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1、Module 8 Time off詞匯精講1. hardlyhardhardly是一個表示否定概念的副詞,是由hard(adv. & adj. 困難的,努力)+-ly(副詞后綴)演變而來。hard又可以作副詞“努力”,如study hard, work hard。The problem is too hard, I can't work it out. 這個問題太難了,我算不出來。hardly是具有否定意味的詞,它不能再與其它否定詞一起連用,在由它構(gòu)成的反意疑問句中,尾句的疑問式須用肯定式。Hardly anybody (Almost nobody) came to the m

2、eeting. 幾乎沒有人來開會。 He can hardly speak English, can he? 他不太會說英語,對吧?I could hardly hear the speaker.我?guī)缀趼牪坏窖菡f者的聲音。It's raining hard. We can hardly see the sign on the road.雨下得很大。我們幾乎看不到路面的標志。2. waste (1)waste 作不可數(shù)名詞,意為“浪費,廢物,垃圾”。a waste of意為“浪費”。例如: I hate waste. 我討厭浪費。 Its a waste of time. 這就是浪費時間

3、。 (2)waste 作形容詞,意為“無用的,浪費的,荒廢的”。例如: We shouldnt throw waste paper about. 我們不應該亂扔廢紙。 A factory is pouring waste water into the river. 一家工廠正在向河里傾倒廢水。 (3)waste 作及物動詞,意為“浪費”。 Dont waste water! 不要浪費水。 3. human human意為“人;人類”,指有別于動物及其他生物的“人”,其復數(shù)為humans。例如: Dogs can hear much better than humans. 狗的聽覺比人的靈敏得多

4、?!就卣埂科渌硎尽叭恕钡脑~:person與people (1)person指個體的“人”,一般用于表示具體數(shù)目的人,可以有單數(shù)和復數(shù)形式。例如: Who is that person? 那個人是誰? Six persons were injured in the car accident. 6個人在這次車禍中受傷了。 (2)people意為“人,人們”,表示復數(shù)含義,加定冠詞the時,指“人民”;表示“民族”時有復數(shù)形式。例如: The Chinese is a hard-working people. 中華民族是一個勤勞的民族。 People dont like to be told th

5、at they are wrong. 人們都不喜歡別人說自己是不對的。4. wake wake 動詞,意為“醒, 喚醒”, 常用于詞組wake up 和wakeup中。具體用法如下: (1)wake up 意為“醒來”,是不及物動詞詞組,其后不能接表示人的名詞或者代詞。例如:The students usually wake up early. 學生們通常醒的很早。 (2)wake sb. up 意為“把某人叫醒”,是指一方把另一方叫醒或者吵醒,wake和up之間加表示人的名詞或者代詞。例如:Dont wake your father up. Hes too tired. 不要把你父親吵醒。他

6、太累了。5. somebody somebody不定代詞=someone,“某人;有人”,somebody比someone要通俗,多用于口語之中,在句中可以作主語或賓語,作主語時謂語動詞要用第三人稱單數(shù)。例如: Someone has been here.有人來過這兒。  Somebody has lost his car keys. 有人把汽車鑰匙丟了。  Theres somebody at the door.門口有個人。  Somebody from your office phoned.你的辦公室有人來過電話。【拓展】 常用的復合不定代詞有:so

7、mebody; someone; something; anybody; anyone; anything; nobody; nothing; everyone; everybody; everything等。不定代詞有兩種用法:一是作主語時,相當于單數(shù)第三人稱;一是被形容詞修飾,形容詞常作后置定語。例如:Everything is ready. 一切就緒。Everyone is here. 人人都在這里。Ill buy you something new. 我要給你買些新東西。6. path path 可數(shù)名詞,意為“小路,小徑”。例如: Mr. Li is taking a walk al

8、ong a path in the park. 李老師在公園里沿著一條小路散步。 【拓展】其他表示“路”的詞的用法 street, roadavenuestreet多指兩側(cè)有商店等建筑物的城市街道,用于地址時可縮寫為St.。road只可以行使車輛寬闊而平坦的城市道路或鄉(xiāng)村道路,用于地址時可以縮寫為Rd.。avenue所指的街道比street稍寬,常指林蔭大道,用于地址時可縮寫為Ave.。7. at the top of at the top of 意為“在的頂端”。例如: Children are planting trees at the top of hill. 孩子們在山頂上植樹。 Do

