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2、會再出 V105 V106 V108 等等CCNA 最新題庫 /最新戰(zhàn)報 發(fā)布區(qū):http:/ 考試報名 1900,詳情請聯(lián)系鴻鵠全國區(qū)十七名客服QQ712023090-712023106更新內容:V104.1 修正 V104 中錯誤題目,確定經典爭議題目答案;V104.2 增加拖圖題并可完美模擬考試,VCE 題庫增加中文注釋;V104.3 針對思科 CCNA 考試變題,更新考試新增題目93Q,更新V104.2 實驗題;V104.4 增加全文中文注釋,匯總V104.3 九次更新, 刪除部分舊題目, 為目前最新官方正版題庫;2011.8.1 增加每日新題,修訂部分錯誤。2012.2.14 情人節(jié)
3、版增加 5 道新題,分別是 519、520、521、522、523 題修改 176 題、375 題、443 題、482 題答案錯誤修改 59 題、88 題、453 題、107 題、270 題注釋錯誤增加個別疑難拖圖題注釋,優(yōu)化實驗題QUESTION 1When you are logged into a switch, which prompt indicates that you are inprivileged mode?(當您登錄到交換機,哪種提示表明你在特權模式?)A. %B. C. D. $E. #An swer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction
4、to Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:特權模式就是#提示符QUESTION 2Which comma nd shows system hardware and software version in formation?(哪些命令顯示系統(tǒng)硬件和軟件的版本信息?)A. show con figurati onB. show environmentC. show inven toryD. show platformE. show versionAn swer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExpla
5、 nati on/Refere nee:查看系統(tǒng)的軟件和硬件信息使用的命令是show versionQUESTION 3Cisco Catalyst switches CA T1 and CAT2 have a conn ecti on betwee nthem using ports FAO/13. An 802. 1Q trunk is con figured betwee n the twoswitches. On CAT1, VLAN 10 is chosen as native, but on CAT2 the nativeVLAN is not specified.What wil
6、l happen in this seenario?(思科 Catalyst 交換機 CAT1 和 CAT2 有它們之間的連接使用端口 FA0/13。兩個交換機之間用 802.1Q 中繼配置,CAT1 做為 VLAN10 的 主機, 但在 CAT2 上的本地 VLAN未指定。在這種情況下會發(fā)生什 么?)A. 802.1Q gia nts frames could saturate the link.B. VLAN 10 on CAT1 and VLAN 1 on CA T2 will se nd un tagged frames.C. A n ative VLAN mismatch error
7、 message will appear.D. VLAN 10 on CA T1 and VLAN 1 on CA T2 will send tagged frames.An swer: CSection: Chapter 10: VLANExpla nati on/Refere nee:如果兩邊 native 不匹配的話.switch 將報 native 不匹配的日志信息QUESTION 4Which comma nd would correctly con figure a serial port on a router with thelast usable host address i
8、n the 2/29 sub net?(哪個命令正確地將最后的可用主機地址,2/29 子網的路 由器上配置的串行端口?)A. Router(config-if)# ip address 8 40B. Router(config-if)# ip address 9 24C. Router(config-if)# ip address 3 48D. Router(config-if)# ip addre
9、ss 9 48E. Router(config-if)# ip address 3 48F. Router(c on fig-if)# ip address 8 48An swer: FSection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:2/29 它的塊大小為 8 掩碼為 48 地址范圍為192.216.32.
