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1、英語(yǔ)話題寫作-傳統(tǒng)文化教育部考試中心主任姜鋼在中國(guó)高等教育雜志刊登的文章堅(jiān) 持以立德樹(shù)人為核心深化高考考試內(nèi)容改革 中透露,在命題工作中 更加注重四個(gè)加強(qiáng)”:加強(qiáng)社會(huì)主義核心價(jià)值觀的考查;加強(qiáng)依法治國(guó)理念的考查;加強(qiáng)中國(guó)優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化的考查;加強(qiáng)創(chuàng)新能力的考查。以后的考試中,可能會(huì)進(jìn)一步突出 中國(guó)優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化”這個(gè)方向 的話題,例如中國(guó)的四大藝術(shù)琴棋書(shū)畫、文房四寶、四大發(fā)明、四大 名著、國(guó)粹京劇、唐詩(shī)宋詞、古代建筑藝術(shù)、文化遺址、中國(guó)武術(shù)、 中醫(yī)中藥等等,與這些相關(guān)的話題均可能是命題的重要素材。作文話題也可能會(huì)體現(xiàn) 社會(huì)主義核心價(jià)值觀”,比如愛(ài)國(guó)、誠(chéng)實(shí)、 守信等。實(shí)際上,這些也是中國(guó)民族的傳統(tǒng)美

2、德。還有和學(xué)生生活相 關(guān)的升學(xué)、留學(xué)、申請(qǐng)兼職等方面話題也可能比較重要。絲綢相關(guān)的語(yǔ)句補(bǔ)充:一帶一路The Belt and Road InitiativeI.The Chinese silk is known all over the world. It is one of China's traditional export and it is usually well-received abroad.2 .The silk has a soft smooth feel and it is extremely comfortable to wear silk. What's

3、 more, silk dress can better show women's beautiful figures.3 .You'd better buy some silk clothes for your mother.(或者 silk scarf 絲 巾)象棋相關(guān)語(yǔ)句補(bǔ)充:1. Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) is a strategy board game for two players.2. It is one of the most popular board games in China3. The game representsa battl

4、e between two armies, with the object of capturing the enemy's general (king).關(guān)于國(guó)畫的語(yǔ)句補(bǔ)充:1. The traditional Chinese painting, an important part of our country' cultural heritage, has a long history. It is very popular among people at home and abroad.2. What we need for painting are writing br

5、ushes, Chinese ink, Xuan paper and pigments|5 料).3. An important feature of Chinese painting is that a painter should combine pictures, poem, calligraphy (書(shū)法) and sealsgP) perfectly. In fact, many painters are not only good at painting, but also good at writing poetry.4. In Chinese history, there ar

6、e many famous traditional painters, including Qi Baishi and Xv Beihong. Qi Baishi was proficient in painting little shrimps while Xv Beihong was famous for his lively horses.實(shí)例1假定你是李華,你的美國(guó)朋友Jack下學(xué)期將作為交換生來(lái)你校學(xué)習(xí), 他想學(xué)習(xí)傳統(tǒng)中國(guó)畫。請(qǐng)你寫封郵件給他建議。內(nèi)容包括:1 .選修你校開(kāi)設(shè)的中國(guó)畫課程;2 .上課時(shí)間和地點(diǎn);3 .工具和材料:毛筆、墨和宣紙等;參考詞匯:選修課 optional c

7、ourse 中國(guó)畫 Chinese Painting 毛筆 Chinese writing brush 宣紙 Xuan paper 住思:1 .詞數(shù)100左右;2 .可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)使行文連貫。Hi Jack,Hope you are getting ready for the exchange program!Last time, you mentioned that you were interested in traditional Chinese painting. It has occurred to me that my school will offer an optional

8、course on learning to paint in a traditional Chinese style. The class will meet every Friday from 12: 00 pm to 2: 00 pm in Room 211 at the new Yifu building.If you are interested, please remember to register. When you arrive, I can take you to buy the appropriate tools such as Chinese writing brushe

9、s, ink, and Xuan paper.Please let me know, and see you soon!實(shí)例2假定你是李華,你的外國(guó)朋友John對(duì)茶感興趣。請(qǐng)你結(jié)合下面圖示, 用英語(yǔ)給他寫一封郵件,誠(chéng)邀他參加即將在寧波舉辦的化節(jié),并簡(jiǎn)要 介紹茶文化節(jié)活動(dòng)及我國(guó)茶的歷史,茶的益處等。住思:1 .字?jǐn)?shù)100字左右;2 .可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),使行文連貫。Hi John,I ' m glad you ' re interested in tea. Now I have good news to tell you. The 9th International Tea Cult

