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1、Ihe prinCple of smplfed EA" cnstr . t cSi t he region. Items of a、lin tot he mp - e.a-of uba nad rual constucinl ad icease and decea - epl acment in. ors forp." as prjec. e.”c s of water, e ecrciy, admi.sale cages ai d ”ee “a polces I 11 e a of taain, ad seted i areas of i.sy a nd is pr_ci

2、 on compa ny w .5 yeas ate Ie competon i f -a in nts tee prse s I termsof fkancig, integainof and,axfkanca and othe esucs, ad cnSruc "Governmentcedi +bust cedi" cedi sysem, esalsme nt of meizln, -mmec .n and modenlalon of Ie InveSment a. f.a".p." effective Bnke ntep dCkng eC.r s

3、privaecapita Park,tor e .sty .met f- - 5 optmze the envionment and servi ce idustri Tceae "olcy l. .* Hghian.s, ”.y of sevie a nd,d elpmet lad" - te goal toptmi the araunde dev elpmet evr onmet A l (dmiisatve .w enforceme nt de | am es t a ppoit a ul tme pesnne sained i naras dlditd tcor d

4、iat ng and sli ng problms a sscaed wt hb-nns- s iti s sct or We thee ae lubsanna isus, 一 »r la des ara n” to pesnay iev ee i n pusagi be ara bu"g a gren lghteay l ne To ute re duce ad sanadie a dmistat'e exmiatonandaprovaitmssimply exmiatonad appr<al iks impr - eice ncy; acord ng tt

5、e -Sice te e duainal prct ce of te m-s l ne of te pary "-l s_ ou- ite cntrl cental "ght r ue" and opposng "te four wi.dd" ad praciig "trre S u* a nd ce- te srt I f Ja Yu u,ide olg, so" opi nins baed on outsa nd ng prblms ce ced sWig cae ulanay ss a nd releci on. Wl

6、 now ce c epor s - foll o - is, a dheence tte pay'spoiica dilcipie eght i t he centalpr ovsin, change the sy e of te bac incomplanneW*the pays polt cal di si piesCnsceti ou- ai de by t h e pays poiica dicil ie a bie by te C.nsi>>mad t he rues and rrg - tons of the pary in the polt ieologia

7、la nd manai hg hy cnsstet Wih te CPC CentalCmmtte onte acin, tee s nolaton of te pays poiica discplne problms2,i t he mpllme centallut horiesof te eghtprvsins mprovig rrseac, mprvng resarcme10ds bu tee ae g-srotsunis "ma. isha nd a,1addq-e gras 0fte problm, w hics to be stegheed i the ut ue se

8、-d. st.t on, s-» 1a ccorda wi h the p.vs0ns t stramie a nd impr o - te quaiy of meet ngs of the coee nce Thid, se-ii ng f bries cuiue ivol al asec s of prpaianda ad ie 01g y someme s due t the iracia of ive .i.oiiai 0ns this ara ds ute行政法學(xué)教學(xué)大綱(以下加*的內(nèi)容為重點(diǎn)掌握。)第一講行政法學(xué)概述一、行政法意義上的“行政”的含義及特征行政法意義上的行政

9、是指國家行政機(jī)關(guān)和法律、法規(guī)授權(quán)組織以及行政機(jī)關(guān)委托的組織運(yùn)用行政職權(quán)對(duì)國家事務(wù)與社會(huì)公共事務(wù)依法進(jìn)行的有組織的管理活動(dòng)。行政法上所涉及的“行政”的特征:(一)行政主體具有特定性(二)行政活動(dòng)具有執(zhí)行性、法律性(三)行政權(quán)力的行使具有主動(dòng)性、強(qiáng)制性、自由裁量性(四) 行政的目的是實(shí)現(xiàn)國家和社會(huì)公共利益以及保障公民權(quán)利二、行政法的概念與調(diào)整對(duì)象行政法是調(diào)整行政關(guān)系以及在此基礎(chǔ)上產(chǎn)生的監(jiān)督行政關(guān)系的法律規(guī)范和原則三、行政法的特點(diǎn)*(一)行政法沒有統(tǒng)一的、完整的實(shí)體法法典(二)行政法數(shù)量多,內(nèi)容廣泛,表現(xiàn)形式多樣(三)行政法律規(guī)范的內(nèi)容具有專業(yè)性、技術(shù)性、易變性(四)行政法的實(shí)體法規(guī)范與程序法規(guī)范相

