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1、高考讀后續(xù)寫高級詞匯精品文檔讀后續(xù)寫高級詞匯一、表示人物喜樂1、既興奮又開心 a mixture of excitement and happiness2、心情愉快 in cheerful spirits3、 振作精神 keep up ones spirits4、滿意的表情 a satisfied look5、高興地跳起來dance/jump for joy6、 流下幸福的淚水 tears of happiness flowing down7、感至U鼓舞的 feel inspired/encouraged8、精神高漲 be in high spirit二、表示悲憂消沉1、強烈的失落感 a st

2、rong sense of loss2、陷入絕望 fall into despair3、悲痛欲絕 cry one's heart out4、懷著沉重的心情 with a heavy heart5、 沮喪的 with a sinking heart6、情緒低落 be down in spirits7、垂頭喪氣 lose one; s spirits8、意志消沉 a broken spirit三、表示怨怒1、不斷地抱怨 complain constantly2、氣得滿臉通紅flame with anger3、愁眉苦臉 have a worried look4、氣沖沖地跑出房間 run ou

3、t of the room in a burst of anger5、感到尷尬的 feel embarrassed6、感到困惑的 feel puzzled/confused7、感至U沮喪的 feel frustrated/depressed8、感到惱怒的feel annoyed9、感到泄氣的 feel discouraged三、表示其他情緒1、寬容的精神 a forgiving spirit2、以和藹可親的態(tài)度 with a kind and good-humored spirit3、 在這些情緒的控制下 under the domination of these emotions四、表示人物

4、體型1、優(yōu)美的身段 a graceful figure2、均勻的形體 a shapely figure3、瘦削的身材a skinny figure4、細長的身體a slim figure5、 (人)形體彳艮好 have a good figure6、中等身材 an average build7、身材魁梧的人a well-built man六、表小人物品格1、脫穎而出 stand out from the crowd2、保守的性格 conservative personalities3、缺乏責任感 lack of responsibility4、具有 的美德with the virtue of5

5、、責任感 sense of responsibility6、 高素質(zhì)、 有經(jīng)驗的老師 highly qualified, well-experienced teaching staff7、光明的前途 promising future8、脾氣彳艮好的人 a good-humored/good-natured person9、完人 a perfect person 10、個從事專門職業(yè)的人 a professional person11、 天資高的人 a talented person12、 有抱負的人 an ambitious person13、聰明人 an intelligent person

6、14、 溫和可愛的個性 lovable and good-natured personality15、 容易相處的人 an easy person to deal with16、冷酷無情的人 a cold-blooded man17、有前途的人 a promising person18、嚴肅的年輕人a serious young man19、頭腦簡單的人a simple-minded man20、能說會道的人a smooth-spoken man見多識廣的人a well-informed man22、說話直率的人an outspoken man23、單身女人 /男人 a single woma

7、n/man24、20 歲出頭的姑娘 a girl in her early twenties25、動人的姑娘 an attractive girl26、著名人物 well-known figure27、 品格正直的人 a man of upright character28、性格果斷 be of a determined character29、樂觀和有抱負的 be optimistic and ambitious七、人物動作或心理活動1、鼓起勇氣 muster up courage2、面對斗爭與改變 in the face of struggle and change3、沒有履行職責 fai

8、l to carry out one's duties4、完全一團糟 be completely in a mess5、一項有意義的活動 a meaningful/rewarding activity6、相信 in the belief that7、抱著疲憊的雙腿回家 go home on tired legs8、全心全意 be devoted to sth whole-heartedly9、感覺很不適應feel out of place10、毫無倦意 show no signs of tiredness11、 無力改變的結(jié)果 be powerless to change the ou

9、tcome12、贊賞的眼光 an admiring gaze13、嫉妒的眼光 an envious glance14、向某人投以愛慕的目光 cast admiring glance at sb15、凝視著某人 look at sb with a fixed gaze16、好奇地向某人看了一眼 throw a curious glance at sb17、聽至U聲音就知道是某人 recognize sb at first hearing18、爆發(fā)出陣陣喝彩聲 break into shouts of applause19、不耐心地聽 listen impatiently20、嚴厲訓斥某人 giv

10、e sb a sharp scolding21、穿過田野的散步 a walk across the field22、散步/閑逛 have/take a stroll23、步行穿過馬路 walk across a street24、在傾盆大雨中行走 walk through the pouring rain25、毫無目的地在街上游蕩 stroll aimlessly through the streets26、來回踱步 pace back and forth27、臂挽著臂走 walk arm in arm28、平衡不同水平的學生的興趣愛好balance the interests of diff

