已閱讀5頁,還剩3頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Part II Practical Sentences and Patterns1. Good morning, sir, what can I do for you ? 早上好,先生,我可以為你做些什么嗎?2. Hi, Mr. Thomas. How are you? Can I help you? 你好,托馬斯先生。身體好嗎?有什么可以幫助你嗎?3. Excuse me, madam, but may I help you? 夫人,請問能為您效勞嗎?4. Sir (miss), may I help you? 先生(小姐),我能為您效勞嗎?5. Hello. 您好6. How nice t

2、o see you again! 真高興再見到您!7. Im glad to see you again. 真高興再見到您!8. Its good to see you again. 真高興再見到您!9. Its been a long time since I saw you (or we met) last, hasnt it? (自我上次見你以來)好久不見,是吧?10. Sir, is there anything I can do for you ? 先生,有任何我能為您服務(wù)的地方嗎?11. Madam, are you being attended to? 夫人,是否已有別人為您服務(wù)

3、過了?12. How do you do ? 您好?。ǔ醮我娒媸怯谜Z,尤用于被正式介紹見面時。對方也用同樣的話回答。13. Mr.Green, How goes it recently ? 格林先生,最近情況怎樣?14. How are you getting along (on) ? 你近來過得好嗎?15. Pardon? 有時候我們會聽不清楚顧客的問題,這不僅是因為自己的外語聽力較差,同時也可能是顧客的語意不清,或者是鄉(xiāng)音很重。 最簡單也是最禮貌的反問語是: Pardon? I beg your pardon. 能再說一遍嗎? Beg your pardon. Would you mind

4、 repeating your question, please? 你介意重復(fù)一下你的問題嗎?(請重復(fù) 一遍你的問題好嗎?)16. Do you mean that.? 你指的是.嗎?17. Im sorry, but would you please speak more slowly. I couldnt catch your meaning ( follow you)? 對不起,能否請你說得慢一些, 我沒能明白你的意思。18. Would you like to open a current account or a time saving account? 你想開立一個活期賬戶還是定期

5、賬戶19. How much do you want to deposit ( draw ) your money ? 你想存(?。┒嗌馘X?20. What is your name ? 請問你叫什么名字,先生?21. May I ask your nationality? 請問您的國籍?22. Might I ask your passport number? 請問您的護(hù)照號碼?23. Would you mind if I asked your account number? 請問您的賬號?24. 如果對于顧客拜托我們的事,我們能夠勝任的話就可以回答: Yes, sir (madam).

6、Certainly, sir (madam). Very well, sir (madam). Of course, sir (madam). By all means, sir (madam). All right, sir (madam). With pleasure, sir (madam).25. 要是不巧,我們對顧客所拜托的事無法幫上忙的話, 就使用下列的說法: Im sorry, sir (madam), but . Im afraid we cannot help you, because .26. 因為業(yè)務(wù)上的原因,請客戶稍等。一般說法有: Please wait a minu

7、te. Just a minute, please. One moment, please.27. 事情做一半,分不開身時 Im sorry to keep you waiting, sir (madam), but Ill be with you in a moment. 先生(夫人), 我很抱歉讓你久等,不過我一會兒就過來。28. 有數(shù)位客戶按順序在等候辦事時 Will you please wait for a while? You see, there are several other people waiting ahead of you. 您能等會兒嗎?您瞧,還有其他人在您前面等

8、著呢。29. 在手續(xù)上要花點時間時 Itll take about thirty minutes, sir (madam). Would you like to wait? 先生(夫人),那要花30 分鐘的時間,您可以等嗎?30. 請客戶坐下來等候時 Would you care to take a seat while I check our files? 您介意坐下來等我查檔案吧? 31. 請客戶再多等一會兒時Im sorry to keep you waiting, but will you please wait a few more minutes?32. 表示感謝的最普通的說法:

