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1、1過年在從前的農(nóng)業(yè)社會里,中國人最重要的節(jié)日就是過年。 對過去的一年來說,這是 結(jié)束;對未來的一年來說,這是開始。一進入臘月,街頭巷尾就充滿了過年的氣氛,這種氣氛要持續(xù)一個半月之久。大家不僅借著各種游樂節(jié)目來調(diào)劑一年來 的辛勞,同時也在游樂中流露著一種樂觀進取的精神。過年時,每家門上都貼上了春聯(lián),耀眼的紅紙增加了人們的喜氣,優(yōu)美的字句提供了勉勵。Spring FestivalIn China s formerly agricultural society, Spring Festival was the most important holiday. It was the end of the

2、 previous year and the beginning of the next. Whenthe twelfth month of the lunar year began, the happiness of new-year celebration pervaded the streets for a month and a half. People sought relief from the previous year s scrolls were put on the doors of every family in Spring Festival: the shiny re

3、d scrolls increasing happiness and the rhythmic words giving encouragement.2亞歐合作中國有句古話:“相知無遠近,萬里尚為鄰”。中國與亞洲各國山水相連, 共同 鑄就了燦爛的亞洲文明;古老而美麗的“絲綢之路”,譜寫了中歐千年往來的美 好篇章。中國與亞歐各國的互利合作正在步入下一個全新的階段。中國將致力于同亞歐各國發(fā)展富有活力和長期穩(wěn)定的全面合作關(guān)系,與亞歐各國相互支持,攜 手前進,共創(chuàng)美好未來。Euro-Asian CooperationIn China, there is an old saying,“Long dist

4、ances never separate closefriends. Linked and intertwined by mountains and rivers, China and other Asian countries have helped to build a splendid Asian civilization. The ancient Silk Road recorded great chapters in the history of exchange between China and Europe in previous millennia. Now, China a

5、nd other Asian countries as well as European countries have marched into a brand-new ear of cooperation and mutual benefit. China will devote itself to building dynamic, stable, and long-term cooperation in various fields across Asia and Europe and marching forward, with other countrieson the twocon

6、tinents, in a concerted effort to attain a brighter future.3四合院中國舊時家庭重視家庭成員間的長幼有序和倫理觀念,其住宅為了適應(yīng)這種需要建成了四合院。在高高的基地上,中間是正房,兩邊是廂房。房屋的分配按輩分 的大小來決定,長輩住正房,晚輩住廂房。富貴人家的房屋也是四合院,只是院 落較多而已。宮廷和寺廟,院落更大,一道一道地進去,更使人有種莊嚴高貴的 感覺。隨著時代的演變,現(xiàn)在中國都市里的房屋很多已經(jīng)西化了,雖然住進了一排排的公寓,但是他們生活的方式仍然保持著過去的優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng)。Quadrangle CourtyardQuadrangle

7、courtyards were designed by the Chinese to meet the needs both of ancient family hierarchy and of concepts of civil ethics. The principal room in the courtyard is located in the middle, on a high foundation with wing-rooms on both sides. These rooms were distributed according to seniority in the fam

8、ily, with the elders living in the principal rooms and the juniors in the wing-rooms. The rich family used the same style of home with more rooms, which corresponded with the wealth of family.Even Chinese palaces and temples boast huge courtyards. To be entered one by one, and designed to fill the e

9、ntrants with a sense of solemnity and nobleness. With the change of the times, many houses in Chinese cities have become westernized. Though living in the apartments, the Chinese still preserve their good traditional ways of living.4文化沙漠有人把香港說成是“文化沙漠”。實際上,香港有著其獨特的文化氛圍。這座城 市特殊的歷史和地理因素造就了一種多樣化的文化。香港的電

10、影制作名列世界前 茅。其流行歌曲在全球華人中有著廣泛的影響,而且還有八所知名的大學(xué)。每年一度由政府主辦的藝術(shù)嘉年華為當(dāng)?shù)厮囆g(shù)家展示其獨創(chuàng)性提供了一個廣闊的 平臺,并鼓勵更多人參與文化藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作,為中國的文化繁榮作出了許多創(chuàng)新和突 破。Cultural DesertHong Kong is called by some people a cultural desert ” . As a matter of fact, Hong Kong enjoys a unique cultural setting. The diversified culture of Hong Kong can be att

