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1、風(fēng)采大賽演講稿3篇記得小時(shí)候,父親問(wèn)我:“你長(zhǎng)大了干什么?”“當(dāng)老師!”是的,小時(shí)候,我最大的愿望就是當(dāng)一名教師。為了那夢(mèng)想,常常召集幾個(gè)小頑童,墻上掛上一個(gè)小鈴鐺,用手搖幾下,表示上課了,然后便搖頭晃腦的講起了連自己都一知半解的“鋤禾日當(dāng)午,汗滴和下土。”那種莊嚴(yán)而神圣的感覺(jué)便油然而生,長(zhǎng)大后,當(dāng)我?guī)е啻旱募で榕c夢(mèng)想踏入校園時(shí),當(dāng)我開(kāi)始成長(zhǎng)為一名人民教師時(shí),才真正懂得了這已不再是一種游戲,而是一種事業(yè),伴著這種事業(yè)要求我具備高尚的教師道德、素質(zhì),這才是我們心靈的歸宿。俗話說(shuō):“教學(xué)是一個(gè)良心活兒!” 這句話一針見(jiàn)血地道出了師德的重要性。師德高尚的老師會(huì)用自己的言行影響學(xué)生,潛移默化的感染學(xué)


3、神;“采得百花成蜜后,為誰(shuí)辛苦為誰(shuí)甜”這是蜜蜂的精神,燃燒自己,照亮了別人“就是蠟燭的精神??梢哉f(shuō)每種產(chǎn)物的存在,都有著一種精神支撐著它。教師的存在呢?支撐它的就是這種高尚的師德!大學(xué)希望之星英語(yǔ)風(fēng)采大賽演講稿欣賞風(fēng)采大賽演講稿(2)yuth and faith崔樂(lè)怡個(gè)人簡(jiǎn)介:my name is tiffany, a year 2 student frm the university f macau. i am currently an active member f the university public speaking team, president f the hnurs cll

4、ege student assciatin, and als the vice president f the event department in marketing sciety. i am very active and utging. i enjy being with peple, engaged in cnversatins with them s that i can understand them mre. i like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-cnfidence. asi

5、de frm public speaking, i am als gd at english recitatin. i have jined the maca-wide english individual recitatin fr a number f times when i was studying in the secndary schl.演講稿:imagine a car withut a steering wheel. tugh t imagine, right? well, actually thats the image yu see if a persn has n fait

6、h. faith helps t guide us in ur lives, encurage us t persist, and give directins when we are lst.in this peaceful era, ur life paths seem t be already well-planned and determined. what we have t d is t fllw. yes, we may face different srts f challenges, but at least they are less harsh when cmpared

7、t thse in the past. we d nt need t wrry abut starving t death, r hw tney t buy fd fr ur siblings and sustain ur lives.it is like driving frm a muddy rad int a highway. in the muddy rad, path, yu wuld say, as it is frmed nly by crssing n it many times, flattening the grund t frm a smther area s we ca

8、n pass. the rad is s bumpy and rugh, with hles here and there and rcks lying all ver. when we drive alng this rad, we have t be very careful, having a firm grip n the steering wheel, ready fr a sudden turn r a large bulder that may appear any secnd. hwever, when we drive n a highway, everything becm

9、es different. the rad is smth, straight, and visible. since there is n unseen bstacle, we may lwer ur guard, rela a bit, and lsen ur grip n the steering wheel. ne may even think, if we nly have t drive n a smth straight rad like this highway, why wuld we need a steering wheel?nevertheless, ne cannt

10、fresee the future. accidents d happen. fr eample, a car may suddenly appear in frnt f yu. at such times, if yu did nt have the steering wheel, hw culd yu make a sudden turn? just as n ne culd fresee the sichuan earthquake nr the japan tsunami. if the ne being trapped under the debris did nt have fai

