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1、期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(一)辨音辨音題做題技巧: 本冊(cè)書(shū)主要是關(guān)于四個(gè)字母:a e io在不同 單詞中的不同讀音而進(jìn)行辨音。 a e i o四個(gè)字母都有兩種不同的 讀音,在做題時(shí),要一讀二辨三做題。一、辨音,發(fā)音相同的寫(xiě)“ S”,發(fā)音不同的寫(xiě)“ D” <()1. dog hot ( )2.bad grape ( )3.close not()4. fishhim()5.time fine()6. kite like()7. bedshe()8.green sleep()9.make cap()10. idea river ()11. fox no二、找出畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分發(fā)音不同的一項(xiàng)。()1. A. pla

2、yground B. Saturday C. table)2. A. jacketB. MathsC. cake15 / 13()3. A. hamburger B. skate C. match)4. A. feverB. WednesdayC. green)5. A. lessonB. tenC. sleep()6. A. tree B. headache C. dress()7. A. tiger B. spring C. white()8. A. tennis B. fine C. difficult()9. A. winter B. ill C. night()10. A. coat

3、 B. doctor C. close()11. A. sorryB. sockC. Rose()12. A. coldB. shortC. home填寫(xiě)所缺字母,寫(xiě)出中文意思。1. sc_ o_ l (4. _on_ay (7. Mhs (期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(二)詞匯寫(xiě)由中文意思。) 2. s_bj_ct () 5. M _ s _c (8. l_ss_n ()3. se _ () 6. _hin_se (9. Tsday (10.We_ne_day () 11. m_y () 12. _hu_sday (13. _om_work () 14. h_t () 15. _a_k (16. h_a_

4、(17.d_a_(18. Fday (19.fl_w_r (20. nday () 21.bt (22.r_v_r (23. _ak_(24.seon (25.d_e_s (26.s_r_ng (27. _a_ty (28.wm (29.c_a_ (30.wter (31.cd (32.sht (33.s_m_er (34.s_ea_er (35. _ut_mn) 36.h_n_ (37. S_tur_ay () 38. i(39.cl (40.th_r_ty (41.w_t_r (42. _ap_y (43.ted (44. u_ua_ly ()45. _rt (46.Helen and h

5、er sister are ill, they should該). (保重 )47.He is not a s_ool, too.48.Bobby can t _e_t p at five thirty.49.Can you看電視() with me in the(晚上/傍晚)?50.It s four forty. It's time t洞家)期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(三)英漢互譯1.在我的學(xué)校 2.在家 3.去參加派對(duì)4.去操場(chǎng) 5.去公園 6.每天7.我們的學(xué)校課程 8.上一節(jié)英語(yǔ)課9.音樂(lè)課時(shí)間 10.去看看 11.星期幾12.不要游泳 13.回到學(xué)校 14.過(guò)來(lái)玩15.多少節(jié)科學(xué)課 16

6、.在星期四早上17.有一場(chǎng)足球比賽 18.回家19.一周的星期 20.在夜里 21.干得好22.做我的家庭作業(yè) 23.得了重感冒24.吃午飯 25.喜歡蛋糕 26.十分有趣27.去上學(xué)28.堆雪人29.四季30.吃早飯 31.在四點(diǎn)四十分 32.太短33.一門(mén)簡(jiǎn)單的學(xué)科 34.湖面上的兩只鴨子35.河面上的船36.看一看37.去游泳38.畫(huà)它們/他們/她們39.晴朗的一天40.在秋天 41.一個(gè)炎熱的夏天 42.不渴43.錯(cuò)與對(duì) 44.在湖邊 45晚安46.喝些熱水 47.她表姐的外套48.他爸爸的襯衫 49.服用這種藥50.三個(gè)傷心的女孩 51.去爬山 52想要53.聽(tīng)些英語(yǔ) 54.吃一些魚(yú)

7、 55.咳嗽56.一會(huì)見(jiàn)。57.咳嗽58來(lái)學(xué)校59.不太好。60.頭疼并發(fā)燒61.speak to Sue 62.I,d love io63.What about Saturday?64.after school65.have a skating lesson66.so beautiful67.get up at ten to ten68.have dinner69.What a pity!70.good idea71.fly kites72.don ' t have any lessons 73.make a snowman74.draw in the park75.want to

