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1、綜合類_B級模擬試題第1部分:詞匯選項(第115題,每題1分,共15分)下面共有15個句子,每個句子中均有1個詞或短語劃有底橫線,請從每個句子后面所給的4個選項中選擇1個與劃線部分意義最相近的詞或短語。答案一律涂在答題卡相應(yīng)的位置上。1 Laser beams can be used to bore metals and other hard materials.A trim B melt C drill D slice2 The cost of elections in the United States is borne by both the government and the pri

2、vate sector.A known B fought C exposed D assumed3 Acknowledged as the main cause of hay fever the pollen of rag weed is very bothersome.A intriguing B annoying C potent D significant4 They got in quite a brawl.A snit B fight C bally D littering5 By providing legal representation,the American Civil L

3、iberties Union works to defend citizens against breaches of their civil rights.A branches B exercises C perusals D violations6Almost all economists agree that nations gain by trading with one another.A work B profit C rely D prove7The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.Adenied

4、 B investigated C stressed D created8The chemical is deadly to rats but safe to cattle.AfatalBhatefulCgood D useful9During his lifetime he was able to accumulate quite a fortune.AcontrolBspendCcollect D exchange10Its impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation.AleaveBtalk loudlyCs

5、tand up D interrupt11The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.Apull out BrepairCtake D dig12The childs abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor.AfunnyBfrighteningCrepeated D unusual13Gunpowder was used extensively in firearms prior to 1990.AinBaroundCfrom D before14Human facial expressions diffe

6、r from those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled and modified.AsufficientlyBnoticeablyCintentionally D absolutely15Foreign money can be converted into the local currency at this bank.AalteredBchangedCbought D sold第2部分:閱讀判斷(第1622題,每題1分,共7分)閱讀下面這篇短文,短文后列出了7個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)

7、容對每個句子做出判斷。如果該句提供的是正確信息,請在答題卡上把A涂黑;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請在答題卡上把B涂黑;如果該句的信息文章中沒有提及,請在答題卡上把C涂黑。Starting a New TraditionShantelle Davis is a nine-year-old girl in New York. On a cold night in December, her family is standing around the kitchen table while she lights a candle. The table is decorated with basket

8、s of fruits and vegetables and ears of corn for Shantelle and her two brothers. “This candle represents umoja, an African word that means being together," Shantelle says. “That's the most important thing for a family.” Tonight is the first night of Kwanzaa, and Shantelle is spending the hol

9、iday with her family. More than 5 million African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa every year from December 26 until January I. It's a time when they get together with their families to think about their history and their ancestors in Africa.Kwanzaa is very unusual because it was started by one man.

10、In 1966, an American named Maulana Karenga wanted a holiday for African-Americans to honor their culture and traditions. So he used words and customs from Africa to create a new celebration. He took the name Kwanzaa from the words for "first fruits" in Swahili, an African language. At firs

11、t, a few American families had small celebrations at home. Now there are also Kwanzaa events in schools and public places, and Kwanzaa has spread to other countries like Canada and Jamaica.The main symbol of Kwanzaa is a candleholder with seven candles, one for each of the principles of Kwanzaa. Eac

12、h night, a family member lights one of the candles and talks about the idea it represents: being together, being yourself, helping each other, sharing, having a goal, creating, and believing. The candles are red, black, and green, the colors of Kwanzaa. The parents also pour drinks to honor family m

13、embers who have died. On the last night of Kwanzaa, there is a big dinner with African food, and children receive small presents.Today people can buy Kwanzaa greeting cards and special Kwanzaa clothes. Stores sell Kwanzaa candles and candleholders. Some people don't believe that Kwanzaa is a rea

14、l holiday, because it's so new. But other people say that customs and celebrations are always changing and that Kwanzaa shows what is important in people's lives .Shantelle Davis says she likes Kwanzaa because it's fun. “But I also learn new things every year,”she says.16. Kwanzaa is cel

15、ebrated at the end of the year. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned17. Kwanzaa is a holiday for African-Americans. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned18. Kwanzaa is a very old holiday. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned19. People in Africa celebrate Kwanzaa. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned20.People

16、 spend a lot of time with their families during Kwanzaa. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned21. Children receive presents at the end of Kwanzaa. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned22.Everyone thinks Kwanzaa is an important holiday.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意與完成句子(第2330題,共8分)閱讀下面這篇短文,短文

