



1、20XXit面試自我介紹3篇gen eral in troducti on 范文一 good morning !it is really my honor to have this opportun ity for a in terview,i hope i can make a good p erforma nee today. i m con fide nt that ican succeed.now i will in troduce myself brieflyi am * years old,born in * province .i was graduated from * uni

2、 versity. my major is *.a nd i got my bachelor degree after my graduati on in the year of XX.i spend most of my time on study,i have p assed cet4/6 . and i have acquired basic kno wledge of my major duri ng my school time.in july XX, i beg in work for * as a tech ni cal support engin eer in gua ngzh

3、ou city.because i mcapable of more responsibilities,so i decided to changemy job.dlike to findbecause i want to cha nge my work ing en vir onmen t, i a job which is more challe nging.morover * is a global pany, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of pany ennvironment. that is the

4、 reason why i e here to pete for this po siti on.i think i m a good team player and i ma person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work un der great p ressure.that s all. thank you for giving me the chanee范文二 i ama third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong uni versity,p.

5、 r. china. with treme ndous in terest in in dustrialengin eeri ng, i am writi ng to apply for acce ptance into your graduate p cati on backgro undin 1995, i en tered the nanjing uni versity of scie nee & tech no logy- widely considered one of the china s best engineering schools. during th

6、e followingundergraduate study, myacademic records kept distinguished among the whole dep artme nt. i was gran ted first class p rize every semester,in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admissi on test.at the p eriod of my graduate study, my overall gpa ran ked to

7、p 5% in the dep artme nt. in the sec ond semester, i became teacher assista nt that is given to talented and matured students only. this year, i won the acer scholarsh ip as the one and only can didate inmy dep artme nt, which is theultimate accolade for dist in guished stude nts en dowed by my uni

8、versity.p rese ntly, i am preparing my graduati on thesis and trying for the honor ofexcelle nt graduati on thesis.research exp erie nee and academic activitywhen a sophomore, i joined the association of ai enthusiast and began to narrow down myinterest for myfuture research. with the tool of opengl

9、 and matlab, i designed a simulation program for transportationschedulingsystem. it is now widely used by differe nt research groups in nu st. i assumed and fulfilled a sewage an alysis & dis pose p roject for nanjing sewage treatme nt plant. this was myfirstp ractice to con vert a laboratoryidea to

10、 a mercial p roduct.in retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experienee, which has prepared mefor the program. myfuture research in terests in clude: n etwork scheduli ng p roblem, heuristic algorithm research , supply chain network research, hybrid system performane

11、e an alysis with p etri n ets and data mining.面試例題 1: what range of pay-scale are you interested in?參考答案moneyis important,but the responsibilitythat goes along with thisjob is what in terests me the most.假如你有家眷,可以說:to be frank and open with you, i like this job, but i have a family to supp ort.面試例題

12、2: what do you want most from your work?答案i hope to get a kind of lear ning to get skills from my work. thoughi have studied in school for nearly 16 years, i have only learned knowledge. in the university, i got no chanee to see real life and didn t get working skills. so i want to lear n some worki

13、 ng skills and bee a pro fessi onal in an in dustry.面試例題 3: why did you choose us?答案as the saying goes, “well begun is half done” . your pany is a famous one in the in dustry and boasts a high repu tatio n. i hope to choose your pany as the begi nning of my career. i can not only lear n new thin gs,

14、 but set a solid foun dati on for my future career as well.面試例題 4: what do you hope this job will give you?答案i hope this job will give mea chanee to take responsibility. in more than ten years of study as a student, i have never taken any responsibility in any real sense or earned moneyfor a pany. i

15、 think people can only bee mature by tak ing on res pon sibility. i hope this work will give me the cha nee to devel op fully.面試例題 5: why should i hire you?答案i feel that my qualificatio ns match your job descri pti on. i have aproven track record in resolving problems, multitasking, and dealing with

16、 customers, as you can see from my resume.面試例題 6: what can you offer this pany?答案m anngin additi on to the skills and exp erie nces we discussed, iextremely hard worker, i m very thorough and methodical, i get alogreat with people, and i m a quick learner.面試例題 7: great! so when can you start?答案i hav

17、e to give two weeks no tice, which is just eno ugh time to p lete my curre nt p roject. i can start any time after that.面試例題 8: can you tell mesomeof your strengths and weaknesses?答案i m loyal, hon est, i man age my time effectively, i always followthrough on my work, and i have great puter skills. u

18、mm, i can t reallysay i have any major weak ness that affects my p erforma nee at work. i believe in continuallearning and on-the-job training i can perform evenbetter. sometimes, i think i m too hard -working, but i really love mywork.面試例題 9: how do you normally handle criticism?答案silenee is gold.

