1、在大城市工作的優(yōu)點和缺點1, 國內國外政府機構齊全。例子就是比如你要出國要簽證,如果你生活在北京上海,這是很小的一件事情,而且一簽不過就二簽三簽,大不了多花點錢而已。但如果在中小城市, 沒有大使館領事館,到時候去一簽二簽三簽四簽的就太麻煩了,成本也高。2, 企業(yè)售后服務網(wǎng)點多。任何一家企業(yè)賣的任何一樣東西,在北京上??隙ㄊ怯惺?后服務點的。其他地方就不行了。我的一個生活在三級城市的朋友買了臺筆記本電腦,保修 期內出問題,因為城市里面沒有特約維修點,郵寄又不大放心,只好周末抗著坐 4 個小時的 火車去省會修。3, 往全國各地往世界各地的交通比較方便。以前在北京讀書,寒暑假坐火車回學校 都是終點站
2、到終點站,爸媽送上車自己睡一覺就到北京了。而我一個朋友在西安讀書,要想 快點到就要在兩個地方轉車,不然就坐破車,但也要轉一次。4 , 企業(yè)多,就業(yè)機會多。5, 受教育的機會多。首先是小孩考大學容易很多。北京上海的高校那叫一個多啊。分數(shù)線也比我們這些老少邊遠地區(qū)的省分低好多。然后就是如果你工作膩了想讀點書,可選 擇的余地太多了,即便是要考研,也可以去學校里面蹭課聽。那些商業(yè)性的培訓、認證、沙 龍什么的就更多了。6, 高水準的醫(yī)院多。7, 娛樂項目多。那些一流的劇院、音樂廳在大城市,所以高水準的演出肯定也是這些地方多。一流的體育比賽肯定也是在北京上海了,所以現(xiàn)在國家足球隊的主場都到二線城 市去了。
3、著名的飯店酒店也比較多,旅游購物休閑當然也是大城市的水平高,新天地,東方 新天地,王府井,三里屯,衡山路,茂名南路,金貿(mào)咖啡廳,長城,香山,世紀公園,東方 明珠,云釉谷,外灘,正大廣場,港匯廣場,恒隆廣場。也許只有在大城市里白天看那些高 樓大廈晚上看那些燈紅酒綠才算是真正體會到工業(yè)文明的成果。8, 和親戚朋友聊天可以獲得一些被尊重被關注的感覺,虛榮心方面能有一定程度的滿足。9, 安全度可能高點吧?越有錢的人越珍愛生命。 不會像一些非常偏遠的地方因為幾元錢的小事而大大出口出手,致人于死地吧?10, 大城市和政府打交道辦事情可能好辦點,沒有很好的人際關系一般只要你走正常路 徑,資料手續(xù)全了應該都可
4、以辦下來,比如失業(yè),開公司,辦執(zhí)照,稅,教育,文化,小孩 等等, 但如果在小縣城沒有關系很多東西較難辦, 開個證明都要請熟人的, 小城主要玩關系 但大城市缺點也很多,比如:1, 很難有自鳴得意的感覺、自我感覺良好的時刻。因為成功人士太多了。在老家我 如果一個月掙三千那是絕對的精英,在上海即便是一個月能掙 1 萬也是底氣不足。2, 房價。3, 上下班的交通。在老家我出門坐車超過二十分鐘那算是出遠門了。而在北京上海, 上下班總用時超過 2 小時已經(jīng)算近的了。公交車的擁擠就不說了,住處和公司都在地鐵沿線 的畢竟是少數(shù)人,而且上下班的時候能把人擠的兩腳都不沾地。即便是自己買車,高額的成 本不說,上下班
5、也是一樣狂堵。其實生活在中小城市,每天最少可以省下一個小時在路上的 時間,相當于每天生命延長了 1/24 。很可觀啊。4 , 需要花錢的地方多,日常支出高。好處:先談談收入 ,城市化大的區(qū)域肯定比城市化小的區(qū)域收入要高 , 直觀的說城市收入高于農(nóng)村比如上海市民 ,很多的居民也是居住在擁擠狹小,破爛不堪的城中村小瓦房 , 失業(yè)在家的也不在少數(shù) ,可是由于城市化的推進 ,放地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商開始波及到居民的住房 , 拆掉狹小的住房 ,賠 款是不能少的 ,并且還要安排象樣的居所 ,于是這樣的居民就開始過上 "小康"生活了 ,住好房 子, 多余的賠款可以存進銀行養(yǎng)老 , 還可以買社會的福利
6、了 .另一方面 ,在一般性的小區(qū)和齷齪的小區(qū), 中低擋房子 (祖宗留下的 )的房主, 根本就不擔心收入的問題 ,在上海 5,6個平方的小瓦房 ,一個月的房租在 350-500 這個層次 ,要知道 ,這樣的房子除了放一張床之外 , 連放桌子的地方也沒有了 . 但就這樣的房子一般人也住不到,我也到過類似的地方 ,親眼見到好幾個人住一個房子的, 一張大床 ,也部分哪個是老婆 , 還是女兒 ,還是兒子 ,統(tǒng)統(tǒng)住一塊 .著實讓人覺得意外 .算算房主的收入吧 , 這樣的小房子只要有五六間 ,收入 都達到 2000-3000 元了,再加上自己有定所 ,根本不用工作就可以天天打麻將了 . 甚至覺得自 己有資格
7、在其他地方的人面前頤指氣使了 .上海的房價有些高 , 上述現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)波及到上海的農(nóng)村 , 這樣就造成了短期的城市人口的優(yōu)勢 , 但深入思考 , 這樣的優(yōu)勢意義深遠 .反觀農(nóng)村 ,就以生我養(yǎng)我的邳州農(nóng)村吧 ,尤其是 10 年以前的光景 ,城市化根本涉及不到農(nóng)村 , 收入來源靠養(yǎng)殖業(yè)和種植業(yè) ,產(chǎn)業(yè)化很低 ,老實說 ,很多老人和弱勢群體的收入為 0,即使中間 有較富裕的商人 , 平均的指標也被這部分人抹殺掉了 , 經(jīng)濟指標吃了很大的虧 , 雖然沒有達到 餓死人的地步 , 但是在大城市看來 , 我們的情況比非洲還糟糕了 .即使現(xiàn)在 , 這樣的情況還存在 ,雖然有改觀 , 但基本矛盾沒解決 ,商人多了
8、, 創(chuàng)業(yè)者多了 ,富裕的人比以前多了 ,可是老人 , 小孩和殘疾人呢 ,這部分人的收入依然很多為 0. 算平均收入被落下的太遠 . 歸其原因 , 城市化的好處沒有享受的到 .再看看招商引資 , 大城市的外資顯然比小城市或農(nóng)村強的多 , 再拿上海來講 , 城市人口可以從 房地產(chǎn)和房租當中收益 , 但已經(jīng)不是中心城區(qū)的人口這方面就差了 , 但是不要緊 , 他們可以到 外企打工 , 經(jīng)常見到生產(chǎn)流水線上的 50-70 歲的老太太 , 老大爺拿著放大鏡在檢查電路板 , 有 時候眼睛紅腫也再所不辭 , 加班到夜里 11點坐工交回家 , 生活是夠艱苦的了 , 要是我父母的話,肯定不允許這樣做 .可他們?yōu)榱?/p>
9、高消費的收入 , 要不怎么生存 ?看看我們老家的老太太老大爺吧 , 年齡大了放風箏吧 ,去走親戚吧 , 在家清閑吧 ,大部分是兒女養(yǎng)活的 , 無庸質疑 ,收入為空 , 尤其是農(nóng)村的沒有養(yǎng)老金的老人,因為享受不到上述的城市化帶來的福利 .綜合一下 ,收入指標也高不了 , 但是也無須大城市的同情 ,我們依然有肉吃 ,依然有酒喝 , 畢竟老百姓不會想的那么多 .再研究問題的另一面 , 一味的享受城市化就是好事嗎 ?我看也未必 , 再拿上海來說 , 這邊的民營經(jīng)濟比起外資顯得很糟糕 ,很多街道看上去蕭條 , 和大上海在人們心目中的地位不符 ,人的競爭力一般 , 不象宣傳的那樣 ,叫做" 精明