17、后有2項測試任務(wù):(1)第2326題要求從所給的6個選項中為第25段每段選擇1個正確的小標題;(2)2730題要求從所給的6個選項中選擇4個正確選項,分別完成每個句子。請將答案涂在答題卡相應(yīng)的位置上。US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty1 The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world

18、. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.2 The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved b

19、y members of the World Health Assembly, including the United States, last year. Countries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.3 For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 300/0 of the front and back of every p

20、ack. The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs. It also requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohi

21、bits such an outright ban.4 The impact of the treaty could be huge. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the U

22、S are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year.5 The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. So far, 109 countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it.A What the FCTC DemandsB US Si

23、gning of the FCTCC Opposition to the FCTCD How the FCTC Came into BeingE What the FCTC Will Bring aboutF Ratification of the FCTC23. Paragraph l 24. Paragraph 2 25. Paragraph 3 26. Paragraph 4 27. Signing the FCTC is only the first step toward 28. Countries that ratify the FCTC will have to, among o

24、ther things, 29. It is hoped that the FCTC will greatly help to reduce deaths 30. Much more countries have signed the FCTC than those that A have ratified it B approving it C implement its provisions D restrict smoking in public places E caused by tobacco use F including higher tobacco taxes 第4部分:閱讀

25、理解(第3145題,每題3分,共45分)下面第3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道題,每道題后面都有4個選項。請仔細閱讀短文并根據(jù)短文回答其后面的問題,從4個選項中選擇1個最佳答案涂在答題卡相應(yīng)的位置上。第一篇 Seeing the World Centuries AgoIf you enjoy looking through travel books by such familiar authors as Arthur Frommer or Eugene Fodor, it will not surprise you to learn that travel writing has a long an

26、d venerable history. Almost from the earliest annals of recorded time individuals have found ready audiences for their accounts of journeys to strange and exotic locales. One of the earliest travel writers, a Greek geographer and historian named Strabo, lived around the time of Christ. Though Strabo

27、 is known to have traveled from east of the Black Sea west to Italy and as far south as Ethiopia, he also used details gleaned from other writers to extend and enliven his accounts. His multivolumed work Geography provides the only surviving account of the cities, peoples, customs, and geographical

28、peculiarities of the whole known world of his time. Two other classic travel writers, the Italian Marco Polo and the Moroccan Ibn Battutah, lived in roughly the same time period. Marco Polo traveled to China with his father and uncle in about A. D. 1275 and remained there 16 or 17 years, visiting se

29、veral other countries during his travels. When Marco returned to Italy he dictated his memoirs, including stories he had heard from others, to a scribe, with the resulting book Il milione being an instant success. Though difficult to attest to the accuracy of all he says, Marco's book impelled E

30、uropeans to begin their great voyages of exploration. Ibn Battutah's interest in travel began on his required Muslim journey to Mecca in 1325, and during his lifetime he journeyed through all the countries where Islam held sway. His travel book the Rihlah is a personalized account of desert jour

31、neys, court intrigues, and even the effect of the Black Death in the various lands he visited. In almost 30 years of traveling it is estimated that Ibn Battutah covered more than 75, 000 miles.31 This passage is mostly about_. A why people find travel writing exciting B the literary style of three e

32、arly travel writers C where three early travel writers went and wrote about D how to write a travel book 32 Ibn Battutah traveled_. A to China B to Ethiopia C throughout the Muslim world D for 16 or 17 years 33 The books of the three writers were popular because_. A they listed good places to stay B

33、 they told of strange and exotic locales C they explained the best routes to get to places D all of their stories were firsthand accounts 34 The overall organization of this passage is through_. A chronological order B spatial description C travel writers' personal narratives D persuasive detail

34、s 35 In this passage attest means to_. A give an examination to B draw a map of C tell lies to D give proof of 第二篇 “Lucky” Lord Lucan Alive or DeadOn 8th November 1974 Lord Lucan, a British aristocrat, vanished. The day before, his childrens nanny had been brutally murdered and his wife had been att

35、acked too. To this day the British public are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found. Now, over 30 years later, the police have reopened the case, hoping that new DNA techniques will help solve this murder mystery. People suspected that “Lucky”, as he was called by fr

36、iends, wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark, killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises, came downstairs and was also attacked, but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder, a jury concluded that Lucan ha

37、d killed the nanny. What happened next is unclear, but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories: he may have killed himself, he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder, “Lucky” borrowed a car and drove it, Lucan's frie

38、nd Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had committed suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel. Another version of events says that “Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France. He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another count

