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1、nuit2 vocabularyli prefer the small poem "she walks in beauty1'. your answer(s)correct answer(s)en titlede ntitled2. if you go to the in terview in such old-fashi oned clothes, youll your cha nee of getti ng the job. your answer(s) correct answer(s)ruinruin3. they don't know what their

2、problems are, so they will first send in trained nurses to theneeds of each patient.your answer(s) correct answer(s)evaluateevaluate4. i read an article in the newspaper that deals with today's toward less formal clothing frommore formal clothing. your answer(s)correct answer(s)tre ndtre nd5. wh

3、at one adopts toward life matters a lot in onet career choice. your answer(s) correct answer(s)curiosity attitude6. men are now an important group of grocery shoppers, who to spend more money ongrocery shopping than women.your answer(s)correct answer(s)appeali ngtend7. to satisfy my about the histor

4、y of my family, i went to visit the small village in the mountains where my great-grandfather was born and lived until the age of 15. your answer(s) correct answer(s)resp onsecuriosity8. his project is concer ned with the tech no logy to practical busi ness problems. your answer(s) correct answer(s)

5、concept appl ying9. it's difficult to find a job these days many young people don't even get a(n) fromcompanies they are applying to.your answer(s) correct answer(s)admissio nresp onse10. from my point of view, the of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. your answer(s) correct an

6、swer(s)attitudecon cept what's the use of a teacher if he can't give any help or to his students in their studies?your answer(s)correct answer(s)guideguida nee12. she would be a good student if she only had more in herself.your answer(s)correctan swer(s)n eglectcon fide nee13. in a sense, to

7、 be a model is to have a(n) way of dressingyour answer(s)correctanswer(s)confide neein dividual14. if you do not watch you children carefully, they tend to their homeworkyour answer(s)correct answer(s)en titleneglect15. before he could get help, his doctors said that he must that he had a problemyou

8、ranswer(s)correct answer(s)apply admit resoura neeunit 1for questi ons81 o,completethese ntenceswith t he i nf ormation given in the text.1.around 7,500 children are now taken out of schooland taught by their parents at home.your answer correct answer9nn2.some parents teach their children at home be

9、causeof the fear of attacks by other students and a lack of discipline among the studentsyour answer correct answer3.9yyaccording to the researchers mentioned in the text, many families teach children at home because they think the idea of home schooling is modern.ngyour answer correct answer9yy4. p

10、rofessor meighan of nottingham universitythought that school had been out of date many years ago.your answer correct answer5. the otherwise club set up by leslie bars on isbelieved to the best type of schooling for children in the futureyour answer correct answerv ngng6. because children are free to

11、 learn what interests them at home schools, some children get one or two gces when they are 13 years old.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answervyy7. one weak point of home schooling is that children have no chanee to learn the rules of work in a democratic society or to learn how to deal with more pe

12、ople 丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answersir christopher ball of the royal society of arts believes lear ning in the future will in elude9.10.your answer: an international curriculum and in ter national standardssuggested answer: an in ter national curriculum and in ter national standardsms. barson

13、believes that the purpose of teaching children is toyour answer: develop their self-worthsuggested answer: develop their self-worthprofessor michael barber of london university holds the belief that children need the experience of school to ensure the quality ofyour answer: the basics being taught a

14、nd being exam inedsuggested answer: being taught the basics and being examinedunit2your answerscorrect answers1.d.1. sandy and autumn helped each other with their studies.口 y n 口 ngyour answer correct answeryy2. autumn didn't tell sandy that she had a boyfriend. 口丫 n 口 ngyour answer corre

15、ct answernn3. autumn seldom lies to her parents. 口丫 n ngyour answer correct answer y丫y4. sandy could n't decide whether she should tell her parents about bill's trouble.your answer correct answeryyy5. bill wanted to drop out of school. 口丫 ° n 口 ngyour answer correct answerxny6. bill is

16、talented in music and drawing. 口丫 n 口 ngyour answer correct answer7 ngng7. autumn advised sandy not to tell parents about bill's trouble.ngyour answer correct answer8.autumn usuallywith sandy after she sawjackson.your answer: shared his jokessuggested answer: shared his jokes9. according to sand

17、y, bill doesrtt like to study, so college. your answer: isn't right for him suggested answer: isn't right for him10. if autumn's pare nts find out about jacks on she willyour answer: have a huge problemsuggested answer: have a huge problemyour answers correct answers1. d d2. b b3. a a4.

