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1、精品word,歡迎共閱Flyers重點Unitl識記詞匯subject Maths Science History English Chinese Geography Art Music secret rich poor without了解詞匯route step stick 句型1. What is your/his/her ihvorite subject?2. What classes do you/they have?3. What classes does he/she have? 背誦第8部分My/His/Her favorite subject isI/They have .cl

2、asses and .classes.He/She has .classes and .classes.Unit2識記詞匯January FebruaryNovember December 了解詞匯date choose sure lyMarchpresentbornApril May June July August September October語法介詞in和on在具體日期及月份前的用法It is in月份./ It is on具體日期.句型1. When is your/his/her birthday?2. What is your wish?I wish that I could

3、Unit3識記詞匯fog foggy storm windy ra in rainy 了解詞匯ra indrop band blonde 語法stormy fellsnow snowystay bring light (復(fù)習(xí)詞匯 cloud cloudy wind sunny )復(fù)習(xí)一般過去時句型What was the weather like yesterday/last week?It was天氣狀況。背誦第2部分Unit4識記詞匯taxi street univers ity turn minute centre foreign subway go straight 了解詞匯other

4、 anywhere distance square palace turn left/rightThe Summer Palace The Fragrant CityTian ' anmen Square句型The Forbidden City1. How far is it from Bering to Tianjin?2. How long does it take by taxi?背誦第2部分It is 92km from Beying to Tianjin .It takes about 30 minutes.Unit5識記詞匯golf drum rucksack sledge

5、 suitcase torch pyramid already finish tent diary camp了解詞匯robot helper finger語法復(fù)習(xí)現(xiàn)在完成時(have/has+過去分詞)和講解被動語態(tài)( be+called ) 句型l.Have you ever played golf?Yes, I have. / No, I haven ' t.2. What is it called ?3. What are they called?背誦第1部分It is called golf.They are called robots.Unit6識記詞匯silver meta

6、l dinosaurwool fee Is me 11tastechocolatechopsticks knife toiletsound了解詞匯octopus striped ring 語法對感觀動詞的講解和運用 句型saucepan membersoundtaste lookroastfeelrubbersmell )goodnessWhat does it +背誦第3部分感官動詞+ like?It +感觀動詞的第三人稱形式+likeUnit7識記詞匯cave castlehut apartmentbalcony upsta irs downstairstra ve 1townrememb

7、er 了解詞匯 town house(復(fù)習(xí) bedroom bathroom dining room living room )floating house traveling house mobile house語法賓語從句的簡單講解句型Does it have aWhat is your + 房間 + like ?練習(xí)并背誦第2部分Unit8識記詞匯time use air fire iuturequarter flyer robot bridge world village spacewalk half 了解詞匯The Great Wall of ChinaWorld Wide WebL

8、ondon BridgeGlobal Village space spring driven clock 語法時間的表示方法:walk sandglass pendulum clockcandle clock weight driven clock1 .整點的表示法2 .半點前的表示法3 .半點后的表示法4 . 一刻鐘的表示法5 .半點整表示法小時+ o' clock分鐘+ past + 小時分鐘+ to +小時a quarter past + 小時 a quarter to + 小時 half past + 小時幾點整 幾點過幾分 差幾分幾點幾點十五分 差十五分幾點 幾點半6.直接表

9、示法:直接按照順序說出小時和分鐘的數(shù)字即可 句型1. What is the time ?It is + 時間2. When do you usually do sth ? I usually do sth at + 時間.3. When does she/he usually do sth ? He/She usually do (動詞用第三人稱)sth at + 時間. 背誦第1部分Unit9識記詞匯museum bookshop swan anything camel wa te rfa 11science enjoy hope ideamean countryside Australi

10、a summer post office 句型 征求對方意見時的句型:Shall I/we do sth ?(該句型中的人稱只能用第一人稱)背誦第1部分Unit 10識記詞匯airport chemist club station police restaurant tape recorder jam businessman college fire London fridge freezer crowd indeed police station fire station 語法復(fù)習(xí)現(xiàn)在完成時(have/has+過去分詞) 如何將現(xiàn)在完成時的肯定句變成一般疑問句 句型1. I have eve

11、r opened the w indow. Have you ever opened the window ?2. He/She has e ver written a letter.Has he/she ever written a letter ?3. I have ever been to an airport. f Have you ever been to an airport ?4. He/She has ever been to a museum.Has he/she ever been to a museum?5. Have you ever played the piano

12、?6. Has your father ever been to Wuhan?背誦第3部分Yes, I have. / No, I haven . tYes, he has. / No, he has n r t.Unit 11識記詞匯plastic wood metal glass wool silverother plateshelf fork scissors spoonglove empty happen expensive noisy hard heavy cheap special cupboardte lephonecoatcooker shell seashore weak m

13、aterial 了解詞匯recycle reuse useless語法講解被動語態(tài)(be made of由。制成)句型It ' s made of metal.They are made of wood .1. What ' s the clock made of ?2. What are chopsticks made of? 背誦第1部分Unit 12識記詞匯gold high tennis environmentinterestathlete medal high jump long jumpdive water polo boxing rowing skating sa

14、iling voileyball shooting cycling hockey handball wrestling protect volunteer historical 復(fù)習(xí)詞匯football basketball soccer table tennis badminton golf swimming fishing baseball running語法can是情態(tài)動詞,后用動詞原形。句型What can you do for?I can .Unit 13識記詞匯forget present address fun turnChristmas space miss businessw