39、ry. However, after a time, his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed. A further fascinating theory was made in the book Dead Lucky by Duncan MacLaughlin, a former detective. He believes that Lucan travelled to Goa, India, where he assumed t

40、he identity of a Mr. Barry Haplin. Lucan then lived in Goa till his death in 1996. In the end the claim turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. The man who died in 1996 was really Haplin, an ex-schoolteacher turned hippy. So what is the truth about “Lucky”? DNA testing has solved many murder c

41、ases, but who knows if it can close the book on this one. 36 The public are still interested in the investigation because_. A of the terrible murder B of the use of new DNA techniques C Lord Lucan has never been found D Loard Lucan was famous 37 It is thought that Lucan killed the nanny because_. A

42、she was looking after the children B she was a friend of Lucan's C it was dark and he thought she was Lady Lucan D Loard Lucan thought the nanny stole his car 38 Aspinall thought Lucan killed himself by_. A jumping into water B jumping out of his house C sailing his boat D sinking his boat 39 Lu

43、can could have been killed because people_. A didn't want the police to catch him B thought he might talk to the police about them if he was caught C were unhappy with him D thought he was rich 40 Ex-detective MacLaughlin claimed that Mr. Barry Haplin_. A was an old schoolteacher B died in Goa,

44、India C was really Lord Lucan in disguise D was a merchant第三篇 TransportationFor many years in the desert, camels were the only form of transportation. Before the age of modern trains, camels were used to carry all the goods for trading between Central Africa and Europe. Traders sometimes put togethe

45、r 10,000 to 15,000 animals. Each animal often used to carry as much as 400 pounds and it could travel twenty miles a day. This form of transportation used to be so important that camels were called “ships of the desert”.Now modern trains travel across the desert in a very short time. One engine can

46、pull as much weight as 135,000 camels. In addition, trains use special cars(車廂) for their load. Refrigerator cars carry food; boxcars (棚車) carry heavy goods; stock cars carry animals; and tank cars carry oil.Air travel is also a modern means of transportation, but it has changed since the early twen

47、tieth century. The earliest planes were biplanes (雙翼飛機), with two sets of wings. The top speed of this plane was 60 miles per hour. The pilots sat or lay on the wings in the open air. The plane engines sometimes stopped in the middle of a trip. It used to be impossible to fly in bad weather. In snow

48、 or in rain, the wings frequently became icy. Then the plane might go down.Mechanical improvements during the First World War changed airplanes. Monoplanes (單翼飛機) took the place of biplanes. Pilots flew inside of covered cabins. Still, even these planes were small. Only rich people used to be able t

49、o travel in airplanes.Now modern jets make air travel possible for all people. No place in the world is more than 24 hours away by jet. Further improvements have lowered the cost of flying, and they have made air travel much safer than it used to be. People never used to eat, sleep, or watch movies

50、on airplanes. Now these things are a usual part of air travel.41According to the passage, why were camels called “ships of the desert”?ABecause they were strong and patient.BBecause they were the only important means of transportation in the desert.CBecause they moved faster than modern trains.DBeca

51、use they could travel 20 miles a day.42Which of the following about the advantages of a train is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2?ATrains can use special cars for different purposes.BTrains run much faster than camels.CA train can carry much more goods than a camel.DA train can carry goods at much lower

52、 costs.43Biplanes were dangerous in bad weather becauseApilots had to fly them at top speed.Bthe wings were too soft for pilots to sit on.Ctheir engines were too hot to work.Dthey might go down if the wings became icy.44Which of the following led to the replacement of the biplane by the monoplane?AI

53、ts large wings.BIts small size.CIts high price.DThe progress in science.45Which of the following would best replace the title of the passage?AFrom Camels to Modern Jets.BThe Safest Means of Transportation.CCamels Ships of the Desert.DThe Role of Science in Transportation.第5部分:補全短文(第4650題,每題2分,共10分)閱

54、讀下面的短文,文章中有5處空白,文章后面有6組文字,請根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容選擇5組文字,將其分別放回文章原有位置,以恢復(fù)文章原貌。請將答案涂在答題卡相應(yīng)的位置上。How to Do Well in ExamsDo not underestimate (低估) the power of revision in the days and hours before an examination. The closer you are to the exam, the more chance you have of storing and retaining crucial information. But

55、 do not overdo it. (46) An effective daily routine can help you through an exam period, so in the days leading up to your first exam, get into the habit of being up and ready to work by game. It can be a shock to the system after months of working to your own timetable to be mentally alert at that time if you have not prepared for it.On the day of the exam, h


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