8、go to bed76.too long77.in each season78.I think so.79.try again80.have picnics81.look at this monkey82.eat ice creams83.show Rose your fan84.our new timetable85.tired and hungry86.take care87.this afternoon88.go boating89.like Art and Maths90. four happy boys91.play football92.want some warm water93

9、.Mrs Fox is ill.94.go and see a doctor95.See you tomorrow.96.a monkey in the tree97.a difficult lesson98.draw a lot of pictures99.before eating fish100.watch TV101. play table tennis102.make a week期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(四)單選()1. How many do you have this term/at school We have seven.A. lessons B. a subject C. subje

10、cts()2. What lessons do you have this morning? We Chinese and Music.A. likeB. haveC. are()3.Art and Music fun.A. isB. amC. are()4.A: How much are these books? B:A.Yes, they are. B. They ' re fifteen yuan. C. It ' s fifeen yuan.()5.What do you like? I like English and Chinese.A. lessons B. su

11、bjects C. a subject()6. It ' s time Maths.A. toB. for C. in()7. Yang Ling some lessons this Sunday.A. have B. has C. don ' t haveA. any()8. A: Do you have Art lessons this morning? B: Yes, I do.B some() 9. It s time for .A. go to school B. school C. go school() 10. David and Mike usually at

12、six fifteen the evening.A. has dinner, in B. have breakfast, at C. have dinner, in() 11. What time? It s .A. is it; ten B. is it; a big cake C. it is; one() 12. What can you do, ? .A.I can see a bird. B. I can play football. C. Yes, I can.() 13. Helen can pictures.A. draws B. draw C. drawing() 14. I

13、 can see a pig over there. Can you draw ?A. they B. them C. it() 15. I can see some fish the river.A. in B. on C. at() 16. When do you go climbing? We go climbing breakfast.A. has B. at C. after() 17 Can you in summer ? No, I can t.A. swimming B. swim C. swiming() 18 . Whose skirt is this ?.A. It s

14、Su Yang. B. They re Su Yang s.C. It s Su Yang s.() 19. the boy under the tree ? He s David .A. Who s B. Whose C. Who() 20. Is this a the tree ? I think so.A. monkey, in B. apple, on C. monkey, on() 21. Do you like this ? Yes, I do. I like .A. snowmen, snowmen B. snowman, snowman C. snowman, snowmen(

15、) 22. My brother wants some new shirts.A. to B. / C. have() 23. Here a glass offor you.A. is, water B. is, waters C. are, water() 24. He can _tthem, his hands.A. draws, hurt B. draw, hurt C. draws, hurts() 25. I can t_s_e_e flowers.A. some B. a C. any() 26. is the first day of a week.A. Monday B. Su

16、nday C. Saturday() 27 What s over there ?A. this B. those C. that()28. These my new gloves. - nice !A. are, What a B. are, What C. are, How期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(五)連詞成句1. you, see, on, can, river, the, a, boat ( . )2. some, let, pictures, now, us, draw ( . )3. can, you, what, see, the, in, picture ( ? )4. do, what,

17、 subjects, like, you ( ? )5. in, what, the, big, is, box ( ? )6. you, play, can, tennis, go, table, and ( ? )7. lessons, do, what, have, the, you, in, morning ( ? )8. I, some, juice, can, have ( ? )9. can, school, come, tomorrow, she, to ( . )10. do, play, when, you, football ( ? )11. and, Miss, at,

18、 six, Su Hai, meet, Su Yang, Li, thirty (.)12. autumn, it, cool, is, in ( ?)13. short, those, too, are, shorts (.)期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(六)用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. This is(we) school.2. How many(lesson) do we have?3. It ' s a(sun) day today.4. Wang Bing(have) a new coat.5. Rose(make) a(snowmen) this afternoon.6. We don &

19、#39; t have(some) lessons today.7. This is(you) picture. It ' s nice.8. What ' s the matter with(he) ?9. Can you see(some) trees in the park ?10. These( is ) my new shorts.11. Yang Ling can( has ) dinner at six this evening.12. Here( be ) some trees. Can you draw(they) ?13. What' s thmat

