



1、Unitl1、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:Neur on overloadPatie nts* high expectati onsMistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctor2、Mrs. Osorios condition:A 56-year-old woma nSomewhat overweightReas on ably well-c on trolled diabetes and hyperte nsionCholesterol on the

2、high side without any medications for itNot eno ugh exercises she should takeHer bones a little thin on her last DEXA sca n3、Good thin gs:Blood tests doneGlucose a little betterHer blood pressure a little better but not so great Bad thi ngs:Cholesterol not so greatHer weight a little upHer bones a l

3、ittle thin on her last DEXA scan 44、The situation:The author was in a moderate state of pani c: juggli ng so many thoughts aboutMrs. Osorioconditions and trying to resolve them all before the clock ran down.Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her con ditions.Mrs. Osor

4、io seemed to care onlyabout her“inno cenn d completelyjustifiedrequest:the form signed by her doctor.The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patient whilecomplet ing docume ntati on.5、Similarities:In computer multitasking, a microprocessor actually performs only one task at

5、 atime. Like microprocessors, we huma n beings carft actually concen trate on two thoughts atthe same exact time. Multitasking is just an illusion both in computers and huma n bein gs.Differe nces:The concept of multitasking originated in computer scienee.At best, huma n beings can juggle only a han

6、 dful of thoughts in a multitask ing manner,but computers can do much better.The more thoughts human beings juggle, the less human beings are able to attune fullyto any given thought, but computers can do much better.6、7 medical issues to con sider5 separate thoughts, at least, for each issue7 x 5 =

7、 35 thoughts10 patie nts that after noon35 x 10 = 350 thoughts5 reside nts un der the authors supervisi on4 patie nts see n by each reside nt10 thoughts, at least, gen erated from each patie nt5 x 4 x 10 = an ther 200 thoughts350 + 200 = 550 thoughts to be han dled in totalIf the doctor does a good

8、job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves about 10thoughts that might get lost in the process.7、Possible solutions:Computer-ge nerated remi nders-Case managers-An ciliary services-The simplest solution: timeUnit2 1、The author implies:? Peoples in adequate con scious ness about the con seque ne

9、e of n eglect ing the reemergi ng in fectious diseasesUnjustifiability of peoples complacency about the prevention and control of the infectious diseasesUnfini shed war aga inst in fectious diseases2、Victory declarations:Surge on General William Stewarts hyperbolic stateme nt of closi ngthe book oni

10、nfectious disease ”.A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccinesThe thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost overWhat followed ever sin ce:Appeara nee of new diseases such as AIDS and EbolaComeback of the old afflictio ns:? Diphtheria in the former Soviet

11、Union? TB in urban centers like New York City? Risi ng Group A streptococcal con diti ons like scarlet feverThe fear of a powerful new flu strain sweeping the world3、Elaborate on the joined battle:WHO established a new division devoted to worldwide surveillanee and controlof emerg ing disease in Oct

12、ober 1995.CDC launched a prevention strategy in 1994.Congress raised fund from $6.7 million in 1995 to $26 million in 1997.4、The borders are meaningless to pathogenic microbes, which can travel fromone country to another remote country in a very short time.5、TB:Pris ons and homeless shelters as idea

13、l places for TB spreadEmergi ng of drug-resista nt strain or eve n multi-drug-resista nt strainA ride on the HIV wAon by attack ing the immuno compromisedGroup A strep:A cha nge in virule neeMutation in the exterior of the bacteriumFlu:Constant changes in its coat (surface antigens) and resultant ch

14、anges in its levelof virule nee6、Examples:Experiment in England is seeing the waning immunity because of no vaccination.Du e to poor vaccination efforts, the diphtheria situation in the former SovietUnion is serious.? The vaccination rates are dropping in some American cities, and it will lead tomor

15、e diphtheria and whoop ing cough.7、The four areas of focus:The n eed for surveilla neeUpdated seienee capable of dealing with discoveries in the fieldAppropriate preve nti on and con trolStrong public health infrastructure8、The infectious diseases such as TB, flu, diphtheria and scarlet fever will n

16、ever really goaway, and the war aga inst them will n ever end.Unit31、Terrys life beforeShe loved practic ing Tae Kwon DoShe loved the surge of adre nali ne that came with the con trolled combat of tour naments.She competed nationally, even won bronze medal in the trials for the Pan America nGames.Sh

17、e atte nded medical school, practiced as an internal medic ine reside nt, and becamean academic gen eral interni st.She got married and got a son and a daughter.2、The symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease:Loss of stam ina and stre ngthProblems with bala neeBouts of horrific facial painDips in visual

18、 acuity3、Terry did the following before she self-experimented:She started injectio ns.She adopted many pharmacotherapies.She began her own study of literature:? She read articles on websites such as PubMed.? She searched for articles test ing new MS drugs in ani mal models.? She turned to articles c