11、ributed to its special history and location. In terms of film-making, it ranks among the top locations in the world, and its pop songs have had an extensive influence among Chinese globally. Moreover, there are also eight well-known universities in Hong Kong. An annual art carnival hosted by the gov

12、ernment has provided a broad stage for local artists to exhibit their originality and encouraged more people to get involved in the production of cultural and art works, thus fostering innovation and breakthrough for the prosperity of Chinese culture.5蠟姻中國人稱結(jié)焙為中國大事,國為中國人的家庭觀念很重,認為齊家是治國的根本。中國感人不斷告訴讀書

13、人,要想替國家做事,必須先把家庭治理好。中國 人不僅把蠟姻看成一男一女的結(jié)合, 還把它當(dāng)作社會的基礎(chǔ),是很莊重的事, 點也不能馬虎。舊式的中國蠟姻,并不是自己選擇,而是由家長做主,還需要媒 人的介紹。到了現(xiàn)代,焙姻由自己做主,但是仍要征求家長同意。MarriageChinese people define marriage as a lifelong event, because they have a strong family ideal, with the belief that running a good family is the foundation for running th

14、e country. Chinese ancients kept warning scholars that they should run their families well before they could work for the country. Therefore, Chinese people regard marriage not only as the union of a man and a woman, but also as the foundation of society, which should be treated with solemnity and w

15、ithout the least rashness.In old Chinese marriage arrangements, one didn t choose his or her spouse, who was instead arranged by the parents with the help of matchmakers. In modern times, one chooses his or her own marriage partner, but still with the assent of the parents.6 .上海上海是一座朝氣蓬勃、充滿活力、多姿多彩的國

16、際大都市。改革開放以來,上海變化之大令世人矚目。經(jīng)濟高速發(fā)展,社會秩序穩(wěn)定,人民安居樂業(yè),呈現(xiàn)出 一片繁華景象。今天,盡管上海還有著不少色彩斑斕的過去可以留戀和回味,但城市日新月異的面貌卻使越來越多的人折服。浦西展示了上海的輝煌歲月,浦東展現(xiàn)了上海的美好前景。上海就像一輪紅日,光芒四射,鮮艷奪目。ShanghaiShanghai is a dynamic, vigorous and versatile international metropolis. Since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy, shanghai has wi

17、tnessed tremendous changes which attracted worldwide attention. The economyis developing rapidly, social order is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, presenting a scene of prosperity. Today, while Shanghai has manyremnants of its colorful past for people to ponder over, it

18、s ever-changing outlook has filled more and more people with great admiration. Puxi exhibits the city s glorious past, and Pudong unfolds its bright future. Shanghai is like a rising sun, shining with boundless radiance and brilliant color.7 .中國人的住宅以前中國人在蓋房子的時候,都要先請人看分水,看似迷信,也并非沒有道理。 按照中國人的想法,任何建筑物都

19、不應(yīng)該破壞大自然的和諧,而且要讓建筑物和大自然融為一體。住在這種房子里的人,會覺得自己不是關(guān)在籠子里,而是生活 在寧靜的大自然里面。所以,中國人蓋房子,通常都坐北朝南,以便接受冬天的 陽光與夏日的清風(fēng)。這種房子冬暖夏涼,住在里面非常舒服。Chinese HousingChinese people used to invite experts to advise them in feng shui principle before building a house. It seems to be superstitious, but somehowmakes sense. According t

20、o the Chinese people, no building should mar the harmony of the nature, but instead blend into nature. Those living in such houses would not feel confined in cages, but as if they were living in serene nature. Thus, Chinese house usually face the south so as to have warm sunshine in winter and cool

21、breezes in summer. The house, warm in winter and cool in summer, is comfortable for accommodation.8 .蘇州蘇州地處長江下游,氣候溫和,土地肥沃,再加上湖泊密布、水道縱橫,自唐代 以來就有“魚米之鄉(xiāng)”的美稱。歷史記載表明,早在兩千多年前的春秋戰(zhàn)國時期, 這一帶的漁業(yè)已經(jīng)相當(dāng)發(fā)達。蘇州還是一個多水多橋、引人入勝的風(fēng)光城市。居 民住房前有街后臨橋,水道、街坊相交處都建有橋梁?,F(xiàn)存的宋代石刻“平江圖” 上注明的就有304座橋。SuzhouSituated in the lower reaches of

