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1、簽證申請材料翻譯件匯總1、身份證(Sample)Name: xxxxSex :FemaleNationality: HanD.O.B:12 Jan 1983Address: Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX ProvinceDate Issue : 31 Mar 2001Expiry: 10 YearsSerial No: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau2、行駛證English TranslationTHE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHIC

2、LES OF PRC.Register Code:獸B XXXXXType: SedanCXvner: XXXXAddress: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District. Shenzhen, GD Provincer P-R.CHINAEngine Code: XXXXXVIN: LXXXModel: Voks Wagon Passat 5XXXXTotal Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kgPassengers: 5 personsRegister Date: June XX, 200X Issued Dat

3、e: July XXy 200XSize: 1234K5678x9100mmIssued By: Veh ide Management OfficeShenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal)3、企業(yè)營業(yè)執(zhí)照English TranslationBUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON(DUPLICATE ) No.11xxxx2Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co

4、., Ltd.Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, ShenzhenLegal Representative: xxxxxxRegister Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00)Enterprise Type: Joint Venture (Hong Kong joint)Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service.Branch: No bra

5、nch.Business Term: From 8th xxxxt xxxx to 7th xxxxt xxxxDate of Set-up: 8th xxxx xxxxIssued By: The Bureau of Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration (seal) Date: 16th September 20044、戶口本Residence TypeNon Agricultural ResidenceName of House O wnerResidence Num berAddressCertified Seal ofCe

6、rtified Seal of Guangdong ProvinceHousehokJ Registratwn OfficePubic Secunty BureauFor Hukou certificate onlyBaomn Local Police StationShenzhen Public Security BureauUndertakers Stamped signature : Xiaoyan HeIssue Date: 01 July 2000Permanent resident populations registerNameHouseholder r or Rela tion

7、 with The Househo IderHouseholderFormer NameSexMalePlace of BirthNationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling P lace in the City/ TownReligious Bel iefCitizen ID Numb erHeightBlood GroupHighest AcademicMaritalStatusMilitary Sen/ icePlace of WorkOccupationPrevious Dwelling Place Before Moving into the City

8、/Town and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/To wn and Date of Moving into Present Dw elling PlaceSal of Registrar:Issued Dart:5、企業(yè)注冊證English TranslationForeign Investment Enterprise Representat ion OfficeRegister CertificateRegister Number: Qi Du Yue Shen BanZi No. 7608XXThis represe

9、ntation office was appro ved to be registered and issue this c ertificate.Document No. 0059XXXMaine; Shanghai XX Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Representation offic eAddress: Unit X, Block X, World Finance Center, 4003 Shen nan Road East, Luahu Distriq ShenzhenLegal Representstive: XXXScope of Business: Represe

10、nt the Company to perform bu siness expansion.Affiiate of: Shanghai XXX Co.f Ltd.Valid from XX, 200X to XX, 202XIssued by: Shenzhen Administration for Industri al and Gjmmercial (Seal)Date: XX, 20056、結(jié)婚證People s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationa

11、lity: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People s Republic of China. We give them the permission t

12、o register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal)Issue Date: XX, 200XOwnerXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)100%rLandLand N0.Land are aPurpos e of La ndResidenceLocationareaFutian Distr ictLand Io cationUsage period70 years, from XX J 99X

13、to XX, 20XXShen Fang Di Zi No. 30XXXXX (Original)Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Re sources Bureau (Chop)Register date: XXX, 199X7、房產(chǎn)證Buildings and fixturesBuilding n a meBuilding ar eaBuilding in side areaPurpose o f buildingResidenceCompletio n dateRegistere d valueSummary of other rights

14、 and ap pendixTransferable building.1) Mortgaged to China XXXX Bank,8、完稅證明Taxpayers namexxxxxNumber of IDxxxxxxxxxxxxxCategories of inco meIncome periodAmount of IncomeActual amount of tax p aymentSalary IncomeAug, 2006Salary IncomeJuly 2006Salary IncomeJune 2006Salary IncomeMay 2006Salary IncomeApr

15、. 2006Salary IncomeMarch 2006Salary IncomeFeb. 2006千Salary IncomeJan. 2006Salary IncomeJan. 2006Salary IncomeDec. 2005Salary IncomeNov. 2005Salary IncomeOct 2005Salary IncomeSept. 2005Salary IncomeAug. 2005Total amountTotal amount wordsSAY XXXX THOUSANDXXXX HUNDRED AND XXXPOINT XXX YUAN TOTALSAY XXX

16、 THOUSAND XXX HU fJDRED AND XXX POINT XXX YUAN TOTALCertified Seal of Beijing Xicheng District Local Taxation BureauFor Indvdiial IncomeTax Certificate ONLYSeal of Shang idi9、存款余額證明CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF CHINA MERCHANT BANKNo. of Cient:Date:2006/xx/xxName: XXXXTme:Current Acco

17、untingA/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus11RMBCurrent Account ingxxxxxActivityFixed Tme AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001RMBFixed Time a nd Current A ccounting20060808xxxxxActivityChina Merchant Bank Beijrg Chaoyangmen Branch (seal)10、事業(yè)單位法人證People s Republic of China Certifica

18、te of Public Institution with Legal Person Status (Duplicate)Shizheng No.xxxxxxxAdministration for Public Institutions Registration ofChinaValid period:xxxxxxxName of Institutions : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAim and business scope : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAddress : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLegal representativexxxx

19、xxxxFunding source : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxInitial fund : xxxxxxxxxManaged by : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRegistration authorities : Administration for Public Institutions Registration of China ( seal)Mark of annual report11、單位證明樣本Embassy of XXX in BeijingAddressTo whom it may concern,Subject: Tourist Visa ApplicationWe certify that Mr./Ms.xPassport No.溝 has been employed by company name x x as a title


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