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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?課文重難點講解【教師寄語】:No cross, no crown不經(jīng)歷風雨,怎么見彩虹section A1. Whydo you like pandas?你為什么喜歡熊貓呢?【解析】Why特殊疑問副詞,“為什么”,用來詢問原因。Why引導的特殊疑問句用because來回答。()are koalas from?AustraliaA. When B. What C. Where D. Why() 一 do you want to see the lions? - Because they are cute.A. Where B. When

2、 C. How D. Why()一 does she like pandas? Because they are cute.A. Why B. what C. Where D. WhoHe likes koalas beca use they ' re very cute.(對戈U線部分提問)2. Let' s see the pandas first.咱們先看熊貓吧?!窘馕觥縧et ' s =let us”讓我們吧。" 后接動詞原形?!窘Y(jié)構(gòu)】:Let' s do sth 讓我們一起做某事【回答時用】:OKAll right/Yes ,let '

3、; s【拓展】:let sb. do sth 讓某人做某事() Let' s go and the koalas.A. see B. look C. watch D. look at() Let' s after school.A. to play basketball B. to play a basketballC. play basketball D. play a basketball() Let' s the zoo.A. go B. to go C. go to D. goes() Our teacher let us _here.A. stay B. to

4、 stay C. staying D. stays() Let' s after school.A. to play piano B. play pianoC. to play the piano D. play the piano3. Why do you want to see them?你為什么想去看它們?【解析】want v想要,后接名詞和不定式做賓語want to do sth想要做某事want sb. to do sth想要某人做某事()Do you want the tiger?A. see B. to have a look C. to see D. to look4.

5、 Well, because she ' s kind of boring. 奧,因為它有點兒無趣?!窘馕觥縦ind of =a little/a bit "有幾分"修飾形容詞 The pandas are kind of cute .a kind of 一種all kinds of各種各樣的different kinds of 不同種類的() 一Why do you like dolphins?Because they are interesting.A. kind B. a kind C. kind of D. a kind of() Pandas are in

6、teresting.A. a kind of B. a kind C. kind of D. kind®There are(各種各樣的)animals in the park.(pl) giraffes 長頸鹿6. 一 Why do you want to see them?你為什么想看它們呢?-Because they ' re interesting .因為它們有趣?!窘馕觥縤nterest f interesting/interested adj.有趣的be interested in對感興趣I am(interest) in English.7. Where are

7、they from?它們來自哪里?【解析】 be from =come from 來自She is from France=She comes from France.【析】:be from 構(gòu)成否定句時,在 be后加not;構(gòu)成疑問句時,將 be提起。come from 構(gòu)成否定句或疑問句時,要借助助動詞do或does. Her pen pal is from China.=Her pen pal China.(2) My classmate is not from China.=My classmate China.改為否定句 )(3) He comes from the United S

8、tates.(He the United States.Exercise:I. 用所給詞的正確形式填空me (help) you.(be) some broccoli on the desk.(not have) a computer.have fun(learn) English.5. Let s (see) the pandas.II. 單項選擇( )1 _do you like the dogs? Because they are very friendly.A. Who B. What C. Where D. Why( ) like animals beca use they re _

9、cute.A. kind of ;kind of B. kind of ;this kind ofC. this kind of; kind of D. this kind of ;this kind of( )3. Is that elephant? No ,it s lion.A .an, a B. a, an C. an, an D. a, a( )4. do you like animals? they are cute.A. Why, Because B. What, SoC. Why, So D. What, Because( )5. Let s go for a walk. A.

