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1、變音Aaffecte dprevented appeaatmosphereB breach-least bulletin-bullet behind-blind Ccenturyactual chapter check countesouthAlice is a quiet girl. She never gets C involved in the womanish- the class.(able) Airplanes enablepeople to travel great distances rapidly(add)They needadditionalhelp to get the

2、work doneas planned.candle-taxi cross-fond cookie-wolf creaturebelief Ddirection- practical Eessayaway eyebrow-townFfield seize floatbellows forehea dregret flood bloodGgeographyremark IBBeing poor is nB disgrace while being dishonest certainly is.Before he is given the job in thibeC interviewed by

3、the manager.Bobs right hand was seriouslyinjured, be C unfit for work - at least.(boy)He was born in China, spent his boyhood in England and now citizen.CChildren who are over-protectedby their parentsmayirrigate-mirror improveinclude Llaten 卜squirrelMmastetiresome mountain- captain mouth-south mud

4、lung Nnotice- stomachsOoccasionallytelevision opposite- balloon ownernarrow Ppigoen Jewishpressure directly period perseverancepostmarRchanceQquiesociety Rbecome spoiled.Children are very curicDs)y nature.China has greCtpotential to become an economic power in not - a time.Convenience foods which ar

5、e alre adyre D available in grocery stores.(child)He was born in China, spent his childhood in England -citizen.(criticize) He got a lot of criticism due to his article publish last month.Can you mend my bicycle? It hAslat tyre.DDo you think she has any A reasonto refuse Johns invitation?Don't r

6、elease this news to the p ublicDon't talk about her sons at school. It s a(n) B embarrassing topic to her.relax- value replied- enteredSshoowood signlife schoolyardcooDepending oA intuition, Mary led us through an unknown part of the forest.Dick won't drive us to the station. HeAitoo small a

7、 car toscratchcheck scatt時 gravity splendid-wretched singeMongue stomachbooks stamps-desks TtwinkledrinkVvirtueamusementWwais Lpainttake us all.(decide)While stilla youngboy Louis madehis decision to - scientist.(decisive) While still a young boLouis made his decision to become a scientist.(disappoi

8、nt)T our(his) great disappointmentMrs. White won't - weekend.Do youC prefer classes on TV or on the radio?Vocabulary司7匚AAmericanwomenwereD denidethe right to vote- hard struggle.EExcuse me. I hand taken my textbook with me. Shall we B share one?(economic)I am a college studedtnow. My major iseco

9、nomics.(encourage)High interest rates(W 禾率)discouragepeople bank.(explode Did you hear the terrible explosion last night Even after the meeting the still couldnt - thats a D controversial topic.It is becausesheis too inexperienceB that she doesn know .situation.(invent) What an important invention h

10、e has made!(industry) The United States is an industrialized nationcatch it.I hate to bD interrupted whenm speaking.Everybody haB wondered if there is anything wrong with I m watching a football game betweenook! England arethe - -morning.Either you orA am wrong on this matter.Cattacking again.I m wa

11、tching Hunter on TV, and this is my B favorite programme.FIt has always been the D policy of this company toFinding a job in such a big companyhas always been beyirochote- senior positions his I think it is wisB of him not to accept their offer.I D wouldn t talk that way if I were Peter.HIf it B was

12、# too much trouble d love a cup of tea.Have little money is noB disgracewhile being dishonest C As is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great certainly is.American.He has got a hobby of stamp-collection, but it costs a lot ofmoneyLHe wasC ashamed of having asked such a silly question. Last year th

13、e advertising rate rose by 20 percent.He just coulcf nA figure out what in the world she- hthe (lie)It seems that he can always liefhis him a liar. time.(lock)Beforeyou enterthe house,you haveto unlock theHe used to have B hobby of stamp-collection, but he has door.given it up.Look! Someone hBsspilt

14、 tea on the floor.He suggested we go to tomorrowexhibition together. Listen! This is a telephone) conversationbetweentwo (honest)He said he would have nothing to do with dishonfeietnds.people lies.How can I get to the top floor of this hoou?may take the MD lift.Many new opportunities will opened He

15、watches TV only to kill time.Many people complain of the rappace of modern life.He never hesitated to help those wholpA as long as he Mr.Morgan can be very sadn private, thoughcheerful. could.My camera can be adjusted to take picturesHis A unreadablbandwriting resulted from haste(myfromy)It was very

