,my sister and l shared the same bed,but she usually hogged  all the room小時候姐姐和我共睡一張床,可她總是占很多地方。2When he does something,he usually goes the whole hog他要干什么,就真的干到底。 Sheep 羊1She had a rather sheepish smile. 她笑起來很害羞的樣子。2He is a black sheep 他是個敗家子。dog 狗1. Barking dogs se

8、ldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:對于高聲發(fā)出恐嚇,或慣于大聲吼叫的人,勿須當(dāng)真)。 2. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走運的一天)。 3. Dog does not eat dog.同類不相殘;同室不操戈。 4. a cat-and-dog life 爭爭吵吵的日子 5. Dog does not eat dog. 同類不相殘,同時不操戈 6. Dumb dogs are dangerous. 不叫的狗咬人 7. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 讒言可畏,欲加之罪,何患無辭 8. go to the d

9、ogs 每況愈下 9. hang-dog look 愁眉苦臉 10. If the old dog barks, he give the counsel. 老狗叫,是忠告。 11. Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏 12. He is a lucky dog. 他是個幸運兒。 13. lead a dog's life 過窮困潦倒的日子 14. not have a dog's chance 毫無機會 15. come like a dog at a whistle 一呼即來 16. Every dog is a lion at home. Every do

10、g is valiant at his own door. 諺狗是百步王, 只在門前兇。 17. Fight dog, fight bear. 諺打個青紅皂白, 一決雌雄。 18. Give a dog a bad an ill name(and hang him). 諺一旦給人加一個壞名聲, 他就永遠洗刷不掉; 人言可畏。 19. It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. let sleeping dogs lie; don't wake a sleeping dog. 別多事, 別惹麻煩。 20. lead a dog's life 過著牛馬不如的

11、生活 22. Love me, love my dog. 諺你若把我當(dāng)朋友, 也要把我的朋友當(dāng)朋友; 愛屋及烏。 ScornfulHungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 諺人到危急時, 平時所不屑做的也要做; 急不暇擇, 饑不擇食。 teach an old dog new tricks 使守舊的人接受新事物 teach the dog to bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一舉) The dog returns to his vomit. 狗回頭吃自己吐出來的東西; 重犯舊日罪惡。 A living dog is better than a dead lion

12、.一條活狗勝過一頭死獅.23、dog eat dog 殘酷、競爭激烈Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world.24、work like a dog 指一個人努力、賣命地工作They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog.他們說,一個人想要成功就得拼命工作。25、dog-tired 筋疲力盡Such hard work can make him dog-tired.如此堅辛的工作使他疲憊不堪。26、sick as a dog 病得嚴(yán)重The situation wo

13、uld be even worse if she became sick as a dog.如果她病得厲害,情況會更糟27、meaner than a junkyard dog 冷漠,不友好He is a man meaner than a junkyard dog.他是一個殘酷、冷漠的男人。28、His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴、豆腐心I wouldn't be scared of her if I were you. Her bark's a lot worse than her bite.如果我是你,我不會怕她。她是個刀子嘴,豆腐心

14、的人。格林在努力避免招惹是非。29、the dog days of summer 一年中最熱的三伏天I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days of summer.在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。Horse 馬1. He eats like a horse他吃得很多。2. Thats just a lot of horse and donkey dust! 那不過都是些廢話!3. Its time to study now and stop horsing around學(xué)習(xí)時間已到,別胡鬧了。4. I got it stra

15、ight from the horses mouth我是聽當(dāng)事人親口說的。5. Just hold your horses!忍耐一下吧!6. She works like a horse all day long她整天辛辛苦苦地干活。7. Thats a horse of a different color! 那完全是另外一回事。8. You can take a horse to the water,but you can't make him drink!諺帶馬到河邊容易, 逼馬飲水難!Monkey 猴1. Don't get your monkey up for noth

16、ing別無緣無故生氣。2. You shouldn't monkey about with that machine, if you don't know how to fix it 假如你不懂得修,就別瞎弄這臺機器。3. What kind of monkey business has been going on while I've been away?    我不在的時候,出了什么事了?Fox 狐貍1.Watch out for himHes an old fox防著點兒,他是只老狐貍精。 Mule 騾He's more stubborn than a mule他頑固得很。 Cat 貓 1. to rain cats and dogs意思為滂沱大雨.西方人認為帽可以預(yù)測天氣變化,所以帽被看成大雨的象征.而狗是風(fēng)的使者,所以兩者相遇時可以想象.2. curiosity killed the cat譯為不要太過好奇.貓有一個很危險的習(xí)慣-用鼻子接觸所有的東西,如同過于熱心的人容易引起別人的反感.Children are usually warned that curiosity killed the cat.3. to let the cat out of bag意


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