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1、 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - MAN 4722FALL 20025:00 7:40 PM, MondaysFLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITYCollege of Business AdministrationUniversity Park CampusMiami, FL 33199COURSE SYLLABUSInstructor:Office:Office Phone:Office Fax:E-mail:Office Hours:Dr. Laquita C. BlocksonBA 342B(305) 348-4219(305) 348-6146

2、12:30 1:45 PM MW; 3:30- 4:30 MW or by appointmentCOURSE DESCRIPTIONThis is a capstone course that covers how business decisions may be assessed, selected, implemented, and evaluated, given the business competitive, social, and global environment. Building on a foundation of social re

3、sponsibility and business ethics, the courses integrates the theories of production, marketing, finance, accounting, information systems, international business, organizations, and human resource management. The course also provides an opportunity to study the function of higher-level management as

4、related to the total business environment.This is an integrative course designed to acquaint you with the tools and techniques of strategic management, while enabling you to develop skills in strategic planning and decision-making. While many of the concepts discussed in the course will be familiar

5、to you, you may find the perspective of this course is different from what you have experienced in your previous courses. The goal of Strategic Management is the formulation and implementation of value-creating strategies that permit companies (i.e., middle and senior management) to obtain and, if p

6、ossible, sustain competitive advantages. Most students find Strategic Management to be a time-consuming, yet highly rewarding, course. Do not be surprised if you find yourself putting forth more effort in this course than in any other course you have previously taken. You should reasonably expect to

7、 spend approximately twice the amount of time preparing for this course as you would for the majority of three-hour courses. Although the time commitment may be great, many students comment that the Strategic Management course helped prepare them better for their professional careers and/or graduate

8、 education. COURSE OBJECTIVES and METHODOLOGYThe main objective of this course is to teach you, the student, to think critically and act strategically. More specifically, the course objectives include:· To develop your capacity to think strategically about a company, its business position, how

9、it can gain sustainable competitive advantage, and how its strategy can be implemented and executed successfully;· To build your skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of situations and provide a stronger understanding of the competitive challenges of a global market environment;&

10、#183; To give you hands-on experience on developing and evaluating strategic options, making strategic decisions, and figuring out how to implement them effectively;· To integrate the knowledge gained in earlier core courses in the business school curriculum;· To make you more conscious ab

11、out the importance of ethical principles, personal and company values, and socially responsible management practices; and,· To help you develop confidence in being able to present your ideas in a logical and persuasive manner.The discussion method is used in this class. While I may conduct a le

12、cture occasionally, the format of this course requires each student to proactively and substantially participate in a lively, engaging discussion with the professor and fellow classmates. For each class, I will ask a “l(fā)ead-off” question, and expect you to be able to answer the question or share insi

13、ght on what has been studied prior to class. Thus, you must prepare for each class session by reading chapters and cases, and by completing assignments prior to class. The best way to prepare for each class discussion is to read the chapter a few times and prepare responses to questions within and a

14、t the end of each chapter. Your participation during class discussions is also essential for success in this course, for your class participation grade will reflect such participation.COURSE RESOURCESREQUIRED TEXTSStrategic Management in Action by Mary Coulter (2nd Edition, 2001). Prentice-Hall ISBN

15、0-一三-040006-8Pearson Business Resources Casebook Series compiled by Laquita Blockson (2001). Prentice-Hall ISBN 053669687XThe Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White (4th edition, 2000). MacMillan Publishing - ISBN 0-205-30902XThe Little, Brown Essential Handbook for Writers by Jame

16、s E. Aaron (3rd edition, 1999). Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers - ISBN 0-321-049705The New York Times (on-line or paper subscription)HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TEXTThe Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition, 1993). The University of Chicago Press ISBN 022610389-7Loud and Clear: How to Prepare and Deliv

17、er Effective Business and Technical Presentations by George L. Morrisey, Thomas L. Sechrest, and Wendy S. Warman (4th Edition, 1997). Perseus Publishing ISBN 0-201-127938CURRENT BUSINESS EVENTSYou will be expected to keep abreast of current events, and be able to introduce current issues in class di

18、scussions. Thus, you are highly encouraged to read current articles from quality business and non-business media sources: Fortune, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Business Week, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. Most of these periodicals have websites, some of which provide fre

19、e access to articles.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTSThe ability to persuasively communicate ones ideas is a critical element of a successful career. Accordingly, minimal standards of composition will be strictly enforced. All written assignments are required to be in a narrative for

20、m (as opposed to an outline form), be typewritten and double-spaced, and use one-inch margins and either 10 or 12 point font. Assignments that, in the opinion of the professor, employ disproportionately poor grammar, have numerous errors that could easily be corrected with a spell-check program, or