16、 mysterious how he had gotbietogthe letters .seen.He said she was used to going to bAddlidsfi he .My grandpa always listens to national aCdnternationalby her uncle.IHis patients) having died the orphan is now taken care ofiews in the moring.Mrs.Johnson usually has an appAdessert at the end of a dinn

17、er。away”I hope my teacher will take- into A consideration O when- examination.(ordinary)This novel is extraordinarily interesting. I suggesI was told that this cloth would Doshrink in the wash, but you read it.it did.Old people tend Aostick to traditional ideas.slow learners.-But it willB take.(prod

18、uce)His farm is so productivethat he grew moreIt is not easy to learn English well,but if you hang on, youcorn- sell.will - end.(propose) I feel very sorry that the boss'd pay any- toI d like to B go over the lessonsonce more before we - exam tomorrow.I didn't ask him, but he B offeredbu hel

19、p me with my homework.It was difficult to guesswhat her B reactionto the news would be.-Isn't it too expensive to ride there? Lewalk, shall we?Physics is equivalent to the science whichiwasstory Please be careful when you are drinkirypu D stain the new carpet.(patience)Nelson is certainlyfor he

20、is too impatient withmy proposal.forgot her birthday(purity) Its hard to find any totally pure water because of theere were no tickets available for Fsidaywater pollution.QQuite a lot of people watch TV only kill time.SShe has nA reason to refuse Jshnvitation.She talked to him for a long time andssu

21、aded him from doing- job.Some old people donke- cant. tolerate so much noise. Students or teachers can particip atecgiular intervals . Sixty percentof the readerschoseher as their A favoriteThere were sonAeartificial flowers on the table.Tom s parents died when he was young so hebrosght up by his un

22、cle.Tom has got a decAnjob in a chemical factoryThat small country hasdeclared independence.(thirst)Do you have any water? I am thirsty to death. The deadline is only three days awoycari A afford the waste of -work.The young clerk tries to earn more money by working extra.Two policemen are watchingD

23、hecene of a crime.Tom told me he would be here at 8 o colck. So I m Dwriter.expecting him.(silent)She gave her husband a sharp look to silence himT he experiment he made last weeknfirmed that theo ry(sharp)Yur scissors needs to be sharpened.(solve)We will not give up until we find a satisfactory sol

24、ution t o-problem.(service)Springolls should be servedhot, otherwiseitsThey agree to rent the hoAsen condition that the foor be repaired.the manufactureAsought to havcarried out one of they didn ' t.flavor will change.She finally succeeded Cnpersuading her husband to give Uup smoking.(unusual)I

25、usually go shopping on Sundays,but thisSeveral customers aDecomplaining to the manager about coming- swimming.the- restaurant.(unexpectedF ranklyspeakingl didnt expectto seeyouSince you supervisor haspecified the time for a talbiYhere.mus t-ontime.mper just becausehis - tenShall espearewrote many of

26、 his plays A during the reign - Elizabeth I .The bridge was named after the hero.The rain was heavy and consequently th e landThe engine gives off smoke and steam.The strongstorm did a lot of damage were A wrecked and- -collapsed.The managerlost his B tei minutes late.The manager insisted that the n

27、ew employee s started working.The hunteC lay on his back with his eyes half closed.VWWhen Mr.Jones gets old, he will hand oveshisWhen I was very youn d, but I sooD got over it.When you read a book in a hu you car skip some less important details.We are interestedin the weatherbecauset B affects us-

28、how we feel.Would you please help meAowrap up the present for the old gentleman?What are you doing ?m C searching the bedroom for my wallet.Wherehave you beenall this time? I ve beenC worried about you.The leaves are falling down to the ground when autumn When we make tea, we must alwayD useling wat

29、es.Wang Ping says that she dctesns veryA strict and sakesThe news you told me the other day has yet to be D them。hard.confirmed.What a shame! The baby hasbeeratched by the pet cat.The textile industry contributes greatly to the enconomy fhen the new factory opens, we will be able toAkeapeHong

30、Kong.with - demand.The traffic policemanC requiredhim to stop but he when we think of communication, wenormally think of pretended not to see.using- -so on (wonder)Dort you think thas a wonderfulThe little boywho got home very laterjad beeC spared. story?The little girl work up screaming because she