10、ure Festival will be held in Ningbo, a coastal city in East China from May 3 to 6.I ' d like to invite you to the festivawhere you can taste all kinds of tea from across the world, and enjoy tea art shows.China has a long history of tea planting. Tea has become a green, healthy and popular drink

11、 in our daily life. People would serve you with tea when you visit their homes.I msure you dhave lots of fun here. I hope you would comeand experience Chinese tea culture in person.Best,Li Hua實(shí)例3假定你是李華,你的外國(guó)朋友 Lucy發(fā)現(xiàn)中國(guó)人很喜歡紅色,但是她不確定中國(guó)人在什么場(chǎng)合下會(huì)使用紅色。請(qǐng)你給她寫一封信,告訴她中國(guó)人對(duì)于紅色的理解和使用。要點(diǎn)如下:1 .中國(guó)人對(duì)于紅色的理解;2 .使用紅色的場(chǎng)合

12、;3 .使用紅色的一些禁忌。住思:1 .詞數(shù)100左右;2 .可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫;Dear Lucy,I am glad to receive your letter. In your letter, you mentioned that we Chinese prefer red but you are at a loss about when to use it. Here, I will tell you something about it.Yes, we do like red, because red stands for happiness and good fortun

13、e in our culture. Therefore, you can see people wear red clothes and hang red lanterns in Spring Festival. And the senior citizens even give their grandchildren some lucky money in red envelopes. Besides, young couples also dress red on their traditional weddings.However, be sure to avoid wearing re

14、d clothes during some sad events, such as attending funerals and visiting some patients. If you do so, it is really rude. I hope my explanations will be of use for you.Best wishes!Yours,Lihua實(shí)例4假定你是李華,你校學(xué)生會(huì)暑期將組織絲綢之路”沿線國(guó)家考察活動(dòng),留學(xué)生也可參加。請(qǐng)你用英語(yǔ)給對(duì)此次活動(dòng)感興趣的留學(xué)生Jenkins寫封電子郵件,告之相關(guān)內(nèi)容:1 .活動(dòng)安排(參觀、交流等);2 .報(bào)名條件(年齡、身

15、體狀況等);3 .報(bào)名方式。注息:1 .詞數(shù)100左右;2 .可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),使行文連貫。Dear Jenkins,I mdelighted to tell you about a school activity for the coming summer holidays, named Travel along the Silk Road. The details are as follows.To find out the connections between China and the countries along the Silk Road, the 15-day tour wi

16、ll include two parts. We ll visit the cultural relics and the museums with rich collections. Besides, we will call on some local residents at their homes. For safety purpose, all the participants should be at least 18, and at the same time they should be strong enough for the changeable weather and

17、the long journey.If you want to enter for it, you can contact the Student Union either by email or telephone. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua實(shí)例5假如你是李華,你的美國(guó)筆友 Jim Smith打算參加央視舉辦的 漢語(yǔ) 橋(Chinese Bridge)大賽。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下表內(nèi)容用英語(yǔ)給 Jim寫一封信, 介紹相關(guān)情況。注息:1 . 100詞左右;2 .可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫Dear Jim,How are you recently? I m glad to hear t

18、hat you are going to take part in the contest, the Chinese Bridge, which is to be held on August 20th this year.This contest is for non-native Chinese speakers only. The competitors will show their talents in listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as in traditional Chinese culture and ski

19、lls, like the Chinese calligraphy, painting, martial art or paper cutting.Be sure to sign up for the contest before the end of May. You still have a lot of time to practice before the contest starts. I do hope you will get a result in the competition. Good luck!Yours, Li Hua 實(shí)例6假定你是李華,你的美國(guó)網(wǎng)友Peter參加中

20、國(guó)象棋網(wǎng)絡(luò)挑戰(zhàn)賽獲得了一等獎(jiǎng)。請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下提示寫一封英文電子郵件。1)祝賀他獲獎(jiǎng);2)肯定他付出的努力;3)詢問(wèn)何時(shí)方便在網(wǎng)上切磋棋藝。住思:1)詞數(shù)100左右;2)可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫;Dear Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As your friend, I just want you to know how glad I am at your suc

21、cess.Everything comes to him who waits.” For these years, you' ve shown great interest in Chinese chess and kept on practicing it every day. Not only have you read many books about Chinese chess strategy, but also you have competed in all kinds of Chinese chess contest. Finally, you succeeded in

