



1、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+完成時(shí)(modal verbs + have + past participle)情態(tài)動(dòng)詞和動(dòng)詞原型連用,表示對(duì)目前或?qū)?lái)情況的看法或態(tài)度情態(tài)動(dòng)詞和完成時(shí)連用時(shí),表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況的看法或態(tài)度。 1. should+have+過(guò)去分詞 表示過(guò)去“本應(yīng)該”,實(shí)際上是說(shuō)話(huà)人在表達(dá)責(zé)備,抱怨或遺憾的意思。We should have cut away the jungle bush. 我們本應(yīng)該把叢林的灌木砍掉。How I regretted the days when I had played and should have studied. 我多么懊悔我把本應(yīng)該好好學(xué)習(xí)的日子都玩掉了。sh

2、ouldnt+have+過(guò)去分詞表示過(guò)去“本不應(yīng)該”而實(shí)際上做了的動(dòng)作。You shouldnt have told anyone about it. 你本來(lái)不應(yīng)該告訴任何人。They shouldnt have left so soon. 他們本來(lái)不應(yīng)該去得那么早。2. ought to + have + 過(guò)去分詞表示過(guò)去“本應(yīng)該”,相當(dāng)于“should + have + 過(guò)去分詞” You ought to have helped him. 你本應(yīng)該幫他一把。You ought to have returned these books to the school library last

3、week. 上周你就應(yīng)該把這些書(shū)還給學(xué)校圖書(shū)室。否定形式oughtnt to + have + 過(guò)去分詞 = shouldnt + have +過(guò)去分詞 eg. You oughtnt to have taken his umbrella away. 你不該把他的傘拿走。He oughtnt to have been there.他本不應(yīng)該到那去。3. must + have + 過(guò)去分詞表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況的推測(cè),譯成“當(dāng)時(shí)一定;想必已經(jīng);當(dāng)時(shí)可能”。What a challenge I must have been to this young teacher. 對(duì)這位年輕教師來(lái)說(shuō),教我這樣的學(xué)生

4、當(dāng)時(shí)一定是個(gè)巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。Since the ditch is full of water, it must have rained last night.因?yàn)闇侠餄q滿(mǎn)了水,昨晚一定下過(guò)雨了。表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況的否定推測(cè)時(shí)。要用“cant (couldnt) + have + 過(guò)去分詞”,一般不用“mustnt + have + 過(guò)去分詞”。Joe cant have left. I saw him just now. 喬不可能離開(kāi)了,剛才我還看見(jiàn)他了。The party couldnt have been successful as you had hoped. 舞會(huì)不可能象你希望的那樣成功?!癿

5、ust + have + 過(guò)去分詞”表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況推測(cè)時(shí),反意疑問(wèn)句用have (has), 有明確表示過(guò)去時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)(before 除外)反意疑問(wèn)句用did. He must have finished his homework, hasnt he? 他準(zhǔn)把作業(yè)做完了。對(duì)嗎?He must have attended the meeting yesterday evening, didnt he? 他昨晚上肯定參加會(huì)議了,是嗎?4. may (might) + have + 過(guò)去分詞表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況的推測(cè),可用于肯定句,否定句,但不用于疑問(wèn)句In return I may have been

6、able to teach you a little about medical technique. 作為報(bào)答,我也許教給了你們一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)醫(yī)療技術(shù)。Might he have been caught and killed?他有可能被抓住殺掉了嗎?might + have + 過(guò)去分詞也能表示對(duì)過(guò)去的事情的可能性的推測(cè),有“本應(yīng)該”,含有婉轉(zhuǎn)責(zé)備的意思。You might have listened to me while I was talking to you. 我對(duì)你講話(huà)時(shí),你應(yīng)該認(rèn)真聽(tīng)才對(duì)。You might have let me know before you went out. 外出

7、之前,你本應(yīng)該先告訴我一聲。5. can (could) + have +過(guò)去分詞表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況的推測(cè)?!癱an + have + 過(guò)去分詞”一般多用于疑問(wèn)句和否定句, 不用于肯定句。Can he have gone yesterday? 難道他昨天就已經(jīng)走了嗎?They cant have lost themselves in the woods, because I drew a map to them. 他們不可能在森林中迷路,因?yàn)槲医o他們畫(huà)了一張畫(huà)。Bill couldnt have gone home this weekend. I saw him at the school gro

