1、叮叮小文庫(kù)BEC Higher Speaking Test1 In troducti on(1) I nterlocutorCan didate AAccessorCan didate B(2) Judg ing criteriaPronun ciatio n and inton atio nGrammar and vocabularyDiscourse man ageme ntIn teractive compete nee(3) Testi ng procedure1. In terview3mini. Pers onal questi onsii. Fixed questi ons2.
2、Mini presentation6min ( about 2min for each )i. A chosen topic -a short speech 1min -question time3. Collaborative task and discussi on7mini.A given topic -discussion3min question time2 Fixed questions for Part 1- InterviewI. Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and1. What you find mo
3、st in terseti ng about your job or studies ?2. Your future career pla ns?3. Why you decided to lear n En glish?4. Your ideal kind of employer?5. Why you choose you particular career?6. About the place where you work or study?II. Could you tell me1. What you think have bee n the most sig ni fica nt c
4、ha nges rece ntly in con sumer behaviours in China ( in your country )?2. How imporat nt you think En glish will be in the future for bus in ess in China ( in your country )?3. To what exte nt you think con sumers in China( in your country ) are in flue need by price levels of products ?4. Whether y
5、ou think most people will work from home in Chi na (in your coun try) in the future ?5. How you thi nk career opport un ities are likely to cha nge in Chi na (in your coun try) ?Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and1 What you find most interseting about your job or studies ?The sig
6、 nifica nces of your major in society2 Your future career plans? (subjective mood) I wish I could be/haveI wish I could run my own bus in ess.adva nee my educati on infurther my studies in3 Why you decided to lear n En glish?Compulsory courseWidely used? The first Ian guage of British ,America n ? T
7、he sec ond Ian guage of In dia n ? The foreig n Ian guage of the rest world? One of the six work ing Ian guage of the UN and the largest one? Two thirds of the world 'mass media broadcasts in EnglishIt is because of its importance that we decide to learn it.4 Your ideal kind of employer? Wide sc
8、ope of kno wledge? How to make use of his people? Professio nally compete nt? Good at relati on ship with his people?Con siderate?Well-c onn ected in the society (social connection)6 About the place where you work or study?The city , uni versity, campus ,en vir onment.Could you tell me1 What you thi
9、nk have been the most significant changes recently in con sumer behaviours in China ( in your country )? In the past prices, durability , qua ntity? Now -designs , styles ,quality? Brand name -amous brand (top , international brand)?- from qua ntitative point of view to qualitative point of view?les
10、s atten tion to *?people in Chi na are more and more in flue need by *2 How imporat nt you thi nk En glish will be in the future for bus in ess in Chi na(in your country )? - the status of En glish in ChinaDue to more and freque nt con tacts betwee n Chi na and the rest of the world , En glish would
11、 defi nitely be more and more importa nt for bus in ess in China in the near future, but at the same time , with the development of our motherland , our mother tongue of course will be more widely used for bus in ess . ( I doubt that )3 To what extent you think consumers in China( in your country )
12、are in flue need by price levels of products ? More and more in flue need by *? Less and less in flue need by *? In stead of *4 Whether you think most people will work from home in China (in your coun try) in the future ?The an swer is positive . in the future , com muni cati on . commuteIn stead of
13、 travelli ng to theTech no logy , n etwork tech no logy.Task-orie ntedHome-based occupati ons5 How you thi nk career opport un ities are likely to cha nge in Chi na (in your coun try) ?With the developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy ,some of the traditional trades are disappearing, on the other h
14、and ,some modern trades .such as IT .beco ming more and more popular .likely toshift from to .Now ,it 'time for you to develop your own ideas for Part ONECan you tell me a little about your work or studies and1 What you find most in terseti ng about your job or studies ?2 Your future career pla
15、ns?3 Why you decided to lear n En glish?4 Your ideal kind of employer?5 Why you choose you particular career?6 About the place where you work or study?Could you tell me1 What you think have been the most significant changes recently in consumer behaviours in China ( in your country )?2 How imporatnt
16、 you think English will be in the future for bus in ess in China ( in your country )?3 To what extent you think consumers in China( in your country ) are in flue need by price levels of products ?4 Whether you think most people will work from home in China (in your coun try) in the future ?5 How you
17、 think career opport un ities are likely to cha nge inChina (in your coun try) ?3 Part 2 -Mi ni-prese ntatio n(1) Prese ntati on (proper Ian guage + practical ideas )Atte ntio n :Your min i-prese ntati on should at least con sist of aproperOpening stateme ntThe main bodyThe ending(2) Useful sentence
18、s for this part. (Tips for coping with three differe nt types of tasks)? From these 3 different topics , I' like to choose/select and saysomethi ng about it?I wish I could say someth ing about Topic?I prefer to choose .(my preferenee is .)? I'like to give my choice to ? To sum up , A , B and