9、nt shout at the top of your voice. 不要高聲叫喊。 【拓展】on the top of 意為“在上”。例如: There is a bird on the top of the house. 房頂上有一只鳥。8. point out point out意為“指出”,是“動詞+副詞”結(jié)構(gòu),人稱代詞作賓語時應放在動詞之后、副詞之前。例如:There is a mistake in this sentence. Can you point it out?這個句子有一處錯誤,你能把它指出來嗎?He pointed out the woman from these ph

10、otos.他從這些照片中指出了那個女子?!就卣埂浚?)point作不及物動詞,意為“指;指向”,常與介詞at,to,towards等連用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。例如:She pointed at me, laughing.她指著我笑。(2)point作可數(shù)名詞,意為“點;要點”。例如:Lets discuss the difficult points in the passage.讓我們討論一下文中的難點。詞匯精練 .英漢互譯。 1. 指出_ 2. at the top of _ 3. a waste of time _ 4.wake sb. up _ 5. 占據(jù)(時間或空間)_ 6. b

11、e famous for_ 7. time off _ 8. 看起來像_ 9. notany more_ 10. 最后_. 根據(jù)首字母提示補全單詞。 1. We are spending some time o _in Los Angeles. 2. The t _is very busy in the morning, so wed better drive slower. 3. I have p_ you more than three times. 4. Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see the w _city clearly

12、. 5. There are less and less p _in the nature because of the environmental pollution.6. Dont push; you should p_ the door if you want to open it.7. This is the only p_ if you want to get to the top of the hill.8. I am t_; I want to drink some water.9. The accident was caused by h_ error.10. She can

13、h_ speak French because she didnt study it. 用括號中單詞的正確形式填空。 1. Lets _ (walk) along the river. 2. Why not _ (say) goodbye? 3. I saw some boys _ (play) in the playground just now. 4. Its fantastic _ (see) the city from the top. 5. They dont allow people _ (swim) in the lake. 6. I remember _ (turn off)

14、the light in my bedroom. But I dont know why it is on again. 7. We should speak to the old man _ (polite). 8The elderly always _(wake) up early in the morning 9. Its hard work_ ( print) everything on time. 10. The _ (leaf) turn green in spring.IV. 選詞填空。 1. Walk around the lake and go_(cross, across)

15、 the bridge, youll find Bai Ta. 2. I was told to look after_(me, myself) last weekend.3. Wu Guangzong_(discovered, found) the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. No one knew about it before.4. Wulingyuan Scenic Area is famous_(as, for) the strange shape of its tall rocks.5_ (Somebody, Nobody) knows his new numb

16、er. It seems to be a secret.參考答案.英漢互譯。 1. point out 2. 在頂端 3. 浪費時間 4. 喚醒某人 5. take up 6. 因著名 7. 休假 8. look like 9. 不再 10. in the end / at last. 根據(jù)首字母提示補全單詞。1. off 2. traffic 3. phoned 4. whole 5. plants6. pull 7. path 8. thirsty 9. human 10. hardly. 用括號中單詞的正確形式填空。 1. walk 2. say 3. playing 4. to see

17、 5. to swim6. turning off 7. politely 8wake 9. to print 10. leaves. 選詞填空。 1. across 2. myself 3. discovered 4. for 5. Nobody句式精講1. Welcome to Beihai Park.welcome 作動詞時,意為“歡迎”,后可直接跟表示人的名詞,接地點時要加介詞to。例如:Welcome to China. 歡迎到中國來! Welcome to our school! 歡迎到我們學校來!【注意】(1)在地點副詞的前面不加to例如:Welcome home! 歡迎回家?。?/p>

18、2)You are welcome.意為“不用謝?!?例如: Thank you for your help. 謝謝你的幫助。 Youre welcome. 不用謝。2. I didnt think they allow people to swim in the lake.allow作動詞,意為“允許”。后可接雙賓語。常用于以下結(jié)構(gòu):allow sb. sth. 意為“給予某人某物(尤指錢或時間);讓某人有(擁用或帶有)某物”。例如:The court allowed a sum of money to each child for clothing.法院判給每個孩子一筆服裝費。【拓展】(1

19、)allow doing sth.意為“允許做某事”;allow sb. to do sth.意為“允許某人做某事”。例如:Do they allow smoking in the cinemas? 他們允許在電影院里抽煙嗎?Allow me to introduce you to our headmaster. 請允許我介紹你見見我們的校長。(2)allow sth.意為“允許某事的發(fā)生”。例如:I cant allow such a thing. 我不允許發(fā)生這樣的事。(3)allow sb. sth. 意為“給予某人某物(尤指錢或時間);讓某人有(擁用或帶有)某物”。例如:He allo