10、互交織,往往共存于同一法律文件之中。四、行政法的淵源*我國行政法的淵源包括:憲法、法律、行政法規(guī)、地方性法規(guī)、行政規(guī)章、自治條例和單行條例、法律解釋、國際條約和協(xié)議等。五、行政法的內(nèi)容(一)行政組織法(二)行政行為法(三)行政監(jiān)督和行政救濟(jì)法temiig F our ae sa ndar d ists exet a s reuire t oparii itanig,nooteatiiyFivestIimprenews eporig for plpaganda wrk sity acor dig tote rrg uains Six s stity yur pre seainpul se d s

11、ticty acordi I g I t he rrguat onseveisstityihrift reuire d te use of ehicl ad ofie sae a nd corpor h osiaitl 3, change t he styePlpaganda andie olg cal I irk of the lei stuain a nd new eqirmets of the lei tsk s, ha ddone a lot of fuiflw ork hhs made ma ny ahievmet s but nher cloer to te grss rootsc

12、loe teai I, cl ose tote ma sss a nd als iaeqae inoain mustconiuetimproleSecond, tie four i nds some ousading issus , oppose formalimOnetheIristahedintwitecloecontatTheoreicasrni of consiouses i s not hig heoug h, systmperor mace is not stong enough; more pa sse le ani ng, atve leaning fewgeeai a nd

13、ea n moe, delig i nto e ss Ese cialy ba led I nat onal t hinki I g onmjr isses aplyig the uide tew ok done i s not goodeoug h, not eay under sad ad ga ste spirit ad ese nce of te sie nt.Olok ondeel opme nt achieemase i,I a to a c eranet alet te deelI pme nt andimplime .ain of ides a nd i nitatns S e

14、ond,wrk ara nggmets a nd e ss spevison Proppga nda ad ide olg ca wk i sthe toleethe cont nuiy efrs de ple I , but sesed i ntew ok tme les spervsonFor ndsinthesmmethatiaactiv,citysuae I efrmances ugig tow I sips comm unitis a nd rurl aras shos te implimetaionisiadeuaeinsfientculuraaeucainalroleIplaih

15、irdbaseenough,masegasessreaProppgadaandideolgcaworkintenewstat cteisisadraiyofeoug,p e nough for grssroots publcopinamicssureyfrgasrots ti picali d" e- Fr exmpl, rualculuretemactv, Imnot activli ale the initate to tae up, t he ak of sii of dai I g I, resIng i some job h a a weI,a ngibl e esls T

16、i d, inovain, l ack of motvain Emacipaio nd,inoaindoosnot-isIpaciaworknotyur hea, previusw ok exee nce, atoninitatesstdiontechaacteisis ad ieologicaworkundeteIewstuatontrugh,gi"grssrot s ie olg cal tends a nd changs ae not dee p, I I romote I ew initaie s and - plore I ew metods of ide olg ca a

17、ndcuIalwk isnotmuch,andsmeackofreeace adtmeie ss 4, disipl ne,l I weig , ad had w ork ae a ckng Whie work ng ad etepri sng spirit dow No e a slutinttrat yusel rghtcorectitea pas honos, terIomplael ci, ad 0”Ihe prinCple of smplfed EA" cnstr . t cSitheregion.Items of a、lin tot he mp - e .a- of ub

18、a nad rual constucinl ad ice ase a nd decea - epl acme nt in. ors for p." a s prjec. eprojec s of water, e ecrciy, admi .sale cag - a i d ”ee “a polce s I 11 e a of taain, ad seted i areas of i.sy a nd is pr_ci on compa ny w . 5 yeas “ Ie compietonif-a in nt s tee prse s I terms of fkancig, i n

19、tegain of a、ax fiaca and otheesucs, ad cnSr uc "Government cedi + bus nesscedi" ce di sysem, esal sme nt of meizln, -mmec .n and modenlalonofIeInveSmenta.f.a".p."effectiveBnkentep dCk ng eC.r s privae capita Park, tor e .sty .met f- - 5 optmze the envionme nt and servi ce idustri

20、 Tceae "olcy l. .* Hghian.s, ”.y of se vie a nd,d elpmet lad" - te goal toptmi the araundedevelpmetevr onmet A l (dmiisatve .w enforceme nt deiames t a ppoit a ul tme pesnne sained i naras dddi catd tcor diat ng and sli ng problms a sscaed wt hb-nns- s iti s sct or We n tee ae lubsanna siu

21、ls sctr ea des ara n” to pesnay iev ee i n pusagibearabu"g a gren lghteaylne To ute re duce ad sanadie a dmistat'e exmiatonaIdaprovaitmsply eaminain and aprova Inksmprovee“ ncy; acord ng tte -Sice te e duatonal prct ce of te ms l ne of te pary "l s_ ou- inte cntrlcental"ightrue&qu

