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1、Translation Exercise. 1. 我們正要離開房間,電話鈴響了。(about)2. 你能告訴我今天早上多少人缺席會(huì)呀嗎?(absent)3. 這位老教授聚精會(huì)神地寫作,我們不敢發(fā)出一點(diǎn)聲音。(absorb)4. 在一些發(fā)展中國(guó)家,許多兒童無(wú)法接受教育。(access)5. 據(jù)報(bào)道,女性占據(jù)中國(guó)總?cè)丝诘?8%。(account)6. 他在法庭上被指控偷鄰居的錢和衣物。(accuse)7. 老年人不習(xí)慣熬夜,但習(xí)慣早起。(accustom)8. 我建議他應(yīng)該使自己適應(yīng)北方的干燥氣候。(adapt)9. 她花在衣服上的錢總計(jì)達(dá)5,000美元。(add)10. 你應(yīng)該利用好天氣洗點(diǎn)衣服

2、。(advantage)1. We were about to leave the room when the telephone rang.2. Can you tell me how many people were absent from the meeting this morning?3. The old professor was absorbed in writing, so that we dared not make a sound.The .was so absorbed in that we.4. In some developing countries, many ch

3、ildren have no access to education.5. It is reported that female account for about 48 percent of the whole population of China.6. He was accused of stealing his neighbors money and clothes at the court.7. Old people/The old/The aged/The elderly are not accustomed to staying up late but to getting up

4、 early.8. I suggest that he should adapt (himself) to the dry climate in the north.9. The money she spent on clothing added up to five thousand dollars/ $5,000.10. You should take advantage of the fine weather to do some washing.11. 我反對(duì)在警察來(lái)之前采取任何行動(dòng)。(against)12. 如果孩子們放學(xué)后不回家,我會(huì)擔(dān)心的。(anxious)13. 為了保護(hù)環(huán)境,

5、政府呼吁人們盡可能少用塑料袋。(appeal)14. 盡管我是無(wú)意的,但我還是為打碎玻璃窗而向他道歉。(apologize)15. 科學(xué)發(fā)現(xiàn)應(yīng)該被用于工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)。(apply)16. 我們將安排一位總工程師來(lái)負(fù)責(zé)這個(gè)項(xiàng)目。(arrange)17. 如果你能解決問(wèn)題,我將非常感謝。(appreciate)18. 學(xué)生們請(qǐng)求老師每天不要布置太多回家作業(yè)。(assign)19. 機(jī)長(zhǎng)向乘客保證前面沒(méi)有危險(xiǎn)。(assure)20. 超市保安向我們保證他們有能力對(duì)付這樣的顧客。(assure)11. Im against doing anything till/before the police arr

6、ive.12. Im anxious about the children if they dont go home after school.13. To protect the environment, the government appeals to people to use fewer plastic bags.14. Though I did it accidentally, I apologized to him for breaking the window.15. Discoveries in science should be applied to industrial

7、and agricultural production.16. Well arrange for a chief engineer to be in charge of the project.17. Wed appreciate it very much if you can solve the problem.18. The students request/beg that teachers (should) not assign too much homework every day. / request/beg sb. to do sth.19. The captain assure

8、d the passengers that there was no danger ahead.20. The guards in the supermarket assured us of their ability to deal with such customers.21. 每天有大量觀眾觀看音樂(lè)劇“獅子王”。(audience)22. 我們可以在上海圖書館查找到各種參考資料。(available)23. 居里夫人(Madam Curie)因?yàn)樗陌l(fā)現(xiàn)而被授予1903年諾貝爾物理獎(jiǎng)。(award)24. 我一直意識(shí)到和老朋友保持了解的重要性。(aware)25. 諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)被授予那些在一

