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1、Unit 3 Getting along With OtherS泛讀。技能初養(yǎng)成EXCCndCd reading閱讀PMr “Reading 2M中的材料,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。1 Why may We hope to be alone SOmetimeS in OUr life?A BeCaUSe We Want to escape into OUr OWn WOrIdB. BeCaUSe being alone Can Iead to PerSOnaI improvementC BeCaUSe SOCial groups Can affect OUr OWn thoughtsD BeCaUSe C

2、lOSe friendship Can SmOOth OUt the rocky road2 HOW many benefits does CIOSe friendship have in general?A Two.B ThreeCFOUrDFiVe3 What is the first fruit Of friendship?A TO COmfOrt the heartB. TO Share OUr joy and SadneSSC TO respect OUr feelingsD TO treasure the momentS Of CIOSeneSS4 What Can We Iear

3、n about the SeCOnd fruit Of friendship?A It'S Very easy to find OUt OUr OWn WeakneSSeSB. OUr OWn feelings Can make OUr judgements betterC OUr friends Can help US make important decisionsD OUr friends ShOUId deal With OUr PrObIemS alone5 HOW Can We better WaIk the UPath Of Iifeo ?A By giving SUPP

4、Ort to OUr friendsB. By Offering advice in many different WaySC By achieving What We Want to achieveD By CarefUlIy ChOOSing friends and developing friendship答案15 BBACD廠要點(diǎn)直擊_1WOrdS And PhraSeS知識(shí)要點(diǎn)1COUnt On依賴,依靠,指望(教材 PsJ A real friend is SOmeOne WhOSe SUPPOrt We Can COUnt on.真正的朋友是我們可以信賴的人。例 1 If I g

5、ot into trouble, I COUId always COUnt On ROSe如果我有麻煩,我總是可以依靠羅絲。例 2 YOU Can COUnt On them to do good, important things most Of the time. 你可以指望他們?cè)诖蠖鄶?shù)時(shí)間做正確且重要的事情。造句你可以信賴我的支持。YOU Can CoUnt On Iny support歸納拓展COUnt v.認(rèn)為:算作;重要Vt.數(shù)數(shù)COUnt in包括在內(nèi)COUntOlrt不包括COUntas/to be.把視為COUnt among把計(jì)算在內(nèi):包括COUnt UP計(jì)算,算岀總數(shù)即學(xué)

6、即練單句語法填空(Dl COUnt him as my CIOSeSt friend If you,re having a party, COUnt me 辿知識(shí)要點(diǎn)2 quality .品徳,素質(zhì);質(zhì)量:特征&右:優(yōu)質(zhì)的,高質(zhì):的(教材 PSj IrI my opinion, the following qualities form the basis Of a friendship 在我看來,以下品質(zhì)構(gòu)成了友誼的基礎(chǔ)。例 1 EVery day he makes SUre that fresh VegetabIeS and high QUaIity OiI are USed for

7、 COOking每天他確保新鮮蔬菜和高質(zhì)量的食用油用于烹調(diào)。例 2 ThiS PrOdUCt IOOkS nice, but POOr in quality 這種產(chǎn)品表面看起來很好,質(zhì)量卻很差。造句我們的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)咼好。Ou:T ProdUCtS are Of high/good/top quality歸納拓展質(zhì)量;品質(zhì);品徳質(zhì)量高質(zhì)量差數(shù)量(1) QUaIityOf high/good/top QUaIityOf lowbadPOOr quality(2) QUantity aa Iarge QUantity Of=Iarge QUantitieS Of許多,大量名師點(diǎn)津quality作“質(zhì)量”

8、講時(shí)通常用作不可數(shù)劃詞:而作“品質(zhì)”講時(shí)多用作可數(shù)名詞。即學(xué)即練單句語法填空Wine Of high quality COStS more than that POOr in QUaIity(2) All the tractors except this are good in QUaIity(3) SOmetimeS you WOnder Where your kids get their good QUaIitieS (QUaIity) 小片段助記NOWadayS there are Iarge quantities Of PeOPIe Of high quality in the WOr

9、Idl WhiCh COntribUteS to OUr harmonious SOCiety知識(shí)要點(diǎn)3 respect X.尊敬;尊重m尊敬:敬意:重視(教材 PSJ I must respect and SUPPOrt the ChOiCeS he makes我必須尊重和支持他的選擇。例 1 EVeryOne has a right to be treated With respect人人有權(quán)受到尊重。例 2 I have the greatest respect for your brother我非常尊敬你的哥哥。造句他根本不尊重她的感受。He has no respect for he