31、 had had a (wonder) Have you ever read this story? It ' really a nightmare.wonderful one.The old lady felt very D disappointedvhen her daughter (wide) The roads have to be widened so that the problemhtoBDsmall a car toof solved.YYou see the lightening A the instant in happens,but you later.You a

32、re lucky since youie neverA lost anything inyour life.Structured法結(jié)構(gòu)AAll that is needed is a continuous supply oohlee.A pretty face may win friends but it takes cha rshoeB them.BBeing written in pencil, the letter was difftdolmake out. D It was possiblefor the prisonerto eacapGecausehe guard was asle

33、ep.CChristopher Columbus was believed。have discovered the American continent.Dick woH t drive us to the station. HeAit take us all.Evidence came upthat specific speech sou n6smonths old.Excuse me, sirv e lost my watch. Do you hAvthe time?Emily is too young to C be left in the housewithout a babysitt

34、er.I like watching TV more than going to the cinema.I appreciatD being invited to your home.I D wouldnt talk that way if I were Peter.I B didnt go swimming until Father returned.It wasnt such a good dinner as she had promised us.It was essentiathat the applicationforms be sent back before- -It was n

35、ot until the teacher camthat the students stopped talking.D Whether it rains or not is of no concern to me.I usually have a walkon Sunday moring.It has been a long timsince I saw you last time.In this conversation, the TV interviewerpersonC about her- aboard.C Being interested in Englishs hnever mis

36、sed any English class.I know yodre planning to travel thiknow D how much it will cost?If sheC were to come tomorrow, I would tell her everything If we D had had enough mon we could have stayed there a week longer.In one year, about twenty milli orfar D the most popular Christmas toys.I can read your

37、 thought Co well that I know what yo ure going to sayI don't remembeB having seen him before.It was not cool enough for us to Bewell.It was unkind of you to do thaoMB should not have done so.In spite of your living so far avwaye both hope very much C you to come.LLater,T)m was told B why what he

38、 had done was not necessaryD So great was the destruction that the South took decades sogoC shall we?recover.HHe must have had an accident, or he would have been then.How close parents are to their childrehas a strong of the children.He began to speak to us A axcited and trembling voiceHe was put in

39、to prisDnunder the law of this state.He spoke as if Behad never lived in England before.He has not been to Paris yetAarhave在 eitherHe had difficulties making himsedfidnt C show any sign of impatience.He is one of the students whoe always on time.II decided to go to the library as soon finish what I

40、did.MMadame Curie is believedo have discovered radium. hiere wallet is madA of leather. And what about yours?Mark Twain was famous B for his excellent writings.Marina is too young to D be left in the housewithout a baby-sister.Many a man D has sacrificedtheir life for the causeof revolution.NNatureh

41、ad equippedthe fellow D with twohands;-,with the properlyNo sooner had we reached the top of tCethan we al卜 to rest.No one could) live on so little money a month.Neither Larr father nor his mothfewas at home.No one of us has a clear idwhat the others want to do.OOnly a few minutes wa6 spent learning

42、 how to use the telephone book.Only when B he comeswill it be possibleto settlethis problem.Obviouslyiis opinion is completely opposite ours.PPlease listen to me sItnappropriate for you to persisCin doing this.SShe never laughed, nor did she ever lose her temper.She insist thaAI go to the movie with

43、 her.Xtouch with him.YSo exciteB did he seem that he could not say a word. YouA neednt have done all those calculations!.of thing. Any student with a little common sense should be - able tcYou ought not to have told him the news thatday Shakespeare wrote many of his pDiyduring the reigh of Your litt

44、le girl is becoming very rudexiY) ought to scold Queen Elizabethher.Sinceyou havewritten to eachother,- shouldB keepinWWhen compared with the size of the whole earthlj.When f川ed with a gas lighter than air, a ballooB carat in the air.We had just had our breakfast when an olddmanWould you considerA g

45、oing to Finland with us this summer?Who is the man stand Dngover there?What a shame! I coiBdno longer keep quiet!What time does my flight leaven Tuesday?We D lived in Londonfrom 1950 to 1960,but we have moved now.-Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?-“No, D it wasonly the two pa

46、ssengers who got hurt.We used toD live on very little money when my dad was unemployed.The manager promised to keep me informed of goong on.The teacher doespermitC smoking in class.The speaker, known for her splend idby the audience.The last time we had a family reunionwas B at my brothe s .ago.The