19、oncerning neurodegeneration of all types dementia,Park insons disease, Hun ti ngtons disease, and Lou Gehrigs disease.? She relear ned basic scie nces such as cellular physiology, biochemistry, andn europhysiology.4、Approaches Terry mainly used:Self-experime ntati on with various nu trie nts to slow

20、 n eurodege nerati on basedon literature reports on ani mal modelsSelf-experime ntatio n with n euromuscular electrical stimulati on which is not anapproved treatme nt for MSOn li ne search to ide ntify the sources of micronu trie nts and hav ing a new dietReduct ion of food allergies and toxic load

21、5、Cases mentioned in the text:In creased mercury stores in the brains of people with den tal filli ngsHigh levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in IowaThe strong associati on betwee n pesticide exposure and n eurodege nerati onThe association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving

22、 metabolism ofsulfur an d/or B vitam insIn efficie nt cleari ng of tox ins6、With 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoim mun itybeing due to en vir onmen tal factors other tha n the gen es, we can take many healthproblems and the health care crisis under our control, f

23、or example, optimizing ournutrition and reducing our toxic load.Unit41、Two concepts:Compleme ntary medici ne refers to the use of conven ti onal therapies together withalter native treatme nts such as using acup un cture in additi on to usual care to helplesse n pain. Compleme ntary and alter native

24、 medici ne is shorte ned as CAM.Alter native medici ne refers to heali ng treatme nts that are not part of conven tio naltherapieslike acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. They are called sobecause people used to consider practices like these outside the mai nstream.2TCM does not requir

25、e adva need, complicated, and in most cases, expe nsivefacilities.TCM employs n eedles, cups, coins, to men tio n but a few.Most procedures and operati ons of TCM are noninv asive.The substa nces used as medici ne are raw herbs or abstracts from them, andthey are in deed all n atural, from n ature.T

26、CM has been practiced as long as the Chinese history, so the efficiency isprove nand en sured.Ongoing research around the world on acup un cture, herbs, massage and Tai Chihave shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM3、It may be used as an adjunct treatme nt, an alter native, or part

27、of a comprehe nsiveman ageme nt program for a nu mber of con diti ons: post-operativeand chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addict ion,stroke rehabilitati on, headache, men strual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia,myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, ca

28、rpal tunnel syn drome, and asthma.4、A well-justified NO:-More intense research to uncover additional areas for the use of acupuncture-Higher adopti on of acup un cture as a com mon therapeutic modality not on ly intreatme nt but also in preve nti on of disease and promoti on of well ness-Exploration

29、 and perfection of innovative methods of acupuncture point stimulatio n withtech no logical adva nceme nt-Improved understandingof neuroscieneeand other aspects of humanphysiology and fun cti on by basic research on acup un cture-Greater interest by stakeholders-An increasing number of physician acu

30、puncturists5、-Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidanee:? Proper TCM diag no sis of the zhe ng of the patie nt? Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles thatguide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas-Digressi on from either of the above guide nee will

31、 lead to misuses of herbs, andwill result in complicati ons in patie nt-Ran domized con trolled trialsAdva ntages:? Elimination of the potential bias in the allocation of participants to the in terve nti ongroup or con trol group? Tendency to produce comparable groups? Guaranteed validity of statist

32、ical tests of significanceLimitatio ns:? Difficulty in generalizing the results obtained from the selected sampling to thepopulati on as a whole? A poor choice for research where temporal factors are anissue? Extremely heavy resources, requiring very large samplegroups? Quasi-experime ntsAdva ntages

33、:? Con trol group comparis ons possible? Reduced threats to external validity as natural environments do notsuffer the same problems of artificiality as compared to a well-c on trolledlaboratory setti ng.? Generalizations of the findings to be made about population since quasiexperime ntsare n atura

34、l experime ntsLimitations:? Pote ntial for non-equivale nt groups as quasi-experime ntal desig ns do not use random sampli ng in con struct ing experime ntal and controlgroups.? Potential for low internal validity as a result of not using random sampling methodsto con struct the experime ntal and co

35、n trol groupsCohort studiesAdva ntages:? Clear indication of the temporal sequenee between exposure andoutcome? Particular use for evaluat ing the effects of rare or unu sual exposure? Ability to examine multiple outcomes of a single risk factorLimitatio ns:? Larger, l on ger, and more expe nsive? P

36、rone to certa in types of bias? Not practical for rare outcomes? Case-c on trol studiesAdva ntages:? The only feasible method in the case of rare diseases and those with long periodsbetwee n exposure and outcome? Time and cost effective with relatively fewer subjects as compared to otherobservati on

37、al methodsLimitations:? Un able to provide the same level of evide nee as ran domized con trolled trials asit is observational in nature? Difficult to establish the timeline of exposure to disease outcome“N=1”ialsAdva ntages? Easy to man age? In expe nsiveLimitations:? Findings difficult to be gen e

