



1、新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)小學(xué)六年級(jí)英語上冊ModulelOU nit2Gostraighto n!說課稿(1)La nguage aimsa. Sentences: students master: go straight on. Turn left.Turn right. Stop! Don ' t go! Don ' t walk. Please be quiet.b. Functions : use imperatives: please and don' t.c. Emotion : students obey the rules public place .2. Teach i

2、ng importa nt tentsGo straight on. Turn left. Turn right. Stop! Don' t go.Don' t walk. Be quiet.3. Teach ing importa nt tentsImperative senten ce.4. Teach ing toolsPictures, recorder, CAI , stickers5. Teach ing procedureStep 1. Warmi ng upSing a song and do acti ons.Step 2.Prese ntati on1.Sh

3、ow a picture of a policema n. Teacher does acti ons,stude nts guess the meaning : Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. Stop! Don ' t go. Be quiet!2.Show the picture of traffic rules: Don' t turn left.Don' t tur n right.Don ' t walk. Don' t ride your bike. Go! It ' s green n

4、ow.Stude nts guess the mea ning.3. Teacher leads to read.4. Play a game:Teacher says: I say please walk, you walk. I say walk, you don ' t walk.Teacher : Please go straight on. Turn left. Please turnleft.Please turn right. Walk . Go. Please be quiet!Ride your bicycle. Please ride your bicycle.Pl

5、ease don ' t ride your bicycle.5. Teacher show somepictures,students say the sentences.As possible as quickly.Step 3. Liste ning1. Liste n and nu mber the pictures with a ,b , c, d, e, f, g, h, I ,j ,k2丄isten and pause the tape ,then check the answers.Step 4. Liste ning and repeat ing1. Liste n

6、and repeat. Show CAI and ask: rising tone orfalli ng tone.2. Explain please + V. Don' t+ V.3. Do exercises. Fill in the bla nks.4. Take out the sig ns that stude nts collect. Discuss the meaning.Step 5. Producti on1(1) Look at the mapof Hanghou. I want to go to the park, but I don ' t know the way to the park.T: Excuse me, where is the park?s on the right.S: Go straight o n. Turn left .It(2) Stude nts look at the map, the n practice in pairs.2. Read the English class rules , then choose true or false.3. Discus


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