9、Thank you, sir (madam). Thank you very much. Thank you so much.33. 當(dāng)客戶對你說Thank you. 時,回答的方法有: With pleasure, sir (madam). Thats all right. You are welcome.34. 在處理銀行的臨柜業(yè)務(wù)時,常會遇到必須向客戶道歉的情形。因此對我們來說,道歉和感謝是同樣重要的。根據(jù)道歉的程度不同我們可以說 Im sorry. Im very sorry. Im terribly sorry. Im awfully sorry.35. 接受客戶的道歉可以說: Th

10、ats quite all right. Dont mention it. It doesnt (didnt) matter.36. 在處理銀行的一些臨柜業(yè)務(wù)中,銀行職員與客戶有時需要通過電話進(jìn)行聯(lián)絡(luò),因此,有必要掌握一些電話用語: Hello, this is. Bank. 喂,這是.銀行。 這是接聽電話的第一句話 ,或者說:This is Lin.或 Lin speaking. 我是林。37. Id like to speak to Mr. Jones. 或 May I speak to Mr. Jones? 或 Mr. Jones, please. 我想和瓊斯先生通話。打電話找人,不能直

11、接問, 這會給人較不禮貌的感覺。38. Theres no one by that name here. 這里沒這個人。對方打電話找人時,可以回答此句。39. What number are you calling? 您打幾號?對方可能打錯電話時,可以問對方這句話以確定其是否打錯?;蛘呖梢哉f:Im afraid you have the wrong number.40. Whos calling, please? 或May I ask your name? 請問您是哪位? 在電話交談中問“您是哪位?”時,千萬不能說: Who are you ?41. Please hold the line

12、a moment. 或 Just a moment, please.請稍等。42. He (she) is talking on another phone. Will you wait? 當(dāng)對方要找的人正在通電話時,可以告訴對方這兩句,請其稍等。43. He isnt in just now. 或He has just stepped out. 或He is out of his office. 當(dāng)對方要找的人不在可以說:“他不在?!?4. Is there any message? 或 May I take a message for him?要不要留話。告訴對方其欲找的人不在后,為表客氣

13、可再問對方是否要留話。45. May I leave a message for him (her)? 想留話。46. Please call back later (later on). 請稍侯再打過來。47. Would you like him to call you ? 要不要他回電。48. Please hold the line while I transfer the call. 請稍等,我將電話轉(zhuǎn)過去。49. The line is busy. 通話中。50. They dont answer. 無人接聽。51. You are connected. 接通了。52. Whom

14、do you want to speak to? 您找哪位?接聽電話時,問對方找誰時,不能直接問(你找誰?),這是非常不禮貌的。53. You can reach him at this number. 你可打這個電話找他。54. Please take a seat. 請坐。55. Please wait a moment 請稍等。56. Sorry for having kept you waiting 對不起讓您久等。57. We will be glad to receive any suggestions to help us improve our services. 請多提寶貴意

15、見。58. You are welcome. 別客氣。59. Hope to see you again. 歡迎您再次光臨。60. Hello, this is Industrial Commercial Bank of China, Hangzhou Business Department. 您好,這是工商銀行杭州營業(yè)部。61. Do you prefer making a time deposit or a current deposit? 你存定期還是活期?62. The bank can offer an interest rate of 2.25% per annum.銀行給你年利率

16、為2.25%。63. Would you please help me check the remaining balance in my account ? 請幫我查一下賬上余額,好嗎?64. Opening an account is free of charge, but you have to deposit 10 yuan as your initial deposit. 開戶不需要手續(xù)費,但您得先存10 元開戶費。65. Excuse me, how much do you want to withdraw? 請問您取多少錢?66. Everything is in order.