10、32-39 QUESTION 5The network default gateway applying to a host by DHCP is3/28. Which option is the valid IP address of this host?(應用到由 DHCP 主機的網絡默認網關是 3V28。哪個選項是有效的主機 IP 地址?)A. 5B. 7C. 0D. 2E. 4An swer: CSection: Chapter 3:
11、 IP Addressing and VLSMExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:考查 VLSM3/28 所在網段的范圍是 2-7/28A :超出范圍B :廣播地址C:正確D :網絡號E:超出范圍QUESTION 6Which two addresses can be assig ned to a host with a sub net mask of? (Choose two.)哪兩個地址可以分配給與子網掩碼 的主機?A. B. 186
12、.54.3.0C. 55D. 55E. An swer: BDSection: Chapter 3: IP Addressing and VLSMExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:考查 VLSMA :網絡號B/D :正確C:廣播地址E:網絡號QUESTION 7The network administrator has asked you to check the status of theworkstations IP stack by pinging the loopback address. Which ad
13、dresswould you ping to perform this task?網絡管理員已要求您通過ping 環(huán)回地址檢查工作站的IP 堆棧的狀態(tài)。您要執(zhí)行此任務將ping 哪個地址?A. B. C. D. An swer: BSection: Chapter 3: IP Addressing and VLSMExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:使用 ping 來檢測主機的 IP 棧。pi ng 實現(xiàn)。QUESTION 8Workstati on A has been assi
14、g ned an IP address of 4/28.Workstation B has been assig ned an IP address of 00/28. Thetwo workstati ons are conn ected with a straight-through cable. Attempts toping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What two things can be done toallow com muni catio ns betwee n the hosts? (Cho
15、ose two.)A 工作站已分配 IP 地址為 4V28。B 工作站已分配 IP 地 址為 00V28。兩臺工作站與直通電纜連接。在主機之間ping不成功。允許在主機之間的通信,可以做兩件事情?(選擇兩個)。A. Replace the straight-through cable with a crossover cable.B. Change the sub net mask of the hosts to /25.C. Change the sub net mask of the hosts to /26.D. Change the address
16、of Workstation A to 5.E. Change the address of Workstation B to 11.An swer: ABSection: Chapter 3: IP Addressing and VLSMExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:同構設備使用交叉線,兩端的IP 需要在同一個子網。A :使用交叉線替換現(xiàn)有的直通線。正確。B :修改掩碼為 25 位,正確。C:修改掩碼為 26 為,錯誤。不能使他們在同一個子網。D/E :錯誤,都不能使他們在同一個子網。QUESTION 9Your ISP has
17、give n you the address /29 to assig n to yourrouters in terface. They have also give n you the default gateway addressof . After you have con figured the address, the router is un ableto pi ng any remote devices. What is preve nti ng the router from pi ngi ngremote devices?(您的 IS
18、P 給你要分配給您的路由器接口地址V29。他們還授予您是 的默認網關地址。您已配置了地址后,路由器是無法 ping 任何遠程設備。 什么在阻礙 pinging 遠程設備的路由 器?)A. The default gateway is not an address on this sub net.B. The default gateway is the broadcast address for this sub net.C. The IP address is the broadcast address for this sub net.D. The
19、IP address is an in valid class D multicast address.An swer: BSectio n: Chapter 3: IP Addressi ng and VLSMExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:考查 VLSM。/29 所在網段的范圍是:-/29A :默認網關不屬于這個子網,錯誤B :默認網關是這個子網的廣播地址,正確C:這個地址是子網的廣播地址,錯誤D :這個地址是組播地址,錯誤。QUESTION 10Which comma nd is used to copy
20、 the con figurati on from RAM intoNVRAM?哪個命令用于從 RAM 復制到 NVRAM 的配置A. copy runnin g-c onfig startup-c onfigB. copy startup-c on fig: runnin g-c on fig:C. copy running config startup configD. copy startup config running configE. write termi nalAn swer: ASectio n: Chapter 4: In troduction to Cisco IOSEx
21、pla nati on/Refere nee:QUESTION 11Which comma nd is used to load a con figurati on from a TFTP server andmerge the con figurati on into RAM?(哪些命令用于從 TFTP 服務器加載配置或合并到RAM 的配置?)A. copy runnin g-c on fig: TFTP:B. copy TFTP: runnin g-c onfigC. copy TFTP: startup-c onfigD. copy startup-c on fig: TFTP:An s
22、wer: BSectio n: Chapter 4: In troduction to Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:QUESTION 12A system adm ini strator types the comma nd to cha nge the host name of arouter. Where on the Cisco IFS is that cha nge stored?A. NVRAMB. RAMC. FLASHD. ROME. PCMCIAAn swer: BSectio n: Chapter 4: In troduction to
23、 Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:running-eonfig 保存在 RAM 中startup-eonfig 保存在 NVRAM 中QUESTION 13Which comma nd is used to con figure a default route?A. ip route B. ip route 172.1621C. ip route D. ip route 0.0.0.
