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1、1. My(學生)like me and I like them.2. Jim and David are my(同班同學).3. These are my friends.(他們的)names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.4.1s Jim Kate' s(兄弟)?.(桔子).5.-6. Those are(香蕉)and these are7. These two(婦女)are my teachers.8. Is(每人)here today?9. That's my bird,(它的)name is Poily.10. What's this in

2、English? It's a(鐘).11. That' s not your classroom, it' s(我們的).12. There are many(動物)over there.13. What's in the(雙胞胎的)bedroom?14. What's your(最喜歡的)colour?15. Are Tim and Tom in different(學校)?16. -What's the time? -It's a( 一刻鐘)to seven.17. Are there any(警察)in the room?18.

3、His(衣服)are grey. What about yours?19. Can you count from one to a(百)?20. Whose(女兒)are the girls? Mr King's.21. There are many people in that(市場)(操)every day.22. Chinese is our first(語言).23. The teachers say we must do morni ng24. Those young men are(士兵).25. He(教)us En glish well, so our En glish

4、 is very good.26. Walking after supper is good for our( 健康)27. How much are the(西紅柿)?28. The Greens are going to London for their( 假日).29. They are from Canada, so they are(加拿大人).30. I want to buy a(字典)for my son.31. We must do our homework(仔纟田).32. Are you(渴)or hungry?33. Their(小刀)are all old, I wa

5、nt a new one.34. Is that(建筑物)a hotel or a shop?35. There are many farmers in the(田地).36. Good morning,(孩子),are we all here now?37. Today is(星期二),February 18th. I'm on duty.38. I'd like an(空的)box.39. How many(動物園)are there in that city?40. What(別的)can you see in the picture?41. My bike isn

6、9;t(壞的),it's OK.42. Put your(書本)away, Lily and Kate.43. Yon can eat the cakes if you are(餓)44. Do you want any(水果)?45. I have porridge and eggs for(早餐).46 There are some(塊)of bread on the p late.47. Those boys are good at(游泳).(選手).48. Don' t(扔)the yo - yo like that.49. Michael Jorda n is one

7、 of the best basketball50. Are the boys(騎)bikes?51. Jim is(澆)the flowers.52. The shop in our school(關(guān)門)at 9 pm53. We have a class(會議)every week.54. To many people, the meaning of a name is(重要的).(壞).55. I don't want to go to Gan su, because the weather there is too56. My grandpa often(講)us storie

8、s.57. You can give him your best(祝愿).58. Be quiet, the stude nts are(上)less ons.59. They are going to their(故鄉(xiāng))next week.60. (或許)that man is a teacher; I think.61. Would you like to go for a(野炊)with us tomorrow?62. I'm very(累),and I want to have a good rest.63. Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are al

9、l big(城市).64. I'm going to give my English teacher some( 漂亮的)flowers for Teachers'Day.65. Beijing is very( 遠).We have to go there by air.66. Let's go(劃船)on the river.67. The mon keys climb up the trees(快).68. Sep tember is the(九)month of the year.69. Let's meet(在外面)the school gate.70

10、. Which month is hotter,(十月)or September?71. We are going to have a party to(慶祝)Teachers' Day.72. They are going shopping( 一起)tomorrow.73. Who' s(高),Lily or Lucy?74. Who is the(年輕)in your class?75. Our teacher comes into the classroom(拿著)a book in his hand.76. I think his story is(有趣)of the

11、three.77. You must wait at home(直至U) he comes back.78. His door is closed,(沒有人)is in.79. The farmers(種)po tatoes on this farm.80. It's not a truck but a(拖拉機).81. How many(星星)can you see in the sky?82. Tom runs(快)than Jim.83. 'Joh n wants to(飼養(yǎng))the ani mals on the farm,84. Of all the animals,

12、 tigers are the(危險).85. Tomorrow we are going to lear n the( 十二)less on.86. -Shall we go to the(電影院)this afternoon? -OK.87. -How many(嬰兒)deer are there? -Three.88. PI ease(給看)me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.89. Why don't we meet a little(早)? Let's make it 1:30.90. Shee p and