22、 winning the online competition!So I ' nso happy that you become champion of this network challenge. At last, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make progress together. Please tell me when you have time.Congratulations again.Yours,Li Hua實(shí)例7假定你是李華,你想邀請(qǐng)?jiān)谥袊?guó)留學(xué)的英國(guó)好友Peter觀看京劇表演,但Pete

23、r不在家,你給他寫張留言條,內(nèi)容要點(diǎn):1)你到Peter家的目的;2)介紹京劇;3)詢問(wèn)什么時(shí)候方便再約時(shí)間。、/、A、1、 注息:1)詞數(shù)100左右;2)可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫;參考詞匯:quintessence0華,精粹ornate華麗的Dear Peter,I came to see you but you were out. I ' dke to invite you to see Beijing Opera with me next week, since you have always wanted to know more about Chinese culture

24、since the first day to China.With a history of nearly 200 years, Beijing Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre, which is considered as the quintessenceof Chinese culture. The performers in ornate costume perform various stories happened in history to audience by singing, dance and motions.

25、I can tell you more about it when we meet.Please let me know when you will be free and I will buy the tickets in advance I sincerely hope that you can accept my invitation and I ' m sure you ' ll enjoy it.Yours,Li Hua實(shí)例8假定你是李華,你校外教David對(duì)中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)文化很感興趣。學(xué)校邀請(qǐng) 著名書(shū)法家沈鵬到校舉行書(shū)法講座。 請(qǐng)給David發(fā)一封電子郵件,邀 請(qǐng)他來(lái)參加

26、并介紹講座的有關(guān)事宜。1)講座時(shí)間:5月15日(星期日)上午8:0011:00;2)講座地點(diǎn):藝術(shù)樓演講大廳;3)活動(dòng)安排:聽(tīng)講座,討論及提問(wèn),觀摩名家即興創(chuàng)作等。 住思:1)詞數(shù)100左右;2)可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫;參考詞匯:calligraphy 書(shū)法 improvise v.即興表演 Dear David,I ' nwriting to invite you to the lecture on Chinese calligraphy, which is the art of writing Chinese characters and especially refers t

27、o the rules of writing with a brush.The lecture will be given by Shen Peng, a famous calligrapher, in the lecture hall of the Art Building on May 15th this Sunday. As far as I know, you like the traditional culture of China, so you will enjoy it.The lecture will last from 8 a.m to 11 a.m, mainly con

28、sisting of three parts: one and a half hours listening to the lecture, half an hour s discussion and one hour for observing the calligrapher improvising on the spot.I will be very glad if you come. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua實(shí)例9假定你是李華。你剛從英國(guó)為期五天的旅游回來(lái),感謝好友Rick的款待。得知他對(duì)中國(guó)的文化非常的感興趣,特

29、別是即將到來(lái)的端午節(jié), 請(qǐng)你寫一封信介紹中國(guó)的端午節(jié)。內(nèi)容要點(diǎn):1)感謝他的招待。2)介紹中國(guó)的端午節(jié)(時(shí)間,意義,風(fēng)俗等)3)歡迎他來(lái)中國(guó)。住思:1)詞數(shù)100左右;2)可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫;Dear Rick,How is everything going? I had a five-day trip to London last week.I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindnesswhen I was in London.Knowing that you take a great fa

30、ncy to Chinese culture, especially the Dragon Boat Festival, I would love to introduce it to you. The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most traditional festivals in China, falls on the May 5th in the lunar calendar. People celebrate this festival in memory of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet. Besides

31、, people in China will also hold a variety of activities to honor him, such as dragon boat racing、 eating zongzi and so on.Welcome to China.You will have an unforgettable experience if you come to China before this festival.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua實(shí)例10假定你是李華,你的美國(guó)朋友Mike想了解中國(guó)的春節(jié),請(qǐng)你給他寫封回信介紹這個(gè)

32、節(jié)日。要點(diǎn)如下:1)春節(jié)的由來(lái)及寓意;2)春節(jié)的慶?;顒?dòng);3)邀請(qǐng)他到來(lái)中國(guó)歡度春節(jié)。、/、4 '1、廠 注息:1)詞數(shù)100左右;2)可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié)以使行文連貫;Dear Mike,In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival. I am writing to tell you about it.Spring Festival has a long history, which was originally celebrated to scare

33、 away a fierce beastS lightlyndiffe rent from that in the past,it is now given new meanings and regarded as a way for people to enjoy reunion with their families however far they live or work.On the New Year' Isve, each family has its members gathered together. They tell each other their lives in the past year, exchange gifts and eat a lot of delicious meals in the warm


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