



1、Canade CustomsAngece des douancesCANADA CUSTOMS INVOICEFACTURE DES DOUANES CANDIENNIESPageand Revenue Agencyet du revenu du Canadaofde 1. Vendor(name and address)-Vendeur(nom at adresse)2. Date of direct shipment to Canada-Date of expedition direct versle Canda3. Otherreferences (include purchasers

2、order No.)Autres referenes(include le nde commande de Tacheteur)4. Consignee(name and address)-Destinataire(nom et adresse)5. Purchasers name and address(if other than consignee0nom et adresse de Tacheleur(sil differe du destinataire)6. Country of transshipment-Pays de transbordementN/A7. Country of

3、 origin of goodsIF SHIPMENT INDLUDES GOODS OFDIFFRENT ORIGINSpays oorigine des marchandisesENTER ORIGINS AGINST ITEMS IN 12SIL EXPEDITION COMPRESSED DESMARCHANDISES DORIGINSDIFFERENTES,PRECISEZ LEUR ROVENANCEEN128. Transportaion:Give mode and place of direct shipment to Canada9. Conditions of sale a

4、nd terms of paymentTransport:Precisez mode et point dexpedition directe vers le Canada(Le,sale,consignment shipment,leased goods,etc)Conditions de venle el modalites de paiement(p.ex,vente,expedition en consignation,location de marchandises,etc)10. Currency of settlement -Devises du paiement11.Speci

5、fication of commodities(kind of pacages,marks and numbers,general13.QuantifySelling price-Prix de venteNumber ofdescription and characteristics.Le,grade.quality)(state unit)14.Unit price15.TotalpakagesDesignation des articles (naure des colis,marques et numeros.description generaleQuantilePrix unila

6、ireNombreet caraclensliques,p.ex,classe,qualite)(precisez Tunite)de colis18. If any of fields 1 to 17 are included on an attached commercial invoice,check this box16. Total weight-Poids total17. Invoice totalSi tout renseignement relativement aux zones 1 17 figure sur une u des facluresNetGross - Br

7、utTotal de la facturecommerciales ci-attachs,cochez cette caseCommercial Invoice No./ N de la faclure commerciale19. Exporters name and address(if other than vendor)20. Originator(name and address)- Expditeur dorigine(nom at adresse)Nom et adresse de Texportateur(sil diffre du vendeur)21. CCRA rulin

8、g(if aplicable)-Dsicion de rAgence(sil y a fieu)22.N/AIf fields 23 to 25 are not applicable,check this boxSi les zones 23 25 sont sans objet,cochez cett case23. If included in field 17 indicate amount:24. If not included in field 17 indicate amount:25. Check(if applicable):Si compris dans le total l

9、a zone 17. Prcisez:Si compris dans le total la zone 17. Prcisez:Cochez(s il y a lieu):(i) transpotation charges.expenses and insurance(i) transpotation charges.expenses and insurance(i) Royalty payments or subsequent proceeds arefrom the place of direct shipment to Canadafrom the place of direct shi

10、pment to Canadapaid or payable by the purchaserLes frais de transport, dpenses et assurances Les frais de transport, dpenses et assurances Des redevances ou roduits ont t ou seront partir du point dexpdition direcle vers le Canada partir du point dexpdition direcle vers le Canadaverss par TacheteurN

11、/AN/A(ii) Costs for construction,erection and assembly(ii) Amounts for commissions other than buying(ii) The purcheser has supplied goods or sevicesincurred after importation into Canadacommissionsfor use in the production of these goodsLes cotis de construction,drection etLes commissions autres que celles versesLacheteur a foumi des marchandises ou desdassemblage aprs importation au Canadapour Tachatservices pour la production de cesmarchandisesN/AN/A(iii) Export packing(iii) Export packingLe cot de Temballage dexportationLe cot


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