10、 OK. Let s go B. Why?C. Let s go home D. No, we don ( ) 6. Let s go swimming this afternoon. .A. Excuse me B. Good ideaC. You re welcome D. That s all right( )7. do you like tigers? Because they are cool.A. What B. Why C. How D. Which( )8. The tigers are interesting.A. kind of B. a kind of C. a kind

11、 D. kind( )9. When I walked past the park , I saw a girl the guitar there.A. play B. plays C. playing D. played()10. We need to have patience to finish the work.A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. B& CUnit5 Why do you like pandas?課文重難點講解Section B& Self Check1. Because they' re friendly an

12、d smart.因為它們友好而聰明?!窘馕觥?friend n 朋友friendly adj. 有好的 be friendly to sb.對某人友好()Their are friendly us.A. friendly ,to B. friends, to C. friends, for D. friendly, for2. We are students from Thailand, and we want tosave the elephants.我們是來自泰國的學生,我們想拯救大象?!窘馕?】from Thailand做后置定語,修飾 students【解析2】save v"

13、救助,拯救”,后接名詞或代詞作賓語。save one ' s life 挽救某人的生命【短語】 save money 攢錢 save water 節(jié)約用水3. The elephant is one of Thailand symbols.大象是泰國的象征之一?!窘馕?】one of "之一”,后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式?!窘馕?】one of結(jié)構(gòu)做主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。Shanghai is one of my favorite cities.()Xi 'an is one of the in China.A. city B. name C. place D. ci

14、ties【規(guī)律總結(jié)】:(1) one of .等類似的短語后面必須是名詞或者代詞的復數(shù)形式(2) one of后接名詞時,名詞前必須有定冠詞或物主代詞修飾one of the movies這些電影中的一部one of my books我的書中的一本4. P eople say that “ an elephant never forgets ".人們說 "大象永不遺忘”【解析】forget一 forgot一 forgotten v 忘t己(1) forget to do sth忘記去做某事(事情還未做)(2) forget doing sth忘記做過某事(事情已經(jīng)做完)()

15、Don' t forget your homework, John.OK. I ' ll do it right now.A. doing B. do C. to do D. does5. They can alsorememberplaces with food and water.它們還能記住有食物和水的地方【解析】remember v"記得,記起“remember to do sth記住去做某事(未做)(2) remember doing sth記得做過某事(已做)()Remember the book to the library.A. returns B.

16、return C. to return D. returning6. But elephants are in great danger.但是大象正處于極大的威脅中?!窘馕觥縟anger n 威脅 一 dangerous adj. 威脅的in danger.”處于威脅中“【拓展】in +名詞in need 急需 in trouble 處于困境中 in fact 事實上 Swimming in the river is(danger).() We should protect the animals danger.A. on B. in C. of D. at7. We must save th

17、e trees and not buy things made of ivory.我們必須拯救樹木,不買象牙制品。解析must"必須;一定" (情態(tài)動詞,后跟動詞原形)表主觀需要否定形式mustn' t“不能;不許”表示禁止【拓展】have to 表示一種客觀的需要“不得不”()Why don' t you play football with us this afternoon?Sorry, I do homework first.A. may B. have to C. can【解析】 be made of / be made frombe made o

18、f "被用制成”,(看得出原材料)The table is made of wood.(2) be made from "被用制成”,(看不出原材料)The bread is made from wheat.()Paper is made wood.A. from B. in C. of D. byExercise:I.用所給詞的適當形式填空:wants(go) to the zoo.he (have) breakfast at home?(be) Tom and Mike from?me(tell) you about it.koalas gets up early an

19、d eats(leaf).like(eat) meat.mother (not like) lions. She thinks they are scary.you like(live) in Beijing ?people are very (friend).picture is very (interest)11. 單項選擇( ) animals only go out _ night.A. at B. in C. on D. during( ) (貓頭鷹) often sleep the day ,but _night they go out to look for food.A. in

20、; in B. at; at C. during; at D. during; in( ) dog is cute. it is very beautiful.A. but B. or C. and D. so( ) pet is cute, is very shy.A. and B./ C. but D. so( )5. What do you think of your house? Well, it s small.A. a lot B. a lot of C. kind of D. much( )6. are koalas from? Australia .A. When B. Wha

21、t C. Where D. Why( )7. do you want to see the lions? Because they are cute.A. Where B. When C. How D. Wh y()8. Let s the zoo. I want the pandas.A. go ,see B. to go, to see C. to go, see D. go to, see( ) 9. It s raining heavily outside. Why don t you your raincoat?A. put on B. to put on C. take off D