19、just don t say a nything, otherwise the situationcould bee worse. i do, however, acce pt con structive criticism.whe n we cool off, we will discuss it later.面試例題 10: what do you find frustrating in a work situation?答案sometimes, the n arrow- min ded people make me frustrated.minds that are not rece p

20、tive to new ideas.面試例題 11: howdo you handle your conflictwith your colleaguesin your work?答案i will try to p rese nt my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.面試例題 12: how long would you like to stay with this pany?答案i will stay as long as i can continue to learn

21、and to grow in myfield.面試例題 13: what contribution did you make to your current orga ni zati on?答案i have fini shed three new p rojects, and i am sure i can apply my exp erie nee to this p ositi on.:why did you leave your last job?面試例題14答案well, i amhoping to get an offer of a better position.if opport

22、unitykno cks, i will take it.i feel i have reached the glass ceili ng in my curre nt job. i feel there is no opportun ity for adva nceme nt.關于個人有時候招聘方會提到有關求職者的個人信息的話題,以此判斷求職者是否符合他們的要求。例如有些工作需要方言和人脈,適合本地人來做;有些工作需要經(jīng)常出差,單身的人就有優(yōu)勢。但是有些問題涉及到個人隱私,求職者不方便 回答,例如招聘方問:“ i noticed you re wearing a wedding ring,

23、do youhave any children? ”這時最好的回答就是“ why do you ask? ”這樣可以掌握 主動,了解招聘方真正的意圖,也許招聘方只是想知道求職者是否能長時間留在 他們公司。面試例題 15: what leadership qualities did you develop as an admi nistrative personn el?答案i feel that lear ning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leaders

24、h ip.i have refined my man ageme nt style by using an open-door p olicy.面試例題 16: how would your friends or colleagues describe you?答案p ause a few sec onds.they say mr. che n is an hon est, hardwork ing and res pon sible man who dee ply cares for his family and frie nds.they say mr. che n is a frie n

25、dly, sen sitive, cari ng and determ ined person.面試例題 17: what are your strongest traits?答案helpfuln ess and cari ng.ada ptability and sense of humor.cheerf uln ess and frie ndli ness.面試例題 18: what personality traits do you admire?答案i admire a person who is hon est, flexible and easy-go ing.i like peo

26、ple who p ossess the can-do sp irit.面試例題 19: how do you han die your failure?答案none of us was born perfect. i amsure i will be given a second chanee to correct my mistake.面試例題 20: what s your greatest weakness?答案西方老板特別愛問這個問題,讓求職者感到很緊張。事實上,這個問題是 考查求職者對棘手問題的反應。你沒必要如實回答你的弱點,因為那有可能讓你 得不到這份工作。相反,你可以告訴他們一

27、些與工作不直接相關的事情。例如可以按照下面的方式回答。i tend to drive myself too hard.i expect others to p erform bey ond their cap acities i like to see a job done quickly, and i m critical if it isn t.面試例題 21: how do you rate yourself as a pro fessi on al?答案with my strong academic backgro un d, i am cap able and p ete nt.面試

28、例題 22: if you had a lot of mon eyto don ate, where would you don ate it to?why?答案i would don ate it to the medical research because i want to dosometh ing to hel p others.i p refer to don ate it to educati onal in stitutio ns.面試例題 23: what kinds of people do you like to work with?答案i like to work wi

29、th people who have p ride, hon esty, in tegrity, and dedieati on to their work.關于未來有時候招聘方會問求職者有關未來的問題,目的就是了解應聘者做事的風 格,以及應聘者對這份工作的看法。當然由于求職者還不是很了解自己所應聘的 工作,因此在回答問題時并不一定面面俱到,大致說明自己的計劃目標就好了。面試例題 24: could you projeet what you would like to be doing five years from now?答案as i have some software man agem

30、e nt exp erie nee in my last job, i may use my orga ni zatio nal and planning skills in the future.i hope to dem on strate my abilityand tale ntsin my field adequately.perhaps, an opportunity at a managementposition would be exciting.如果不愿正面回答,也可以說:it would be p remature for me to p rediet this.甚至還可以

31、打趣的說:hypo thetieally sp eak in g, i might be able to do your eurre nt job as a software p rojeet man ager.面試例題 25: what speeifie goals have you established for your career?答案my goals in elude being an expert software p rojeet man ager, so i canobta in a betterwork ing kno wledge of both software tee

32、h no logy andmuni eati on with my elie nts, whieh would allow me con tribute to my elie nt base as a better software serviees since i would have that extra in sight into the requireme nts they are look ing for.面試例題 26: what will it take to attain your goals, and what steps have you take n toward att

33、a ining them?答案i would like take the following kinds of softwaretech no logiesapp licati on p rogram ming. sec on dly both my team membersa nd my clie nts.steps. first of all i 0 nstduying in clud ingsystem p rogram ming,i will learni ng how to muni cate withfin allyi can find my stron gestsomeandsu

34、itwhich is toward to type of tech no logy or type of man ageme nt.it 面試自我介紹范文20XXit面試自我介紹(2) | good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportun ity for a in terview,i hope i can make a good p erforma nee today. i m con fide nt thatican succeed.now i will in troduce myself brieflyi am * yea