10、的上海人 ", 至少我覺得他們在很多事情上都做錯了, 粗的不算 , 細的算 記得由于工作的原因 , 曾經(jīng)在少偏的地方租房子 , 但是就因為沒有網(wǎng)線我打消了這個念頭 , 可周遍的上海人根本不知道我想要的是什么 , 好不容易聽說附近有一家年輕的兒子有電腦, 我去說服 ,要以一個月幾百元的價格繳費 ,可是他全家都反對 , 說是有病毒 ,一個網(wǎng)線只能接一臺電腦的笑話 .沒來上海之前總覺得上海的商業(yè)氛圍了得 , 大街上應該人潮洶涌 , 可是來到后才發(fā)現(xiàn)我錯了 ,這邊的商業(yè)氛圍真的一般 , 靠近徐家匯的桂平路之類的 , 連個商店都開不起來 , 原因是上海這邊喜工作 , 厭經(jīng)商 , 曾經(jīng)聽說上海人
11、半夜出門也不屬實 .總之 ,不管是哪里人 ,只要努力總有回報 ,城市是人的城市 , 農(nóng)村也是人的農(nóng)村 ,發(fā)揮人的能動性, 好的生活終究能享受 !英文翻譯:1, the domestic foreign government agencies is complete. Example is for instance you should go abroad to visa, if you live in Beijing and Shanghai, this is a small something, and a sign but two sign three sign, big deal cos
12、t a little more just. But if in small and medium-sized cities, no embassy consulate, when the time comes to a sign two sign three of four sign sign was too much trouble, the cost is high.2, the enterprise service much site. Any one of the enterprise selling anything in Beijing, Shanghai affirmation
13、is to have after-sales service. Other places could not. One of my life in the city level 3 friends buy a laptop computer, the warranty period a problem, because not engage in the city of thrusters, mail and very worried, had to fight to sit weekend four hours of the train to the provincial capital.T
14、hree, to all over the country to all over the world is more convenient traffic. In Beijing before reading, summer and winter vacations by train back to school is a terminal to the terminal, parents send get on their sleep went to Beijing. And one of my friends in xian in study, want to go to is in t
15、wo places, change, or sat broken car, but also want to turn again.4, enterprise, more chances of employment.5, the education opportunities. First is the child is much easier to college. Beijing and Shanghai university that call a yes. Fractional line than we did these remote areas and provinces low
16、of a lot of. And then if you work is tired of want to read some books, but the choice leeway too many, even if is to one's deceased father grind, can also go to school to rub in class. The business of the training and certification, salon is more what6, high levels of the hospital.7, entertainme
17、nt project. The first-class theatre, music hall in the big cities, so high level of performance are sure to these places. The first-class sports games in Beijing are sure to Shanghai, so now the national soccer team's home to second city. The famous hotel hotel is more also, travel shopping leis
18、ure, of course, is the high level of big cities, new world, new Oriental, wangfujing, sanlitun, hengshan road, maoming south road, JinMao coffee shop, the Great Wall, the fragrant hills, century park, the Oriental pearl, cloud glaze valley, the bund, zhengda square, port remit square, nordstrom squa
19、re. Perhaps only in big cities look at those buildings during the day evening see those flashing lights is a really experience the achievements of industrial civilization.8, and relatives and friends get some respect chat can be concerned feeling, vanity in a certain degree of satisfaction.9, the sa
