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1、2019-2020學(xué)年廣東省深圳市華僑中學(xué)高三英語月考試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. 一would youtellme what the lecture delivered yesterday was about?sorry, i was just    for the lecturer had a strong accent.a. carried overb. held backc. split upd. turned off參考答案:d2.  most of us hate people _ talk much but do little.a. whom

2、        b. whose        c. which            d. who參考答案:d3. _on the opposite wall _ one map together with dozens of picturesahung; is    bhung; are  &#

3、160;  changing; isdhanging; are參考答案:c分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)與意思,可知這是一個倒裝句,句子中的主語是one map together with dozens of pictures,受到主謂一致中的with是就遠原則的限制,謂語動詞應(yīng)該要看遠處的map,故第二個空格的謂語動詞應(yīng)該用單數(shù);而hang在句子中是主動,故選c。句意:一張地圖,還有幾十張的圖片都掛在了對面的墻上。4. got your driving license?no. i _ too busy to have enough practice,so i didn't take the

4、driving test last week.a. was               b. am              c. have been         d. had been參考答案:d5. _of danger in the str

5、eet at night, she had to go home, with a friend _ her. a. warned; accompanied                  b. warning; accompanyingc. having warned; accompanied           

6、d. having been warned; accompanying參考答案:d6. our class teacher is still on _ holiday, so our monitor will be in _ charge of the class meeting this afternoon.a. /; / b. the; the c. a; /d. the; a 參考答案:a7. william found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to   adis

7、appear     bfall        cfail        ddamage參考答案:c略8. reading without thinking is like eating without digesting,never accept whatever is written in a book,for even experts     make mistakes.

8、a.must   b.should   c.will   d.can參考答案:d9. he made too many mistakes in the examto _ it another way, he failed to pass the examination       aput                

9、0;      bplace                 cset                   dspeak參考答案:  a10. every means _, but none proved _.

10、a. have tried; a successb. have been tried; successfulc. has tried; to be successfuld. has been tried; successful參考答案:d11. . it is a good plan in theory, but it remains _ whether it works in practice. a. to see               

11、 b. to be seen           c. seeing               d. seen 參考答案:b略12. -have you finished all your exercises?-yes, _ is left. as a matter of fact, they are as easy as abc.a. nothing  

12、            b. not one           c. none             d. neither參考答案:c略13. many road accidents occur because drivers cannot _ the speed of ap

13、proaching vehicles.a. conclude    b. count          c. measure          d. value參考答案:c14. in memory of chinas youths day, _ celebration evening took place on our campus. it was _ success. &#

14、160;     aa; a            bthe; the              c a; /                dthe; a參考答案:a15. what about 1

15、00 yuan? thats my final offer._ i sell it to you just at the cost price this time for your future visit to my shop.a. you win.       b. what for?       c. no comment.      d. out of the question.參考答案:a【知識點】情景交際解析:a你

16、贏了;b為什么;c無可奉告;d不可能; 根本談不上。根據(jù)空后的答語判斷選a。16.          children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.  a. if                    

17、;                            b. though                     &

18、#160;       c. unless                           d. when參考答案:c17. _ parents say and do usually has a life-long effect on their children. a. t

19、hat       b. which    c. what d. as參考答案:【答案】18. - what do you want to do next? we have half an hour until the basketball game.- _. whatever you want to do is fine with me.a. it just depends            

20、0;     b. its up to youc. all right                            d. glad to hear that參考答案:b二、 單詞拼寫67. my mother tells me not to play on the road. its ve

21、ry           (danger).68. look! the police are _searching the bushes. (care)69. today he is the _ (three) to come to our class.70. your camera is not as expensive as           (she), but it works well, too.參考答案

22、:67. dangerous68. carefully69. third 70. hers三、 閱讀理解20. below are the top four supermarket chains in the world in 2012 and the reasons behind their success. tescoheadquartered in chestnut, united kingdom , this global grocery store is one of the largest supermarket chains in terms of revenues and pr

