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1、總復習、必記過去式:原形過去式原形過去式原形過去式原形過去式writelearnteachstudygivesendridedrawcutputtieweartellreadisaregetseehave/haseatbuytakegomakedo/does、重點Module One1、There be句型(1)它的構成形式一般為“There is/a+e某物/人+某地/時”,表示某地/時有某物/人。(2) There be句型中的be應和其后出現(xiàn)的主語在數(shù)上一致,即 就近原則”,如: There are two beautiful cats on the chair. Thereis onl

2、y one cat. Thereisa ruler and five books in the school bag.練一練: There a apple on the table. There some apples in the bowl. There five books and a ruler in the school bag.(3) there be的過去形式就是將is - was; are - were勺否定形式就是在 be后面加not,如:There weren ' t many busesT here aren ' t many buses.2、介詞:abou

3、t (關于);with (和某人一起);for (由于,因為),如: It ' s a programabout China. Yesterday I watched TVwith my grandchildren. Thank you for talking。us.3、短語live in (居住);lots of (許多);enough food (足夠的食物);many years ago(很多年以前);in the field (在田地里);jump really far (跳的很遠);talk about (談論關于)4、or (用于否定句)也沒;也不,如: She didn

4、' have a television" a radio. She couldn ' reador write.5、any (用于否定句和疑問句)任何,一些;如: There weren' t anysupermarket. Did she learnany foreign language包6、作文:某地或者某事過去與現(xiàn)在的比較。如:Many years old, (用過去時寫)Now, (用現(xiàn)在時寫)Module Two1、一般過去時,一般現(xiàn)在時,現(xiàn)在進行時靈活運用。如: I learnt English five years ago. I learn E

5、nglish. I am learning English now.注意:在做題時,需要注意時間,如果是發(fā)生在過去的事情,動詞要用過去式;如果是正在發(fā)生的事情,要用現(xiàn)在進行時,動詞前要加be動詞,動詞后加ing;經常發(fā)生的事情用一般現(xiàn)在時。2、主語+ be動詞+職業(yè),如: She was a pupil ten years ago. Now, she is a teacher. I was a worker two years ago. Now, I am a driver.3、關于職業(yè)的單詞dancer (舞蹈家);teacher (教師);driver (司機);worker (工人);d

6、octor (醫(yī)生);nurse(護士); farmer (農民);pupil (小學生);policeman (警察)4、短語:foreign languages (外語); welcome to (歡迎); make a cake (做蛋為; do homework (做家 庭作業(yè));study hard (努力學習);walk to school (走路去學校);by school bus (乘坐校車)5、like +動詞ing (喜歡做某事),如: He likes working at school. I like playing football. Sheliked going t

7、o school ten years ago.6、詢問他人做過某事:Did+主語+動詞原形+其他?如:Did she learn any foreign languages?回答:肯定:Yes,主語+did.否定:No,主語+ didn't7、作文:介紹某人過去和現(xiàn)在,如:Twenty years ago, she was a pupil, she liked going to school.She studied very hard.Now,she is a teacher,she likes working at school, she teaches English.Module

8、 Three1、詢問他人三餐吃了什么:What+did+主語+have+for breakfast / lunch / dinner?回答描述吃過某些事物:主語+had+食物名稱+其他。如: What did she have for breakfas?t She had eggs and sausages.2、關于食物的單詞Bread (面包);meat (肉);hamburger (漢堡包);fish (魚);egg (雞蛋);sausage(香腸); sandwich (三明治);fish and chips (炸魚和炸薯條);rice (米飯);noodle (面條);milk (牛奶

9、); juice (果汁);cake (蛋糕) 3、短語have got (擁有);have an English breakfast(吃了一頓英式早餐); a traditional English dish (一 頓傳統(tǒng)的英式菜肴);give葉。(把給);be going to (打算);tell a story (講故事) 4、作文:介紹自己的一日三餐。如:I had eggs and bread for breakfast. I had rice and fish for lunch. I had noodles and meat for dinner.Module Four1、祈使句

10、:Let's+動詞原形 + 其他。如:Let's make a home library.2、詢問某物在何處:Where are the+ft物+about+學科,please?回答:They are,如:Where are the books about sports,pleaseThey are on Shelf C.詢問在哪找到某物:Where can I find+某物 +about+學科?如:Where can I find books about science? 3、關于書籍種類的單詞Chinese (語文);math (數(shù)學);English (英語);scie

11、nce (科學);music (音樂);art (美 術);sports (體育運動); computer (電月而);dictionary (字典)4、短語Send某物to某人(給某人送某物);library card (圖書卡);ask某人to做某事(邀請某人做 某事);in the wrong place (在錯誤的地方);different ways (不同的方法) 5、作文:介紹圖書館的書在哪個位置。如:These are all books about science on shelf A. The books on shelf B are about computers.Modu