22、the Yangtze River and blessed with a mild climate, fertile and soil, and numerous lakes and waterways across the region, Suzhou has enjoyed a reputation as“a land of milk and honey ”ever since the Tang Dynasty. Historical records show that the region was fairly advanced in fishery and farming in the

23、 Spring and Autumn Periodand the Warring States over 2000 years ago. Suzhou is a fascinating cityof tourist attractions, dotted with bridges at the backdoors. Bridges are built wherever waterways and streets cross. The Mapof Pingjiang District, a well-preserved city map from the Song Dynasty carved

24、on a stone plate, indicated that during that period there were 304 bridges.9 .琴棋書畫中國人最懂得消遣,中國從前的讀書人,閑暇時間以琴棋書畫作為消遣。在中國人看來,藝術(shù)品的好壞,意味著作者人格的高低,所以彈琴、下棋、寫字和繪畫, 都代表著一個人的修養(yǎng)。彈琴不是要做音樂家,而是隨著美妙的琴聲,進入一個 遼闊的世界,凈化自己的心靈。下棋不是為了勝負,而是磨練耐性和使人眼光遠 大。寫字不僅是把字寫漂亮,同時也是為了陶冶情操。繪畫則是借著畫面上的簡 單線條,表現(xiàn)自己的想象的世界。Music, Chess, Calligrap

25、hy and PaintingChinese people have the best idea about recreation. Scholars of ancient times enjoyed themselves through music, chess, calligraphy and painting in their leisure time. In the eyes of the Chinese people, the quality of the artifacts is a reflection of the character of the creator. Thus,

26、playing musical instruments, playing chess, writing calligraphy or painting show one s culture. By playing music, one does not aim to bea musician but to enter a broader world, purifying one s soul in thebeautiful music. By playing chess, one does not aim to be the winner but to cultivate patience a

27、nd foresight. By calligraphy, one aims not only to write beautifully but also to improve his mind. Through painting, one expresses an imaginary world with simple lines.10 .杭州杭州位于浙江省北部,是中國古老的風(fēng)景名稱。杭州不僅風(fēng)景奇麗,名勝古跡眾 多,與杭州有關(guān)的傳說和故事也甚為美麗動人。 幾千年過去了,杭州依然和以 前 一樣有吸引力。杭州是如此美麗,很多人在這都是留戀忘返。唐代詩人白居易寫 了很多贊美杭州西湖的詩。古意大利

28、旅行者馬可波羅在元代來到了中國, 對杭州 異常喜愛,用他的話來說“杭州是全世界最美的城市?!盚angzhouHangzhou, an ancient city renowned for its picturesque scenery, is situated in the northern part of Zhengjiang Province. Hangzhou has many scenic spots and historical sites as well as beautiful and moving legends and stories associated with it. T

29、housands of years have passed since the city was founded, yet Hangzhou is as attractive as ever. Hangzhou is so beautiful that many people are reluctant to leave it. Bai juyi, a famous poet during the Tang Dynasty, wrote many poemsto describe the beauty of Hangchou s West Lake. Marco Polo, an ancien

30、t Italian traveler, came to China in Yuan Dynasty, and expressed great admiration for Hangzhou. In his own words, “ Hangzhou is the most beautiful city in the world.”11長城長城如同一條蛟龍,由東向西蜿蜒伸展,經(jīng)過沙漠、草原、山脈、高原,全長約 6700千米。長城是人類文明史上最偉大的建筑工程,它始建于2000多年前的春秋戰(zhàn)國時期,秦朝統(tǒng)一中國之后連成萬里長城。漢、明兩代又曾大規(guī)模修筑。其 工程這浩繁,氣勢這雄偉,堪稱世界奇跡。如

31、今當(dāng)您登上昔日長城的遺址,不僅 能目睹逶迤于群山峻嶺之中的長城雄姿,還能領(lǐng)略到中華民族創(chuàng)造歷史的大智大 勇。Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall of China winds up and downacross deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers from east to west across China. The Great Wall is one of the greatest architecture

32、 in the history of civilization and was built in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period over 2,000 years ago. Many parts of the wall were joined together afterChina s unification in the Qin Dynasty and renovated in the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. They mystery of the constructio

