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1、First and Second conditionalIfIfIfIf“如果我還有一天壽命,那天我要如果我還有一天壽命,那天我要做你女友。做你女友。我還有一天的命嗎?沒(méi)有。我還有一天的命嗎?沒(méi)有。所以,很可惜。我今生仍然不是你所以,很可惜。我今生仍然不是你女友。女友。如果我有翅膀,我要從天堂飛下來(lái)如果我有翅膀,我要從天堂飛下來(lái)看你??茨?。我有翅膀嗎?沒(méi)有。我有翅膀嗎?沒(méi)有。所以,很遺憾。我從此無(wú)法再看到所以,很遺憾。我從此無(wú)法再看到你。你。如果把整個(gè)浴缸的水倒出,也澆不如果把整個(gè)浴缸的水倒出,也澆不熄我對(duì)你愛(ài)情的火焰。熄我對(duì)你愛(ài)情的火焰。整個(gè)浴缸的水全部倒得出嗎?可以。整個(gè)浴缸的水全部倒得出

2、嗎?可以。所以,是的。我愛(ài)你。所以,是的。我愛(ài)你?!?” “如果我還有一天壽命,那天我要如果我還有一天壽命,那天我要做你女友。做你女友。我還有一天的命嗎?沒(méi)有。我還有一天的命嗎?沒(méi)有。所以,很可惜。我今生仍然不是你所以,很可惜。我今生仍然不是你女友。女友。如果我有翅膀,我要從天堂飛下來(lái)如果我有翅膀,我要從天堂飛下來(lái)看你??茨?。我有翅膀嗎?沒(méi)有。我有翅膀嗎?沒(méi)有。所以,很遺憾。我從此無(wú)法再看到所以,很遺憾。我從此無(wú)法再看到你。你。如果把整個(gè)浴缸的水倒出,也澆不如果把整個(gè)浴缸的水倒出,也澆不熄我對(duì)你愛(ài)情的火焰。熄我對(duì)你愛(ài)情的火焰。整個(gè)浴缸的水全部倒得出嗎?可以。整個(gè)浴缸的水全部倒得出嗎?可以。所以

3、,是的。我愛(ài)你。所以,是的。我愛(ài)你。” ” Tsai Chih-heng“If I had only one day to survive, I would be your girlfriend. Did I have? No.Therefore, too bad I still cant be your girlfriend in this life.If I had wings, I would fly through heaven to see you. Did I have? No.Therefore, too bad I will never be able to see you .

4、If all the water in my bathtub(浴缸)(浴缸) can be poured out, my love for you will never be relinquished(放棄)(放棄).Can it? Yes. So, its true that I love you. ” Possible or Impossible1). If you do well in class, I wont leave any homework. ( )2). If I became a superman, I would travel the world to save peop

5、le too. ( )3). If I were the head teacher, I wouldnt be so strict with my students. ( )4). If the rain stops, the match will start again. ( )5). If I had a Doraemon(多啦(多啦A夢(mèng))夢(mèng)), I would make our planet(星球星球) more beautiful. ( )The sentences with if (如果) are called (條件句 ). conditional sentences1st con

6、ditional2nd conditional3rd conditionalIf you do well in class, I wont leave any homework.If the rain stops, the match will start again.First ConditionalIf clause (tense)Main clauseIf + ( ) affirmative(肯定)(肯定)negative(否定)(否定) +do + doPresent simplewillwontFirst ConditionalEx.6 on page 132)(you go) ou

7、t with me on Saturday if you (finish) the project?5) She (buy) a computer if she (get) that job.6) I (give) you the information if you (telephone) me tomorrow.First Conditional-Consolidation2) Will you go out with me on Saturday if you finish the project?5) She will buy a computer if she gets that j

8、ob.6) I will give you the information if you telephone me tomorrow. If I became a superman, I would travel the world to save people too. If I were the head teacher, I wouldnt be so strict with my students.Second ConditionalIf clause (tense)Main clauseIf + ( ) affirmative(肯定)(肯定)negative(否定)(否定) +do

9、+ dopast simple/werewould/could/mightwould/could/might notsecond Conditional- Ex. 9 on page 133) take part in the game/win the game4) tell the police/help you out of the trouble5) make new friends/use the InternetExample:1) surf the internet/ find more interesting information. If I surfed the intern

10、et, I would find more interesting information.second Conditional-Consolidation3) If you took part in the game, you would win the game.4) If you told the police, they could help you out of the trouble5) If you used the Internet, you would make new friends.Who would say such things, a or b?1. If I had

11、 the money, I would buy a new IBM computer. a. a student b. a millionaire2. If I felt ill, I would stop smoking. a. a smoker b. a non-smoker3. If I were a teacher, I would be popular with my students. a. a teacher b. a journalistLakers 湖人隊(duì)湖人隊(duì)Bulls 公牛隊(duì)公牛隊(duì)Example: the Lakers/ beat the Bulls, they/win

12、the champion again. If the Lakers beat the Bulls, they will win the champion again. I/ see an old man on the bus, I/ offer him my seat.If I see an old man on the bus, I would offer him my seat. I/ princess Snow White, I/ not eat that apple.If I were princess Snow White, I would not eat that apple. t

13、here be no water and air, there be no life.If there were no water and air, there would be no life. you/let your parents down, they/unhappyIf you let your parents down, they will be unhappy. Game timeI/get up late/not have time to have breakfastIf I get up late, I will not have timenot have breakfast/not have energy to studyIf I dont have breakfast, I will


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