21、fail to adhere to the specified format will be assessed a penalty. Please refer to the Elements of Style, the Little, Brown Handbook and/or the Chicago Manual of Style for guidance.All assignments are due as of the start of the class period specified. Any assignment that is submitted ten minutes aft

22、er class begins (i.e., 5:10 PM) will be considered late. Late assignments will not be accepted. If you desire to submit an assignment outside of class, it must be date/time stamped and initialed by the management department administrative staff before placing it underneath my office door or in my ma

23、ilbox. Any assignment placed in my box or slid under my door without a date/time stamp and initial will not be accepted. Additionally, all assignments must be submitted in hard-copy form; no faxes or e-mail submissions will be accepted.ASSIGNMENTSCASE MEMOSYou will write three (3) business memos bas

24、ed on cases from the textbook. The memos must not exceed two (2) pages. You are expected to apply to the assignment the case analysis guidelines, which may be found at xxmhhex/business/management/thompson/11e/case.htm . The professor will provide more guidance.IN-CLASS CASE DISCUSSIONSYou will prepa

25、re a number of cases for formal in-class discussions. As with the case memos, you are expected to apply the case analysis guidelines as you prepare for the discussion. You should be prepared to answer questions and provide insight on the case in class; thus, you are encouraged to take detailed notes

26、 and seek external sources for additional support. You should be prepared to submit your notes and any articles you cite for class participation credit.TEAM COMPANY ANALYSESYou will be randomly grouped into teams of five persons each during the second class meeting. It is your responsibility to make

27、 yourself available as needed for team meetings and to make an equitable contribution to the team. Thus, each group member should make every reasonable effort to minimize potential conflicts and free-riding.Each team will conduct one semester-long research project on a corporation, prepared in two p

28、hases. The company chosen must be a publicly traded domestic corporation with an active, official Internet webpage. Teams should not select a large, highly diversified corporation, or a subsidiary of a larger corporation. Each team is free to select a company to analyze during the entire course; how

29、ever, prior approval of the selected company by the professor is required. To increase the diversity among companies analyzed, no more than two companies from any one industry will be permitted. Additionally, no team may conduct an analysis on a company that is covered as a case in the textbook or t

30、hat is posted on the list of restricted companies (see the course web link). Thus, company approval by the professor will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Select your companies carefully your team must be able to cite readily-available sources (e.g., annual reports; SEC filings; industry repo

31、rts) to support your analyses.In each phase of the analysis, your team will apply various concepts and frameworks from the textbook chapters to information about your specific company. Each phase of these written analyses should be approximately ten to fifteen pages in length each. These are formal

32、documents that should be written thoroughly and prepared professionally. All team members will share the same grade for each company analysis. Guidelines for preparing the document will be provided later. In order to encourage you to read the popular business press and apply the concepts from this c

33、ourse, your team is expected to cite current articles to support your analysis. Your team should include a minimum of three (3) articles with each phase submission. You may look to such high-quality publications as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Economist, Business Week, Fortune, Forbe

34、s, Inc., Barrons or Fast Company as potential sources for articles (you are not limited to these periodicals). Your team must include a copy of the complete articles (photocopies are acceptable) with the analysis.Both documents ultimately become the property of the professor. Your team will be able

35、to review the comments/grade on each phases; however, in order for each team member to receive a final grade for the course, the previously-graded phase (#1) must be re-submitted along with phase #2. ORAL PRESENTATION Each team will make a formal presentation of its company analysis to the class. Th

36、e presentation should be about 20 minutes long, not including time for questions. All team participants will receive the same grade for the actual presentation, but not for the peer evaluation. Copies of the evaluation worksheet used to grade the oral presentation will be made available by the profe

37、ssor. In making the oral presentation, your group will be evaluated on content, style, and delivery. Thus, students are expected to display excellent oratorical skills while presenting relevant information. If your ability to speak and present effectively, clearly, and with confidence is lacking, I

38、recommend highly that you refresh yourself with guidelines you learned in the Business Communications course. Please refer to Loud and Clear for additional guidance. PEER EVALUATIONEach team member will provide a confidential peer evaluation, which will be determined by averaging the evaluations mad

39、e by each of the other team members. The peer evaluation form is posted on the course web link.EXAMSEach student will take a midterm exam and a final exam. Both exams will be closed-book, closed notes. Both exams will be comprised of multiple-choice questions and true/false statements, using Scantro

40、n scoring sheets. Please bring at least two #2 pencils to use for the exam.The midterm exam will cover material from the first half of the course. The final exam will cover material from the second half of the course. The midterm exam will be administered during class time, while the final exam will