18、c c5. c cunit3 1 the man fell into a cave and hurt his foot badly.2. the man was so hungry that he did not care about the taste of the fruits.your answer correct answeryy3. the bag was too heavy, so the man left it on a rock.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answernn4. before the man saw the ship and t

19、he sea, the man had thought he took the right way.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answer9丫y5. bill got killed by the wolf. 丫 口 n ngyour answer correct answer7 ngng6. the man grew fatter though the men on the ship gave him less food.your answer correct answeryy7. the man carried bilts gold to the ship

20、.the man's foot hurt, but compared with his hunger,.your answer: it was nothingsuggested answer: it w as no thing9.getting on top of the wolf and holding its mouth closed, the man bit theold and sick wolflyour answer: with his last strengthsuggested answer: with his last strength10.the men on th

21、e ship understood why the man was getting fat after theysearched his bed and i.your answer: found food under his blanketsuggested answer: found food under his blanketyouran sw ersycorrect answers1.ccy2.bby3.bby4.dd5.aaunit41. when a person smiles, he often hopes that the other person will smile back

22、.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answerv丫y2.if a person feels happy, he should smile.7 ngng3.mthinking pose”, an open body position, gives off "stayaway” signs° y n 口 ngyour answer correct answer4.ynnun crossed arms may show a sign of invit ing comm uni cati on.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correc

23、t answervyy5. the communicating distanee for a person is within about five feet the closer, the better.丫 口 n ngyour answer correct answervnn6. leaning forward is a gesture encouraging talking.丫 口 n ngyour answer correct answer"丫yit is desirable to lean forward a bit in a relaxed and natural way

24、.9.10.your answerswhen two people meet for the first time, the most common gesture isyour answer: a handshake foced or overdone aggresive behaviorsuggested answer: a handshakein communication, eye contact should not beyour answer:suggested answer: forced or overdoneit can be taken asif you stare ato

25、thers for a long time.your answer:suggested answer: aggressive behaviorcorrect answers1.d.dbccaunit5for questions 8-10, com plete the sentences with the inform ation given in the text.1.143 countries had reported one or more adis cases by 1 989.2. nearly all nations take part in fighting agai

26、nst aids.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answeryy3. in the past 40 years, human beings have been successful in stoppingthe spread of diseases口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answernn4. by the end of 1988, at least 5 million people were reported to haveaids.丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answernn5. preve

27、nting one case of aids may have an effect on the spread of the disease because it is not comm on in some coun tries y 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answervyy6. al ds will not spread through saliva (唾液).口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answer7 ngng7. in north america and parts of latin america, aids is s

28、pread less oftenthrough heterosexual con tact tha n through homosexual con tact. 口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answeryy8. in sub-saharan africa and latin america, most aids casesoccur among heterosexuals, andcommon.your answer: spreading from mother to childsuggested answer: spreading from mother t

29、o child9. the who estimates that bangkok i v-drug users having theal ds virus in creased from less tha n 1 perce nt in 198710.your answer: to 30 percent one year latersuggested answer: to 30 percent one year lateras al ds become more comm on, the in ternati onal plan against this disease growyour an

30、swer: from ideas to practice, from speechesto actionsuggested answer: from ideas to practice, from speeches to actionread the text quickly and answer the following questions and choose the best answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d)1.according to harvest smith, what is the most import

31、ant factor that makesjordan the best player on their ninth-grade team?a.agec.size quicknessd.skill2.when they went to pop herring's basketball camp, both jordan and smith aretoo youngbig in sizenot strong enoughunskillfulaccording to the laney assistant coach, why jordan was not listed in the va

32、rsity?a.he was not so big at that timehe was not good.the jayvee is better than the varsity.he was not so experie need.4.which is not mentioned as one of the qualities of jordan in this passage?a.quicknesseb.trie ndlin essc.diligenced.drive5.according to the passage, which is true about jordan?a.fro

33、m the very beg inning, he could dunk in match.2.the pain.your answer(s)v bearcorrect answer(s) bear3.they still do not haveaccurateinformation on thenumber of people killed or injured in the crash.your answer(s)correct answer(s)v accurateaccurate4.he was also upset by the relatively small number of

34、graduates who chose toimsnufscturingindustr y.your answer(s)correct answer(s)7 manufacturingmanufacturing5.there will be a(n)inquiryto discover why the schooseducational record is so bad.your answer(s)7 inquirycorrect answer(s) inq uiryb.he was not the hardest-working playeron the team of laney high

35、.c.he grew about fourinches before he was cut.unit61.d.it was michael jordan that marked the beg inning of a very good basketball team of laney high.| devotingour time and attention to what our children sayis very importa nt in the process of form ing good parent-child relati on ships.your answer(s)

36、correct answer(s)7 devotingdevotingbearshe was afraid she would n't be able to6.it is successful because it produces a high-quality product on time at a priceyour answer(s)correct answer(s)7 affordafford7.admiredrolli ns is most ifor her poems, but she alsowrites novelsyour answer(s)correct answ

37、er(s)7 admiredadmired8.the firm has been dismissing experienced staff andreplacingithem with younger people on lower salariesyour answer(s)correct answer(s)« replacingreplacing9.retiredhe ias president ten years ago, but still does alot of fund-raising for the school.your answer(s)correct answe