24、0 An swer: DSectio n: Chapter 6: IP Rout ingExpla nati on/Refere nee:QUESTION 14If IP routi ng is en abled, which two comma nds set the gateway of lastresort to the default gateway? (如果啟用了 IP 路由,哪兩個命令設置網關的最后到默認網關?)(Choose two.)A. ip default-gateway B. ip route 0.0
25、.0.0 C. ip default -n etwork D. ip default-route E. ip route An swer: CESectio n: Chapter 6: IP Rout ingExpla nati on/Refere nee:產生默認網關的兩種方式ip default-n etworkip routeQUESTION 15Which comma nd would you con figure globally on a Cisco
26、router that wouldallow you to view directly connected Cisco devices?(該命令將全局上配置使您可以直接查看的 Cisco 路由器連接 Cisco 設備嗎?)A. en able cdpB. cdp en ableC. cdp runD. run cdpAn swer: CSecti on: Chapter 5: Managing Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:QUESTION 16Which comma nd is used to see the path take n by packets
27、 across an IP network?(哪些命令用于看到通過 IP 網絡數據包所采取的路徑?)A. show ip routeB. show routeC. tracerouteD. trace ip routeAn swer: CSectio n: Chapter 2: TCP/IPExpla nati on/Refere nee:哪條命令用于查看數據包轉發(fā)所經過的路徑A:查看路由表B :沒有這條命令C:正確D :沒這條命令QUESTION 17Which comma nd is used to debug a ping comma nd?哪些命令用于調試ping 命令? A. deb
28、ug icmpB. debug ip icmpC. debug tcpD. debug packetAn swer: BSecti on: Chapter 5: Managing Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:ping 調用了 icmp 協(xié)議,而 icmp 數據包封裝在 ip 包中。QUESTION 18Which comma nd displays CPU utilizati on?哪個命令顯示的CPU 利用率呢?A. show protocolsB. show processC. show systemD. show versi onAn swer:
29、BSecti on: Chapter 5: Managing Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:查看 CPU 利用率。QUESTION 19When con figuri ng a serial in terface on a router, what is the default encapsulati on?在配置一個串行接口的路由器,什么是默認的封裝?A. atm-dxiB. frame-relayC. hdlcD. lapbE. pppAn swer: CSection: Chapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expl
30、a nati on/Refere nee:缺省封裝是 HDLCQUESTION 20What must be set correctly whe n con figuri ng a serial in terface so thathigher-level protocols calculate the best route?什么時, 必須設置正確配置串行接口, 以便更高級別的協(xié)議計算最佳 路線?A. ban dwidthB. delayC. loadD. reliabilityAn swer: ASectio n: Chapter 6: IP Rout ingExpla nati on/Re
31、fere nee:為了使高層路由協(xié)議計算最佳路由,串口的什么東西必須被設置正確?在接口下,只有帶寬是可以配置的。QUESTION 21A compa ny impleme nts video conferencing over IP on their Ether net LAN.The users no tice that the n etwork slows dow n, and the video eitherstutters or fails completely. What is the most likely reas on for this?公司對他們的以太網LAN ip 實現(xiàn)視頻
32、會議。用戶注意網絡變慢,和視頻斷斷續(xù)續(xù)或完全失敗。最有可能的原因是什么?A. mi nimum cell rate (MCR)B. quality of service (QoS)C. modulati onD. packet switch ing excha nge (PSE)E. reliable tran sport protocol (RTP)An swer: BSecti on: Chapter 9: Switch ingExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:當網絡中使用視頻會議后發(fā)現(xiàn)網絡非常慢,什么原因引起的?QoS:用于定制策略對不同流量進行控制。QUESTIO
33、N 22Which layer in the OSI reference model is responsible for determining theavailability of the receivi ng program and check ing to see if eno ughresources exist for that com mun icati on?OSI 參考模型在哪一層負責確定接收程序的可用性和檢查足夠的資 源,是否存在該通信?A. tran sportB. n etworkC. prese ntati onD. sessi onE. applicati onAn