13、rabbits just eat(草).91. Shall we go and see the clothes(表演)this evening,992. He says we must kee p our eyes(閉).93. Can you show me the way to the(博物館)?94. My home is about three(公里)from our school.95. You'd better(說)it in En glish.96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the(瞬間 片刻).97. I think

14、it's very hard to travel(環(huán)繞)the big city.98. There' s a lake(在內(nèi))the park.99. We can't help him, he has to ask a(女警察)for help.100 In a few(月)time,it will be covered with green things.101 Every day he(完成)his work at 5:00.102 Mother is the(忙)in my family.103 -Which lesson is the hardest? -T

15、he(五)lesson.104 Let's meet at the sho pping(中心)at 11 o'clock.105 rm going to(參觀)the Great Wall next week.106 He works very hard, and(享受的樂趣)his work.107 There are going to be two football( 比賽)tomorrow.108 Is he good at(駕駛)a car?109 You' d better(計劃)your work carefully.110. I think it'

16、s much(冷)today.111. His friends are all(商人).112. We sell the machines to many(國家)113. Everything is(準備好了 ). Let's start.114. Is the robot very(有用)?115. Beijing is(干燥)than Shanghai these days.116. -Who(發(fā)明)the tele phone.? -Sorry, I don't know.117. The robot listened to everything Mr Mott( 說).

17、118. Mr Mott finished(打包)at 10:40.119. Mr Li has a very bad memory, he often( 忘記)important meetings.120. The memory robot always watched Mr Mott( 睡覺)at night.121. We moved to France nine years ago because my father(找至U) work there.122. Edis on was a(著名的)inven tor in the world.123. (千)of people are a

18、t the con cert now.124. The Reads enjoy(看)n ews papers.125. Which(部分)of Australia do you come from?126. He has a friend(叫做)Li Ming.127. It was(下雨)hard whe n I wan ted to go home:128. December comes after(十月).129. What(發(fā)生)in the middle of the concert last ni ght?130. He did n't have breakfast and

19、 went to school in a(匆忙).131. Look! The children are making some( 雪人).132. July is the(熱)month of the year, we don't go to school the n.133. Did you help the farmers with the rice(豐收)last year?134 My mother ofte n does some(洗)on Sun days.135 He(寫)a letter to his penfriend last night.136 It was(真

20、的)cold yesterday.137 The students are busy(幫助)the farmers with the apple picking.138 I like(下雪)days because I like to play with snow.139 The shop only sells(男)clothes and shoes.140. Bruce is going(遠足)in the Blue Mountains with his father.141 There will be a(強)wind in the northeast of China.142 The w

21、eather here is very fine. We have a lot of(陽光)every day.143 Thank you very much for( 邀請)me to your party.144 Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a( 口信)?145 Miss Zhan looked at me with a big( 笑)on her face.146 rm(恐怕)I may be a little late.147 December the twenty- fifth is(圣誕節(jié))Day.148 Spring

22、(節(jié)日)is the most important in China.149 Where will you go(在期間)the winter holiday?150. They will have a big(聚會)on December the twenty - fourth.Keys: A:1-5:stude nts , classmates, Their, brother, bananas 6- 10:ora nges, wome n, every on e, its, clock 11- 15 :ours, ani mals, twin s', favourite, scho

23、ols 16- 20:quarter, p oliceme n, clothes, hun dred, daughters 21 - 25 : market, Ianguage, exercises, soldiers, teaches 26 - 30 : health, tomatoes, holiday, Can adia ns, dict ionary 31 - 35 :carefully, thirsty, kni ves, buildi ng, field 36 - 40 : childre n, Tuesday, empty, zoos, else 41 -45:broken, b

24、ooks, hungry, fruit, breakfast 46-50: pieces, swim ming, throw, p layers, ridi ng 51 - 55 : wateri ng, closes, meeti ng, i mportant, bad 56-60:tells, wishes, hav ing, hometow n, Maybe/Perha ps 61-65:picnic, tired, cities, beautiful, far 66-70:boati ng, quickly, nin th, outside, October 71-75:celebra

25、te, together, taller, youn gest, with 76 - 80: the most in terest ing, un til/till, no body, grow, tractor 81 - 85: stars, faster, feed, most dan gerous, twelfth 86 - 90 : cinema, baby, show, earlier, grass 91 - 95 : show, closed, museum, kilometres, say 96 - 100 :mome nt, around/round, in side, p o