22、ot; and opposng "te four wi.dd" ad praccig "trre S u* a nd ce- te srt I f Ja Yu u,ide olg, so" opi nions baed on outsa nd ng p.b.ms ce ced swng cae ulanay sis a nd releci on. Wl now ce c epo. is foll o - is, a dheence tte pay'spolticadilcipie eght it he centalpr ovsin, change

23、 the sy e of te baic siuai onf , incmpla nne wt t he pays polt cal di si piesCnscetiou- ai de by t h e pays polt ca dicil ie a bie by te Cns"mad t he rues and rrg - t ons of the pary i n the polt ieol ogial a nd manai hg hy cnsstet wt h te CPC CentalCmmtte onte acton,teesnoOat on of te pays pol

24、ti d scie problms 2, it he mpllme cetalut horites of te eightprvsins mpr ovig rrseac, mprv ng resar cmet0ds bu tee ae g-srotsunits"ma. isha nd a n 1addq-e gras 0fte problm, w hics to be steghee d in the ut ue se cnd, cnstuct n,. 1a -orda nce wi h the p.vs0ns t stramlne a nd impr o - te quaiy of

25、 meet ngs of the Cnee nce Thid, se-ii ng fie bries culue ivol al asec s of prpaianda ad ie01g y someme s due t the iracia nne of ive ntin .oiiai 0ns this ara nne ds ute六、行政法的理論基礎(chǔ)與本質(zhì)功能*(一)管理論(二)控權(quán)論(三)平衡論(四)行政法理論基礎(chǔ)還包括:服務(wù)論;公共利益本位論;政府法治論;公共權(quán)力論;控權(quán)一一平衡論;控權(quán)一一服務(wù)論等。七、行政主體概念與特征八、行政法在我國法律體系中的地位與作用*(1) 行政法與憲法的關(guān)

26、系(2) 行政法與其他部門法的關(guān)系(三)行政法調(diào)整的行政法律關(guān)系(四)行政法的作用思考題:1、行政法的基本內(nèi)容和基本特征是什么?2、行政法的理論基礎(chǔ)與本質(zhì)功能。*3、行政法的法律淵源有哪些?4、行政法在我國法律體系中的地位與作用。第二講行政法的基本原則、行政法基本原則概述(一)行政法基本原則的含義和特征(二)行政法基本原則的確立標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及其作用二、合法彳T政原則*(一)合法行政的基本內(nèi)涵(二)法律優(yōu)先原則tremiig Fou ae sanad viis, pt as rrqurrd t patcipae i n taini ng no oter a civty F s to impr o<

27、e new s epori ng for pr opaga nda w I rk srcty iccr ding to t he rrguat ins Sx s sticty yu pele lain publshed sticyaccr ding tte rrguHnsSeve is sticy thrf, rrqurrd teuueof <ehce s and ofice spce a nd cor poae hosiaity 3, ca I ge te sty ePrpa.nda ad ide ologi ca work of te new stuat on ad ne w rrq

28、urrmes of te new takshad done a lot of fuitu work ha s made many acev-e nt* bu Urte c ose to te gras r oos, cooe t o eaiy cose tte mass ad asia innovaion must cntnneto impr<e. Se cond t he "fu wndd" some ousandIg- us , oppooe formasm. One teory is ta he did、wi he cose cntac. The oetca s

29、 udy of cnsc ouses s not high eoug, systmperormance is not stong enoog h; moe pasive ea ning , actve lea nigfewgeeai a nd ea n moe,delvng int o les. Ese cay basd in atinal thi nkig onmjr isuus, a ppy ng thery t o gUde the w ok dne s not good e I ough, .otrralyundesa nd a nd gas the sii ad sene of th

30、e iceItic OUlok on develpmet, did not tuy aciew maseytoappy,Io a ceran ixtetiafec the ddeelopmet a nd im plmetaion of idda s ad iiaivs.Secnd work aranement, a nd lss spevs in. Plpaganda ad ideolgicl wrk I s the obe civ, wi c nne to ke p the cnt nuiy efrs de ploe d, bU s resed inthe work time e suevs

31、ion.Fream,lecloreeids i the summe tharca actvite s ciy sqae pefmancs, uging tow nsips cmmuni a id ura ara s sho t he impeme ntatin i s ina dequae, inufcet culura an educai ona r ole to ply T hid ba - eoug h, mase gas e rral Pr oppgana ad iddel ogca w o. i the ne w stuati on of caacter sics a nd rrg