47、accident neaCyled to a world war.C It is only when the people have become m asteurstry that scienceThis is my handhayid that C yours.Thesestudentswork very hard. C So they do. I always- studying.They decidedto chasethe cow away beforeit did more damage.Tom is the boy D who I think scored the winning

48、 points- team.The stolen necklace must be recoAeaedny cost.The line was busy; someone must have been using the telephone.Two old friends meAtby chance in the street.The famousong Le Bell is three timeas tall as a man.The experiment ought3t(have been done last week.The train hasn ' t arrived ye用s

49、d weneed to hurry .Cloze完形填空It was the districesportsmeet.My foot still hadnt healed 愈)from a(n) 36 injury.I had 37 whether or not I should attend the meet : 55 the people who ctoojive up when they lose. 36.Cearlier 37Ddoubted 38Cready 39Bahead of 40Aashamed 41Acheer 42Bdrop out 43DHowever 44.Cin pa

50、in 45Crace 46Aeven if 47Dlouder 48Bsure enough 49Bwhen 50Dlost 51Bhope 52Dstick with 53Ameasured 54Bstruggles 55DbutA little boy invited his mother to attend his schso first teacher-parenit eeting.To the little boys 36 , she said she would go. he held her han55 for the rest of the d ay I.Bdisappoint

51、ment 2Awould 3.Dmet 4Bashamed 5.Ccovered 6Atalk about 7Aimpressed 8Din spiteof 9Ahid 10Chearing 11Acarefully 12BWhen 13Dtoo 14Aout of control 15.Csenseless16Dtouched 17Blasting 18.Dregretted 19Bsense 20CtightlyIt was the night beforein the5 folllwing passages provided with four possible choices. Rea

52、d th w ho 融 目)(意大利面條)make people_55 .A would I go to the moon somedayhould see the surface lAmemory 2Awhen 3Bserved Dthose 5.none 6Bgood of the moon withmy own eyes.at 7Darguments Dsocially 9CSuddenly 10Bput IIDjoyThey are believedA to have alreadysucceededn their 12.CAs for him 13Atime 14Chand in 1

53、5Bgraded experiment.16 Aloud 17CSomebody IDpleasure IBfor 20DlaughDont Take the Fun Out o(fj Yth SportsI.Dcan be 2Ccycle 3Cbreak through 4AenergeticWhen I joined a private football league a few years5Aon 6Dothers 7Bleads to 8.Dmood 9CSuchago, the sport meant everything to me: Mys a lot easier to do

54、it well.1 Cteam 2Aplaying 3Bequal 4Dpressure 5Bprivate 6Amatches 7.Crun 8Dtraining 9Anecessary 10Dbreathing IIBintended 12Cbefore 13Afull 14Bshare 15Cended 16Asad 17Dfelt 18Brediscovered19Cfor 20Dcalmed10Dwhat 11Bfamily 12Afit 13DHabit 14Dstay up 15Bto some extant 16Aearly 17Braise 18Broutine 19Akee

55、p 20AclearerEveryone uses the expression A.M anMPo (1) before noon and afternoonBut do you know exactly through each time zone .1.D judge 2Ccame 3Amakes 4.Bseem 5DrisesWe may look at the world around us, but somehow6.Bbetween 7.Dspent 8Atherefore 9.Dtell we manage not to see it until whateve rvwbeco

56、me used 10Akeeping 11 Bwherever 12Bover 13Aeast to suddenly disappears. 36 ;fohough 55 ,person? 14Afor 15Cfrom 16Bbefore 17AEach 18Bover 1 BTake 2Cused 3Awhat 4Dsnowy 5.Bbrought 19Dan hour 20Cin6AClearly 7Cremembered 8Dmuch 9Bmissed 10Bworse 11Adisappearance12Cknown 13Ddaily 14Bstrangers 15Aregularl

57、y 16Cimportant 17Dsense 18BIf 19Cpassing 20AunnamedAnimals and insects can communicate with others of (1) kind through signals or sounds. Bees, for exa mpdejay we call these systems " languages1. Dthe same 2Ahas found 3Cdances 4.BdiscoveryTelevision is now playing a very important part in ou&Amovements 6.Cdistance 7Asounds 8.Bfriendship life. But- but on television everything is much more living9 .AHuman beings 10Awords 11 Csend 12Brepeatmuch more real.1 CdisadvantagesZAIn the first place 3Dedtertainment 4CFor 5.Ca


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