9、定領(lǐng)域作出巨大貢獻(xiàn)的科學(xué)家。(award)26. 越來(lái)越多的人意識(shí)到遵守交通規(guī)則的重要性。(aware)27. 讓我們利用這個(gè)長(zhǎng)假去香港旅游吧。(advantage)28. 到目前為止我們學(xué)習(xí)的英語(yǔ)單詞達(dá)3,500個(gè)。(add)29. 我們應(yīng)該鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生把課堂上所學(xué)運(yùn)用于實(shí)踐中。(apply)30. 你應(yīng)該為剛才的所作所為向在場(chǎng)的人道歉。(apologize)1. There is a large audience for the musical opera “the Lion King” every day.2. In Shanghai Library, all kinds of refere

10、nce books are available to us.3. Madam Curie was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics for her discovery.4. I am always aware of the importance of keeping in touch with old friends.5. Nobel Prizes are awarded to the scientists who/that (have) made great achievements in a certain field.6. More and

11、 more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules.7. Lets take advantage of the long vacation and make/take/go on a trip to Hong Kong.8. The English words we have learnt so far add up to about 3,500.9. Students should be encouraged/We should encourage students to apply what they

12、have learned in class to practice.10. You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done.31. 我今天下午沒(méi)空,我和牙醫(yī)有約。(appointment)32. 委員會(huì)就是否在黃浦江上再造一座橋不能達(dá)成一致。(agree on)33. 五彩繽紛的太陽(yáng)傘給夏日街道增添了活潑的氣氛。(add)34. 連孩子們都知道在陽(yáng)光下閱讀對(duì)眼睛有害。(bad)35. 我們永遠(yuǎn)不能忽略事實(shí),把結(jié)論建立在想象的基礎(chǔ)上。(base)36. 由于天氣原因旅行不得不暫時(shí)取消。(cancel)3

13、7. 每個(gè)公民應(yīng)該有高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的道德觀,知道如何講道德。(behave)38. 大學(xué)生們將從兼職和創(chuàng)造性學(xué)習(xí)中獲益匪淺。(benefit)39. 當(dāng)他回來(lái),發(fā)現(xiàn)人民廣場(chǎng)已經(jīng)變得認(rèn)不出了。(beyond)40. 你認(rèn)為誰(shuí)該為這次失敗負(fù)責(zé)?(blame)31. I am not free/available this afternoon because I have (made) an appointment with my dentist.32. The members of the committee/The committee can not agree on whether to build

14、another bridge over/across the Huangpu River.33. Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.34. Even children know that reading in the sun is bad for eyes.35. We can never ignore the facts and base our conclusion on imagination.36. The trip has to be canceled for the time be

15、ing because of the terrible weather.37. Every citizen should have high moral standards and know how to behave himself in public.38. College students will benefit greatly from part-time jobs and creative learning. / Part-time jobs and .benefit college students.39. When he came back, he found the Peop

16、les Square had changed beyond recognition.40. Who do you think is to blame for this failure?41. 這次美國(guó)政府應(yīng)該為談話失敗而負(fù)責(zé)。(blame)42. 他脫離人們一個(gè)人生活在山里。(break)43. 因?yàn)檐嚢肼窉佸^,他們晚到了一小時(shí)。(break)44. 計(jì)算機(jī)的廣泛使用也帶來(lái)了一些社會(huì)問(wèn)題。(bring)45. 我們?cè)诮ㄔO(shè)國(guó)家的過(guò)程中取得了巨大的成功。(achieve)46. 長(zhǎng)途跋涉后,他們太累了只能睡覺(jué)。(but)47. 在那種情況下,我別無(wú)選擇只能放棄這個(gè)計(jì)劃。(choice)48. 他們應(yīng)該從這次事件中得到教訓(xùn):玩火者自焚。49. 我們相信農(nóng)民的生活會(huì)越來(lái)越好。50. 總統(tǒng)號(hào)召大家為民族利益而作出貢獻(xiàn)。(benefit)51. 因?yàn)榇箪F,海上的科研不得不取消。(call)52. 小偷想逃走,但一位銷售員抓住了他的手臂。(catch)53. 如果你方便的話,請(qǐng)?zhí)嫖覐泥]局把包裹取回來(lái)。(


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