33、n and the grandeur of the project is a miracle in the world. Mounting the Great Wall today, you will marvel not only at the grand wall winding along the mountains and valleys, but at the great tenacity of the Chinese people in creating their unique history.12酒和茶酒和茶能給人增加生活情趣,可是不懂生活藝術(shù)的人,就享受不到這種情趣。飲 酒喝

34、茶都要慢慢品嘗,細細玩味,才能得到美妙的感受。能有幾樣可口的小菜, 兩三位談得來的朋友,大家聚在一起小斟,那真是人生樂事。至于喝茶,就是沒 有朋友陪伴,也可以一人獨享。如果有一杯新茶,一卷好書,坐在那兒慢慢地享 受,可能比做皇帝還自在呢。Liquor and TeaLiquor and tea add spice to life, which cannot be appreciated without a knowledge of the art of life. One has to sip and savor both liquor and tea so as to appreciate

35、their fascinating pleasures. It is great pleasure in life to drink with two or three intimate friends, while eating delicious food. As for tea, one can enjoy it alone, without the company of friends. It is more pleasurable than being an emperor to enjoy oneself in leisure with a cup of fresh tea and

36、 a good book.13和平發(fā)展中國堅定不移地走和平發(fā)展道路,是基于中國國情的必然選擇。1840年鴉片戰(zhàn)爭以后的100多的里,中國受盡了列強的欺辱。消除戰(zhàn)爭,實現(xiàn)和平,建設(shè)獨立 富強、民生幸福的國家,是近代以來中國人民孜孜以求的奮斗目標(biāo)。今天的中國 雖然取得了巨大的發(fā)展成就,但人口多,底子薄,發(fā)展不平衡,仍然是世界是最 大的發(fā)展中國家。推動經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展,不斷改善人民生活始終是中國的中心任務(wù)。 堅持走和平發(fā)展道路,是中國實現(xiàn)國家富強、人民幸福的必由之路。Peaceful DevelopmentChina s adherence to peaceful development is an i

37、nevitable choice based on the country s national condition. In the 100-plus years after the Opium War in 1840, China suffered great humiliation at the hands of the world s great powers. The elimination of wars, the maintenance of peace and the establishment of an independent and prosperous country o

38、f happy citizens is the ultimate goal of the Chinese people in modern times.Despite tremendous growth in modern China, the country is still thelargest developing country in the world, with a large population, a weak economic foundation and rather uneven development. The promotion of socio-economic d

39、evelopment and the continuous improvement of personal livelihood have been the major focus of China. Peaceful development is the only way to achieve prosperity for China and happiness for its people.14誠信原則中國人以前都生活在大家庭里,有很多親戚互相來往。男人在外面做事謀生,也 會結(jié)交許多朋友。中國人交朋友,秉持的最重要的原則是“誠”和“信”。自己以誠心待人,自然可以換來真實的友誼;尊重別人,自

40、然會被別人尊重。而且要 信守諾言,絕不欺騙。中國人不僅把這些原則應(yīng)用在私人的交往上,在和其他國家辦理外交的時候,也同樣遵守這些原則。Sincerity and FaithfulnessIn the past, the Chinese lived in extended family groups, with many relatives as their social contacts. The men of the family would also make manyfriends in the course of making their way in the world. Chines

41、e people try to maintain two most important principles in friendship: sincerity and faithfulness. They exchange sincerity for true friendship as might be expected, and receive respect by respecting others. They keep their promises with deceit. Chinese people not only apply these principles in person

42、al contacts, but also follow them in their diplomatic relations with other countries.15種花賞花 種花和賞花是中國人日常的消遣。在詩人和畫家的筆下,花兒更是多姿多彩。一年四季中,有許多花兒先后開放。中國人最愛的花兒,有牡丹、荷花、菊花、梅 花。春天是牡丹盛開的時節(jié)。夏天荷花盛開,它雖然從污泥中生長出來,卻是純 潔芳香,很像高尚的君子。秋風(fēng)吹起,樹上的葉子落了,只有菊花不怕風(fēng)霜,傲 然開放。在冰天雪地的冬天,沒有一點兒生氣,梅花仍然在風(fēng)雪中盛開。梅花最 能代表中國人不屈不撓的精神。Planting and Ad