23、ofits. if was founded in 1919 by jack cohen. tesco stores can be found across all continents. even though it was set up only for food and beverages, tesco has drastically branched out , not only in geographical terms, but also in terms of products. which now include electronics , clothing, health ca

24、re, home improvement and even financial services.safewayfounded in the year 1915 by a young m. b, skaggs. safeway developed from just a small grocery store on the fundamentals of providing value to customers and narrow profit margins. the success story of skaggs becomes more evident when , by the en

25、d of the year 1926,he he had opened almost 428 stores across ten states. almost two years later, safeway was listed at the new york stock exchange . at present, there are more than fifteen hundred safeway stores across us and canada.the kroger company founded at cincinnati, ohio in 1883 by mr. berna

26、rd kroger, the kroger company is now one of the largest supermarket chains not only in the us. but across the world . over the last couple of decades, the kroger company has vastly expanded by acquiring popular brand names, including those of owens market. its stores are largely spread out across mi

27、ddle. western and central united states. reve-gruppereve gruppe was founded in 1927 and is presently headquartered at cologne, germany . this supermarket chain is easily counted among the top supermarket chains of the world . its vast ine of products includes grocery, home improvement, pharmaceutica

28、ls, cosmetics, optical as well as clothing . its stores can be found in as many as fourteen european countries, providing employment to more than 325,000 people.61which of the following was founded first ?atesco.bsafeway.cthe kroger company.drewe-gruppe.62we can learn from the text that safeway 

29、;              .awas initially set up only for foodbdeveloped from a small grocery storechas about 3,500 stores nowdhas branches in fourteen european countries63which of the following is true?atesco was founded four years earlier than

30、safeway.btesco and safeway are headquartered in the same country.crewe - gruppe provides financial services.dsafeway was listed at the new york stock exchange around 1928.64according to the passage, the kroger company         .ais presently headquartered in th

31、e united kingdombhas fifteen stores in the us and canadacdeveloped quickly after acquiring popular brand namesdprovides employment for more than 325,000 people65what is the topic of the passage?aan introduction to four top supermarket chains around the world.bthe history of four top supermarkets cha

32、ins.cthe background of four supermarket chains.dthe most profitable supermarket chains in the world.參考答案:21.     today, more and more people are using credit cards instead of money to buy the things they need. almost anyone who has a steady income and a continuous work record can appl

33、y for a credit card.    if you have a credit card, you can buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip, and even get a haircut by charging the cost to your account. in this way you can pay for purchases a month or two later, without any extra charge. or you may choose to spread out your paym

34、ents over several months and pay only part of the total amount each month. if you do this, the credit card company or the bank who sponsors (經(jīng)辦) the credit card will add a small service charge to your total bill. this is very convenient for the customer. with the credit card ill your wallet or purse

35、, you don't have to carry much cash. this saves you trips to the bank to cash checks or withdraw cash. also if you carry credit cards instead of a lot of cash, you don't have to be concerned about  losing your money through carelessness or theft. the card user only has to worry about pa

36、ying the final bill. this of course can be a problem if you charge more than you can pay for.    credit cards are big business. americans spend $16 billion a year on cards and there are already 590 million of them in circulation.  many banks sponsor their own credit card companie

37、s and issue cards free to their customers. other credit card companies charge their member annual dues (費用). the stores that accept credit cards must pay a small fee to the credit card company a percentage of the purchase price of the merchandise or service. in turn, the credit card company promptly

38、 (立即) pays the store for the merchandise or service. credit card companies make a profit from the fees they charge the store and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their changes in monthly installments. however, credit card companies sometimes have problems collecting overdue pa

39、yments from unreliable customers. also the use of stolen, lost, or counterfeit credit cards by criminals has become a big headache for the credit card company that is responsible for the goods and services illegally charged to its customers' account. 69. the main purpose of this passage is

40、     .    a. to promote the sale of credit cards                       b. to persuade you not to buy credit cards    c. to explain credit card economy       


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