20、fety degree may high? The rich man more cherish life. Not like some very remote places because a few yuan and trivial matters greatly export moves, kill you?10, big cities and the government do things that could deal with good run some, not very good interpersonal relationship general as long as you
21、 go normal path, material procedures should have all you can do is down, such as unemployment, start a company, run the license, tax, education, culture, children and so on, but if in small town no relationship a lot more difficult, open a proof to please the people you know, small town main play re
22、lationship.But big cities are many shortcomings, for example:1. It's hard to get smug feeling and feel good time. Because successful people too much. In their hometown if I earn a month three thousand that is absolutely elite, in Shanghai even a month can earn 10000 is also should be.2, house pr
23、ices.Three, the traffic to and from work. I go out in the old car more than 20 minutes that's out of town. And in Beijing and Shanghai, total more than two hours to only have counted nearly. The crowded bus did not say, shelter and company are in the subway along of after all is a few, and durin
24、g rush hour can get people crowded of two feet are not on the ground. Even own car, the higher cost not to say, to and from work is the same crazy blocking. Actually live in small and medium-sized cities, every day at least can save hours on the road of time, equivalent to 1/24 extended life every d
25、ay. The very considerable ah.4, need money place many, high expenses.Benefits:To talk about income, urbanization large area is definitely better than the small areas urbanization higher income, intuitive said city income is higher than the countryside, such as Shanghai citizens, many residents are l
26、iving in crowded narrow, rags in the city of old school, unemployment at home is not in a few, but because of acceleration of urbanization, put the real estate developer began to spread to the residents of housing, tear down narrow housing, reparations is cannot little, and will arrange a decent dwe
27、lling, so that people began to live a "well-off" life, live good house, redundant reparations can be put into the bank endowment, also can buy the welfare of the community.On the other hand, in the general community and filth of the village, low block house (fathers left) homeowners, don
28、39;t worry about the problem of income, in Shanghai five or six square little old, one month's rent in 350-500 the level, you know, such house besides put outside a bed, a table and even where no But such house average man is living not, I'm also traveled to similar place and see several people live in a house, a big bed, which is also part of the wife, or daughter or son, entirely live a. Really let a person feel accident. Calculate to calc
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