



1、n.1 情景交際。(5分)在下列橫線上填入適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,補全對話。(M Michael ; S Steve)M: Good morning, Steve. Nice to see you!S: Good morning. Nice to see you, too.M: 11._S: Im going to play basketball.M: Excising is good for our health. 12. _S: My favorite player is Lin Shuhao. And yours?M: Me, too. 13. _S: Twice a week.M: 14._S:

2、I want to be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao.M: I hope your dream will come true ( 實現(xiàn)).S: 15._ 2在下列橫線上填入適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,補全對話。A : It Sun day tomorrow. 11. _?B: Oh, I am going to watch a football match. It between Korea and China.A : Won derful! I really hope we win this time. 12. _ ?B: At 3 o lock in the a

3、fternoon. I have two tickets here. 13._ ?A : Of course I love to. But I can We will have a basketball match tomorrow after noon.B: What a pity! 14. _?A : A team from No. 2 Middle School.B : 15. _ ?A : In our school.B : Good luck to you and your team the n!A : Thank you. See you later.B : See you.3.在

4、下列橫線上填入適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,補全對話。A: Hello! 11. _B: This is Jack speak ing.A: Hi, Jack. This is Mike. Are you free this after noon?B: Yes, what up?A: I have two film tickets. 12._B: Yes, I love to. 13. _A: At 3:00 this afternoo n.B: 14. _A: Let meet at my home.B: OK. 15. _A: See you.4.A: Good morning. Doctor Li.B:

5、Good morning, Kan gka ng. 11. _A: I have a headache and cough day and ni ght.B: 12. _A: About 2 days.B: Let me see. Oh, you have a cold.A: 13. _B: Noth ing serious.A: 14. _B: Take some medici ne and have a good rest. Youll get better soon.A: 15. _ Good bye!5.A:Good morning, Doctor Wang.B:Good mornin

6、g, young man. Whatwrong with you?A:I have a stomachache.B:11. _A:It began about 2 days ago.B:12. _A:No, I seldom have breakfast.B:Oh, it snot good. 13. _A:Yes, I like fast food very much.B:14. _A:Every day.B:I see. You have a bad eati ng habit. Youd better cha nge it.A:OK. 15. _ Thank you!6.A: Hello

7、! I d like to speak to Kangkang.B: 11. _A: 12. _B: He has a bad stomache.A: 13. _ How did it happen?B: He ate out for fast food with his friends yesterday. He felt terrible as soon as he came back.A: That sterrible. 14. _ I want to see him.B: Not far. ItSon Xinhua Road. You can find it easily.A: I h

8、ope he will get better soon.B: 15. _n.情景交際。1. What are you going to do? / Where are you going?12. Who is your favorite player?13. How often do you play basketball?14. What do you want to be when you grow up?15. Thank you.211. What are you going to do12. When will it start13. Would you like to go wit

9、h me14. Which team will you be/play against15. Where will you play3.11. Who is that?12. Would you like to see a film with me?13. When will it begin?14. When and where shall we meet?15. See you then.4.11. What s wrong with you?12. How long have you been like this?13. Is it serious?14. What should I do?15. Thank you.5.11. When did it begin?12. Do you often have breakfast?13. Do you like eating fast food?14. How often do you eat it?15.


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