11、th, he/she wuld nt have survived until being rescued. if we did nt have faith, we culd nt recver frm ur sadness and rebuild ur hme.faith is unique, just as happiness is. we feel happy fr different reasns, we believe fr different things. hw can we knw what we believe in? recall the last time yu are d

12、iscuraged, and yu felt yu had lst all hpes in yur life. what pulled yu back int the wrld? what pushed yu t stand up and cntinue t strive again? that is yur faith, yur belief. faith is what makes yu feel yu can when thers say yu cant.faith is imprtant, faith is vital, faith is necessary fr us t live

13、ur lives. if we d nt have faith, we are like a car withut a steeling wheel. we can nly affrd t mve alng a straight and smth path, and cannt meet any challenge in ur lives. ne must understand that n matter hw smth the rad is, it is impssible fr a car t g withut a steering wheel. r, put it in anther w

14、ay, have yu ever seen a car withut a steering wheel n the rad? s, act nw, my friends, find ut what yu believe in, find ut yur anchr in yur life, hld n t yur steeling wheel f yur car, drive n, and reach yur destinatin.thank yu very much.英語(yǔ)風(fēng)采大賽演講稿風(fēng)采大賽演講稿(3)my familyhell, everyne, im liu dngdng. im a s

15、tudent. there are three peple in my familymy father, mther and i.my father is 40 years ld. he is a wrker. i think he is a gd wrker. because he wrks very hard. he gets up very early every day and he wrks fr mre than 10 hurs a day. s he is always busy, he lks very tired when he gets 小學(xué) hme. he likes r

16、eading newspa-pe-rs. he usually reads it after supper. s he gets lts ther is 38 years ld. she is a wrker t. she wrks in a very small factry. she is nt tall and she has tw big eyes. she lves me and she is gd fr me. she always buys sme bks fr me. she wants me t be a tp student. she als cares fr my die

17、t and life.i m 15 years ld. i wear glasses. i like reading. i always read bks after schl. i like singing, t. my favrite singer is jay chu. his music is very nice. what d yu think f him? i als like ma-ki-ng friends. if yu want t meet me, please write t me.h, my parents lve me and i lve them, t. my fa

18、mily is a happy family.祖國(guó)在我心中沿著黃河與長(zhǎng)江的源頭,漂流而下,從詩(shī)經(jīng)中“坎坎代擅”的江邊,到史記“金戈鐵馬”的楚河漢界;從酈道元的水經(jīng)注,到蘇東坡的大江東去,我看青藏高原脈動(dòng)的祖國(guó);看黃土高坡起伏的祖國(guó);看煙花蒼茫,千帆競(jìng)發(fā),百舸爭(zhēng)流的祖國(guó);看群峰騰躍,平原奔馳,長(zhǎng)河揚(yáng)鞭的祖國(guó)。在爬滿甲骨文的鐘鼎之上,讀祖國(guó)童年的靈性;在布滿烽火的長(zhǎng)城之上,讀祖國(guó)青春的豪放;在綴滿詩(shī)歌與科學(xué)的大地之上,讀祖國(guó)壯年的成熟我想說(shuō)又不愿說(shuō),我也曾看到祖國(guó)的孱弱,在圓明園燒焦的廢墟之上,我看祖國(guó)是一灘血;在鄧世昌勇猛的“致遠(yuǎn)艦”上,我看祖國(guó)是一團(tuán)火。但我的祖國(guó)沒(méi)有沉沒(méi),在亞細(xì)亞的東部,用寬厚的臂膀,挽起高山大海,將炎黃子孫攬于懷中,用茅草和土磚修復(fù)殘缺的歲月,用野菜和稀粥喂養(yǎng)饑餓的生活。中山先生,在黑夜里開(kāi)始規(guī)劃治國(guó)方略,毛澤東,在貧瘠的土地上,支撐民族的血肉與骨骼;鄧小平,把飽經(jīng)滄桑的瞳仁放大,指引多災(zāi)多難的祖國(guó),從世紀(jì)的風(fēng)雨中神奇地走過(guò)!沿著黃河與長(zhǎng)


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