15、oman stair 了解詞匯washroomtreasurere indeercarol了解第6部分短語Santa wardrobejingle code stocking wre a thUnit 14識記詞匯soon leavecaf 6soup whole 了解詞匯(names)poteverythingstrangerexcellentvillagerlaughscorearoundstoneEmma 短語DavidHarry FredWilliamDaisy Katy熟讀記憶第6部分介詞短語和動詞短語 背誦第5部分Unitl5識記詞匯what where which who whe

16、n newspapersuddenlyhow howmanyhow much coin flute了解詞匯(names)Jill Paul Sue Betty語法詳細(xì)講解疑問詞的用法句型參照教材全解重點練習(xí)第5部分questionMa ry JimUnit 16識記詞匯nurseactoractressphotographer singer 復(fù)習(xí)詞匯engineerjournalist painterfiremanfootballersecretary formerpilotcookgrowupdriverbusinesswoman 了解詞匯businessmanpoliceman polic

17、ewomandentistdoctorastronaut語法對who引導(dǎo)的定語從句進行簡單講解 句型What do you want to be when you grow up ? 背誦第4部分I want to be a /an +下冊重點Unitl識記詞匯: 了解詞匯:Spring picnicSummer Autumnenjoy sunshine leaffieldflap ra inbowWinterforestbutte rflysnowball turswallowgentle句型: What' s your favourite season?My favourite s

18、eason is summer.Why do you like summer?Becasuse I like swimming. 背誦部分:part 5Unit2識記詞匯:January February March April May June July August September October November December了解詞匯:Spring Festival New Year' s Day Labour Day Easter Children' sDayMid-Autumn Day summer vacation Teacher ' s Day N

19、ational Day Thanksgiving Day 句型: Which holiday do you like?I like Children ' s Day.When is that?It ' s on June 1 st.What do you often do on Children?I do lots of things: singing dancing .語法:一般現(xiàn)在時Unit3識 i 己詞7匚: excellent few climb different kindfinger choose了解詞,匚: cookingvolunteer Olympic gam

20、esamazing perhaps短語:be good at .句型:I ' m good at playing footballWhen did you start to play football?背誦:part 2Unit 4識記詞匯:minute 了解詞匯:burgermedicine sick LondonI started to play football when I was fiveabout walk stronger health Athens Paris Berlin RomeMontrealadd plus minus learnfinish still foo

21、d radioHelsinki Moscow Mexico Seoul Atlanta 句型: Where have they been?They have been to Paris and Moscow.How about some hot dogs?Great! Let s go and buy some.背誦:part 3Unit 5識 i己單詞: problem team ready space interesting difficult了解單詞: spin wheel member more pass unit page oxygen suits句型: How many goats

22、 and sheep are there?There are 19.How much time did he spend on sleeping?He spent on sleeping for 70 hours last week.Unit6guess so body centimeterhobby識 t 己單詞: interesting tallest shortest camp 了解單詞: measure height strip grow movement age we ight information court 句型:How tall are you?I ' m 165cm

23、 tall.討論:How can we grow talier?Part7Unit7識 t 己單詞: next restaurant vis it theatre science newspaper museum 了解詞匯:weekend first finally movie shower machine spaceship 常見的表示過去時間:Last year Last month yesterday one dayIn last summer last week last Friday yesterday morning many years ago Later on on one w

24、inter morning 句型: What did you do last weekend?I visited the zoo.What did you do on May Day last year?I did many things on May Day last year.背誦:part2Unit8識 t 己單詞: science happen medin ice ill pilot engineer pizza geography subject mechanic tights machine了解單詞:easy world example health closely astrona

25、ut player e-mail nervous bra vemountain stomachache river lake復(fù)習(xí): nurse tennis player teacher cook swimmer painter writer actor doctor former singer waiter runner worker postman dancer句型: What is science about?背誦;part2Nuit9識 t 己單詞: stay enough quickly afraid了解單詞:ke ttle boil block pan spout form sai

26、lor scientist alongside 句型:It ' s going to rain, isn ? tit?Run back home quickly.語法:反義疑問句 祈使句Unit 10識 t 己單詞: untidypolicemanhappen firemanqueen了解單詞: mat footprint handprint messy toy litter stool dress-upsmoke sill save wardrobefire-engine brave worse dangerous hurtbroken horrible terrible nowhe

27、re dwarf prince Singapore Singaprean language point句型: What was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon? There was a fire in the house.語法:過去進行時構(gòu)成:was +VingUnitl 1識 t 己單詞: invite else finish present scissors remember somewhere 了解單詞: start ring twinkle wonder diamond sharp teeth tail nevercheesemi

28、s take表示將來的時間:tomorrow next year句型:I will play football with him.My father will go to Beijing.What will you do?I will draw pictures.What time does the party start? It starts at 6:00 語法:將來時態(tài) 背誦部分:part 1Unit 12識 i 己單詞: card feel midnight Easter castle whisper了解單詞: always greet celebration rebirth Turk

29、ey lucky president mankind beard blooming golden crown hide secretly 句型:When is our National Day?October first is National Day.What do people usually do on New Year ' s Eve?People usually light off fire-crackers.Which month is your favourite?Why?June is my favourite.Because June 1 sl is Children

30、 ' s Day.I like Children " s Day.熟讀:parti part4看圖寫話,寫簡短的小故事。Unit 13識 t 己單詞: environment tidy competition worse了解單詞: neighbourhood newly free amusement safe rollerskate special suggestion title protect condition habit desert terrible bottle collect mean fresh building trash notice idea句型: Why should we do for protecting ou


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