20、ws his son too much money. 他給他兒子的錢太多。 Well allow you time to answer. 我們將給你回答的時間。3. I promise to writepromise在此處作動詞,意為“允諾,答應”。常用下列結(jié)構(gòu):(1)promise to do sth. 例如: He promised to help us. 他答應幫助我。(2)promise sb. mise sth. to sb. 例如: I can't give you the book, I've promised it to Suan. 我不能給你這本

21、書,我已答應把它給蘇珊了。(3)promisethat從句 例如: He promised me that he would be here at six. 他答應我他將在六點在這兒等我。 【拓展】promise為可數(shù)名詞,意為“承諾,諾言”。例如: Give me your promise that you'll never be late again. 答應我你絕不再遲到。 promise常用的詞組有: give/make a promise 許下諾言 keep a promise 信守諾言 carry out a promise 履行諾言 break a promise 違背諾言

22、4. Wish you were here! wish 此處為及物動詞,意為“希望”,后跟賓語從句,用了虛擬語氣,表示與現(xiàn)在的情況相反的愿望。此時,賓語從句中謂語動詞用過去式,be動詞則用were。例如: I wish I were you. 我希望我是你。 【拓展】辨析wishhope(1)表示“想;希望”,兩者賓語可為to do,不能用doing。例如:I hope/wish to visit Guilin. 我希望去桂林觀光。 (2)wish后可以跟復合賓語,即wish sb. to do sth.,而hope不能。例如: I wish you to go. (正) 我希望你去。 I h

23、ope you to go. (誤) 我希望你去。(3)兩者都可接that從句,但是“hope + that從句”表示希望,“wish + that從句”表示愿望,且從句的謂語動詞要用虛擬語氣。例如:I hope youll be better soon. 我希望你很快好起來。I wish I were really wealthy. 但愿我真的富有。(4)wish后可接雙賓語。hope沒有這種用法。例如:We wish you a happy New Year! 我們祝你新年快樂!5. Walkers have to be careful because the weather can ch

24、ange suddenly. be careful 意為“小心”。例如: You should be careful; the ground is wet. 你應該小心,地面很濕。 【拓展】be careful 的其他用法: (1)be careful 表“當心”時可以單獨使用,目的是為了引起他人的注意。例如: Be careful! Its dangerous outside. 當心,外邊危險。 (2)be careful of / about sth. 意為“小心某物”。例如: We must be careful of the snakes. 我們必須小心蛇。 (3)be careful

25、 to do sth. 意為“小心地做某事”。例如: He was careful to keep out of sight. 他小心地避開別人的視線。句式精練. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。 1. My mother seems to be a very kind woman. (改為同義句) _ _ _ my mother is a very kind woman.2. I think he can do it better. (改為否定句) I _ _ he _ do it better.3. Lets do homework first. (改為否定句) _ _ do homework first.4.

26、 We had a wonderful time in Beijing. (改為同義句) We _ _ in Beijing.5. The mountain was about 480 square kilometers. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ was the mountain?6. To pull leaves off plants was wrong. (用it作形式主語改寫句子) _ _ wrong to pull leaves off plants.7. “The moon moves round the earth. ” my grandfather said to me. (

27、改為賓語從句) _8. Lucy left the village, but she didnt say goodbye to us. (改為同義句)Lucy left the village _ _ goodbye to us. 根據(jù)句意完成下列句子,每空一詞。 1. 彈鋼琴占據(jù)了他太多的時間。 Playing the piano _ _ him too much time. 2. 你能指出句中的錯誤嗎? Can you _ _the mistakes in the sentence?3. 媽媽每天早上七點叫醒我。 My mother _ _ _ at seven oclock in the

28、 morning.4. 歡迎你們來北京!我會帶領(lǐng)你們參觀一下我們的城市。 _ _ Beijing! I will _ you _ our city.5. 我希望我能再一次見到你。 I _ I can _ _ again.6. 我?guī)缀醪荒芟嘈盼覀冊谑兄行摹?I _ _ believe were in the _ _.7. 他們允許在電影院里抽煙嗎? Do they_ _ in the cinemas?8. 他答應經(jīng)常給我寫信。He _ _ _ to me regularly.9. 你弄清楚他為什么遲到了嗎? Have you _ _ why he was late?10. 當心,外面雨下的很大。 _ _! Its raining heavily outside. 補全對話。閱讀下面對話,從方框內(nèi)7個選項中選擇5個恰當?shù)木渥油瓿纱藢υ?,并把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。A. I plan to go to Africa next summer.B. Will you travel somewhere interesting?C. Where do you come from?D. Is Chinese very difficult?E. Im OK.F. Tra


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