35、rs old,born in * province .i was graduated from * uni versity. my major is *.a nd i got my bachelor degree after my graduati on in the year of XX.i spend most of my time on study,i have p assed cet4/6 . and i have acquired basic kno wledge of my major duri ng my school time.in july XX, i beg in work

36、 for * as a tech ni cal support engin eer in gua ngzhou city.because i mcapable of more responsibilities,so i decided to changemy job.d like to findbecause i want to cha nge my work ing en vir onmen t, i a job which is more challe nging.morover * is a global pany, so i feel i can gain the most from

37、working in this kind of pany ennvironment. that is the reason why i e here to pete for this po siti on.i think i m a good team player and i m a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work un der great p ressure.面試時的自我介紹that s all. thank you for giving me the chanceit20XXit面試自我介紹(3) | 1

38、.技術支持:(1) 對客戶端操作系統(tǒng)及常用應用軟件進行調試、管理、更新、升級、故 障檢測及排除;(2) 接聽技術支持,盡快判斷故障并進行排除;(3) 負責公司客戶的呼叫中心系統(tǒng)的安裝與維護;(4) 負責所有it基礎設施的支持及維護,確保it系統(tǒng)的平穩(wěn)運行;2. 軟硬件維護:(1)對設備硬件進行檢測、故障診斷和維修協(xié)調;(2)通過設備的使用狀況和外觀判斷設備的運行情況,對于可能出現(xiàn)的問 題,與用戶進行溝通,在不影響用戶工作的情況下,安排保養(yǎng)或維修的日程;(3)對計算機的軟件系統(tǒng)進行必要的檢查、維護;(4)承擔軟件售前支持與用戶安裝實施;(5) 對建立的軟件庫進行更新;3. 病毒防護系統(tǒng)管理:(1

39、)安裝、管理、維護客戶端計算機的病毒防護系統(tǒng);(2)定期對服務器上的病毒庫進行更新,培訓用戶計算機病毒的防護知識 以及防病毒軟件的使用;(3)建立用戶的防病毒意識,升級、更新、優(yōu)化用戶已有的病毒防治系統(tǒng);(4)定期提供病毒檢測、告警及最新預防措施,提供緊急病毒故障處理服 務,對突發(fā)的新計算機病毒進行及時響應;4. 設備維護管理:(1)處理打印機、傳真機等辦公設備在使用中出現(xiàn)的異常狀態(tài),如無法排除故障及時與經(jīng)銷商,盡快解決;(2)注意耗材的使用情況,及時更換,確保設備的正常使用;5. 數(shù)據(jù)、文檔整理:(1)協(xié)助相關人員完成各種it設備的信息資料收集和統(tǒng)計;提供技術支持及系統(tǒng)運營支持的問題反饋報告

40、;(3)編寫和維護信息系統(tǒng)日常管理的技術文檔。it面試自我介紹樣本it 面試自我介紹(4)|it面試自我介紹樣本各位老師:早上好!非常榮幸能參加這次面試,我是XXX號考生,報考的職位是XXX,希 望通過這次面試能向各位老師學到更多東西。我來自美麗的南平城市XX,今年 20歲,是XX技校XX數(shù)控專業(yè)的應屆 畢業(yè)生。政和的山水哺育我長大,我的血液里流淌著政和人特有活潑開朗的性格 和愛拼才會贏的打拼精神。帶著這種精神,在校期間我刻苦學習,不負眾望,用 實際努力報答父母和師長的養(yǎng)育之恩。除了學習之外,我還積極參加各種社會實踐活動。這些活動以及和活動中 和成員的相處讓我學到了很多東西,對培養(yǎng)自己的能力和

41、人際關系的處理有很大 的好處,為我更快的走向社會提供了良好的平臺?;仡欁约涸谛5墓ぷ鲗W習生活,感觸很深,但覺的收獲還是頗豐的。掌握 了專業(yè)知識,培養(yǎng)了自己各方面的能力,這些對今后的工作都將產(chǎn)生重要的幫助。 除此之外,也應該看到我的一些缺點,如有時候做事情比較急于求成,在工作中 實際經(jīng)驗不足等等。但“金無足赤,人無完人”每個人都不可避免的存在他的缺 點,有缺點并不可怕,關鍵的是如何看待自己的缺點,只有正視它的存在,通過 不斷的努力學習才能改正自己的缺點。 今后我將更嚴格要求自己,努力工作,刻 苦學習,發(fā)揚優(yōu)點,改正缺點,開拓前進。這次我選擇這個職位除了專業(yè)對口以外,我覺的我也十分喜歡這個職位, 相信它能讓我充分實現(xiàn)我的社會理想和體現(xiàn)自身的價值。我認為我有能力也有信心做好這份工作希望大家能夠認可我,給我這個機會!以上是我最真誠的求職面試自我介紹,謝謝各位老師 it面試自我介紹樣本我叫XXX,現(xiàn)年X


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