



1、閩教版小學(xué)英語5年級下冊unit1-unit4句型&語法整合Unit 1How was your winter vacation? 你的寒假過得如何?It was wonderful. 很精彩。I visited the Great Wall / the museum. I went to Australia / watched TV /did my homework / played chess with my dad / took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.語法:一般過去時(shí):(1)規(guī)則動詞過去式的構(gòu)成有四條規(guī)則:一般在動詞原形末尾直接加上-ed。如:

2、looklooked,visitvisited,watchwatched。以不發(fā)音的字母e結(jié)尾的動詞,只需加-d。如:livelived。末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié),先雙寫這個(gè)輔音字母,再加ed。如:stopstopped。末尾是“輔音字母+y”結(jié)尾的動詞,先改y為i,然后再加-ed。如:studystudied。(2)不規(guī)則動詞的過去式需要記憶。如:am/iswas,arewere,gowent,swimswam; do /doesdid, comecame,taketook,have(has)had等。學(xué)習(xí)Be動詞在一般過去時(shí)中的回答: 如:Were they in the supe

3、rmarket? Yes,they were./ No,they werent. Was he in Beijing? Yes,he was./ No,he wasnt.Unit 2There is a map over there. 那兒有一張地圖。There is a baby elephant in the zoo. 動物園里有一只小象。There are some elephants behind the hill. 小山后面有一些大象。There are some tigers next to the lions. 獅子旁邊有一些老虎。語法: 學(xué)習(xí)過去時(shí)did作為疑問句開頭的回答:

4、如:Did you take any photos? Yes, I did. / Yes, I took some photos.Did you give food to the monkeys? No, we didnt.What animals did you see? We saw tigers, bears and elephants. Did you have a good time?(你們玩得快樂嗎?)Yes,we did.(是的,我們玩得很快樂。)/ Yes,we had a good time.Unit 31.What are you / they / is he / she

5、going to do? 你/你們 /他們 / 他 / 她打算去做什么?I am We / They are / He/ she is going to look for the eggs.我 / 我們/他們 / 他 / 她打算去尋找彩蛋。(一般將來時(shí)am/ is/ are + going to+動詞原形)2. What are you / they / is he / she doing (now)? 你/你們 /他們 / 他 / 她 (現(xiàn)在)正在做什么?I am We / They are / He/ she is looking for the eggs.我 / 我們/他們 / 他 /

6、她 正在尋找彩蛋。(正在進(jìn)行時(shí)am/ is/ are +動詞ing/去e加ing /雙寫最后一個(gè)字母加ing)語法: 一般將來時(shí):What are you going to do,Mom?(媽媽,你準(zhǔn)備做什么?)Im going to make some Easter Eggs.(我準(zhǔn)備做一些復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋。) (1)be going to do sth表示“將要去做某事;打算、計(jì)劃做某事”,屬于將來時(shí)的范疇。(2)be going to do sth與will do sth都表示將要去做某事,但它們有幾點(diǎn)區(qū)別:a)be going to表示近期、眼下就要發(fā)生的事情;will 表示的將來時(shí)間則較遠(yuǎn)

7、一些,如:He is going to write an email tonight.(他打算今晚寫一封電子郵件。)He will write a book one day.(總有一天他會寫出一本書。)b)be going to含有“計(jì)劃,準(zhǔn)備”的意思,而 will 則沒有這個(gè)意思,如:We are going to meet at the library.(我們準(zhǔn)備在圖書館見面。) He will be fourteen next year.(明年他就要十四歲了。)Unit 41.What are you going to take with you? Im going to take so

8、me water / some orange juice / some tea/ some fruits / a camera/ an umbrella with me.2.What are you going to wear? Im going to wear sports shoes / glasses.閩教版小學(xué)英語5年級下冊unit1-unit4拼讀整合閩教版小學(xué)英語5年級下冊unit1-unit4詞組整合winter vacation寒假the Great Wall長城watch TV 看電視go to Taiwan去臺灣with my parents和我的父母take a boat

9、 tour乘船游覽Sun Moon Lake日月潭play chess下棋do my homework做家庭作業(yè)play the violin拉小提琴play with me和我一起玩the Spring Festival春節(jié)take a bus乘公交車(放句中)by bus乘公交車(句末)go skating去滑冰swim in the sea在海里游泳a map of China一張中國地圖go straight直走turn right往右拐turn left往左拐a baby elephant一只小象behind the hill在小山后面take a photo拍照over there

10、在那邊 in the zoo在動物園里under the tree在樹下 next to緊挨著eat an apple吃蘋果Easter eggs復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋Easter Bunny復(fù)活節(jié)兔子look for尋找pick up撿起in the garden在花園里hide the eggs藏彩蛋 be going to準(zhǔn)備color the eggs給蛋上色 make some Easter eggs制作復(fù)活節(jié)蛋make a card做賀卡make dumplings包餃子make some paper flowers做紙花get on 上車a spring outing一次春游wear spo

11、rts shoes穿運(yùn)動鞋some orange juice一些橘子汁some water一些水the foot of the mountain山腳take a camera帶架相機(jī)take some photos拍張照a sunny day晴朗的一天white clouds白云have a good time玩的開心a lovely monkey一只可愛的猴子go to Australia去澳大利亞climb a mountain爬山the top of the mountain山頂her pupils 她的學(xué)生tall and big又高又大winter vacationthe Great

12、 Wallwatch TV go to Taiwanwith my parentstake a boat tourSun Moon Lakeplay chessdo my homeworkplay the violinplay with methe Spring Festivaltake a busby busgo skatingswim in the seaa map of Chinago straightturn rightturn lefta baby elephantbehind the hilltake a photoover there in the zoounder the tree next toeat an appleEaster eggsEaster Bunnylook forpick upin the gardenhide the eggsbe going tocolor the eggs make some Easter eggsmake a cardmake dumplingsmake some paper flowersget on a spring outingwear sports shoessome orange


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