32、uaiy of enoogddep e nough for grssroots pulc opini on ly namics su- y fr gas r oots ty p° drve les. F or eample ual cultu e tem adv, 一 Im not acvey tke the iiiaiv t ale up,Ite ackofspiritofdaigt,reultng insme jb ha d a lot of powe, but no ag be reults T .id innovai on,I ack of motvaion.Emacipai

33、on di d not e nd nno - in des not - is.I pactca w ork not yur hed, previ0us work ex pere nce, a ck ol innovaion initatves sUdy on t he charcteisi cs of proppganna a nd idel ogca w ork undde t he new stat on troug h, gip on grss I oS i del ogical tends a nd cangs ae not dee p, t prmote new iniaivs an

34、dexplore new metods of idel ogical a nd cult ura work s not muc, a nd some lak of eleance ad tmelnnss 4, disilie l r ng a nd had wk ae l ack ng Wie w oring and ete prsi ng sii dw. N0 ea slut on t trety ourel right crecy tea pas honor s, ther compla ce I cy, ad wrk hi hr i 9 Io se termores more les c

35、hekiI g hi s ow I shorcming* k t l settepras, sasfid fce, onlnepromoton, tee ae ypcal and lckof high Sadads ad Stic rrqurrmets, the effec s rral Secnd h ad div e lssO h ad a ndd EAof cnstr . t cS i t he region. Items of land, lin tot he mp e i ain of uba nad rual constucinl ad ice ase a nd .ecea - e

36、pl acment in. ors forpi" aea s projec. Chargeseprojec s of water, e ecrciy, admioal toptmize the araunde dev elpmet evir 0n.et A l iasa<ve aw enforceme nt de | am es t a ppoit a Ul tme pe.nn. sained i naras dddi catd tcor dial ng and .* ng problms assilakd wthb-nns- s itis act一. . I. I I I .

37、 _ L I . _I 一 - IL- . .1. I I _1_ II. I -一 I - - - . 一-.- OI -. I . L. .I一 一 - 一s I t I e aea ofttxain, adseted i ae ofinu.y a nd - p.ci odes ara n” topesnay ievee i pustagi.ii . -.j i. li - - . eton I f aca innentie s tete p” s I tems of fiancig, i nttga.nof and,a、fiancil and othe esure s, ad cnsru

38、c "Go<ermetcrdi + busies -di" cedi systm, - ta.ne To ute re ad stadadie admistat'e exmiaton a nd aprova itmssimply exmiatonad appr<al iks mprove eency; acordd ng tte -I _I. _L.I L 一 . I I I. . .1- _I I一_l_ll . . _ l_ I I _ _ _.sme nt of makeiaton, cmmec .n and modeniatonofteInves

39、mentadfiacigpafrm;ebct_ Bnkenteprie dck ng ecur - s pr e Pak,trei_sty elp.et fud 5 opkie the enVionme nt and -vi ce idusleL Tceae "olcy lod*Hghlandsittg.,of se vie a nd,Sice te e duainal prct ce of te m-s I ne of te pary I imiel s_ ou- inte cntrlcental"ghtrue"and opposng "te four

40、 wi.dl" ad pracilg "trre S u* a nd ce» te srt I f Jia Yu u,ide 011y so" opi nions baed on outsa nd ng prblms ce ced swng cae ul anay sis a nd releci on. Wl now ce - epor is - foll o - is, a dheence tte pay'spoiicadilcipie eght it he centalpr ovsion, change the s, e of te b in

41、compliannewt t he pays polt cal di si piesCnnsceti ou- ai - by t h e pays poiica dicil ie a bie by te Cnsiutmad t he rues and rrguat ons of the pary i n the polt ieol ogial a nd manai hg hy cntet wt h te CPC Cental""- onte acin,tees no-at on of te pays poii d scie problms 2, it he implime

42、centallut horites of te eight prvsins mpr ovig rrseac, imprv ng resar cmet0ds bu tee ae g-srotsunisprmay isha nd an "diq-e gras of te prob , w hic s to be steghee d in the ut ure s. -nd. -nst.t on, s-» i a .or- nne wi h the prvs0ns t st-mlne . nd impr o - te quaiy of meet ngs of the c. nce

43、 Thid, se-ii ng fie bries ci!ue iv01vs al .spec s of prpaianda 1ad ie 01g y someme s due t the iia nne of ive ntin .oi-i 0ns ths a nneds ute(三)法律保留原則三、合理行政原則*(一)合理行政原則的基本內(nèi)涵(二)比例原則四、責(zé)任行政原則五、誠實(shí)信用與彳t賴保護(hù)原則*六、高效便民原則七、正當(dāng)程序原則*思考題:1、合法行政原則的基本內(nèi)涵。*2、合理行政原則的基本內(nèi)涵。*3、責(zé)任行政原則與責(zé)任政府的建立。(3) 當(dāng)程序原則與程序法治的重要意義。*5、誠信原則與建設(shè)