10、:T feelings歸納拓展(1)respect sbsth尊敬某人/某物respect sb as.尊敬某人為respect sbfor因而尊敬某人(2)have/ShOW respect for sb尊重某人OUt Of respect出于尊重send/give one'S respects to sb代某人向某人致敬/問候in this respect在這方面即學(xué)即練單句語法填空Cl)PleaSe give my respects (respect) to your ParentSI Want him to respect me as a Career WOman.(3) We

11、 ShOUld ShOW respect for OUr ParentS知識(shí)要點(diǎn)4 bring OUt使顯現(xiàn),使表現(xiàn)出(教材 PQ TO me» a good friend brings OUt the best in a person. 對(duì)我來說,好朋友能激發(fā)出一個(gè)人最好的一而。例 1 NeXt month they Will bring OUt a new edition Of the book. 下個(gè)月他們將出版這本書的一個(gè)新版本。例 2 The band have just brought OUt their SeCOnd album 這個(gè)樂隊(duì)剛剛推岀了他們的第二張專輯。造句

12、那件衣服果真能襯托岀你眼睛的顏色。That drEss reolly brings C)Ut th COIOUr Of YOUr eyes歸納拓展bring UP撫養(yǎng):培養(yǎng);教療;提出;嘔吐bring in引進(jìn):獲利:賺錢bring about引起:導(dǎo)致bring down使倒下;減少:降低(價(jià)格、溫度等)即學(xué)即練單句語法填空HiS new SUggeStiOn WaS brought (bring) UP at the meeting yesterday.(2)COmPUterS have brought about many ChangeS in the WOrkPIaCe We need

13、 to bring in a IOt more new business知識(shí)要點(diǎn)5 benefit n.優(yōu)勢(shì),益處:成效yf.使受益:f.得益于(教材 PSJ AS We IiVe in SOCiaI groups, there are many benefits Of friendship that We Can enjoy.由于我們生活在社會(huì)群體中,我們可以享受友誼的許多好處。例 1 China has been PUShing the reform for the benefit Of all its CitiZenS 中國一直在為了全體公民的利益而推行改革。例 2 The Sea ai

14、r WilI benefit you.海邊的空氣對(duì)你有益。造句閱讀使我受益匪淺。I have benefited a IOt from reading歸納拓展(l)for the benefit Of為的利益be Of benefit to對(duì)有益(2)benefit from/by.從受益;得益于benefit sb對(duì)某人有益(3)beneficial adj.有利的:有益的:受益的be beneficial to對(duì)有益;對(duì)有利即學(xué)即練單句語法填空He COnSidered that the Change WOUId be beneficial(benefit) to her health.R

15、eading more books is Of great benefit to Children(3)A Iarge number Of StUdentS WilI benefit from the new teaching method FOr the benefit Of those PeOPIe WhO arrived Iatel 11 just go OVer the PIan again矢【】識(shí)要點(diǎn)6 COmfOrt n.舒適;安慰必.寬慰:撫慰(教材 PM) GeneralIy SPeakingt CIOSe friendships have three Ufruits*: th

16、ey may COmfOrt the hearts 一般來說,親密的友誼產(chǎn)生三個(gè)“成果”:它們可以安慰心靈例 1 The man is WOrking hard to make his family IiVe in COmfOrt為了使家人舒適地生活,這個(gè)人拼命地干活。例 2 My ParentS Often COmfOrt me With SOme inspiring WOrdS我的父母經(jīng)常用一些令人鼓舞的話安慰我。造句得知他們都很安全,對(duì)我來說是個(gè)安慰。It is a COmfOrt to Ine to know that they are all safe歸納拓展(1) in COmfO

17、rt舒適地;放松地be a COmfOrt to sb.對(duì)某人來說是個(gè)安慰It, S a COmfOrt to do sth.做是令人安慰的事。(2) COmfOrt sb=give COmfOrt to sb安慰某人(3) COInfOrtabIe adj.舒服的:安逸的(4) COmfOrtably adv.舒適地名師點(diǎn)津COmfOrt作“舒適;安慰”講時(shí),為不可數(shù)名詞,但作“令人安慰的人或事物”講時(shí), 貝IJ是可數(shù)名詞,前面常出現(xiàn)不定冠詞a°類似的還有:SUCCeSSt failure SUrPrise> joy等O即學(xué)即練單句語法填空He had to SaVe eno

18、ugh money SO that he COUId IiVe COmfOrtabIy (COmfOrtable)(2) Were it not for SCienCe> We COUld not IiVe a COmfOrtabIe(COmfOrt) Iife(3) My mom always ComfOrtS (COlnfOrt) me Wherl I am SiCkA hot CUP Of milk On a COId night is a real COmfOrt知識(shí)要點(diǎn)7 take On呈現(xiàn),具有(教材 Ps9) Heret friendship has a double ad