34、 swer: ESecti on: Chapter 1: In troduct ionExpla nati on/Refere nee:哪一層確定的接收程序的可用性?應用層提供QUESTION 23Data tran sfer is slow betwee n the source and dest in atio n. The quality ofservice requested by the tran sport layer in the OSI refere nee model is notbeing maintain ed. To fix this issue, at which l
35、ayer should the troubleshooting process begi n?數據傳輸速度慢的源和目標之間。 不保持在 OSI 參考模型的傳輸層所要求的服務質量。要解決此問題,在哪一層應故障排除過程開始?A. prese ntati onB. sessi onC. tran sportD. n etworkE. physicalAn swer: DSecti on: Chapter 1: In troduct ionExpla nati on/Refere nee:解決網絡問題,先確保網絡層通信。QUESTION 24Which protocols are found in t
36、he n etwork layer of the OSI reference modeland are resp on sible for path determ in ati on and traffic switch ing?哪些協(xié)議在網絡層 OSI 參考模型中找到,負責路徑測定和交通切換?A. LANB. routi ngC. WAND. n etworkAn swer: BSecti on: Chapter 1: In troduct ionExpla nati on/Refere nee:OSI 網絡層中什么提供了路徑選擇和流量轉發(fā)?由路由協(xié)議提供。通過手工或者動態(tài)學習路由條目實現(xiàn)。
37、QUESTION 25Which comma nd reveals the last method used to powercycle a router?A. show reloadB. show bootC. show runnin g-c onfigD. show versi onAn swer: DSecti on: Chapter 5: Managing Cisco IOSExpla nati on/Refere nee:哪一個命令可以顯示最近一次被用來重啟路由器的方法?QUESTION 26Which three optio ns are valid WAN conn ectivi
38、ty methods? (Choose three.)A. PPPB. WAPC. HDLCD. MPLSE. L2TPv3F. ATMAn swer: ACFSection: Chapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expla nati on/Refere nee:哪三種封裝屬于 WAN 鏈路的?A:點到點協(xié)議,正確B :無線加密技術,錯誤C:思科缺省封裝格式,正確。 D:多協(xié)議標簽轉換,錯誤E:隧道協(xié)議,錯誤F:正確。QUESTION 27Refer to the exhibit. Which WAN protocol is bei ng used?irir
39、err* posa/o/o it up, 11n prococol 1$ up1s Packer flver丹rtn電電pjHv#(1&( (eeScrtfbl*LMI trfl244MS, L*KtoidcuE qutu 0broidciscfidroppedL“t input 00:00:00 output D0:00:00 output Lt clearing ofiho* interf*c countri i、SnpuX ratt 0 05 Hinvt# QVtpul n亡J4000 &1tS/5CC 631(36 packets Input.對腫珥口Rfceivtd
40、0 brgde平“吶t 0 rum軋0 9lanrs qk 甲那eV 0 pirKy斥刁J J447 J npuT frtrX3 VtlM CftC * 00overrun,027 4bCZpickets out put *byts, 0 und*rrurt0 mt put f rr ori, 0 applique, Q fncerf resets0 output buffer fAttures 0 output ixifrrsout0 carrier trim icioru:Up4upVjHctrfleft braidcutiLI2571A. ATMB. HDLCC. Frame Relay
41、D. PPPAn swer: CSection: Chapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expla nati on/Refere nee:由圖中的紅線可看到發(fā)送接受LMI 信息。屬于 FR 的數據包。QUESTION 28What is the differe nee between a CSU/DSU and a modem?【一個 CSU/DSU 和調制解調器之間的區(qū)別是什么?】A. A CSU/DSU con verts an alog sig nals from a router to a leased line; amodem con verts a
42、n alog sig nals from a router to a leased line.B. A CSU/DSU con verts an alog sig nals from a router to a phone line; amodem con verts digital sig nals from a router to a leased line.C. A CSU/DSU con verts digital sig nals from a router to a phone line; amodem con verts an alog sig nals from a route