20、ter with(she) ?14. Let ' s go(swim) in the river.15. That(make) a week.16. I like(sandwich).This(sandwich) is nice!17. Let( we ) go to the park.18. Yang Ling can(have) picnics this Saturday.19. She(want) to go to bed at nine.20. (he) sweater is so beautiful.21. I(like) this coat. Try this, pleas

21、e.22. (she) dress is too big for her.23. Look at(me)(mother) dress. It'l. s so beautifu24. This is Mrs Green. (speak)25. I(can) make cakes, it ' s too difficult or ( I )期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(七)改錯(cuò)()1. I go home on five .A BCD()2. She have a new skirt .ABC D( )3.Mike and Su Hai don,t have some lessons on Sun

22、day.ABC D( )4.Where do you get up every day.ABCD( )5.Let ' s play table tennis at Saturday.A B C()6. It J gwarmat spring .A B C D()7. Who s cat is thisA B C D()8. Let ' s skating after school .A BCD()9. Here' re some water for you.A B C D()10. I drink an ice cream.()11. I can see a ducki

23、n the river.()12. Canyou seeanyboat ?()13. Howmany hill can you see ?()14. Canyou draw they ?()15. Would youlike any apples ?()16. Weusuallymakesnowman inwinter.()17. I ' thirsty.Canhavesomecakes()18. Whosedress arethey ?()19. MayspeakingtoMiss Li ?()20. I amJackspeaking.()21. It ' stime for

24、 go home.A B C D()22. mrs Green is ill today.A BCD()23. What' s the matter withABCD期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(八)根據(jù)中文,完成句子1 .這個(gè)學(xué)期你們有多少門(mén)學(xué)科?do you have this ter m2 .現(xiàn)在是上體育課的時(shí)間,讓我們一起去操場(chǎng)吧。It,s time. Let ,s go to the.3 .你喜歡什么課?我喜歡英語(yǔ),它是有趣的。What do you like? I like. It,s4 .星期五早上你有什么課?do you have on.5 .Su Yang a lesson.6 .星

25、期日是一周的第一天。is the first of a week.7 .邁克在下午有一節(jié)美術(shù)課。Mike has in the afternoon.8 .這條連衣裙對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)太大了。This dress for me.9 .你的英語(yǔ)書(shū)在哪里?它在椅子的下面。your book ? It ,s the.10 .現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘了?十二點(diǎn)二十五分。is it now ? It s .11 .這是邁克的外套嗎?是的,你猜對(duì)了。Is this coat ? Yes. You ' e .12 .這些是誰(shuí)的手套?它們是我表姐的 are these ? They are my,13 .那個(gè)人是誰(shuí)? 他是我的

26、弟弟。that man ?my brother.14 .我會(huì)做蛋糕。它是如此簡(jiǎn)單。I can make. It,s.15 .我喜歡蛋糕,你呢?I.you ?16 .他想要去看你,你好點(diǎn)了嗎?He come see you. Are you17 .她的姐姐不餓,但是很渴。sister is, but she,s期末專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(九)按要求改寫(xiě)句手1. I have some lessons on Monday.改為一般疑問(wèn)旬)lessons on Monday ?2. It ' s time to go to schoo歷(同義句)It ' s time.3. I usually w

27、atch TV at seven.對(duì)畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) usually watch TV ?4. It eleven o ' clocw.(對(duì)畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn))is it now ?5. She can see a hot dog on the table改為一般疑問(wèn)句,并作否定回答)-a hot dog on the table ?6. I can swim .(對(duì)劃線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) you ?7. What time is it now ?(改為同義句) the now ?8. What ' s the matter with you?為同義句) with you ?9. It is

28、a big cake in the kitchen.對(duì)劃線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) the big cake ?10. Helen is my sister.對(duì)劃線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) your sister ?11. This is my hat.(對(duì)劃線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) is this ?12. We all like spring best.(對(duì)劃線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) do you like best ?13. It sum mer.附劃線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn)) is it ?14. I fly kites very well.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句,并作肯定回答) fly kites very well ?, I.15. I can see some flowers under the tre改為一般疑問(wèn)句,并做否定回答 ) -you see flowers under the tree?_, I.16. Su H


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