38、r(s)v retiredretired10.ignorednow that she had lost all her wealth, she was ibyformer friends.your answer(s)correct answer(s)7 ignoredignored11.an eight-month-old baby girl was the sole iof acar crash that killed both her parents.your answer(s)correct answer(s)survivor12.survivestudents should be ta

39、ught how to handle their iyour answer(s)correct answer(s)x survivefinances13.the fisher family bought 50% of the company's| stockyour answer(s)correct answer(s)the customers canafford14.v stockstockif youdivideyour time, energy, etc between differentactivities or places, you spend part of your t

40、ime doing each activity or being in each placeyour answer(s)correct answer(s)7 dividedividethere are several financial problems that need to be straightenedoutquickly.your answer(s)7 outcorrect answer(s) out2.a company man is always woundupwhether on oroff work.your answer(s)7 upcorrect answer(s)up3

41、.5.surfing the net.your answer(s)ci upshe was able to pick iher boyfriend at the otherside of the room.your answer(s)correct answer(s)x upouti forstepherts been asking iabout the best places togo in the evenings.your answer(s)correct answer(s)x foraround亠upthat night carl stayed iinto the small hour

42、s,preparing for work for the next day.your answer(s)correct answer(s)< upupparents don't want their children to get addictedcorrect answer(s)to7.he could not afford a rest; he devoted all his spare timewi thyour answer(s)x withthe book he was working on.correct answer(s)tohe thanked the nurse

43、s who had caredabouthim whilehe was sickyour answer(s)correct answer(s)* aboutfortwo of the soldiers died itheir wounds; twosurvived, and one was in serious condition.your answer(s)correct answer(s)7 ofof10.helen was promotedbysenior manager becauseof her devotion to her work.correct answer(s) toyou

44、r answer(s)x bycorrect answersyouransw ers1.dd2.ddv3.cc4.dd5.aa6.cc7.bb8.bbfor questions 810, com plete the sentences with the informationgive nin thetext.1 the sentence hl prefer to stay put" (paragraph 2) means "i prefer to remain inone place*'2. the family moves to a bigger house be

45、cause they don't like the old one.your answer correct answer2nn3. once the speaker's trie nds dropped a new refrigerator dow n a flight of stairsbecause they knew they hated lifting it.口 y n 口 ngyour answer correct answer9nn4. the speaker thinks it's a good idea to hire strong movers.口丫

46、口 n ngyour answer correct answer2nn5. the speaker is in doubt about julie's con firm ing.口丫 n ngyour answer correct answerv丫y6. the moving company mentioned in the story is a big one.口丫 口 n 口 ngyour answer correct answerxyng7.one word to describe the tone of the story is funny.*ng8. each time th

47、e preside nt of the moving company lear ns that the movers arelate, he offers toyour answer: the moving com pany calls to say theyji be an hourlatesuggested answer: take 1 0% off the hourly charge9. julie, the customer service person, suggests that the speaker shouldiif he has a computer.your answer

48、: need a better filing systemsuggested answer: back up his files10. the movers are ten hours late and they fin ally arrive atyour answ er: com panysuggested answer: 6 p.m.youran sw erscorrect answers1. dd2. dd3. bb4. cc5. ccunit7i intentionyour answer(s) intentioncorrect answer(s) in ent

49、iongovernment controls on businessyour answer(s)correct answer(s)3.x advocateadvocatesviolencethey threatened to use 1 intend toput a stop to gun-related violenee.your answer(s)correct answer(s)x in tendinten dedif we didn't givethem the money.your answer(s)correct answer(s)4. viole neeviolenced

50、ominatethey work as a group; no one is allowed to iyour answer(s)“ dom in atecorrect answer(s)dom in ate15. reveal any details of their expansi on plan.your answer(s)correct answer(s)7 revealreveal6.he read the report and found many important details have beenomityour answer(s)x omitcorrect answer(s

51、) omitted7.opening the door, he found himselfconf rontedby adozen policemen with guns.your answer(s)correct answer(s)“ confrontedconfronted8.he has been working in this lab for many years and his health has beenaffectseriously iby being near the chemicals.your answer(s)x affectcorrect answer(s) affe

52、cted10.the women were treatment your answer(s)x transporttransportto a nearby hospital forcorrect answer(s)tra nsport ed11.the manager praised him for his way ofhandlingtheproblem your answer(s)“ handlingcorrect answer(s) handling12.i haven't read your latest book, so i hope you'll forgive m

53、y | i gnoranceyour answer(s)correct answer(s)ign ora neeigno rance13.two people have been criticallyinjuredin the caraccide nt.your answer(s) injuredcorrect answer(s) injured14.i knew i had to give a speech, but the thought filled me with | anxietyyour answer(s)correct answer(s)« anxietyanxietythe suggested peace talks.15we must be careful not to do anything that mightyourx omitan swer(s)correct answer(s) endangery


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