



1、精品文檔精品文檔1. Com muni cative compete nee typically refers to how well some one is able to com muni cate withothers, though this can be elaborated upon and further refined in a nu mber of ways.2. Communi cative compete nee is importa nt for anyone who wishes to be able to com muni cateclearly, especial

2、ly public speakers and people learning a second Ianguage.Politicians and other publicspeakers ofte n seek high levels of com muni cative compete nee to be able to effectively conveymeaning and express ideas to others. People who are learning a second Ianguage also tend to focuson this type of compet

3、e nee to en sure they un dersta nd subtext and various aspectsof com muni cati on with in that Ian guage that may be subtle and complex.The idea beh ind com muni cative compete nee is that the ways in which people com mun icate can bean alyzed and con sidered with regard to effect iven ess. Some one

4、 is ofte n con sidered compete nt, atleast on a surface level, if he or she can talk to some one else in a way that is appropriate and whichconveys meaning in an accurate way. This actual process, however, is ofte n see n as being composedof three basic steps that occur in com mun icati on. Planning

5、 is a vital part of com muni cative competenee as it dem on strates that some one is able to think about com muni catio n ahead of time andprepare for it.2.During communication, the way in which a person communicates is often considered in two elements regard ing his or her com muni cative compete n

6、ee. The message that is delivered is the actualcontent that a pers on speaks, writes, or otherwise expresses in some way. With in this message,however, is the meaning that a pers on man ages to convey. Some one may feel that his or hermessage expresses one idea, but the actual meaning might not nece

7、ssarily match the inten tio n of themessage.Commun icative compete nee is importa nt for just about anyone who wishes to com muni cate withother people in any type of relati on ship. Argume nts and disagreeme nts can ofte n be avoided ifpeople are able to effectively express mea ning in a message.3.

8、 Comme ntl: Commun icative compete nee starts develop ing at a young age. So childhood andeducation is important. But its also true that some people naturally have more skill and精品文檔compete nee in this area. I think it has to do with the various areas of the brain and which areas an individual uses

9、more heavily.For example, my brother is a very smart pers on but his com mun icati on skills are very poor. I dont think he will every be compete nt in this area. He has always bee n this way.Comme nt2: Those who want to know what excelle nt com mun icative compete nee means canobserve lawyers. Lawy

10、ers, n aturally, have to be great com mun icators. They have to prese nt theirideas and in formatio n in the right ways in order to make an impact on the liste ner.I knew many law stude nts in school and they were some of the best com muni cators I have comeacross. The amaz ing part was that they us

11、ed Ian guage so well that they could convince me of onething and the n argue aga inst it and convince me of the opposite argume nt in a matter of minu tes.Now thats com muni cative compete nee.4Language teaching in the United States is based on the idea that the goal of Ianguage acquisiti on iscom m

12、uni cative compete nee: the ability to use the Ian guage correctly and appropriately toaccomplish com muni cati on goals. The desired outcome of the Ian guage lear ning process is theability to com muni cate compete ntly, not the ability to use the Ian guage exactly as a n ative speakerdoes。Commun i

13、cative compete nee is made up of four compete nee areas: lin guistic, socioli nguistic,discourse, and strategic.Lin guistic compete nee is knowing how to use the grammar, syn tax, and vocabulary of aIan guage. Lin guistic compete nee asks: What words do I use? How do I put them into phrases andsente

14、n ces?Socioli nguistic compete nee is knowing how to use and resp ond to Ian guageappropriately, give n the sett ing, the topic, and the relati on ships among the people com muni cat ing.Socioli nguistic compete nee asks: Which words and phrases fit this sett ing and this topic? How can Iexpress a s

15、pecific attitude (courtesy, authority, frien dli ness, respect) whe n I n eed to? How do I knowwhat attitude ano ther pers on is express ing?Discourse compete nee is knowing how to in terpret the larger con text and how to construct Ion ger stretches of Ian guage so that the parts make up a cohere n

16、t whole. Discourse精品文檔精品文檔精品文檔compete nee asks: How are words, phrases and senten ces put together to create con versati ons,speeches, email messages, n ewspaper articles?Strategic compete nee is knowing how to recog nize and repair com muni cati onbreakdowns, how to work around gaps in ones knowled

17、ge of the Ianguage, and how to learnmore about the Ian guage and in the con text. Strategic compete nee asks: How do I know whe n Ivemisun derstood or whe n some one has misun derstood me? What do I say the n? How can I expressmy ideas if I dont know the name of something or the right verb form to u

18、se?In the early stages of Ian guage lear ning, in structors and stude nts may want to keep in mind thegoal of com muni cative efficie ncy: That lear ners should be able to make themselves un derstood,using their curre nt proficie ncy to the fullest. They should try to avoid con fusi on in the messag

19、e (dueto faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary); to avoid offending com muni cati on partners (due tosocially in appropriate style); and to use strategies for recog nizing and man agi ng com muni cati onbreakdow ns.The con cept of com mun icative compete nee (a term coined by lin guist Dell H

20、ymes in 1972) grew outof resista nee to the con cept of lin guistic compete nee in troduced by Noam Chomsky (1965). Mostscholars now con sider lin guistic compete nee to be a part of com muni cative compete nee. Canaleand Swains Model of Communicative CompetenceIn Theoretical Bases of Communi cative

21、 Approaches to Second Lan guage Teach ing and Test ing(Applied Lin guistics, 1980), Michael Can ale and Merrill Swain ide ntified these four comp onents ofcom muni cative compete nee:(i)Grammatical compete nee in eludes kno wledge ofpho no logy,orthography , vocabulary , word formation and sentence

22、formation.(ii)Socioli nguistic compete nee in eludes kno wledge of sociocultural rules of use.It is concerned with the lear ners ability to han dle for example setti ngs, topics andcom muni cative fun eti ons in differe nt socioli nguistic con texts. In additi on, it dealswith the use of appropriate grammatical forms for differe nt com muni cative fun etions in differe nt socioli nguistic con texts.(iii)Discourse compete nee is related to the lear ners mastery of精品文檔精品文檔un dersta nding and produci ng texts in the modes ofliste ning ,speak ing , readi n


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