19、 C are the importa nt factors that we must con sider whether The importa nee ofThe importa nee of cann ever be over-exaggerated/emphasized/stressed.There could never be .without The absenee of would be surely lead to .could n ever be achieved at the abse nee of .is/are crucial/ essential / substanti
20、al / indispensable/ vital/ critical toThe success of depends partly/wholly on cannot go without Talk ing about the importa nee of ,we could not but men tio n .always remai ns the top priority of .serves as the lifeline of Only by securing .can we possibly arrive at The factors involved in and how to
21、In my opin io n , the factors invo lved are as follows:As I see it / from my point of view , it can be illstrated / summrized / shown / exhibited / catagorized / expressed / dem on strated / as followsIn the first place / first of all / the first and the most importantlyTo go on with / to further il
22、lstrate the case / to go one step further / equalatte nti on should be give n to? In the third place / last but not least / the last one is / the last factor I con sider is? If A is out of con trol, B is out of the questi on/ emptytalk/dream/fa ntasy/sloga n/impossible .? Should there be ,we could n
23、ever TASK SHEETS FOR CANDIDATES A AND BTask sheet 1 (PART 2)A : Career development :the factors invoIved in decidingwhether to take a job in ano ther coun try.B : Customer service :how to en sure that staff have acustomer-orie nted approach to provide goods and services.C: Finan cial man ageme nt :t
24、he imporat nee of con troll ingcosts for a company ' s profitability.Task sheet 1A : in come / salary family concerns Ianguage safety / life in sura neeTask sheet 2 (PART 2)A : Recruitment: the factors invoIved in interviewing in ajob applicati on effectively.B : Market research : the importanee
25、 to a company of being well-i nformed of competitor 'prices and products .C: Health and safety : how to ensure that a company s health and safety policy is followed by all staff .Task sheet 2A : careful orga ni zatio n specific pers onnel / idea / time / venue prescribed procedures -prepare ques
26、tions check documents / pers onal docume ntsto seek the ideal can didates you want .Task sheet 3 (PART 2)A : Retailing : the factors invoIved in a retail outlet beco ming popular with shoppers .B : Management skills : the importanee of effective in terpers onal com muni cati on skills for main tai n
27、ing good staff relati ons .C : Administration: how to ensure that an office filingsystem is effective .Task sheet 3A : services (on-spot and after-sales service) varieties of commodities prices and qualities location and branchesTask sheet 4 (PART 2)A : Marketing :the impartanee of choosing the righ
28、t advertis ing media for a product.B : Busin ess Pla nning: the importa nee of forecast ingtocompa ni es.C : Human Resources :how to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on in dividual performa nces.Task sheet 5 (PART 2)A : Corporate Image: the impartanee of an appropriate fr
29、ont-desk service within the eompany .B :Ma nageme nt: how to en sure that man agers are able to deal effectively with un expected situatio ns in bus in ess.C : Quality Con trol:the factors invo Ived in how to makeyour products and services con site nt reliable.Task sheet 5C : a specific group of peo
30、ple to supervise QC (quality con trol ) a system of award/punishments( those who must be ) efficie nt com muni cati on with customers (follow their proper advice)Task sheet 6 (PART 2)A : Customer service: how to ensure a high level of customer satisfact ion in the travel in dustry.B:lntern ati onalT
31、rade: the factorsinvo Ivedinsuccessfully entering into foreign markets.C :Marketing: how to evaluate the effectiveness of a company 'website.Task sheet 6B: the comprehensive/generalknowledge/understandingof the targetmarket you should have your own stre ngthes ( tech ni cal/fi nan cial/huma n re
32、sources stre ngth) meet/satisfy the specific dema nd/requireme ntsTask sheet 7 (PART 2)A :Time man ageme nt: how to man age a heavy workload effectively.B:Project work: the importanee of providing project workers with trai ning in teamwork.C :Purchas ing: how to evaluate and select new products for
33、a company 'IT department.Task sheet 8 (PART 2)A :ln terpers onalcom muni cati on:the importa nee ofliste ning carefully to the opinion of colleagues at all levels.B:Recruitment: how to attract high-quality management staff to a compa ny.C :Bus in esspla nning: the factors invo Ived in decid ingw
34、hether to in vest in further expa nsion.Task sheet 8B : preferential policies sound working environment / attractive salaries(n ice pay )/ family concerns (spouse ,child )Task sheet 9 (PART 2)A :Customerservice: the importanee of dealingeffectively with customer eomplai nts.B:Human resources: the im
35、portanee ofsettingperforma nee objectives for all staff .C :Corporate hospitality:the factors invo Ived in en suri ngthe success of corporate hospitality eve nts.Task sheet 10 (PART 2)A:Advertis ing: theimporta neeofadapt ingadvertiseme nts to suit markets in differe nt eoun tries.B:Project man agem
36、e nt:the importa nee of maki ng all staffaware of the progress of the compa ny.C :Financialplanning: the factors invoIved in decidinghow much a price in crease should be.Task sheet 10C: macro financial environment competitor ' similar products ' prices eonsumer s purchasing power the price o