11、erent levels ofstudents八、表示人物日常活動1、費時的 time-consuming2、讓人記憶猶新 remain fresh in ones memory3、需要緊急處理 require urgent attention4、值得珍藏的經(jīng)歷 a truly memorable experience5、回憶高中生活的美好時亥U recall the sweet moment of ones high school life收集于網(wǎng)絡,如有侵權請聯(lián)系管理員刪除6、經(jīng)受起起落落 go through ups and downs7、接通電話get through8、拿起話筒 pi

12、ck up the phone9、跟某人通電話 speak to sb over the phone九、表示天氣1、 涼爽清新的風 cool and refreshing breeze2、落日 the setting sun3、 多雨的季節(jié) a rainy season4、暴風雨之夜 a stormy night5、在茫茫大雨中 in the blinding rain6、 在春天溫暖的陽光里 in the warm spring sunshine7、難以忍受的熱unbearable hot8、放晴了 clear up9、木日光浴 bathe in the sunshine十、表示地理位置1、

13、一個偏僻的小村莊 a small village off the map2、離海濱僅咫尺之遙 within a stone's throw of the beach3、在群山環(huán)抱的村莊里in a village among the hills4、朝南的房間 room facing south5、人煙稀少的農(nóng)村地區(qū) the thinly populated rural area必備(背)句子行為動作描寫1. Hearing his words, I couldn't help bursting into tears.聽至U他的話,我忍不住哭起來。2. All of a sudde

14、n, a good ideaoccurred to 突然,* 想到了一個好主意。3. Then her father smiled,comforting her with a warm hug.然后他的父親笑了, 給了她一個溫暖的擁抱來安慰她。4. The more you are willing to love, the more you are likely to receive.你越是愿意去愛,就越可能被愛。5. Shocked, Jason called for help immediately.杰森感到很震驚,立馬求助。6. Hearing this, my father's

15、 face changecfrom tenseto a smile.聽至U這個,我父親 的臉從緊張變成了微笑。7. Under no circumstance can children lead a happy life without love.孩子彳門不可能在沒有愛的情況下過著幸福的生活。8. He saidfirmly , without hesitation .他說的很堅定,毫不猶豫。9. They moved so slowly thateach second was like an hour to the boy.他們移動的很慢,對小男孩來說,每一秒都像是一個小時。10. The

16、wise manlooked into the little boys eyes,placing his hands on the boys shoulders, andreplied softly.智者看著小男孩的眼睛,把手放在男孩的肩膀上,輕輕地回答。11. Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn' tsay a word.一聽到這個出乎意料的消息,他驚訝到說不出話來。承接1. Everything was back to normal . 一切都回歸正常。2. Had

17、 not been for your honesty, Iwould have lost if forever.要不是你的誠實, 我將永遠失去它。3. My mother was more than delighted to see my change我母親看至U我的改變非常開心。4. Then there came the sound of turning on the computer后傳來了開電月面的聲5. He had such 由orrible but exciting experience to share 他有如止匕可怕去 又激動人心的經(jīng)歷可以分享!6. He was moved

18、beyond words .他感動的難以用語言表達。7. It brought back the great memories of our family eating together.我 4家人起吃飯的美好回憶重現(xiàn)腦海O8. Thus, I will insist on chasing my dream and making every effort .這樣,我就會堅持追逐我的夢想,盡一切的努力。9. She wastoo heartbrokento do anything.她太傷心了以至于不想做任何事情。10. Never will I regret what I have done.我

19、永遠不會后悔我所做的事。11. Following the voice , I saw a young manwith gray eyes standing here.順著聲音的方向,我看到了一個灰色眼睛的年輕人站在這里。12. What touched him most was that I protected his dignity最讓他感動的是我保護了他的尊嚴。13. We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too muc似們再怎么強調(diào)保護眼睛的重要性都不為過。14. By taking exercise,we

20、can always stay healthy.借著做運動,我們能夠始終保持健康。15. On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge 我們絕對不能忽略知識的價值。16. What an important thing it is to keep our promise!=How important a thing it is to keep our promise遵守諾言是多么重要的事!17. All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims這顯示了沒有事

21、情能夠阻擋我們實現(xiàn)目標。18. So precious is time that we can ' t afford to waste時間是如此珍貴,我們經(jīng)不起浪費它。19. Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory!然我們的國家富有,我們的生活品質(zhì)絕對令人不滿意。20. It was not until recently that the problem was solved.直至U最近這個問題才被解決。體會(結(jié)尾,文章主題)1. A little bit kindness will be rewarded with a large amount of benefit.滴水之恩當涌泉相報。2. Love everybody because that's the greatest thing you can give and it is thesta


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