8、und this morning.本周末貝爾不可能回家,今天下午我還在學(xué)校操場(chǎng)上看見(jiàn)他了。Mary cant have gone to school. Its Sunday.瑪麗不可能去上學(xué),今天是星期天。在表示對(duì)過(guò)去某事的推測(cè)時(shí),可用could/ might / may + 完成時(shí)。They could/might/may have heard the news from smith. 他們也許從史蜜斯那兒聽(tīng)到了這個(gè)消息。6. need + have +過(guò)去分詞表示過(guò)去“沒(méi)有必要做”,但實(shí)際做了。有責(zé)備的意思。否定形式表示“做了本不應(yīng)該做”的 事 You neednt have woken

9、me up so early. Its Sunday today.你沒(méi)有必要這么早就叫醒我,(因?yàn)椋┙裉焓切瞧谔?。You needn't have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.你本來(lái)不必澆這些花,因?yàn)樘炀鸵掠炅?。You needn' t have told him the news; he knew it already.你不必再告訴他這個(gè)消息,他已經(jīng)知道了。You needn't have walked up; you could have taken the lift.你沒(méi)必要走著上去;你本來(lái)可以乘電梯

10、。didn't need to do(=I didn't have to)的 “本沒(méi)有必要做也沒(méi)有做”I didn't need to go to the bank. I borrowed some money from Mary.我不必去銀行-我找瑪麗借了點(diǎn)兒錢(qián).翻譯理解以下句子:1. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 2. You must have been mad to speak to an animal. 3. Mr. Smith can't have gone to Bei

11、jing, for I saw him in the library just now. 4. Mary can't have taken your dictionary. She has gone home. 5. There is no light in the room. Can they have gone out? 6. There is nowhere to find them. Where can they have gone? 7. He could have passed the exam, but he was too careless. 8. What has h

12、appened to George?I don't know. He may have got lost.9. He might have given you more help, even though he was busy. 10. She might have achieved greater progress, if you had given her more chances. 11. Tom, you are too lazy. The work should have been finished yesterday. 12. Look, Tom is crying. I

13、 shouldn't have been so harsh on him. 13. I ought to have gone home last Sunday. 14. You ought not to have given him more help. 15. I needn't have bought so much wine only five people came. 鞏固性練習(xí):從A、B、C、D中選擇最佳答案。1-You didnt wait for Mr. Smith last night, did you?-No, but we _. He didnt retur

14、n home at all.A. couldnt have waited   B. neednt have沒(méi)有必要做但實(shí)際做了C. didnt need to沒(méi)有必要做實(shí)際也沒(méi)有做 D. should wait2Harry _ have won the Physics competition easily yesterday, but he gave up.A. could   B. might   C. should   D. must3-May I speak to your manager Mr. Smith

15、 at six oclock tonight ?”-“Im sorry, Mr. Smith _ to a conference before then.”A. will have gone                 B. had gone      C. would have gone        

16、     D. has gone4. -Tom took away my cell phone without being permitted.- Really? I cant imagine that he _ have done such a thing.A. must         B. may   C. can         D. should5- Was

17、 it Mary who made the suggestion?- It _ have been. I cant remember.A. need         B. must           C. should         D. may6The weather turned out to be fine

18、yesterday. I _ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me .A. should have taken             B. could have takenC. needn't have taken            D. mustn't have taken7He paid for a seat, whe

19、n he _ have entered free.A. could           B. would    C. must          D. need8I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She _ at the meeting .A. mustnt have spoken 

20、   B. mightnt have spokenC. cant have spoken        D. shouldnt have spoken9- Hi, is that Peter Brown?-Sorry. You _ the wrong number .A. must dial               B. must have dialed    &

21、#160;  C. should dial                 D. should have dialed10I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They _ at least 150 kilometers an hour .A. should have been doing   B. must ha

22、ve been doingC. could have done D. would have done11. He is not poor. You _ have lent him the money.A. cant B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt12. There was plenty of time. You _ have hurried.A. wont B. mustnt C. neednt D. couldnt13. I _ here in time, but I met an old friend of mine. I stopped and talked with him for some time.A. shouldnt have come B. must have comeC. neednt have come D. could have come14. They _ have finished the work yesterday, but it was raining hard.A. must B. could C. shoul


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