22、. to take off( ) 10. What do you think o f my T-shirt? It cotton. It took nice on you.A. is made in B. is made for C. is made of D. is made by單元語法專講一、不定冠詞 a/an的用法:,an區(qū)別有一條,不看字母看音標。用在輔音音素開頭的單詞前,an用在元音音素開頭的單詞前a book ,a pen ,a rulean orange/apple/egg/eraser/hour/elephant.an English boy一個英國男孩an interest

23、ing story個有趣的故事練習:選擇“ A. a B. an C .the . D. /” 完成下列各題。1. Look! There is elephant in the zoo.2. Can you speak French, Julia?3. What time do you usually eat lunch.4. There is giraffe over there, and there is koala next to giraffe.5. I often listen to music, and I can play violin.6. Do you like dolphi

24、ns?can see lots of cute animals in Yuantongshang Zoo.Green and his son usually take walk through the park in the afternoon.9. - Do you often play sports in morning?-No. But I play sports at night.Zhang has old friend ,and he often goes to visit old friend onweekends.二、形容詞的用法:1 .作定語,放在名詞之前。a beautifu

25、l flowers漂亮的花2 .形容詞作表語,放在系動詞之后。They are cute.本單元的主要形容詞:cute可愛的 interesting 有趣的 fun 逗人的smart聰明的 scary 可怕的 ugly 丑陋的shy害羞的 quiet 安靜的 friendly 友好的三、特殊疑問句)引導的疑問1 .定義:特殊疑問句是由特殊疑問詞( what, who ,when, where, why, how句。2 .構(gòu)成:特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句3 .注意:特殊疑問句要求針對情況具體回答,不可以用Yes/No做簡略回答。4 .特殊疑問詞的選用:(1) who-對“人”進行提問,意為“誰”(2

26、) what-對“什么”進行回答(3) why -對原因進行提問(4) where -對具體地點進行提問(5) when -對時間進行提問(6) what time -對具體的鐘點提問(7) how -對方式提問(8) how old - 對年齡提問(9) how many -對可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量提問(10) how much-對價格或不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量提問根據(jù)答語,選擇適當疑問詞 1knows the answer to Number2? Lucy does.2. is this in English?It ' s a book.3are the boys so excited? Beca

27、use there is a football match in the afternoon.4 is the library? It ' s across from the post office.She watches TV in the evening.At 6:00 o ' clock in the morningThey go to school by bike.The one in a blue T-shirt. I have five pen pals.It ' s $20.5 does she watch TV every day?6 do you us

28、ually get up?7 一 do the students go to school?8 boy is your brother?9pen pals do you have?10 is the backpack?一、Review the new phrases.I.單詞:1. tiger 2.大象 3. panda4. 可幣子 5. giraffe 6. cute南方的7. 聰明的 8. beautiful 9.10. sleep 11.動物12. friendly13. save 14. symbol 15. 忘記;遺忘16. 危險 17. 殺死 18. over 20. 寵物 21.

29、 lazy II. 短語1. 稍微;有點兒2. a lot 3. get lost 4. 南非5. 砍倒6. be in (great) danger 7. lose one s home 8. 如此多的from和 .玩animals 對某人友好二、 compositionMy favorite animalsThere are many kinds of animals in the world. My favoriteanimals are swans( 天鵝).They are beautiful and white. They can swim very well. I think t

30、hey look like beautiful girls. They are also good at flying. They are quiet, and they are always friendly to us.I like dogs ,too. They are honest and friendly ,and they are people s best friends. They can run very fast. If we are in danger, they can come to help us at once.Animals bring us love and

31、make us happy and they are our best friends,so I thinkwe should get on well with them.三 Exercise:( ) is elephant. elephant is from Africa.A. a, An B. the ,A. C. an, The D. the ,The ( ) 2 do you want to see penguins? Because they re very interesting.A. What B. How C. Why D. Where ( ) are very shy, please be quiet.A. because B. but C. and D. so ( ) ?A. come, from B. comes ,from C. are, from D. is ,from( ) 5


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