43、r to a phone line.D. A CSU/DSU con verts digital sig nals from a router to a leased line; amodem con verts digital sig nals from a router to a phone line.An swer: DSection: Chapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expla nati on/Refere nee:CSU/DSU 一般是專線,MODEN 是將模擬信號與數字信號轉換QUESTION 29A n etwork admi nistra
44、tor must con figure 200 switch ports to accept trafficfrom only the curre ntly attached host devices. What would be the mostefficie nt way to con figure MAC-level security on all these ports?A. Visually verify the MAC addresses and the n telnet to the switches to enter the switchport-port security m
45、ac-address comma nd.B. Have end users e-mail their MAC addresses. Telnet to the switch to enter the switchport-port security mac-address comma nd.C. Use the switchport port-security MAC address sticky comma nd on allthe switch ports that have end devices connected to them.有端設備連接到他們的所有交換機端口上使用交換機端口端口
46、安全MAC 地址粘滯命令。D. Use show mac-address-table to determ ine the addresses that areassociated with each port and then en ter the comma nds on each switch forMAC address port-security.An swer: CSecti on: Chapter 9: Switch ingExpla nati on/Refere nee:考點:有 200 臺主機需要接入,采用什么方式來增強網絡安全性?A :先驗證 mac 安全性,然后在交換機上綁
47、定。錯誤,工作量太大B :用戶發(fā)送郵件認證再在交換機上配置,錯誤,不科學。C:使用 port-security,正確。D :錯誤,工作量太大。QUESTION 30When troubleshooting a Frame Relay connection, what is the first stepwhen performing a loopback test?!幀中繼連接故障排除時,執(zhí)行環(huán)回測試時的第一步是什么?】A. Set the en capsulati on of the in terface to HDLC.B. Place the CSU/DSU in local-loop m
48、ode.C. En able local-loop mode on the DCE Frame Relay router.D. Verify that the en capsulati on is set to Frame Relay.An swer: ASection: Chapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expla nati on/Refere nee:在對 FR 進行排錯的時候,當做回環(huán)測試的時候,第一步如何處理?A :講接口配置成 HDLC,正確,F(xiàn)R 封裝下無法正常 ping 自己端口QUESTION 31What occurs on a Fram
49、e Relay n etwork whe n the CIR is exceeded?A. All TCP traffic is marked discard eligible.B. All UDP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sent.C. All TCP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sent.D. All traffic exceed ing the CIR is marked discard eligible.An swer: DSection: C
50、hapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expla nati on/Refere nee:在 FR 網絡中,當 CIR 超過時會發(fā)生什么情況?D :所有超過的流量都丟棄。QUESTION 32What are two characteristics of Frame Relay poin t-to-po int sub in terfaces?(Choose two.)A. They create split-horiz on issues.B. They require a unique sub net with in a rout ing doma in.C. They emulate leased lin es.D. They are ideal for full-mesh topologies.E. They require the use of NBMA optio ns whe n usi ng OSPF.An swer: BCSection: Chapter 14: Wide Area Network (W AN)Expla nati on/Refere nee
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- 纖維專業(yè)知識培訓課件
- 公司活動策劃與執(zhí)行進度報告
- 機械工程材料與設計實踐試題庫
- 公司加盟連鎖經營合同書
- 江蘇省南通市如皋市2024-2025學年高一上學期期末教學質量調研生物學試卷(必修)(含答案)
- 新聞媒體新聞稿件授權發(fā)布協(xié)議
- 文件、檔案借閱申請表
- PPP項目從建設期進入運營期需要梳理哪些程序
- DBJ50T 135-2012 綠色建筑設計規(guī)范
- “師徒結對”工作實施方案
- 少兒美術-五彩的蛋殼參考PPT1
- 小學勞動教育 一年級 活動六《餐前準備我?guī)兔Α?PPT 課件
- 軌道鋪設施工專項方案
- 七下地理《俄羅斯》PPT課件
- 員工勞動合同(易才簽訂要求)
- 第七章 住院患者營養(yǎng)風險篩查與評價
- 惠威音箱圖紙