43、miring flowersPlanting and admiring flowers are a daily-life recreation of Chinese people. Flowers are diverse beautiful in the works of poets and painters. Manykinds of flowers appear in successive bloom through the seasons. Some of the favorite flowers in Chinas are peonies, lotuses, chrysanthemum

44、s and plum blossoms. Spring is the ideal time for peonies. In summer, lotuses are in full bloom, pure and fragrant like noble gentlemen, though they emerge from the dirty mud. Whenthe autumn wind blows off the leaves, the chrysanthemums blossom against wind and frost. In the lifeless winter world of

45、 ice and snow, plum blossoms are in full bloom against wind and snow. The Chinese consider plum blossoms to be representative of theirown enduring spirit.16廟會在中國各地,過去不論鄉(xiāng)村、城市,到處都有廟。每年到了佛祖或神靈的祭日, 都在廟前廣場上搭臺演戲。這時候,大家都來看戲,小販也前來擺地攤,做生意。 逛廟會的人們,既可以進香,又可以看戲,還可以買東西。因此在廟會期間,天 天都是非常熱鬧的。人們坐車子走幾十里路,除了燒香還愿之外, 還達到

46、了交際、娛樂、旅行和購物的目的。這種廟會通常都是一年一次,為期最多不到半個 月,日期一過,馬上就冷落下來了。Temple FairTemples abounded across China, both in the countryside and in the cities. Every year on the fete-days of Buddha or other gods, stages were set up for performances on the square before the temples. Manypeople came for the play, and the

47、vendors put up stalls to do business. Those who came for the temple fair offered incense to Buddha, watched the play and did someshopping at the did some shopping at the sametime. Hence the temple fairs were full of hustle and bustle every day. People took wagons or walked for miles to the temple fa

48、ir, fulfilling the purposes of communication, entertainment, travel and shopping apart from offering incense. Such temple fairs were often held once a year for at most half a month; after which the temple becamedesolate with far fewer visitors.17中藥眾所周知,在最近兩百年之前的大部分時間里,人類一直依賴傳統(tǒng)藥物與疾病斗 爭。各大文明古國幾乎都有自己的民

49、族醫(yī)藥體系,其中又以中國的中醫(yī)藥體系最為完備,成就最大??梢哉f,中國的中醫(yī)藥體系是古代醫(yī)藥科學(xué)的最高表現(xiàn)。中 藥絕大部分來源于天然的植物,其次是動物、礦物等。中國各地使用的中藥已達 5000種左右,用各種藥材配成的方劑,更是數(shù)不勝數(shù)。Chinese MedicineAs is commonlyknown, until the most recent two centuries people fought against disease wit traditional drugs. Ancient civilizations all had their own national drug sys

50、tem, among which the Chinese system was the most comprehensive and achieved the greatest results. We could say that the Chinese traditional drug system is the supreme representation of the type. Traditional Chinese drugs comemostly from natural plants, with some from animals and minerals. There are

51、about 5,000 traditional drugs in se across China, and countless prescriptions made with those drugs.18故宮故宮是北京現(xiàn)在最大、保存最完好的宮殿,建于140阿,歷時14年建造完成。故宮的建筑分為“外朝”與“內(nèi)廷”兩大部分,外朝是皇帝舉行朝會和行使權(quán)力的地方,內(nèi)廷是帝王與后妃居住之所。紅色和黃色作為宮殿墻壁的主色調(diào)是一種象 征。紅色代表快樂、好運氣和財富。黃色是中國人的起源地黃土高原大地的顏色。 在唐朝黃色成為了代表帝王的顏色,僅有少數(shù)皇室成員可以穿它,并且也將黃色用于建筑。The Imperia

52、l PalaceThe Imperial Palace is the largest and best-preserved palace in China, the construction of which began in 1406 and took 14 years. The Imperial Palace is divided into the “outer court and the “inner court ” .The former is where the emperor held meetings and exercised power while the latter is

53、 where the emperor and his concubines lived. As the main color on the palace walls, the red and yellow have symbolic meanings. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original homeof the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only few members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.19和平崛起中華民族歷來珍惜和平。中國的崛起,是和平的崛起,是依靠自己的力量來發(fā)展 自己。中外關(guān)系中,中國一貫主張


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