19、vantagehappiness takes On a greater meaning and a trouble Shared becomes a trouble halved!在這里,友誼有雙重優(yōu)勢(shì)一一幸福有更大的意義,分擔(dān)的煩惱減半!例 1 NO Other OrganiZatiOn WaS able Or Willing to take On the job. 沒有任何其他組織能夠或愿意承擔(dān)這項(xiàng)工作。例 2 He has taken On SOme bad habits他有一些壞習(xí)慣。造句這家老廠換了新而貌。ThiS old factory has taken On a new IOo

20、k歸納拓展take Off脫(衣服、鞋帽):(飛機(jī))起飛;(事業(yè))起步,騰飛take in吸引:欺騙:包括;理解take OVer接收:接管take UP占據(jù):繼續(xù);拿起;從事take down拆除:取下:寫下,記下即學(xué)即練單句語法填空 I heard that the CIUb took hi a new member IaSt Week Take Off your COat because it is hot here(3) m going to take OVer the COmPany One day.I won' t take u much Of your time知識(shí)要點(diǎn)8

21、 admire vt.欽佩,欣賞(教材 PiJ They admired each Other and QUiCkIy became friends. 他們互相欣賞,很快就成了朋友。例 1 He is admired for his good knowledge Of French. 他因精通法語而受到推崇。f 列 2 We took time to StOP and admire the VieW 我們特意停下來欣賞風(fēng)景。造句我很欽佩你。I Sdmire you V己:ry much歸納拓展(1) admire 卩f欽佩;贊美,羨慕admire sb for (doing)Sth因(做)某事

22、欽佩某人(2) admiration /?欽佩;贊賞admiration for sbsth贊賞某人/某物with/in admiration欽佩地(3) admirable adj.令人欽佩的,令人羨慕的,值得贊美的即學(xué)即練單句語法填空 I have great admiration (admire) for her as a Writer The SChOOl is WideIy admired for its excellent teaching ThiS essay is admirable(admire) in all respects(4)1 do, t agree With he

23、r> but I admire her for StiCking(StiCk) to her View.閱讀技能間接信息題細(xì)節(jié)推斷題要求考生根據(jù)語篇內(nèi)容,推斷具體細(xì)丹,如時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、人物關(guān)系、人物身 份、事件等。一般可根據(jù)短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常識(shí)進(jìn)行推理判斷??忌挥姓_ 把握文章的內(nèi)在關(guān)系,理解文章的真正含義,才可能作出準(zhǔn)確的推斷。一般題干主要包括六 個(gè)動(dòng)詞:infer (推斷),indicate (象征,暗示),imply (l示),SUggeSt (暗示),COnCIUde (作 岀結(jié)論)和assume (假左,設(shè)想)。該類型的命題方式常常以下列形式呈現(xiàn):1 It Can

24、be inferredzCOnCIUded from the text that 2 What Can We infer/Iearn from?3 We Can Iearn from the PaSSage that 4 The PaSSagestoryindicates/SUggeStsimplies that 典例LangUageS have been COming and going for thousands Of years but in recent times there has been IeSS COming and a IOt more going .When the WO

25、rld WaS StilI POPUIated by hunt er- gatherers» Smallt tightly knit (聯(lián)系)groups developed their OWn PatternS Of SPeeCh independent Of each Other SOme IangUage experts believe that IOt OOO years ago> Wherl the WOrld had just five to ten million PeOPlet they SPOke PerhaPS 12, 000 IangUageS betwe

26、en them解題技巧一一關(guān)鍵詞句細(xì)推敲第一步:定位細(xì)rr根據(jù)題干提供的信息,抓住某一段話的關(guān)鍵信息(關(guān)鍵詞語)。第二步:揣摩細(xì)卩一一對(duì)原文中的信息進(jìn)行分析,推理判斷,利用逆向思維和正向推理, 從而推斷出這句話所隱含的深層含義。注意:1.切勿拿文章中的某一個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)內(nèi)容作為推理的結(jié)論。2.切勿脫離原文而憑個(gè)人看法主觀臆斷。探 What Can We infer about IangUageS in huntergatherer times?A. They developed Very fastB. They Were Iarge in numberC They had SimiIar Patterns.D They Were CIOSeIy COnneCted答案B分析 細(xì)節(jié)推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一句USOme IangUage experts believe that IOf 000 years agt WherI the WOrld had just five to ten million PeOPlel they SPOke PerhaPS 12, 000 IangUageS between them.,可知,一些語言專家認(rèn)為,一萬年前,當(dāng)世界上只有500 萬到1 000萬人時(shí),他們之間可能說12 OOO種語言。由此可推斷,狩獵采集時(shí)期的語言種類 很多。故


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