41、 be administered during the universitys final exam period (see course schedule). No make-up exams will be administered. If you miss an exam (either the midterm or final), the grade you receive on the other exam will be applied to the missed exam. For example, if you miss the midterm exam and earn an

42、 85% on the final exam, you will subsequently earn an 85% on the midterm. If you miss both the midterm and final exam, you will earn 0% for both exams. Graded exams and Scantron sheets ultimately become the property of the professor. CLASS PARTICIPATIONI will do my best to call upon each student who

43、 raises his/her hand; however, to provide students with a fair opportunity to contribute, I reserve the right to call upon students using a cold-call method. Therefore, you should expect to be called upon at any time. Evaluation of class participation will be based significantly upon your ability to

44、 raise and answer questions, to provide ideas or insights, and to build upon the ideas of others - NOT on the simple frequency of speaking. If you have concerns about your ability to participate in class discussions, please let me know immediately. I will do my best to help students who, despite a s

45、incere and solid effort, are experiencing difficulty. I should not hear about such problems at the end of the semester.In order to assess accurately the quality of student participation, it is essential that I get to know each of you individually as soon as possible. To facilitate this, I ask you to

46、 do the following:1. Choose a seat that you will occupy for the course duration (semester);2. Bring the tent card to each class; 3. Complete the student information card (please include a photo); and,4. Provide a TWO-MINUTE PAPER at the end of each class session (I will provide the forms).At the end

47、 of each class, you will be asked to provide a brief synopsis (i.e., two-minute paper) of what you learned. If you made a comment during the class, you should write that comment on the form. Your Two-Minute Paper also serves as your attendance record. If you are not available to complete the sheet a

48、t the end of the class, you will not receive class participation credit for that day.CLASS ATTENDANCE Except for the first day of class, attendance will not be taken. However, because of the importance of the collective learning experience, you are expected to attend each class session. Your class p

49、articipation grade will be partially based on your attendance.It is important that you arrive to class on time so that the session may start promptly. Arriving late to class is very disruptive and discourteous to the class. You must inform me in advance when it is necessary to leave class early or t

50、o arrive late to a future class. EVALUATION CRITERIA AND GRADINGTeam Company Analysis (Phase #1) 一五% of total gradeTeam Company Analysis (Phase #2)一五% of total gradeTeam Oral Presentation 7.5% of total grade Team/Peer Evaluation5% of total gradeCase Memos (three at 5% each)一五% of total gradeMidterm

51、Exam一五% of total gradeFinal Exam一五% of total gradeClass Participation12.5% of total gradeTOTAL = 100%GRADING SCALELetter grades will be assigned according to the following standard:Superior/Excellent range:A =94-100%A- =90-93%Very Good/Good range:B+ = 87-89%B =84-86%B- =80-83%Average range:C+ =77-79

52、%C =74-76%Below Average range:C- =70-73%D+ = 67-69%D = 64-66%D- =60-63%Failing range:F =<60%Please note that, according to the College of Business Administrations academic standards and policy, all students must earn a grade of "C" or higher in all major courses and in core courses with

53、in their major area of study. The Strategic Management course is deemed a core course; thus, you must earn a grade in the average range or higher. If you earn a below average or failing grade, you will receive the corresponding grade, but will need to repeat the course.In computing grades, I do not

54、round up to the nearest whole number. For example, a student who earns a course grade of 89.45 will earn a B+, not an A-. I reserve the right to round up grades in extenuating circumstances where the students performance is exemplary. Class participation (e.g., coming to each class period; arriving

55、to each class period on time; making consistent and relevant contributions during class) is a significant basis for determining whether a students performance is exemplary.While part of your final course grade is a mechanistic determination, your final course grade is also a result of my (the profes

56、sors) professional judgment regarding what you have learned and the degree to which you contributed to meeting the objectives of this course.GRADE APPEALSStudents should immediately bring to my attention any obvious errors (e.g., mathematical errors) in the grading or scoring of exams. A grade on an

57、y subjectively-graded assignment may be appealed to the instructor. Any appeal must1. be in writing;2. filed with the professor within seven (7) days of the return of the graded item to the student;3. be based upon how the original answer satisfied the question or assignment;4. state the grade the s

58、tudent believes should have been assigned; and, 5. be accompanied by the original assignment.INCOMPLETE GRADESI do not assign incomplete grades, except under extenuating circumstances and at my discretion (e.g., a student who suffers a severe physical ailment that renders him/her unable to attend class for an extended period of time). Please do not request an incomplete grade as a means to extend the time period for you to complete the course re


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