17、一切都辦妥了。67. You can report the loss of the bankbook. 您可以辦理掛失。68. Please count your money. 請點一下現(xiàn)金。69. Here is the deposit and the interest. 這是您的存款本金和利息。70. How do you wish to draw your money? 您希望取多少錢?71. How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account? 你計劃在賬上存入多少錢?72. Can I renew the certificate

18、on maturity? 我可以在存單到期是轉(zhuǎn)期續(xù)存嗎?73. Can I cash in the certificate before the maturity date? 在到期日前我能兌現(xiàn)這張存單嗎?74. What is the maturity date of this certificate? 這張存單什么時候到期? 75. You can renew the certificate on maturity if necessary. 如有必要, 你可以在存單到期時轉(zhuǎn)期續(xù)存。76. The customers are required to fill out an applicat

19、ion form before opening an account.在開戶前要求客戶填寫申請書。77. Youve got the balance of $600 at your account. 你賬上的余額是600 元。78. If you do not withdraw all the sum you deposited, the amount remaining undrawn shall continue to bear interest at the rate allowed at time of deposit. 如果你不支取全部存款,則剩下未取的存款仍享有原定期存款的利率。7

20、9. What kind of people can apply for the credit card? 請問什么人可以申辦信用卡?80. May I change some money with my Master Card ? 我能用萬事達(dá)卡兌換些錢嗎?81. With the credit card, you dont have to carry much money. 有了信用卡,您就不必隨身帶許多的現(xiàn)鈔。82. you may either make deposits and withdrawals at any savings office or make transfers a

21、nd inquires at any ATM with this card. 您可以在任何儲蓄所存,取款, 在任何一臺柜員機(jī)上轉(zhuǎn)賬,查詢。83. Our bank has the agency for VISA, Master, Express, Diners and JCB cards. 我們能代理維薩卡,萬事達(dá)卡,運通卡,大萊卡以及JCB卡。84. Would you please show me your card? 請您給我看一下您的信用卡好嗎?85. How much do you want to draw? 您想取多少?86. Well, we can advance a cert

22、ain sum of amount against your credit card. 好的,憑您的信用卡,我們可以預(yù)付一定數(shù)目的錢。87. You can use it to draw money from the ATM, but the withdrawal amount is limited within RMB¥1,000 each time. 您可以在ATM機(jī)上取錢,但每次支取金額至多只能是1000元人民幣。88. For any amount exceeding the line of credit, well have to call the authorization Cen

23、ter. 金額超過信用額度,我們必須經(jīng)過授權(quán)。89. How about the charges for the service available in other cities? 那么在外地使用又是怎么收費的呢?90. Well sir, there is no withdrawal record on the account, and I dont find any expense record on it, either. 先生,今天沒有取款記錄,也沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)消費記錄。91. I want to report a loss of the card. 我想辦理掛失。92. Now plea

24、se fill out the application for reporting the loss. 請?zhí)詈靡环輶焓暾垥?3. Well charge you RMB¥20 for your report of the loss. 我們要收取您20元人民幣的掛失費。94. We can reissue you credit card, but you should pay RMB¥10 for the cost. 我們會給您補(bǔ)發(fā)新卡,但您要付10元人民幣的工本費。95. Dont worry, you must have entered a wrong code. 別著急,您肯定是把密碼

25、輸錯了。96. Please enter your code and push the buttons again. 請輸入密碼,再按一次。97. Im thinking about renting a safe deposit box. 我想租一個保管箱。98. What size do you want to rent? 您要租什么規(guī)格的保管箱?99. We have several different box sizes which we can let out 我們有幾種規(guī)格的保管箱供出租。100. The yearly rental fee depends on the sizes

26、of the box. 年費由保管箱的大小而定。101. Box rental fees are payable yearly in advance. 保管箱的租金每年預(yù)先支付。102. What services do you offer? 貴行開辦哪些業(yè)務(wù)?103. This is my first time in your bank to 這是我第一次到貴行來辦.。.104. The card is called a Peony Money-link Card issued by ICBC, a match for the passbook. 這張是牡丹靈通卡,與存折合二為一。105. It will be credited to your account automatically. 它會自動貸記您的賬戶106. This is our new business sharing insurance, savings deposit and investment. 這是一種集保險,儲蓄和投資于一體的新業(yè)務(wù)。107. E-bank offers 24-hour s


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