44、誠信政府。*6、比例原則的內(nèi)容。第三講 行政立法一、行政立法的概述(一)行政立法的概念(二)行政立法的特征(三)行政立法的種類二、行政立法產(chǎn)生的原因及其作用(一)行政立法的產(chǎn)生原因(二)行政立法的作用三、我國行政立法存在的問題*(一)行政立法的指導(dǎo)思想不夠明確,立法的價(jià)值取向有偏差(二)行政立法的可行性、可操作性差,立法之間缺乏協(xié)調(diào)(三)行政機(jī)關(guān)實(shí)際享有的立法權(quán)過大,立法機(jī)關(guān)“授權(quán)”有余,“控制”不夠temiig Fou ae stadad vi-,pt as rrquird t paiae i n taii ng no oter a ciiy F ie s to mpr o<e new

45、 s epori ng for pr opaga nda w I rk srcB Iccr dig to t he rrguat ins SX s stcty yu pele lain pubkhed sticy accr dig tte rrguatonsSeve s sticy thrf, rrquird teuue of <ehce s and ofe spce a nd cor poae hostaty 3, cange te stl ePrpaganda ad ie olgica work of te new si t on ad ne w rrquirmes of te ne

46、w takshaddonealtoffutuworkhasmademanyaciv-e nts bu urte c ose to te gras r oos, cloe t oeaiy cose tte mass ad als iainovainmustcntnuetoimpr<e. Se cond t he fu wndl" some ousandIgisus,oppooe formaBm. One teory is ta he did、wi he- cose cntac. The oeka s udy of cnsc ouses s not hg eoug, systmpe

47、rormance isnotstongenoogh;moepasveea nig , actve ea nig fewgeeaiis a nd ea n moe,devng int o les. Ese cay basd in atinal thi nkng onmjr isuus, a pplyng thery t o gu the w ok dne s not good e I ough, I ot realyundeita nd a nd gas the ,ii ad se - of the iceI tilc Oulok on ddvelpmet did not truly aciee

48、 maser y to aply, Io a rtilxtetafec the deelopmetandim plmetain of ida s ad iiiaivs. Secnd work aragementsandlssispevs . Prpa.nda ad ieologiclwrkIs the obe civ, wi c nne to ke p the cnti nuiy efrs de ploe d, bu strsle d inthe work time e suevsion.Freammlecloreeids i the summe thearca acvite s ciy sq

49、ae pefmacs, uging tow .sips cmmuniis a id ura ara s sho t he impleme ntatin i s ina ae, inufciet -lura an educai ona r ole to play T hid bale eoug h, mase gas e rral Pr oppgana ad idel ogca w ok i the ne w si t on of caacer sis a nd rrg uaiy of enoug h,dlep e nough for grssroots pulicopiionly namcs

50、su- y fr gas r oots ty p01,drve es. F or eample ual _lu e tem actve . Im not acvily tke the iiitie t ale up,Ite ack of spii of daig t, reutng isme jb ha d a lt of powe, but no tag be reuls T h id innovai on, l a- of motvain.Em ac pain di d not e nd ino - in des not - is.Ipaccaworknotyur hed, previus

51、 work ex pere n, a c ol inovain itatvessu>y on t he charcteli of proppganna a nd idel ogca w ork unnde t he new stat ontroog h, gi on grss I o. i del ogial tends a nd canngs ae not dee p, t prmote new iniiaivs andexplore new metods of del ogial a nd _l ura work s not muc, a nd some l>U of eewn

52、ce ad tmeinnss 4, disilie l r ng a nd had wk ae l ack ng Wie w orig ad ete prsi ng sii dw. N0 ea sut onttret y ourel rght crecy tea pas honor s, ther compa I cy, ad wrk hihri R Io IT tei (cores more les cei g hi s ow shorcmi ngs ie t l setteprrie , sail fce , onlne promot on, tee ae ypcal and lckof

53、hgsandads ad Hic r-ui-ets, the fec s r l Se cnd h ad dv e s O h ad a ndIhe prinCple of smplfed EA" cnstr . t cSitheregion.Items of a、lin tot he mp - e .a- of uba nad rual constucinl ad ice ase a nd decea - epl acme nt in. ors for p." a s prjec. eprojec s of water, e ecrciy, admi .sale cag

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