26、licewoma n, mon ths' 101- 105:fi ni shes, busiest, fifth, centre visit 106- ll0:enjoys, matches, drivi ng, plan, colder 111-I5:bus in essme n, coun tries, ready, useful,drier ll6-120:i nven ted, said, p ack ing, forgets, slee p 121 -125:fo und, famous, Thousa nds, readi ng, part 126-130:called/

27、named, raining, November, happened, hurry 131 -135:snowmen, hottest, harvest, washi ng, wrote 136-140:really, helping, sno wy, men's, hik ing 141 -145:stro ng, sunshine, in vit ing/ ask ing, message, smile 146-150:afraid, Christmas, Festival, duri ng, get-together(意大利人).(十字路口 ).1. They eat a lot

28、 of(土豆).2. In dire n can sp eak En glish well. But she is an _3. Would you like something(別的)?4. Walk along the road and tur n right at the third _5. It' s about five(天)work.6. Do you thi nk it(必需的)for us to learn to wait?(清楚)?7. A few minutes(后),I saw the plane again.8. It's not a very good

29、 line. Could you sp eak more9. Bob is no(不再)a young man.10. The Green family(歸來)to China last Friday.11. You must stop(扌由煙).12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful( 城市)in the world.13. Have you visited my(工作場所)?14. Go to school(穿著)your school clothes on Mon day.15. They can't(帶)the baby with t

30、hem to go swim ming.16. There are some(橋)over the river.17. That old man(死)five weeks ago.18. Father looks very(擔憂的)today.19. Be careful when you(橫穿)the busy street.20. I did n't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of po rridge( 代替).21. His father's coming back(使得)him feel very happy.22.

31、Today I came to school(沒有)breakfast.23. I was too busy and(錯過)the film "Titanic".24. I will tell you when he(到達)my home.25. Is the license in one of your(衣服口袋)?26. -What's wrong? -I( 割)one of my fin gers just now.27. If some one(推)hard, the old man will fall over.28. There are so many(

32、參觀者)in the West Lake.29. You must keep(安靜)in class.30. He(改變)his name when he was in the USA.31. It's not good to laugh at others'(錯誤).32. There's nothing(嚴重)with him, I think.33. The food smells very(好).34. Of the three, Mr Brown is the(胖).35. Do you(相信)what he said?36. (或許)he will come

33、 here tomorrow.37. Can you make the baby stop(哭)?38. The film is really(精彩).(悲傷)39. I(夢)I was in Shanghai last night.40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very41. Mike(跌倒)off the chair and hurt his leg.42. It's hard(完成)the work in such a short time.43. The big boy(叫做)Wu Hai

34、 is the best player on his team.44. Mary enjoys(聽)to the music.45. This is a black cat(有)one white ear and two white legs.46. My mother(擔憂)about my health and study very much.47. The twins enjoyed(她們自己)at the party.48. Her(最喜歡的)subjects at school are scienee and maths.49. This is an(有趣)story book fo

35、r children.50. Please drive more(仔細).51. All the(跑步者)got ready to run.52. The teacher stood at the(起跑線)line.53. The boat is(不見了 ), where is it?54. Which sports were you(參加)that day?55. Which is(難),English or Chinese?56. Lucy did(壞)than Lily in Chinese.57. To our(驚奇),the old man's hair turned bla

36、ck the next day.58. If you have a lot of(錢),what will you do?59. Here is(另一張)picture of mine.60. He(聽見)some one playing the piano last ni ght.61. The old woma n could n't find her purse, she looked( 著急).62. We(舉行)an En glish party the day before yesterday.63. The baby laughed(高興).64. If it(下雨)to

37、morrow, we won' t go to the zoo.65. An(印度人)showed them the way on the map.66. Is his father a(廚師)or a clea ner?67. I don't(真正地)agree with you.68. It(好象)that Chin ese food is very popu lar in the world.69. He likes the(湯)with popper and oil.70. She is a good(善良的)girl.71. Do n't(橫穿)the roa