38、ralized to the whole populati on? Weakest evide nee due to the nu mber of the subject7、? Syn thesis of evide nee is completely depe ndent on:? The complete ness of the literature search (un available for foreig n studies)? The accuracy of evaluatio nThere are situations in which no answer can be fou

39、nd for the questions of in terest inRCTs and database an alyses.Theres the requirement of using less stringent information rather than hard data”8、Assessme nt of the in tri nsic value of traditi onal medici ne in societyResearch and educati on-Political, economic, and social factorsUnit51、Dis-ease r

40、efers to the imbala nee aris ing from? Con ti nu ous stress? Pai n? HardshipsDisease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases.Prompting elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseases.2、Well ness is a state involving every aspect of our being: body, mind and spirit.Mani festati ons of

41、 a healthy pers on:? En ergy and vitality? A certain zip in gait? A warm feeli ng of peace of heart see n through behavior3、Constant messages, positive and negative,are sent to our mind about the health of ourbody.Physical symptoms are suppressed by people who go through life on automaticpilot.Bei n

42、g well equals to being disease- or ill ness-free in the mi nds of them.They con fused well ness with an abse nee of symptoms.4、Peoples minds are in fected by spin:? Half-truth? Fearful fictions? Blata nt deceit: some as a form of self-deceitSpin is a result of uncon scious liv ing.The kind of false

43、ness is pan demic.5Our body in tellige nee is suppressed or dorma nt from a lack of use.There are treme ndous amount of stress on a daily basis.Our bodies are easily ignored for years because of a lack of recreation time.Limiting, self-defeating and even self-destructive behaviors undermine wellbein

44、g and keep them from achiev ing our full pote ntial.6We grow more relucta nt to take risks.We lose the ability to feel and ack no wledge our deepest feeli ngs and courageto speak our truth.We con ti nue to deny and repress our feeli ngs to protect ourselves.Fear, denial and disc onn ecti on from our

45、 bodies and feeli ngs become anunconscious, self-protective habit, a kind of default response to life.7A multi-faceted process:? Look ing for roots of and resolutio ns for the issues in differe nt dime nsions? Buildi ng our well ness toolbox slowly? Picturi ng our whole state of beingAttention to th

46、e little stuff:? Exam ining our lives hon estly and sett ing clear in ten ti ons to cha nge? Striv ing to maintain a bala nee of our mind, body and spirit? Taking small steps in the way to perceive and resolve con flictourthe8Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously.Get in touch wi

47、th our genuine feeli ngs and emoti ons.Come to terms with the toxic emoti onsUnit61、In the past, most people died at home. But now, more and more people are cared inhospitals and nursing homes at their end of life, which of course brings a new set of questions to con sider.2、Sixty-four years old wit

48、h a history of con gestive heart failureDecid ing to do everythi ng medically possible to exte nd his lifeAvailability of around-the-clock medical services and a full range of treatment choices,tests, and other medical careRelaxed visiting hours, and personal items from home3、Availability of around-

49、the-clock medical resources, including doctors, nurses, and facility.4、Taking on a job which is big physically, emoti on ally, and finan ciallyHiri ng a home nurse for additi onal helpArranging for services (such as visit ing nu rses) and special equipme nt (like ahospital bed or bedside commode)5、H

50、ealth in sura neePla nning by a professi on al, such as a hospital discharge plaimer or a social workerHelp from local gover nmen tal age nciesDoctors supervisi on at home6、Traditi on ally, it is only about symptom care.Recently, it is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for pe

51、ople whoare living with potentially fatal diseases.7、Stopp ing treatme nt specifically aimed at curi ng an ill ness equals disc on ti nuing alltreatme nt.Choos ing a hospice is a perma nent decisi on.Unit71、A dying patie ntDecisi on whether to withdraw life-support machi nes and medicati on and star

52、t comfortmeasuresThe familys refusal to make any decisi on or withdraw any treatme nts2、The doctor as exclusive decisi on-makerThe patient as participant with little say in the final choice3、Respect for the patie nt, especially the patie nt s aut onomyPatie nt-ce ntered careThe patie nt as decisi on

53、-maker based on the in formatio n provided by the doctor4、Patie nts are forced to make decisi ons they n ever want to.Patients, at least a large majority of them, prefer their doctors to make final decisi ons.Shifti ng resp on sibility of decisi on-mak ing to patie nts will bring about more stressto

54、 patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient isun certa in.2、5、Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethical tran sgressi on.6、Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than havingthe patie nt make decisi ons on their own.Bala ncing betwee n pater nalism and respect for patie nts aut onomy con stitutes alarge part of medical practice.Unit81、Research:An activity to test hypothesis, to permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to dev


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