37、f raw materials greenlight from government4 Part 3 -Collaborative taskBefore we start(1) The process of this part? Express your opinion? Ask ing for opinions from your part ner? Agree/disagree? Additi on s/exte nsions(2) Useful senten ces for this partExpress ing? As for me , I 'just like to say
38、 ? From my point /my personal point / a student ' point of view,I must say? To this topic, differe nt people always yeild differe nt un dersta ndin gs, somesay, others argue ,as for me Ask ing? Would you mi nd telli ng me how do you find ? I'like to know what your ideas are on ? I was won de
39、ri ng where you stood on ? Could you please tell me how you think of Agree ing? I quite agree with what you said .? What you said is ,of course , quite to the point.?I could not agree more.?There you go.? You got/hit it.? That sjust what I was about to say.Disagree ing?I'm sorry to say I just ca
40、nnot go with you here/there.? Maybe you are right, but who kno ws.? I wish.hope you were right.? There is someth ing in what you said ,that is Additi on s/suppleme nts? I 'add somethi ng here if I may.? I 'say someth ing more , if you don 'mi nd.? Besides the above men ti on ed,I 'sa
41、y ? I hope you won 'mind if I say something more .Ask ing for repeat ing? I didn 'quite catch what you said , would you mind saying it again.? Would you be kind eno ugh to repeat what you said .? I beg your pard on.TASK SHEET FOR BOTH OF THE CANDIDATES(Just for your referen ce)Efficie ncy st
42、udyYour branch has been recently identified as the most efficient in the company. You have been asked to suggest how other branches in the company could achieve similar levels of efficie ncy.Discuss,a nd decide together:What the best ways are to improve efficie ncy .How to motivate all staff to main
43、tain a high-level of efficiency.Ideas for this task.I. Thorough studies of the case in hand ( how your branch achieved the efficie ncy)A. pla nning? a detailed/careful/pratical/feasible/scientific planningB. staff motivati on? provide education/training course to improve the awareness of the team go
44、al? material incen tives?spiritiual stimulati on? bonus prizes? a system of puni shme nt and awards.(Just for your reference)Attract ng bus in ess clie nts for IT trai ningThe compa ny you work for provides IT training for bus in ess .Your departme nt has bee n asked to make suggesti ons for attract
45、 ing new corporate clie nts.Discuss,a nd decide together:What types of compa nies would be the most suitable to target.What would be the most effective ways of attracti ng clie nts.Ideas for this task.(you 'better use subejective mood to an swer these questi ons)?Pubicity (advertiseme nt) , sati
46、sfactory en vir onment.?Teachers(professio nal,k no wledgeable,patie ntjob-dedicatio n, wide scope)? materials (latest,updated), venues , facilities , time arran geme nt? the best possible training records/history,reputatio n/fame/name.(Just for your referen ce)Security arra ngeme nts at a new facto
47、ry.The manu facturi ng compa ny you work for is bulidi ng a new factory.You have bee n asked to advise on security arran geme nts for the new site.Discuss,a nd decide together:How aspects of security should in flue nee the desig n of the factory bulid in gs.What kind of security procedures would be
48、necessary for company pers onn el.(develop your own ideas)(Just for your referen ce)En viro nmen tai concerns.The supermarket chain you work for has realised that its customers are in creas in gly influn eced by en vir onmen tal concerns .You have bee n asked to review the company 'activities.Di
49、scuss,a nd decide together:Which aspects of the compa ny sactivities should be reviewed.How to en courage staff to be more aware of en vir onmen tal issues.(develop your own ideas)(Very critical for the comi ng BEC H ST )In crease in orders.The manu factori ng compa ny you work for has experie need
50、a sudde n in crease in customer orders and in considering asking staff to work extra hours. You have bee n asked to advise on this .Discuss,a nd decide together:What the possible disadva ntages could be of staff work ing extra hours.What other steps the company could take to deal with the unexpected
51、 in crease in orders.Lan guage work for this task1 Just as a coin has two sides , in cresaed orders is also two-sided .On the onehand , whileon the other hand , and .is of no exception.2 Just as a coin has two sides , in cresaed orders is also two-sided ,and .isof no excepyi on . On the one hand , y
52、et on the other hand Ideas for this task.1 cause inconvenien ces to ( both man ageme nt and staff )Meals ( delicious ,to staff s stomach , free )Extra cost ( pay ,bonus )Family concerns ( have to fetch childre n at school everyday)Tran sport ( especially com muni catio n )Security ( work till the mi
53、dnignt , when back home alone , it will be more dan gerous)2 hire temporary (part-time) staff .Move office clerks to production sites for the time being .Offer greater stimulati onsAsk for help from sister companies (or governmentdepartmentsconcern ed)(Very critical for the comi ng BEC H ST )Expa nding the workforce.The house-buliding company you work for is expanding rapidly .The man age mnet is con sideri ng establishi ng a small legal departme nt .You have bee n asked to make recomme ndati ons on the new departme ntDiscuss,a nd decide together:What aspects to con si
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