38、d. It is dan gerous.72. There aren't any(跡象)along the mad. He is lost.73. That car nearly(撞)her.74. There are many(旅客)at the bus station.75. Don't make any(吵鬧).You'll wake the baby up.76. She is studyi ng. You must n't(打擾)her.77. I often feel weak and(疲勞).78. Waikiki is one of the be

39、st beaches for(沖浪)in Honolulu.79. I hope someday diving will be an( 比賽項目)of the Olympic Games.80. -Are you doing OK in(保護)the environment? -Yes.81. - Would you be back as soon as(盡快)? -All right.82. Listen ! How(動聽)he is singing !83. Come and see us(無論如何 )you have time.84. It is a bad manner(吐痰)in p

40、ublic places.85. Don' t throw the(垃圾)everywhere.86-87. The(早)you start, the(快)you will come back.88. We were all(激動)because we saw an in teresti ng film.89. Can you tell me what the number of Jim's( 航班)out of Beijing is?90. Look at the(說明)for the Smiths' trip.91. The music (聽起來)like bird

41、s singing.92. If you get a93. The little boy was94. The sig n here95. It' s not(機會)to go there, please take it.('驚訝)at the beautiful fish he could see in the sea. (警告)you not to smoke.(允許)to take the books out of the classroom.96. The story happened a few(世紀)ago.97. These days the workers ar

42、e busy(生產(chǎn))this kind of medicine.98. His parents always(鼓勵)him to study hard.99. Tom is very(自豪)of his new car.100. His son is living(國外)now.101. How many Chinese stamps have you(收集)?102. It's(舒服)sitti ng with him un der the tall tree.103. His long talk is just a(浪費)of time.104. The things can be

43、(回收).105. The policemen are(搜尋)the woods for the lost child.106. What's the(人口)of Zhejiang this year?107. At last a smile(出現(xiàn))on her face.108. The rules of(社會)must be obeyed by every one.109. If you want to start it, just(按)this butt on.110. The boy does well in most of his lessons,(尤其是)Chinese.1

44、11. How many(直的)lines must be drawn here?112. Mr Zhang(畢業(yè))from Beijing University in 1982.113. The more careful you are, the(少)mistakes you will make.114. The population of any other country is( 少)than that of China.115. Mid - autumn is a(傳統(tǒng)的)festival for Chinese.116. A new museum will be(建成)next ye

45、ar.117. En glish is the most(廣泛)used in the world.4118. A river is a(天然的)waterway.119. A(數(shù)字的)camera is dearer than that kind.120. The speaker was(歡呼)by the listeners.121. When autumn comes, the(樹葉)on the trees begin to turn yellow.122. It's(不可能的)that he can come here before noon.123. The singing

46、 sou nds quite(美妙),does n't it?124. The stude nts had their p hotos(扌白照)in the middle of the square.125. To be a doctor for children is very(值得的).126. The children(認為)their teacher as a good friend.127. Who(贏)the boys' lo ng jump?128. Which team(打?。﹖he team from No.2 Middle School?129. The b

47、ike is too expen sive. I don't thi nk it's worth(買).130. My child(更喜歡)drawing to singing.131. The word "doctor"(結(jié)尾)with "or", not "er".132. I(收至 U) a letter from my penfriend every mon th.133. That bag is made of(皮革).134. Have you made the(決定)yet?135. Do you kno

48、w( 準確地)how the animals feel when they are in cages?136. Many cows are(飼養(yǎng))on the farm.137. The football match ended in a(令人吃驚的)result.138. Are those workers good at(馴養(yǎng))animals?139. All of us are pleased with their(演出).140. Jim is even(懶惰)than Bill.141. Last week our team played( 與對抗)the team from No.

49、 64 MiddleSchool.142. Who(偷)Mr Gree n's necklace in fact?143. My grandfather is a member of the singing( 俱樂部).144. When you are crossing a road, you must(注意)the traffic on both sides.145. Thank you very much for( 借)your hike to me.146. How much did you pay for the( 一套衣服)?147. The baby is so young that he can(幾乎不)dress himself.148. I won' t feel(寂寞)with the TV and the radio.149. (合作)is very important for us students to study.150. The coming exam is a great(挑戰(zhàn))


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