12、le Five1、重要句型:Its+形容詞+for+某人+to+做某事.(對于某人做某事怎么樣),如: It is easy for me to carry. It is hard for him to learn English.2、形容詞的近反義詞new (新的)-old (舊的);big (大的)small (小的);easy(容易白 hard (困難的); light (輕的)一heavy (重的);black (黑色的)一white (白色的);clean (干凈的)一dirty (臟的) 3、短語fly a kite (放風箏);ride a bike (騎自行車);look at

13、 (看一看);take-to(帶什么去一); two pockets (兩個口袋);four wheels (四個輪子);too big (太大)4、作文:形容某件事物,如:Look at this blue bag. Its big and light.And it s got four wheels. It is easy for me to carry.I like it very much.I ll take it.Module Six1、表示某個地點的某個方位:in the (east/west/north/sout? of+地點,如:in the west of China2、詢問

14、去哪里度假: Where did you go for the holidays?3、詢問某個地方在哪里:Where is + 地點?4、短語of course (當然);in July/June (在七/六月);go with sb.(和某人一起去);for a week (一周); stay with (與待在一起); every year (每年);ride a horse (騎馬);climb the mountain (爬山); have a lovely time (度過一段愉快的時光); have a rest(休息一下);take photos (拍照片)5、作文:介紹一次旅行

15、,如:Last year I went to 地,點 with my family (friends) . It s in the (east/west/north/south» of+地/點.I went to zoo (park) .It was very beautiful.I took many photos.I had a lovely time there.Module Seven1、時間表達方式:(1)表示整點:小時 +o'clock。如:8整整eight o'clock(2)所有時間都可以用:小時 十分鐘。如:6:10six ten; 2:40 two

16、 forty(3)時間在半個小時之內:分鐘+past+小時(幾點過幾分)。如:6:10 ten past six(6點過10分鐘)(4)時間大于半個小時:(相差的)分鐘+to+ (下一個)小時。如:5:50-ten to six (6點差10分鐘)(5)時間正好為半個小時:half+past+小時。如:11:30 half past eleven2、詢問某人職業(yè): What do/does+i語+do?如:What does she dG3、詢問幾點鐘做某事: What time do/does+i語 + 做某事?如: What time does your mum get up4、短語go

17、to work (去上班); every morning/afternoon/evening/night (每天上午/下午/傍晚/深夜);in the morning/afternoon/evening/night (在上午 /下午/傍晚/深夜);at eight o'clock (在八點整)【具體 某個時間點用 at】;that's late/early(太遲/太早);be late(遲到);a quarter to eight(8 點差 15分鐘); be home (至U家);go home (回家);don't worry (不要擔心、); go to bed

18、(睡覺);get up (起床) 6、作文:自己一天的行程安排。如:I get up at 7 o'clock every morning. I go to school at 7:30. I have lunch at 12:00. I do my homework at 19:00. I go to ben at 10 o'clock every night.Module Eight1、一般將來時:表示“將來做”,與表示將來的時間詞語連用,如 tomorrow, next year。有兩種形式表小將來。(1) be going to網詞原形:表示“打算做某事"。如

19、:I'm going to visit my cousin in New York.(2)主語+will+動詞原形:I'll make a paper fish for her.否定句:will 后加 not;一般疑問句: Will+主語+ 動詞原形 + 其他?如: Will you help me ?回答:Yes,I will; No, I won't.2、詢問建議: What/How about+名詞/動詞ing?如: What about a toy panda?What about going shopping?3、詢問明天做什么: What will you

20、do tomorrow ? 回答:I 1l go swimming tomorrow.4、短語Good idea (好主意);a toy panda (玩具熊貓);make a kite (做風箏);cut the paper (剪紙); a piece of (一張);put sticks (擺上木條);tie string (系上繩子);5、作文:制作風箏的步驟(見課本)Module Nine1、復數(shù): man men; womanwomen; child children2、forget to do: 忘記做某事,如:I forget to do my homework.don'

21、t forget= remember; Don't forget to bring some CDs.3、in+一段時間: 以后,表示將來。如:in three weeks (三周后)4、be from+地點=come from+地點: 來自某地。如:I come from China./I'm from China.5、短語laugh a lot (笑個不停);in English (用英語);tell lots of jokes (講笑話);be ready for sth (為 而準備);a children's theatre (兒童居J院); go to a restaurant(去餐館); borrow some books (借書)6、作文:寫一封信介紹自己出去游玩的經歷(注意寫信的格式)Dear XX,I went to 地,點 with my family (friends) . It s in the( east/west/north/sout? of+地/點.I went to zoo


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